
“You make mistakes. Mistakes don’t make you.” Maxwell Maltz

On the surface, make more mistakes may seem like the worst advice you have ever gotten. But one of the most effective learning tools we are given is trial and error. Yet, we have been raised and nurtured to fear mistakes. They are looked on as being weak, unintelligent, or revealing a character flaw of some kind. In reality, mistakes are a valuable part of the learning process. It is not the mistakes that deter us from success but rather our reaction to them, which stunts our progress and causes people to develop negative feelings about themselves and their abilities.  I encourage you to readjust your thoughts regarding the errors you make. They are powerful learning tools. Embrace them.

Why So Negative?

Our society has seemed to develop a perfection mentality.  Parents see their children as a representation of them, and I guess they are, but each person has to be allowed to develop into their own person.  Some are put under the pressure of perfection from the moment they are born, signed up for special programs, competitive daycare to “give them an edge,” and then all of their accomplishments are viewed as resume builders rather than just childhood. There is nothing wrong with looking to the future, but when you discourage mistakes because they may look bad on the surface, you are putting fear behind the behavior. A kid will learn to play it safe and keep in the area he is naturally good at rather than extend himself into new territories.

Each time we extend and learn, we find out valuable information. We learn what doesn’t work to take that information and apply it to the next opportunity we are presented with. That is the recipe for success; I know in my experience there was little support for mistakes, just judgment, and labels. You are “good” at this and “bad” at that. Really I think kids can do much more than we give them credit for if we allow them to go through their own process of mistakes and, rather than protect them from making them, support them and guide them through the learning process.  What worked? What didn’t? What can you do differently? You are doing well in your learning. Try again!!

Trying Again, and Again

All of our missteps provide us with the opportunity to learn how to step better.  Take a look at your life and the things you are proficient at now. Were you always great at it? The odds are you were not and had to take a special interest and develop your skills. It could be drawing, painting, writing, basketball, golf, fitness, relationships, parenting, or any other activity in life you can imagine. You are going to make mistakes because you have ideas, and you are an action taker. Sometimes our ideas are not quite right. The skill to develop is not avoiding mistakes but the ability to readjust your tack and try again without losing your motivation or enthusiasm for the thing you are pursuing.

It is natural to want to be right the first time. There are some things where success will come easy. Enjoy them and find ways to push yourself in those areas as well. But there will be many others you will have to learn before becoming proficient in them or even passable at performance.  It can be difficult to have a fixed mindset, believing you are given some talents and others we can’t develop. The growth mindset will allow you to realize you are not born talented in every area. Some of them you have to work at.  Follow your interests because that is your intuition pushing you into the areas you are supposed to go. Go there, even if it is hard at first. Keep at it, work, try, fail, try again and again if necessary. That is life, and that is learning, and greatness will become your calling card.

What Is Greatness?

We are each great in our own way, but to accomplish greatness in the things you pursue is really going to be developed to pursue what you are chasing. To be a great writer, you have to write all the time. If you want to look at life more positively, learn to look at life from all perspectives.  don’t limit yourself

Define your own greatness

in what you can accomplish, stretch yourself in activities and goals you are chasing.

I have known many people who have greatness within themselves, but they don’t see it, and in that blind spot, they don’t have enough confidence to pursue it and bring that talent to the world.  Because they feel truly great, whatever they do today should produce immediate results and rewards.  That is not the way it works, and greatness is a craft with no one recipe. Sometimes it does come quite easily, sometimes the journey is much longer, and often the longer road is more valuable and insightful. Enjoying whatever path you choose to walk is one of the keys to life. Do you enjoy your choice?

Sticking to It

Holding on to what resonates within when those without don’t support or appreciate it is one of the most difficult things you can do. We are all seeking validation of our contribution to the world. Some will see this easily, and others less so. Only you can decide for yourself what your learning curve and level of self-acceptance are going to be.  Whoever you are and whatever path you are choosing to walk, and the goal you are trying to accomplish. Keep seeking accomplishment and understand that there will be some moments of disappointment and mistakes will be made.  Mistakes are not an indictment of your talent but a calling card of your journey toward accomplishment. Learn from them, try again, and stick to it.

“Mistakes have the power to turn you into something better than you were before.” Anonymous

“Remember that life’s greatest lessons are usually learned at the worst times and from the worst mistakes.” Anonymous

“Don’t mention a person’s past mistakes when they are trying to change. That’s like throwing rocks at them while they are struggling to climb a mountain.” Anonymous

 “Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.” Oscar Wilde


Sometimes you have to think outside the box (or bowl) to solve a problem.

