How To Create A Plan

Success comes with a subjective definition. Each person defines it for themselves, and the array of different thoughts and ideas on what it looks like is as diverse as the people who think these thoughts.  There are only two options when it comes to creating and accomplishing things. One is to follow a plan guiding your thoughts and action. The second is pure and unadulterated luck, or fate pulling you in the right direction and providing the right opportunity.

Either you take control and dictate what happens, or you allow the future to be decided by the Universe making choices for you. This decision, just like all the others in your life, is totally and completely yours.

There are many roadmaps to success, and I think if the desired result is to follow a plan that provides sensation, share a simple practice to assist in moving your thoughts and actions toward achieving your goals and creating the things you want to see in your life regardless of the specifics of the adventure. To make good things happen in your life, following all of these steps will give you the best chance of achievement and accomplishment. I believe in these four steps that can help you create positive experiences in your life.

 Practice Positive Self Talk

There is a constant dialogue in your mind. The conversation topics are usually repeats of things we have thoughts we have had a thousand times before. 99% of people never consider how they speak to themselves. The problem with this negligence is that we have been conditioned to think negatively about our abilities and the prospects of us achieving our goals. Allowing this conversation is destroying your chances to succeed, and it can be changed.

Change starts with noticing the words you are speaking to yourself. If they change THEM more negatively about your abilities or the prospects of a goal, the Changgoic mind is the over-analyzer and finds problems where none exist. Listening will stop you from following even the best of your ideas and achieving goals meant for you.

If you can’t be positive and supportive of yourself, it doesn’t matter what everyone else does. It all begins and ends with the method and manner with which you address yourself and your actions. Most of the time, we don’t pay attention to how we speak to ourselves in our heads, but that encouragement is the first kind we must have. By changing your words and how you talk to yourself, the world can open up to you.

Instead of thinking, “Nothing works out for me.” or “I am always broke.” or “I am not strong.” or any other limiting thoughts we allow our minds to tell us. These limiting beliefs have been pushed on us by our experience and conditioning. It is up to each individual to determine where our limits lie and how easily we can reach them. It begins with the voices we speak in our heads. Creating positive self-talk will help you override the negative programming of your past. Develop the habit of being kind to yourself in your mind, which will be the first step in achievement.

Set Goals and Write Them Down

Know where you are going. There needs to be a destination in mind. Set your goals and make them permanent by writing them down. Once you write them down, a transformation occurs between thought and making it a reality. Be clear in your focus and what you want. Please write it down in detail so you know what destination you are shooting to find. Be specific and create a target you are hunting for, and w; while doing so, develop your thoughts and emotions about this accomplishment.

Taking something from the realm of thought into reality is the paramount experience that separates human beings from the rest of the world’s creatures. Artists do it constantly, creating an idea and bringing it into reality for the rest of the world to enjoy. Each goal you have is the same thing, the first thought in your head. Writing it down becomes a reality in a small way and can become a reality in a big way. Take the time to think about what you want and to write down your goals. The foundation of accomplishment will occur at this moment.

Learn to Use Visualization

Another great gift all humans have is the capacity to practice using our imagination. There is the magic we experience when we take the time to picture ourselves accomplishing or experiencing our goals as finished products. Some would call this daydreaming, but there is a purpose. To see yourself doing something, building something, or experiencing the success you are striving for is a positive that will help bring that thing into reality. The key is to attach a positive emotion to your thoughts and situations.

Emotion provides the momentum to keep going when things get rough and punctuates the sentence of your accomplishment. If you imagine being a famous singer and feel the rush of action and joy of performing, you can understand why you want to reach this goal, and you will pursue it all the way there. Take a moment before you fall asleep at night or just as you wake in the morning. Picture your goals coming into your reality and what it will feel like when that happens.

Take Action, Evaluate, and Try Again

The rubber eventually has to meet the road. No accomplishment will be created in mind alone. All of the previous steps are useless without the courage of action. It takes a brave person to take action because you will get an answer. The results may be good or bad, but they will exist. It is at that point an honest evaluation has to take place. Often the results will be less than you hope for, but there will always be lessons. The wise person uses the experiences and doesn’t take the failure personally.

