Tag Archives: Positive Thoughts

My Enemy

My own worst enemyMy own worst enemy is almost always in my mind, that voice that tells me I can’t, shouldn’t, or couldn’t possibly achieve what I would like to do. This message is an outdated survival mechanism left over from childhood. Where it once served a purpose but now only limits my potential.  As I grow older, the voice of criticism that I hear and entertains works to destroy my confidence, lower my self-esteem, and significantly limit what I can achieve. It is time to Get rid of that voice or, at the least, pay very little attention to what it says. Here are a few of my favorite methods for limiting or eliminating my own worst enemy and learning to listen to positive self-talk.

My Worst Enemy Speaks Harshly

It would be best if you started paying attention to what the voice is saying about you, my own worst enemyyour appearance, and your abilities. Ask a question, and you will hear an answer in your mind: How do I look?

Will I be successful on that project?

How will that date go?

Will I get the job?

Or any of a thousand other questions, then listen to the answer. If it gives you a list of negative attributes that limit you, you have your answer. How do I look? You are too old. You have gray hair. You are too heavy. You have a scar on your forehead that nobody can find attractive. You are ugly. You are not appealing to others.  This coding is a replay of things that I have thought about myself at some point in my life. See all negative and all need to be challenged and changed. My own worst enemy uses them to limit the chances of feeling the pain of rejection and disappointment. But it is essential always to realize that the opposite, more positive thought is still available to your mind. You have to pay attention to it.

Defeating My Own Worst Enemy

The way to change your thoughts is by paying attention to how you value yourself. Recognize that negative self-talk leads to negative emotions. It is challenging to build a positive image if you’re continually telling yourself how positive self-talkawful you are, how untalented you are, or how ugly and worthless you are. Change that around by focusing on your relevant personal characteristics. The great question is to ask yourself, would I speak to a young child this way? If you wouldn’t, then don’t talk to yourself in that negative, degrading tone. Changing is as easy as choosing a different thought. If YOU aren’t going to be optimistic about yourself, who is?

I think it is important to decide what you want in life. If you’re going to feel powerless and feel bad, then continue to listen to your own worst enemy. If you are ready to destroy the enemy within, start creating some positive affirmations that have truth and emotional attachment to them.  I am talented. I am good with money.  I am attractive.  Whatever point you usually destroy yourself on, build yourself up.

My Own Worst Enemy is Defeated

You are in control of the thoughts that you entertain and give the power to guide you. To raise your self-esteem and personal energy, you have to learn to speak to yourself more loving and accepting. Your greatest enemy and greatest ally are simply a  voice in your head, and you dictate the tenor and level of kindness that voice brings to your life. You have the pure power to turn your own worst enemy into your most trusted and valued supporter. It is a simple matter of what thoughts you are going to pay attention to.


How to Think Positive


Positive thinkingWhat is Positive Thinking?

Staying balanced in life can be difficult.  Sometimes there seems to be no rhyme or reason why things happen, and dealing with sudden, quick changes entering our reality makes it hard to understand if there is something we should or could be doing better.  In the end, shouldn’t we be happy? Shouldn’t our daily routines and struggles bring us personal satisfaction and make us feel valued as individuals?  I think that it should, and one way to do this is to practice positive thinking. But what exactly does that mean?

In a nutshell, the thoughts you entertain will dictate your reality and the enjoyment or discomfort you experience in each moment. The feeling you give credence will bring a corresponding emotional response, words, and actions into your life. Format your thoughts in a way that the results will be what you want. If you can’t control your mind and thoughts, someone or something else will.

What Positive Thinking Means To Me

We all have programming in our subconscious mind determined by our experiences. It takes our reality and interprets it in a way that makes sense to us and fits into what we know. The thoughts produced from this are automatic and consistent and will dictate everything in our lives. From the amount of success we have, the money we earn, and the love we have in life. Our ability to change these often negative thoughts into more positive ones is our number one weapon in creating the life we dream about every day.