Being creative is one of the gifts of being human. We all can look at the same situation and develop different ways of solving the puzzle and finding a solution. Problem-solving can be one of the most valuable tools we have when making money, excelling in a career, or simply just being as high as ourselves.  Sometimes it can be difficult to muster a creative answer, but there are some things that you can do to make your thought process more creative and perhaps find a solution that you are seeking. Become a monarch of creativity.

Ask the Right Question

questions 22One of the most creative things a person can do is to ask the right question. And to me, the right question leads to a new solution. All questions bring with them an unlimited level of possibility.  How can I do this differently? What would make this easier? What can I contribute to that project? How can we complete it in less time? How can it be done more efficiently?

All of the questions you can ask will allow your mind to roam freely if you let it. Our brains are a great tool, but they can only work as well as we make them. So ask a question, and then allow your mind to work on it. The answers will come in their time, and then you must treat them appropriately.

Answers Lead to More Questions

The right follow up questions can lead to the most original solutions.
The right follow-up questions can lead to the most original solutions.

Each question asked represents the possibility every answer given is a dead-end. It sounds contradictory but thinks about it. Once a solution is determined, there is no more time wasted on the question. In the long run, one seemingly great solution may be only a significant first step in solving the problem, so the answers should lead to a new question.  How can we do this even better? What else can come from this that I don’t see right now? How can we make it even better?

These are just some simple examples of how to move your creativity into overdrive. Keep the mind working. Keep the solutions coming because of the next thought, maybe the one worth a million dollars.

Lose Yourself in Something

Losing yourself in a task is easy when you are young, but it is much more challenging for adults. First, you lose-find-in-lovehave to put in a little effort to find something that will take all of your attention. It can be drawing, painting, putting an engine together, building a model, knitting, sewing, or any other activity on which all your focus can be. As your focus and attention get tested, you lose track of time, and it allows your subconscious mind to work in overdrive, and you can get the answers to other questions that you have asked yourself.

As you work on a drawing or an engine and your conscious attention is captured, the limits of our minds rise, and the subconscious can create new ideas, and we are receptive to hearing them. That is where answers to problems come seemingly out of the blue.  Lose yourself to something creative, and your creativity in thought will grow.

Change things Up

All of us are creatures of habit. Our activities tend to fall into patterns that we find either safe or How-to-change-things-up-and-make-the-everydayenjoyable or both. These behaviors turn into routines that turn into a daily path. One of the most creative things you can do is change your daily activities. Take a new route to work, stop at a different food stop, take a slightly longer way, change things up.  Try something new to eat, talk with a total stranger about life. Try something you have never tried before.

By changing these simple things, you will force your mind to use different thought patterns and know what will result from that. Each new experience will expand your mind and your experience and allow your creativity to grow as well. Perhaps the answer you seek is inside of you all along, and you need the right catalyst to free it.  Changing things up might do this.

Read! Read. Read? Read…………….

The key to every kingdom is located in between the covers of a book
The key to every kingdom is located in between the covers of a book.

One of the most natural things a person can do to increase your creativity is to read quality books about topics that interest you. Reading provides a personal connection with the information in a book that is difficult to replicate in any other way. As a result, your mind can easily expand, and there are many possibilities for that growth. That is where creativity can come in large bounds.

In my experience, a mind expanded through the written word changes for the better permanently. That is why being literate is one of the greatest gifts we have. There are absolutely no limits on what you can learn if you can read. All you need is access to a library and the most exceptional thoughts in history expose to you. Read every chance you get, and your creativity will grow. Read, and you will find roads you never knew existed before. Read and grow to your true potential.

“The creative adult is the child who survived.” — Ursula LeGuin

“The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul.” — Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“Creativity doesn’t wait for that perfect moment. It fashions its perfect moments out of ordinary ones.” — Bruce Garrabrandt

“Everything you can imagine is real.” — Pablo Picasso

“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” — Albert Einstein

Imagine what you can create……….


Feel Happier

This is a much more difficult concept than it appears on the surface.  You can’t just will yourself to be happy. It has to come from the focus of your daily consciousness. As you become more aware of positive things inside you, the level of happiness you experience will increase. Too often, I have allowed my thoughts to dwell on negative things I don’t have rather than positive things happening all around me. I wanted to share my 5 secrets to experience a bit more happiness every day. They are not difficult to do and will make a huge difference in your life if you really focus on them each day.

Accept your current situation.

acceptanceMany people look at their job, their family life at this moment, or any other experiences they are involved in, and they choose to be unhappy because it is not where they think they “should” be. Or even where they wish they could be. Challenges arise, people leave, relationships end. We wish they wouldn’t.