It doesn’t matter that things don’t work out the first time you try something. There will be an opportunity to learn, evaluate what went wrong, adjust your tactics, and of course. It is the trying still part most people find challenging. Once you experience failure, it can be daunting to put yourself out there. Remember, it isn’t personal and doesn’t define you if you learn from it and try again. Each effort given will provide you with new information about the process you are involved in and yourself. Use it and develop your skills and confidence. Don’t let the fixed mindset of never allowing a mistake stop you. If you do, you will not accomplish much in your life. All new things have a learning curve. Embrace it. Try, evaluate, and try again until you reach your goals.

Final Thoughts on the Process

Start today, deciding what you want the canvass of your life to look like. Is it going to be a picture someone else dictates you draw? Or will it be a unique masterpiece of your inner desire to express yourself? The choice is yours, and you can get them by following the process. Practice positive self-talk, set your goals, write them down, visualize your success, take action, and evaluate your strategy. In the end, your accomplishments are going to be won or lost because of the choices you make. Make choices that honor your inner strength and understanding. Follow your process to its conclusion of success. In the world of accomplishment, the journey defines us and is often the part we look back on with reverence and a smile.

“If you want to achieve excellence, you can get there today. As of this second, quit doing less-than-excellent work.” —Thomas J. Watson.

“Champions keep playing until they get it right.”— Billie Jean King.

“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” — Henry David Thoreau.

“Potential is not an endpoint but a capacity to grow and learn.”





Enjoy The Ride

Enjoy the Ride

right wh. shoudl beSince I was very young, I have been in a hurry to get to the next destination. I remember being a kid and just aching for when I would be older and be able to do whatever older kids got to do.

This pattern came up a lot in my life, and I am sure in your life too. I can’t wait until this happens, or that happens, and then I will be able to do this or have that.

What age has brought me besides just gray hair is the understanding that each experience we have puts us precisely where we should be, and if we enjoy things we have, life seems to be better, and the things we are waiting for come quicker and easier.

Enjoying the Moment

enjoy the mometnThis advice we all have heard, but for me, it was challenging to enjoy this experience because my mind was often distracted by thoughts that took me from the moment—most worries about the future or regrets about a past action. Never focus on the joys of the here and now.

All those thoughts occur to each of us and distract us from what we do each moment. I think any commute of any kind is an excellent practice in this. There is a trip you must endure, and you have no choice. You can think about what you will do when you reach your destination, dreaming of food, television, time with loved ones, or whatever happens when you get home.

These thoughts distract from what you are experiencing on that commute. Maybe there is great natural beauty on your journey. A great song might come on the radio. The moment doesn’t know you are on a commute, which happens daily. Please pay attention to it. Think, smile, and enjoy whatever is in your path. That day and those exact circumstances have never existed before and most likely won’t again. Pay attention to the beauty in your journey; soon, you will enjoy the trip as much as the destination.

You Are Supposed to Be Here

This is exactly the right place for you, right here, right now!
This place is precisely the right place for you right now!

Maybe you are working a job you are not crazy about or in a situation that you wish would change; it will because the one thing that you can count on in life is that everything changes whether you like it or not.

Take the time to enjoy the small things that you want about what your life offers you. It may be your coworkers, the responsibility, the challenge, or the daily coffee or lunch break. There is something that you enjoy about your job. If there isn’t, then I don’t think it’s the job that needs evaluation. It is your choice to work there.

You can plan and prepare for the future, which may bring hope to your life. That tomorrow will provide us with the feelings, answers, or happiness that today lacks.

Hope is a powerful thing. And to me is an unbelievably positive thing, yet don’t hurry too fast through hard times because frequently, the lessons we learn while doing something we aren’t wild about allow us to achieve our greatness.

So I advise anyone looking ahead to any milestone to stay focused on achieving their goal. There is value in enjoying the ride to that end, and lessons learned on the journey are valuable currency that can be used in life.

It is the irony of life that often, we spend our time dreaming of getting to a particular destination, and then in a few years, we spend our time dreaming of where we used to be. There is no need to worry; you are just where you are supposed to play your part. Play your role with all the passion you can muster, and you will know that there is nothing to worry about in the future and nothing to regret about your past.

You Are Just Where You Are Supposed to Be!!

All we have is right here and right now. Nothing else is guaranteed.