Remember, your experience conditions your subconscious when you look at your past and draw conclusions about your abilities and worthiness. What you believe determines your ceiling of creative ability in your life. Until you choose to change, that choice is positive thinking.  In each moment, you can think in a more constructive and caring way about yourself. The decision to do this will allow you to grow.  From what I have read, most of these conditioning experiences happen early on in life, but all of life’s adventures can add to it.  Learning to recognize and ignore the negative comments from your past is the key to positive thinking to me and the catalyst for growth. 

It’s Not a Cover-Up

We all make choices that we know weren’t good.  I know I have, and in hindsight, I can’t believe how foolish and thoughtless some decisions were.  What was I thinking?  I used to beat myself up all the time about these choices, and they were a part of my daily existence.  A choice is a choice and to learn from the result is the desired experience. If your choice was wrong, forgive yourself. The decision may have hurt someone else, apologize, and ask for forgiveness.

Positive thinking does not mean to forget or overlook these negative/poor choices. It is a way to put them into proper perspective.  Accept that these things happened, then leave them in the past where they belong because no amount of second-guessing, longing, or fantasy replay in your head will change what happened in the past. But if you choose not to learn from it and seek a better future, then you are a fool. Positive thinking is knowing that you have the ability for growth and development.  Pursue it and find questions leading to your growth.  You can control the thoughts you think about any situation and experience. This choice doesn’t mean to sugarcoat things or ignore the negative, but deal with it and see the positives that can come from it.

Find A Positive Thought

positive thinkingI think that there are two schools of thought and emotion. They come from a place of love or a residence of fear. Fear brings hate, doubt, anger, jealousy, resentment, lies, inferiority, and ego. You can imagine that love brings with it peace, understanding, empathy, sympathy,  kindness, hope, truth, and, of course, love.

Positive thinking embraces the thoughts of love and limits the attention you give to the ideas of fear.  This consciousness doesn’t mean that you don’t have them because we all do.  Someone makes you mad or treats you poorly, and the thoughts of fear will arise.  You will always have a choice at this point, let them rule your actions, or recognize them, experience them, and don’t let them rule your actions. You are always in control of your thoughts if you choose to be. It starts with your conscious awareness of what you are thinking and where the view is coming from.  Anger is the open face of fear. It is a natural warning system to let everyone know you are experiencing anxiety on some level. Passion means your needs aren’t being met, or you are afraid they won’t be.

You can manage these thoughts by focusing on theories of understanding, empathy, and love. That is your choice always.

Seek Another Positive Thought

positive thinkingWhen I started to realize that I could entertain whatever thought I wanted, it changed the way I looked at the world and the people in it.  The power of knowing I was in charge of how I felt was a little overwhelming.  It made me want to learn more because experiencing life through this lens was much more fulfilling and enjoyable. Even if a little unnerving.

This learning led to more social experiments, and finding the reaction of others is almost always a mirror of the emotions you show to them.  Strangers smile and are friendly when you extend friendship.  People appreciate you when you show them appreciation.  It is not hard to look at what someone else does and enjoy the thought, time, and talent it took to create whatever it is.  Being positive about life on a surface level is more natural than negative, and it makes the world a better place. Being positive below the surface takes a lot more work, but the results will be a life you truly enjoy and create.

Be Positive About Outcomes

It never ceases to amaze me that when something happens to you, good, bad, or neutral, almost always there is a path, the growth or development in front of you; all you have to do is take it.  I have beat myself up and ridiculed myself for years about decisions in my past, only to realize I was wasting my time because of those things set in motion circumstances that greatly benefited me in the end.  I also realized that those benefits would have never been able to occur in any other way.

When we relax and let events play out, and accept what is happening, we can achieve greatness.  This letting go doesn’t mean we are off the hook on taking action because we always have a choice, and we can act.  Don’t be afraid to respond, but understand that your activity may end up in failure, but that failure may be the step you need to take to reach the highest potential that you have inside you. It can be in creativity, your career, or your relationships.

You Are Great. There is Really Nothing You Can Do About it!