At this point, you have a choice, to spend your time living in the past of what used to be, in the future of what may or may not come, or to live exactly where you are right now. The only time you have is right now, and the only place is where you are. So take the time to experience it fully, and if you don’t like what you have, it is time to start changing. You are where you are, and your life is what it is.

This doesn’t mean you have to like where you are or have to stay there,  but it is where you are.  Until you honestly accept that reality, it won’t be easy to move on to situations that will bring more enjoyment and happiness into your life.

Gratitude is the Attitude

gratitudeLearning to be grateful for the things you do have will allow you to feel more happiness inside.  At first, it may be difficult to count the good things in your life, but when you start to be grateful, you will start to enjoy all of the little things in your life. You will start to look for things in life that you can be grateful for. It will open the door to an abundance of what you want and need in life.

I also believe that once you start to feel grateful for the things you do have, then it will create that gratitude attitude and attract more desirable things to your life. You never really see all the good things you have and how fortunate you are when focusing your attention on something you don’t have.  Focus on what you do have, and that energy will increase. Soon you will find you have more great things and you will be happier. It is all about gratitude.

Be Passionate About What You Do

passionFind out what you are passionate about and do that.  It is a simple solution to being unhappy, but if your job or activities in life make you unhappy, discard them for things that do make you happier.  Find where your passion exists and do that thing, fully and completely.  We were each put here to do something unique to us, and this will be your passion.  You have to feel it.

I know that making a living is important, but at what cost does it come? Are you willing to leave your passion and love for something in the rearview for the love of money? We have only a finite portion of time to spend on this planet, and to spend it on anything other than what makes you happy and alive seems to be a waste. So when you feel unhappy about your career choice, remember this. When you revel in your job, remember this.

Kindness Counts

kindnessThere are no limits to the good that kindness can do for you. If you are spending your time feeling sorry for yourself, you will be centered only on yourself and have nothing to do but feel sorrier.  Being kind to someone else is like rolling a pebble down a hill. It will build momentum.

The secret is that by being kind to others, you are really only being kind to yourself. To encourage someone who is down, compliment someone, so they feel better, perform a random act of kindness.  Whatever you do, you will find that the flames of happiness will start to grow in your heart.

Live for Now

live for todayThis goes back to previous thought, but all you have is today, and making that the happiest time you can is about all you can do. You can’t change the past, you can feel bad about it and be devastated by it, but the past is over.

Today is all you are left with. Tomorrow may never arrive. There are no guarantees. All you have is today.  Making the best of what is with you right now is the only sensible thing to do.

Don’t sit around and wish for tomorrow or yesterday; neither is going to help you. Instead, look for today for your solace. Enjoy the little things that make it great. A cup of coffee, a talk with a friend, the beauty of nature around you.  All of these things do not cost much money or are totally free.    Much like being grateful, enjoying the moment you live in will allow you to be happier. This is mindfulness.

Be happy like a baby!
Be happy like a baby!

In the End

In the end, whether you are happy or not comes down to a simple choice, be happy or don’t. You have very little control over what is happening to you right now, and stuff will happen whether you want it or not.  You can be unhappy about it and spend your life in spiteful misery, or you can choose to accept whatever is and be happy.   It is all a matter of attitude, and changing yours will provide a difference as stark as night and day. So be happy and feel great!   


A Great Day

 Be Great Today!

I say it all the time, “Have a great day!”  and I hear it all the time from others as well, but it

Have a Good Day
It is a choice

it seems like so many people are particularly glum and gloomy in their day they have definitely decided to ignore this kind and tender wish.  The unhappiness seems to be so prevalent  I decided to write a little this day to remind people exactly how to achieve a fantastic feeling on a wonderful day. The potential for greatness is there for the taking each sunrise. You have to look for it.

Raise Your Mood!

A great way to raise your mood to be happy is to seriously and consistently think about what you appreciate.  Many of us spend so much time thinking about the things that we don’t have that we feel a void in our lives from its absence.

In reality, if you focus on what you do have and you are truly grateful for it, you will find you will soon have what you need.   Try it, and make a list that you run over in your mind.  I am grateful for my home, and I am grateful for my family, I am grateful for my

Be Thankful
Be Thankful Every Day

car, I am grateful for the shoes that make me feel so great.  We all have a list like this, and referring to it consistently daily will help you develop the strong and vigorous day we all want every day.

