Where Wild Spirits Grow

In the heart of Maine, where the lake waters gleam, Where dreams unfurl like ripples in a gentle stream, I was a child, with innocence aglow, Growing up by the lake, where wild spirits flow.

With the morning sun, I’d rise at dawn’s first light, Embracing the day, with wonder and delight, The scent of pine, the soft whispers of the breeze, In nature’s arms, I found solace and peace.

A fishing rod in hand, I’d sit by the shore, Casting my hopes like dreams, where the fish would explore, Patiently waiting, my heart in harmony, With the rhythm of the waves, and the call of the loon’s glee.

As the sun climbed high, I’d plunge into the lake, With joyous splashes, my worries I’d forsake, In the cool, clear depths, I’d let my worries drown, Becoming one with the water, in this haven I’d be bound.

Running free through the woods, a spirited race, With friends at my side, laughter echoing in grace, The canopy above, a green cathedral high, We’d chase fleeting shadows, under the vast, open sky.

Each day a canvas, where memories were painted, With colors of laughter, of joy, and adventures untainted, In this idyllic world, we’d weave stories to treasure, As we danced with the sun, and embraced simple pleasure.

The fireflies would twinkle, like stars from the earth, As twilight descended, a magical rebirth, We’d gather ’round the campfire, stories to share, Under a moonlit canopy, our spirits laid bare.

As seasons passed by, we grew with the land, Matured like the oaks, as nature’s guiding hand, But the spirit of freedom, the lake’s boundless grace, Still lingers within us, time cannot erase.

Now, as I look back, through the years that have flown, I cherish those days of innocence I’ve known, For the lake in Maine, where my heart found its voice, Will forever remain, my sanctuary of choice.

The Little Things In Life

The world is full of beauty,

If you’re only willing to see.

The sunbeams dance on the water,

The birdsong in the trees.

The smile on a stranger’s face,

The smell of freshly baked bread.

The feel of the wind in your hair,

The taste of a ripe strawberry.

These are the little things,

That makes life worth living.

So don’t be so quick to rush past them,

Take a moment to appreciate them.

For they are the things that make life beautiful,

And they are the things that we will miss,

If we’re not mindful.

So next time you’re walking down the street,

Or sitting in your living room,

Take a moment to look around,

And see the beauty in the little things.

You might just be surprised, At what you find.

Approaching Life with Mindfulness

In a world that is continually moving faster and providing more and more distractions to pull you out of the present moment, it is more important than ever to learn how to be aware of the present moment.  A person can lower stress and enrich their life experience by cultivating this awareness.  In this article, I will try to explain what mindfulness is and give some examples of how to practice a mindful life.

Understanding Mindfulness

Mindfulness is defined as the state of being engaged and fully present in the moment, right now.  Judgment or attachment is not present in relating to your thoughts, emotions, or current external circumstances.  One tries to be aware of the thoughts and feelings every situation brings into our lives from external stimuli and internal thoughts and responses to whatever is happening, and accepting it.

Today, mindfulness has become a mainstream practice and is widely studied and adopted in fields like psychology, medicine, education, and corporate settings. It has proven to be an effective tool for enhancing overall well-being, reducing stress, improving focus, and promoting emotional resilience in the face of life’s challenges. The integration of mindfulness into various secular settings has made it accessible to people from diverse backgrounds and beliefs, making it a universal practice that transcends its original origins.

Benefits of Being Mindful

So many positives come to you when you understand the present moment is all you have. It will help you reduce stress and anxiety because you are eliminated regrets about the past and worry about the future by existing in the only thing you have, the present moment.

By doing this you will also improve your Mental clarity and focus.  Rather than having your thoughts bring up uncontrolled images of yesterday or tomorrow, a person can focus on what today is bringing into life, good or bad, and accept it as a part of life’s experience.  Rather than resist it because it doesn’t match your perception of what life should be.

Our emotions also benefit from the practice of mindfulness, because we start to be aware of the feelings we are experiencing in the moment.  We can learn what each emotion actually is and what thoughts or experiences have brought it to the surface.  Without mindfulness and awareness, we will be a servant to these feelings. Understanding and acceptance puts the power in your hands, so you are in control of what happens.

What you are aware of you control, and what you are not mindful of controls you.  That is the way many deal with their emotions throughout their lives.  The practice of being aware of your experiences throughout the day will enhance the quality and experience of your life.