Now it is time to stop blaming yourself for the past.  You made choices, you took your throws, and it didn’t turn out how you hoped.  Accept it, learn from it, and move on to the rest of your life.  You were not put on the Earth to let past programming dictate your ceiling of achievement.  You are here to be great!  Because you know what?  You are fantastic, and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it! It is a matter of adjusting your thoughts to reflect that reality to the world.

Everyone is born with greatness inside of them, and some easily find it.  Some have to work harder because life is full of should haves, would haves, and could haves that will consume your mind.  Regrets shouldn’t happen because I can’t even conceive of the level of greatness inside you.  Only you can let it out.  That is about all anyone can hope for in their life.

Be conscious of your thoughts, pursue the positive about yourself, and counteract the negative, limiting ones. The thoughts you think and react to are all up to you.


“You are the only one who can control the way you think. Make sure you nourish the positive thoughts and weed out the negative ones!” Catherine Pulsifer

“In essence, the bulk of our negative self-talk comes from adopting a worldly standard and worldly values as the primary standard through which we filter our thinking.” – John Stange.

I’ve always believed that you can think positive just as well as you can think negative.” James A. Baldwin

“Over the ensuing years, it was my positive attitude that allowed me to tackle and complete and compete in many diverse assignments.” Catherine Pulsifer

“A major factor in determining how our lives turn out is the way we choose to think. Everything that goes on inside the human mind in the form of thoughts, ideas, and information forms our personal philosophy.” – Jim Rohn.

This song by Stevie Wonder is an excellent guide for positive thinking. Enjoy!


How to change thoughts- when one comes up, switch to the other.
I could never do that= I CAN DO THAT
I’ll never be wealthy=I MUST BE WEALTHY!
I’m always sick= I FEEL GREAT
I’m unattractive =I AM BEAUTIFUL
I am a loser= I WILL WIN
I can’t be bothered=I AM UNLIMITED ENERGY
That’s Really bad= WHAT’S GREAT ABOUT THAT
That’s impossible= ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE
That’s really bad= WHAT IS GREAT ABOUT THIS?
I feel drained= I AM A POWERHOUSE
I can’t = I CAN
Maybe one day= I WILL MAKE THIS DAY
Hopefully= I’M CERTAIN
This is too hard= I LOVE A CHALLENGE
I hate my life=. I LOVE LIFE.

Believe It

Creating a shortlist of beliefs on which I think my life is hopefully based is a difficult task but one I am continually polishing and evaluating as life teaches me the lessons I need to learn.  People come into your life, situations change, we learn, we lose, we grow, and the lessons are what we are left with and the beliefs are the constants that strain out of the mess that is left of our lives after all experiences happen. So this product is ever-evolving, and I am editing it as I see fit, but I stick with what I say at this moment.  At least for today, until they have been proven false tomorrow, and then I will adjust.

All People are Connected

Call it God, the Universe, or whatever your religion dictates, but we are all connected through a divine order to me.  All people are fundamentally the same and contain the same abilities for great good and equal power to commit great evil.  That is just a part of this crazy game called life. Just as everyone is the same, each person is a unique creation as well. There has never been another person exactly like you, and there will never be another one again. There is something extraordinary about that.  We are all bound together in the experience of life and the story evolving out of it.

All of us have a connection on the soul level.  The human ego has been developed to make us feel like we are all alone and isolated. But the truth is that it is just an illusion and breaking that can change your life.  When people look to their similarities, and away from what separates them, anything is possible.  We are all connected, and that should be the hope of your life. When you look at someone else, don’t judge anyone too harshly.  You are only a few circumstances away from being the same.

Your Actions Define Who YOU Are

Talk is cheap. What you do is the definition of your character.  I have heard the soft and sympathetic words that were worth absolutely nothing but have been blessed by the actions of many great people.  Saying you are something means nothing. Being that thing means everything.  Each day all people are faced with a large number of choices, be positive or negative. Loving or fearful. Kind or judgmental. Etc. It is these choices that lead to action and define us to the world. Make your choices carefully.