You Control what You Think

Open yourself up to positive thoughts that are all around you. You have the choice to pay attention to all of the positive thoughts that were ever created, or you can focus on all of the negative thoughts that seemingly surround us every day.  This was best described to me like this. If you go to Google and enter the search phrase, “Inspirational Men and Women,” you will immediately have access to the stories and thoughts of many powerfully positive people and the positive stories that come with them. This positive energy is bound to get your day moving in a positive direction.   Conversely, if you Google the phrase “evil deeds,” you are going to be inundated with all of the most negative acts of people from history, and if you invest your

how to be happy
You make these choices every day

thoughts and efforts in those things, it is little wonder that you will be a bit negative on that day.  The same is true for our thoughts in everyday life; you can invite all positive thoughts to enter your mind and influence your day in the best of ways.

Choose Wisely

This is the basic choice that you have to make every day. Even when things are just piling up on you and making you feel overwhelmed, there is still an opportunity to make it an outstanding day.  For all things, there is a season. Some days you are going to be a little sad, mad or frustrating, but realizing that you have a conscious choice to have a great day, regardless of what is happening,  may help you to not only help yourself to a better day but to help someone else achieve this as well.

A Song to help you Have a Wonderful Day!!!!


hopeSometimes it feels like situations will always be as they are, and they resign themselves to their fate. The way that it is right now will always be. If one believes this, then there is no room for improvement. There is no hope. But there should always be hope in your thoughts, words, and actions.

Things can change in an instant, and the things you dream of can come to you today, seemingly out of the blue. Change is constant and inevitable.  Hope is a powerful tool that allows a person to realize their dreams in a way that you may not have imagined before. It will enable those changes to work to pursue your best self and your most treasured idea of the future.

Building Hope

When life seems darkest, and fate seems to be stacked against you in a hope sizeable impenetrable wall of frustration. That is where hope can be a guiding light. Perhaps it is the connection you meet who pushes you toward a solution to the challenges you face.  Maybe it’s someplace you haven’t ever thought of before.  Yet there you are, moving forward and living in hope for a better situation tomorrow.

Without hope, you very well may be blind to all the opportunities that exist right in front of you with the potential to bring everything that you could want for your life.  The hope of love, life, fortune, a gift, or that special relationship could be coming your way today. A person only has to have their eyes open and mind, ready to see them coming.  A mind without hope will often hopemistake the opportunity for an inconvenience. Don’t be asleep at the switch; see the chances that exist in your life.

Hope Keeps You Positive

When you feel like you are down, a loss has occurred, and you don’t think you can come back from it, that is the time to hope. Hope for help, hope for a friend, hope for a way out, hope for what you need, and hope will find a way. Even in the darkest night, the promise of the sunrise will keep you going. The sun will rise, and with it, bring a multitude of possibilities. Be aware and look for the answers you seek.

What is it that you hope? Think of it, and don’t lose it, and it will give you hopestrength. Maintain an image in your mind of what it is that you hope. It is the creativity of our brain that all things in the world spring. If you have no hope of love, success, help, or triumph, there is no way that you can find it. By merely thinking of it, you will be able to recognize it when it shows up in your life.

Always be Hopeful

Hope provides nothing but positive things to the world and the lives of people. It provides fuel to get through tough times. It gives the light in the darkness. Hope allows you to persevere the challenge life throws at you. Hope enables the test to be passed.  In all undertakings of life, above all else, be hopeful of success, take action, and it will find you.

You are a valuable person and have talent beyond what you even comprehend right now.  It is there waiting for you, and the first step to reach it is to hope.  So have a little hope today. It will all work out for the best. Keep your eyes open. Follow the path. See the clues.  Be the best you. Your success is what I hope for.

“Every cloud has a silver lining.”      D.R. Locke (1863)

“Hope springs eternal.”  Alexander Pope 

“However long the night, the dawn will break.” African Proverb – Hausa Tribe

“We must accept finite disappointment but never lose infinite hope.”     Martin Luther King, Jr.



How to Think Positive


Positive thinkingWhat is Positive Thinking?

Staying balanced in life can be difficult.  Sometimes there seems to be no rhyme or reason why things happen, and dealing with sudden, quick changes entering our reality makes it hard to understand if there is something we should or could be doing better.  In the end, shouldn’t we be happy? Shouldn’t our daily routines and struggles bring us personal satisfaction and make us feel valued as individuals?  I think that it should, and one way to do this is to practice positive thinking. But what exactly does that mean?

In a nutshell, the thoughts you entertain will dictate your reality and the enjoyment or discomfort you experience in each moment. The feeling you give credence will bring a corresponding emotional response, words, and actions into your life. Format your thoughts in a way that the results will be what you want. If you can’t control your mind and thoughts, someone or something else will.