How do you want to be seen in the world?  Think about that when you make a thousand decisions making up your day.  I have heard people speak about the virtues of kindness globally and then treat people in their day-to-day life in a very mean and judgmental fashion.  What type of person are they? Kind or mean? Words say kind things, but actions are callous and cold to human understanding. Your actions are mean, selfish, and insensitive, then that is what you are.  The good news is anyone can change at any moment and become a better version of themselves. Let your actions be a ringing endorsement of your character, not a condemnation.

Thinking Positively Leads to Positive Results

Bad stuff happens to everyone at some point in life. How you deal with it is essential to the quality of your life and those around you.  Life is full of things that you define subjectively as good or bad. Our attitude about these events is what will determine our lives.  Look at the good in all situations.  You may not be able to see it at first but ask yourself, “How can this make me better?” or “What is this situation trying to teach me?”  The truth is no situation is positive or negative. There is a little of both in everything.  It is up to you to find it.  How well you make these choices defined how happy you are in life.

Defining things as positives allows you to enjoy life more, be healthier, and support those you love. At the same time, negative thinking is defeatist and will supply you with the exact opposite. As I mentioned above, you choose every day to be positive or negative in this world.  Positive thinking will lead to positive results in your life. How much positivism do you prefer?

All People Have Value

This is difficult to remember sometimes when I am angry or someone has hurt me, but that doesn’t change the fact that I believe this is true.  People live differently, make poor decisions, and look differently, but inside they all have value.   All that separates any of us from the circumstances of another is mere chance.  At our core, we are all beings of love. Therefore, understand and giving love is the most important thing.

Every person is a teacher and a learner. You can learn something from everyone. A valuable lesson can come from a simple conversation or just in observation of someone living their life. I don’t look in judgment but in understanding and appreciation of what their experience brings. For example, Victor Frankel was a Holocaust survivor who didn’t let the worst experience of his life dim his hope for humanity. I take that lesson and apply it to my life all the time. If he could remain positive, what excuse do I have to feel bad?  We can learn those lessons from all sorts of people every day.

Action Is Mandatory for Success

Every person that has ever been born has had a dream of some kind. There are no exceptions.  When a person takes action, they can make their dream come true.  Even if that action doesn’t work out, then you have gained valuable information that you can use to try again. Many people carry a lot of fear around inside them, of many different things.  Action kills fear because it removes all doubt. Either something is going to work, or it isn’t. There is no need to worry or fret because you have all the information right in front of you. Taking action is the reality check and a powerful ally to all people. Take action and see what you can accomplish in your life today.

Start your business, ask for the date, apply for the job, say what you mean. All of your actions will lead to repercussions for which you will be responsible, but that is a great way to live life. Embrace all of the ripples of your existence and never apologize for them. If you are honest and trustworthy and explain why you did what you did to those who matter, you have nothing to be ashamed of or worried about.  Let your action do the talking, and it will create a life of consequence.

Forgiveness is Necessary

To forgive someone for something they did that harmed you is very difficult. It can’t just be lip service of saying that they are forgiven. It has to be inside your heart.  The only one who can give forgiveness is you, and the sooner you give it, the sooner you can move on.  Letting go of pain, sadness, anger, or any other negative emotion is key to enjoying life.   I read somewhere that you know that someone is forgiven when you think of them, and there is no subtle searing inside your heart.

It can take a conscious effort, but with forgiveness comes freedom, strength, and love. Choices that are made from love are generally good choices. To hold on to anger or pain is to give power to someone else over your life, and clearly, they don’t deserve to be a part of your life if they hurt you or treated you with disregard. Forgive them and learn never to treat anyone inadequately again.  Let your ripples be of kindness and joy.  Forgive everyone, including yourself, and move forward with the best intentions to be the best version of yourself possible.

Embrace Love, Avoid Fear

All people carry this inside of them, and the one you pay attention to will determine how much you enjoy this ride we call life.  Focus on the love-based emotions like kindness, understanding, generosity, acceptance, patience, and love while avoiding the fear-based feelings and thoughts of anger, hate, separation, jealousy, stereotyping, and judgment. It can be harder to do than it sounds, but the effort is well worth it. Love is a powerful way to think that will allow you to become the best version of yourself spiritually, physically, and mentally. Love leads to kindness and personal growth. Fear is the opposite of love, and it will lead to isolation and a negative life experience. Not many people are happy with their fear-based thoughts, and living through love makes it impossible not to be satisfied.

There it is, some simple things to help you think about ways to move better through your day and your life.  The song below is one of my all-time favorites; it reminds me of how life changes and moves. We do move like water, and you never know when life will end, and all we have is this moment.  Love much and believe in yourself ultimately!! Be the most extraordinary person you can be, and make sure your beliefs allow you to shine fully.


What would your life look like if you were more positive in your thoughts?

challengesNo matter how confident and successful you are, life has a way of throwing challenges at you that will push you to make decisions redefining who you are and your substance.  In everyone’s life, there will be events that force a constant expression of this experience and force you to take actions that will bring growth in your life.

In the end, even after facing a challenge,  I like to think that we have found a more galvanized understanding of who we are, and we hold on to this self-image with a more critical and realistic passion. Sometimes the challenges are so overwhelming that it takes quite a bit of time to find your equilibrium and look at things with a more open mind and accepting heart.  Will you find positivity at the end of a challenge in life? Only you can tell that for yourself. I have always thought I would. But recently, my life has taught me many things from challenges. I have experience loss, betrayal, poor judgment and found a perspective of forgiveness and, hopefully, positive growth in all areas of my life because of it.

Being Positive, When the World is Negative

Even though I have spent a lot of time learning about the power of being positive, I know positive thoughts produce positive energy. I have, on positive_redcoccasion, slipped into being judgmental and critical of others for no reason other than because I was experiencing something negative. When you are experiencing fear of any kind and are afraid of your needs not met, this can happen.

Being positive becomes difficult when you look at life and the people in it as things that affect you, rather than seeing them as people who are just doing the best they can to survive day-to-day.  All people have weaknesses, and from time to time, they are annoying and rub you the wrong way.  One of the biggest challenges in life is accepting these negatives and still supporting and highlighting the positives of every individual in your life. The things that annoy us the most are the weaknesses we see in ourselves. We are maintaining a focus on love, understanding, acceptance, and kindness, which can be a challenge, and the reward in accepting others is a better view of ourselves.

It becomes challenging to do this when an atmosphere of negativity engulfs you, focusing on the negative features of things like judgment, sarcasm, and just being plain mean.  That is when you have to work a bit harder to find the positives.  The best way that I have found is to look for the things that are going right and not worry about what is wrong with the job, community, or each other. Especially each other. 

Find Time For You

No matter how busy you think you are or what others believe you should be doing, it would help if you found time dedicated to yourself.  Scheduling this can be a challenge, but vital to allowing person la growth. Rather than get all wrapped up in the daily chores, problems to be solved, and performance, find time for you. Don’t lose your focus on pure kindness and courtesy; people should show one another each day.

One of my favorite ways to maintain a more positive focus is to spend a little time each day learning something new and digesting that information productively and healthily. You are never too old to learn, and growth is a lifelong process.  Learning about yourself makes you less judgmental of others and keeps the focus where it belongs, on your thoughts and ideas. Those who don’t find growth are slowly dying. Finding time to think and put your experiences into perspective will allow your life to have a much more significant flavor. Life is continually trying to teach you lessons. Your reflection is their chance to sink in and make an impact.

Focus Your Energy

All experiences are going to change your life in one way or another.  People often choose to let most of what happens to them be negative and spend time trying to overcome whatever life has given them.

focus expandsI think there is a better way, and that is to remove the labels of good or bad that are associated with experiences and label them all “Experiences.”  Changing our perspective can be difficult when things are personal, but in reality, everything that happens is just an experience that brings something to our lives that we apply value to, good or bad.  We choose to smile and take what we can or to frown and feel overwhelmed by things happening to us. We have a choice.

The choices we make in each moment will determine the path of our day, and our days discover the way of our lives. There are many great things in life we all experience each day, from pleasant weather to a good cup of coffee. We need to notice and appreciate them.  Being grateful for the positives in life will always take the focus and power away from the negatives.

What if you decided to accept everything that happens to you as if you chose it? 

What you spend your time and effort focusing on in your life will increase.