What Positive Thinking Means To Me

We all have programming in our subconscious mind determined by our experiences. It takes our reality and interprets it in a way that makes sense to us and fits into what we know. The thoughts produced from this are automatic and consistent and will dictate everything in our lives. From the amount of success we have, the money we earn, and the love we have in life. Our ability to change these often negative thoughts into more positive ones is our number one weapon in creating the life we dream about every day.

Remember, your experience conditions your subconscious when you look at your past and draw conclusions about your abilities and worthiness. What you believe determines your ceiling of creative ability in your life. Until you choose to change, that choice is positive thinking.  In each moment, you can think in a more constructive and caring way about yourself. The decision to do this will allow you to grow.  From what I have read, most of these conditioning experiences happen early on in life, but all of life’s adventures can add to it.  Learning to recognize and ignore the negative comments from your past is the key to positive thinking to me and the catalyst for growth. 

It’s Not a Cover-Up

We all make choices that we know weren’t good.  I know I have, and in hindsight, I can’t believe how foolish and thoughtless some decisions were.  What was I thinking?  I used to beat myself up all the time about these choices, and they were a part of my daily existence.  A choice is a choice and to learn from the result is the desired experience. If your choice was wrong, forgive yourself. The decision may have hurt someone else, apologize, and ask for forgiveness.

Positive thinking does not mean to forget or overlook these negative/poor choices. It is a way to put them into proper perspective.  Accept that these things happened, then leave them in the past where they belong because no amount of second-guessing, longing, or fantasy replay in your head will change what happened in the past. But if you choose not to learn from it and seek a better future, then you are a fool. Positive thinking is knowing that you have the ability for growth and development.  Pursue it and find questions leading to your growth.  You can control the thoughts you think about any situation and experience. This choice doesn’t mean to sugarcoat things or ignore the negative, but deal with it and see the positives that can come from it.

Find A Positive Thought

positive thinkingI think that there are two schools of thought and emotion. They come from a place of love or a residence of fear. Fear brings hate, doubt, anger, jealousy, resentment, lies, inferiority, and ego. You can imagine that love brings with it peace, understanding, empathy, sympathy,  kindness, hope, truth, and, of course, love.

Positive thinking embraces the thoughts of love and limits the attention you give to the ideas of fear.  This consciousness doesn’t mean that you don’t have them because we all do.  Someone makes you mad or treats you poorly, and the thoughts of fear will arise.  You will always have a choice at this point, let them rule your actions, or recognize them, experience them, and don’t let them rule your actions. You are always in control of your thoughts if you choose to be. It starts with your conscious awareness of what you are thinking and where the view is coming from.  Anger is the open face of fear. It is a natural warning system to let everyone know you are experiencing anxiety on some level. Passion means your needs aren’t being met, or you are afraid they won’t be.

You can manage these thoughts by focusing on theories of understanding, empathy, and love. That is your choice always.

Seek Another Positive Thought

positive thinkingWhen I started to realize that I could entertain whatever thought I wanted, it changed the way I looked at the world and the people in it.  The power of knowing I was in charge of how I felt was a little overwhelming.  It made me want to learn more because experiencing life through this lens was much more fulfilling and enjoyable. Even if a little unnerving.

This learning led to more social experiments, and finding the reaction of others is almost always a mirror of the emotions you show to them.  Strangers smile and are friendly when you extend friendship.  People appreciate you when you show them appreciation.  It is not hard to look at what someone else does and enjoy the thought, time, and talent it took to create whatever it is.  Being positive about life on a surface level is more natural than negative, and it makes the world a better place. Being positive below the surface takes a lot more work, but the results will be a life you truly enjoy and create.

Be Positive About Outcomes

It never ceases to amaze me that when something happens to you, good, bad, or neutral, almost always there is a path, the growth or development in front of you; all you have to do is take it.  I have beat myself up and ridiculed myself for years about decisions in my past, only to realize I was wasting my time because of those things set in motion circumstances that greatly benefited me in the end.  I also realized that those benefits would have never been able to occur in any other way.

When we relax and let events play out, and accept what is happening, we can achieve greatness.  This letting go doesn’t mean we are off the hook on taking action because we always have a choice, and we can act.  Don’t be afraid to respond, but understand that your activity may end up in failure, but that failure may be the step you need to take to reach the highest potential that you have inside you. It can be in creativity, your career, or your relationships.

You Are Great. There is Really Nothing You Can Do About it!