“Keep your face to the sunshine, and you cannot see a shadow.” — Helen Keller.

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” — Willie Nelson.

“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” — Lyndon B. Johnson.

“In order to carry a positive action, we must develop here a positive vision.” 


Daily Thoughts

Positive thoughtsThinking has been a major activity for me in my life. I seem to have many thoughts, and I wonder if they all have any actual meaning. Are my thoughts designed to guide me? Or are they here to distract me? I could believe either scenario because they seem to provide equal situations of positive and negative things. Do thoughts actually provide any concrete information, or do they arrive to distract you from accomplishment? I think Positive thoughts always contribute to your greater good, and negative ones waste your time.

Some books I have read have stated that your brain clearly produces most thought to distract you and most of your thoughts are not worth paying attention to. They are negative and self-defeating and should be ignored, cast away. Yet others believe that through our thoughts, we can create anything. By focusing on the correct thoughts, speaking similar words, and taking actions will lead to creating whatever we initially thought about.  NOw that is a phenomenon worth thinking about.

Distractions, Distractions, Distractions

The human mind creates thoughts continuously all the time. That is its job, and it does it well. The quality of these thoughts is not always at the highest level, but the positive thoughtsflow is constant. Most of the time, people really pay no attention to their thoughts and definitely never consider where they come from. Thoughts about everything under the sun are great, but they can focus away from accomplishments and goals.  In fact, somewhere around 95% of our thoughts are repeats of thoughts we have had before.

The danger is that if you don’t use your mind to pay attention to your thoughts, somebody else just may.   I was never sure of the validity of that saying until now. How often do you let a friend dictate your opinions? A colleague? A boss? A religious leader? The media? Or some catchy advertisement campaign telling you how to look? Think about that when you start to trace your beliefs. They are only thoughts that we put a strong emphasis on and accept as fact. That can come from us or someone else. Where do your beliefs about life, yourself, and others originate from? Our thoughts are distractions from what is really happening continually behind the scenes.  Do you know what that is? Look at yourself and start asking questions about your reality and life. Is this true? Why is this true?  Do I want to be represented by that?

Be Exactly What You Want

Now is the time to think about what you really want to be. If this isn’t the time, what are you waiting for? positive thinkingIf you decide that you would like to be fearless, confident, kind, or more enlightened, it is up to you to think positive thoughts representing that particular characteristic. Then focus on taking it to your words. Discuss being fearless. Talk like you already are. Then act like it. Do things that a fearless person would do. And then guess what? YOU ARE FEARLESS?

It all begins with a thought, and a simple process can make it a reality. If you looked at your thoughts, how many of them are of the limiting variety? They tell you that “You can’t possibly do that.”, “You aren’t smart enough to accomplish anything.” “You don’t have enough to do that.”  These thoughts are fine if you never want to accomplish anything or have self-esteem very much.  But most of us want to feel good about ourselves, and our beliefs will determine how much we accomplish and what enjoyment we have while we are doing it.

Changing those to positive thoughts is as easy as focusing on “You can definitely do that!”, “You are smart enough to accomplish anything.” “You have more than enough brains, talent, kindness, the power to do anything you want.”  Change the focus of your thoughts to thoughts of can do, and the thoughts that hold you back will fall away.

What is real, and what is the illusion in your life? Is it what you choose to think?

Free Greatness

People put their goals on hold because they don’t have the money or time to invest at this moment in one thing or another. Here is an opportunity to look at your life with gratitude, acceptance, surrender, and releasing judgment from your life right now. It won’t take any more money or time to accomplish all of this.  And the benefit to your life will be phenomenal.  All of your thoughts that used to be wasted on the unmonitored flow of foolishness can now be directed in a way that will provide great benefits to you and those you come in contact with.

Each of our thoughts has the potential to change our lives positively or negatively. You owe it to yourself to pay attention to the direction you will be moving in. The person who holds a beautiful vision of themselves or life in general in their mind, and applies positive emotion to it, will one day have it as a part of their life.

What are your thoughts creating today? Don’t make excuses. Pay attention to positive thinking. 