Now it is time to stop blaming yourself for the past.  You made choices, you took your throws, and it didn’t turn out how you hoped.  Accept it, learn from it, and move on to the rest of your life.  You were not put on the Earth to let past programming dictate your ceiling of achievement.  You are here to be great!  Because you know what?  You are fantastic, and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it! It is a matter of adjusting your thoughts to reflect that reality to the world.

Everyone is born with greatness inside of them, and some easily find it.  Some have to work harder because life is full of should haves, would haves, and could haves that will consume your mind.  Regrets shouldn’t happen because I can’t even conceive of the level of greatness inside you.  Only you can let it out.  That is about all anyone can hope for in their life.

Be conscious of your thoughts, pursue the positive about yourself, and counteract the negative, limiting ones. The thoughts you think and react to are all up to you.


“You are the only one who can control the way you think. Make sure you nourish the positive thoughts and weed out the negative ones!” Catherine Pulsifer

“In essence, the bulk of our negative self-talk comes from adopting a worldly standard and worldly values as the primary standard through which we filter our thinking.” – John Stange.

I’ve always believed that you can think positive just as well as you can think negative.” James A. Baldwin

“Over the ensuing years, it was my positive attitude that allowed me to tackle and complete and compete in many diverse assignments.” Catherine Pulsifer

“A major factor in determining how our lives turn out is the way we choose to think. Everything that goes on inside the human mind in the form of thoughts, ideas, and information forms our personal philosophy.” – Jim Rohn.

This song by Stevie Wonder is an excellent guide for positive thinking. Enjoy!


How to change thoughts- when one comes up, switch to the other.
I could never do that= I CAN DO THAT
I’ll never be wealthy=I MUST BE WEALTHY!
I’m always sick= I FEEL GREAT
I’m unattractive =I AM BEAUTIFUL
I am a loser= I WILL WIN
I can’t be bothered=I AM UNLIMITED ENERGY
That’s Really bad= WHAT’S GREAT ABOUT THAT
That’s impossible= ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE
That’s really bad= WHAT IS GREAT ABOUT THIS?
I feel drained= I AM A POWERHOUSE
I can’t = I CAN
Maybe one day= I WILL MAKE THIS DAY
Hopefully= I’M CERTAIN
This is too hard= I LOVE A CHALLENGE
I hate my life=. I LOVE LIFE.


“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think of music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.”
― Albert Einstein

How I see music
Music is a language all unto itself, which connects souls.

I have never read a quote that describes my connection to music and this one from Albert Einstein.  For as long as I can remember, there has always been music in my life that had comforted me when I was down, encouraged me in life, and motivated me to achieve things that I have and am accomplishing.

There is something about a song that moves past your meaningless thoughts and into your soul.  It is personal for each of us, and I am sure that not everyone sees music as I do, but I understand and encourage more for those who do.

Music Videos of life

Much like Einstein, many of my daydreams are played along to the music in my life, like personalized music videos in my head. When MTV started to show videos, I thought that it was about time that others saw the music as I do.  (My videos were always better.) That connection is unstoppable, and I have an almost unstoppable urge to hear it again.

So many songs have come into my life that it is difficult to pick a certain style of music that I like more than another.  My generation grew up with what I think is a great variety of music, so I have enjoyed everything from the Beach Boys to Led Zeppelin.

Love My Lyrics

In my young days, I would spend hours listening and thinking about that situation, that girl, that moment, that memory, and enjoy that song.

I had a desire to know the lyrics to every song that I liked. I used to write them down in a notebook so that I could memorize them.  (If only I worked so diligently on my school work)  I compiled hundreds of songs, and in the days before the internet, this was not so easy.

Generally, I would record a song off the radio and then play a line, pause it, write it down and then play, pause and write again until I had the entire lyrics to the song.  Now I laugh at the ease with which I can see the lyrics from any song.  It is much easier than deciphering the mumbling words and phrases of songs from the ’70s and ’80s.

To this day, I would guess I could remember the words to every song that I wrote the lyrics to over 30 years ago.  Is that a talent or a sickness?

Mixed Tapes and Musical OCD

Then as I got a little older, I started making mixed tapes that were not only songs I liked but became the soundtrack to that moment in my life.  I would also give each one a title that explained what was happening at that time in my life.

There were so many of these, which went with relationships, experiences, and people in my past.  The connection was fleeting in one way because those people, relationships, and times are gone, but they are also timeless.

If I hear a song today from that soundtrack, I am immediately transported back to that feeling or emotion I felt so long ago, like a time machine.  Songs that remind me of people are the best because I have been fortunate to have had experiences with so many great people.

Does Anyone See Music Like Me?

As I moved through life, I continued to listen but found that few people saw the music the way that I did, or at least they forgot how to.  I thought that the problem was with me, so I kept my mouth shut and continued listening and singing along.  I didn’t make my own soundtracks then because I thought it was childish.  What stupid things we think sometimes. Music was still there, waiting every time I looked for it.

Now we have the wonders of technology to make music more available than it has ever.

If you told me that I would have an iPod back in 1980, I would have laughed in your face.  I was pretty excited when I got my first walkman.

Surprisingly there are more soundtracks today that define my life than there have ever been before.  I make a new one about every week, and the titles define what is happening.  Or they mention an event that happened around that time.

Much like Einstein, I often think of music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music, and there is nothing wrong with that.  In fact, I wonder how drab life would be without it.

The Liar

Fear Lies

Fear is a Liar
Don’t Listen to fear

In all that we do and all that we try to accomplish, a person must learn to deal with fear.  Fear comes to you through a voice in your head, warning you to be careful how far you stretch yourself, or to watch out for the things you do, the thoughts you think, and the ideas you express.  This voice in your head discourages you and minimizes your efforts and talents, all in the name of safety and comfort.  One of the most freeing things I have learned is that fear is a liar. It lies to you about almost everything, and choosing fear will lessen your experience and stop you from achieving anything of consequence.

Nothing Great without some Risk

Was anything great ever accomplished without some form of risk? Would a man have walked on the moon if they listened to fear? On a personal level, it is no different. When you are considering a new endeavor, hobby, new job, or even thought, there will always be some level of fear to overcome.

What if you fail?   What if you look bad trying? What if people don’t accept what you are doing? What if?  What if???

Is there a more limiting question that fear provides than what if? It is designed solely to limit our willingness to try and to create doubt about our abilities. The lie that fear tells you is that things will go bad if you pursue a dream or a goal. There will be a risk in anything, but taking action is the most important thing we can do. Fear deters action. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of the acceptance of others is all just limits on your potential. Fear is a liar.

Fear is a Liar to Stop you from Taking Action

Fear is a Liar
Face your fears, and they will disappear

If you make an effort to achieve something, can there really be any failure? Taking action is going to create something. There are no guarantees as to what will be created, but something will result from your action. Taking no action will result in absolutely nothing.

Even if the results are not what you had envisioned initially, the result will belong to you, and the results are a known entity.  When you don’t try, you never know what might have happened, and then the question of “What if…..” takes on a haunting meaning. Once you try something, you know of its validity and viability. There is a chance to adjust your sails and make your action more efficient in whatever you are trying to accomplish. Fear of failure will stop you from taking action and stop your success before getting off the ground.

Take Action Above All Else

So when you hear the voices of fear speaking to you, limiting your actions, learn to ignore it and take action anyway. Each action that you decide to take will lead to creating something that didn’t exist before.

Even if your action results in an initial setback, it still provides you with valuable information that you can use to take a more focused action next. As I see it, the only way a well-focused, thought-out action can be a negative is if you choose never to take action at all.

Fear is a liar whose goal is to limit your potential and lessen the experience you have in life. When you hear the voice of fear in your head, tighten your resolve, push ahead and take action anyway. Greatness will never be found by cowering to fear.


develop your vision and look for your future.

No matter where you are right now, what you are doing in your daily life, and what challenges you are facing, you have the ability to move out of whatever situation you don’t want to be in.  It starts with developing your vision. Not the day to day ability to see what is in front of you. But the place you want to be in two weeks from now, a month from now, a year from now or five years from now.  The ability to see a future that doesn’t exist yet but could is a gift we all have but most forget about. Think about what your ideal life would look like and then have the courage to build your vision and go get it.

Vision Quest

Native American tribes practiced the tradition of the vision quest, to help guide the development of its community.  The process varied from tribe to tribe but included fasting, prayer and sometimes a vision that would lead to a young man finding his purpose in life.  I think we should all spend time seeking our purpose in life.  We may not be sure what it is but quite often we are absolutely sure what it is not. Our feelings can be a guide for what we want, and a little concentration about them is going to help as well.

Take some time each week and seek your purpose. A person without their purpose is like a rudderless ship on the ocean. You can function just fine, floating around from place to place but you are operating at the will of the elements and outside forces alone.  Your vision can be the rudder to steer the ship of your life to the places you want to go and the experiences you want to have.  Contemplate your purpose on a regular basis, if you never seek it, you probably won’t find it.