Allow Abundance in Life

There seem to be two different mindsets people have when it comes to abundance.  Either you believe there is enough of everything or you are worried there is not enough for everyone.  Each of these mentalities leads to a certain experience in your life one of plenty or one of lack.  We seem to experience in life, exactly what we believe in.  The law of abundance states that there is more than enough in the Universe and nothing is limited.  This is a very difficult concept for many to accept because we see perceived lack all around us every day.  But that is only a perception, the reality is yet to be discovered and lies deep in your attitude and beliefs.  How you choose to view things is going to dictate your feelings about abundance.

The Law of Abundance– There is more than enough in the Universe, nothing is limited.

Money is Our Issue

In today’s world, money is the energy that makes things go.  We look at collecting as much money as possible to provide relief, happiness, and freedom.  But so much of how we view money depends on what we were taught and experienced as children. Your attitude about abundance starts right there in your youth.  We learn our basic beliefs from our parents, relatives, society, peers, and others we have contact with when we are young.  These ideas will be formed by the time we are 10 years old and many of the beliefs we accumulate come from there.

As soon as you believe money is an issue for you, panic and/or fear that you won’t have enough run your life and no matter how much you have, there will be a fear that it is not going to be enough.  Money becomes the focus of everything rather than on what you really want. Most want freedom, time, travel, experiences, etc.  These things are not money, although it is perceived that we would be free to do all we desire if money wasn’t an issue.  But we are the ones who make it an issue.  Our attitude dictates our success with and around money.

Abundance and Joy

It is common sense to look at someone who has done what you want to do and emulate them. But when it comes to abundance and happiness, you need to learn to blaze your own trail.  If you do what someone else is doing simply to make money it probably won’t provide both success and joy.  Joy comes from within when we are pursuing our purpose in life.  Whatever that is to you.  Follow your desire and the money will follow.  Most who hear this statement immediately list a lot of reasons this couldn’t possibly work for them.  My favorite is “You can’t eat your purpose.”

When you approach something from that perspective, with a list of reasons you will fail, then most often you are going to fail. That is just too much negative energy to overcome from within yourself.  If you don’t believe in yourself and give your dreams a chance, nobody else is going to.  There is enough in the world to go around. Be grateful for what you have, truly in your heart and more will follow.

Abundance and Lack

Lack seems to be a man-made commodity. The world creates plenty of food, enough to feed everyone, but it isn’t distributed to others because we have a man-made system of commerce.  Food has a value and if that value isn’t paid there is a fear the system will fall down. So the fear of not getting all they can causes lack.  Greed causes lack.  As people look out for themselves and accumulate way more than they could ever need.  This selfishness leads to lack because many feel that other people are not their problem.

This could all be changed if as a collective human race we decided that all lives were of value. Not just a select few. The fact is that they are and it doesn’t matter where they are from, what version of God they worship, the color of their skin, or their age, we are all the same and have a value.  Abundance will come when we see the most valuable commodity in the world is the people. All people. Be Grateful for what you already have and more will follow. Money, love, freedom, creativity or whatever it is you want.

Abundance Mindset

To allow abundance into our lives we need to have the right mindset. That mindset is that anything is possible. Know what you want and believe that it is possible for you.  Not just in the realm of money but in all areas of your life. Want abundance in relationships? Believe that it can happen to you.  One of the most talked about forces behind abundance is the practice of giving.  To give freely without the thought of return increases your personal energy and takes away the feelings of desperation and fear that repel things from your life.

Look at your personal beliefs about having money, being rich, or just being successful.  Take steps to take any negative, limiting beliefs you are entertaining.  Your beliefs about the world dictate the reality you experience.  Building positive thoughts, emotions, words, and actions about having abundance in your life will bring it into your life. Stop listening to negative messages about yourself and recognize that you can achieve what you want. The abundance of money, relationships, and experiences can come your way.

“Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things.” –Eric Lutterworth

“To open to The Law of Abundance, we must be willing to become aware of where we focus our attention and what we believe to be true.” – Jennifer O’Neill

“Wealth flows from energy and ideas.” –William Feather