Personal Vision Statement

To start moving in the direction of your vision to lead toward your purpose, start to think of a personal vision statement that will be a guiding principle for the course of your journey.  It can be adaptable as you grow but in general, it should lead you toward your purpose.  The details of each individual will, of course, be different but your vision statement will encapsulate the core ideals and values that you want to have present in your life for the next year, two years, five years and on into the future. It will point you in the right direction and provide a guide to where you want to go in life and the experiences you want to experience.  Start by crafting a sentence which is true about the type of journey in life you want to have.  Choose the things that you value and that resonate with you at your core.

These core values are the things we are uncompromising about. Do you want to be rich or poor? Kind or mean? Supportive or selfish? Judgmental or accepting? Whichever path you want to walk it starts with knowing what you stand for or you will have a hard time finding the right trail to follow.  I personally have been blessed with many different experiences in life, each giving to me an experience to make me wiser and understand more about myself. As I create my vision statement for the future, I see there are a few changes ahead of me, but that is alright, I have been through it before and I will survive.

Clear Vision

Developing a clear vision of where you want to go is what today is all about. If you develop a vision and then continually put off the action steps you need to take, who’s fault is it that you aren’t where you want to be yet?  Life is the ultimate in responsibility, we reap what we sow in life and if we take positive action and rely on other people to do things.

Every passing second is a chance to move closer or further away from your vision. See what you want to represent you in the future and get the education, take the chances, give to others, or do what you need to do in order to get to that point. You probably aren’t going to get better by simply thinking the thoughts. Taking the steps will show the path and provide you with clear vision of where to go and how to get there.

“Use your brain, follow your heart.” 

“Life is a divine mission to do something!!”

“It will all work out fine! If you let it!”


Watching Thoughts

Inside all of us, there is a constant running dialogue of thought. This thought stream is going on all the time, and we never take a break.   In meditation or just moments of conscious awareness, you can pull back and notice all of these thoughts happening and how they affect you.  Left unchecked, there is no filter, and thoughts can positively and negatively run all over the place.  Each thought that we choose to engage with will dictate feelings felt, spoken words, and action.  It is important to listen to this talk and see where your thoughts are leading you, and then you can consciously pick and choose the thoughts you want to act upon.  The positive and negative experiences in your life are largely under your control by the thoughts you choose to engage with and those you let pass you by. Choose well!

How to Let it Slide

Letting thoughts slide by us is a skill our society doesn’t teach.  When you are conscious of the thoughts being created by you, you can look at each one and determine if it is one to accept, interact with, or investigate further. Or should you just let it slide by and move into the ether of forgetfulness?  The use of simple questions will help you determine how to treat your thoughts.  Where does that come from? Who does this thought belong to? Is it helpful?  Is this good for me or anyone else? 

Ask these questions about all the thoughts you entertain and hear the answers.  Your initial instinct about these things is usually going to be the right one.  Thoughts come from society, people we have contact with, the media, our education, our life experience, basically all things we have experienced in some way have led to the thoughts in our minds.  Where you choose to put your attention determines the emotional tenor of your life. If you are continually unhappy: Look at your thoughts.  If you are happy all the time: Look at your thoughts.

Three thoughts to Avoid

Moving beyond the continual thoughts and move into a more positive existence is to notice and eliminate these three types of thoughts. Notice when you use them and how they affect your general mood.

  1. The need for control- Rather than allowing things to be as they are, you constantly think everything needs your personal approval and guidance to work out how you want.   Trying to control outcomes is building an attachment to one particular outcome. That means that suffering will result if things work out any other way, even if that other way was better than you could have imagined.  Let go of the need to control everything and focus on reacting as your best, highest self to everything.
  2. The need for approval– One of my weaknesses in life is always worrying about what others thought of me.  I have found that first, they don’t think of me very often, and second, the thoughts of others only affect you as much as you let them. When you spend your time doing things you imagine others will approve of, you are not living from your true self.  You are living from a lie created by other people. You more than likely don’t have your best interest at heart.  Notice yourself thinking about how another will react, then do what you know is right, regardless of these imagined thoughts in someone else’s head. You will be living and be acting from your true self.
  3. The need to judge-Thousands of years of evolution and instinct are wrapped up in our thoughts. In years past, our ability to size up a person or a situation was a life or death decision.  Now our mind is thrust into a situation where we allow judgment to define all people we meet. Too tall, too loud, wrong religion, too young, too old, or any other factor a person can use to categorize and usually with negative connotations.  Judgment is the opposite of acceptance. To be accepted, you have to accept others as they are. See these thoughts forming in your head, and in most cases, it is the healthy, kind thing to let them slide on by.  If you run into a knife-wielding maniac, it is good judgment to avoid him. But it is not good judgment to treat everyone like a knife-wielding maniac.  Don’t let your self-talk go crazy.  Recognize the need to judge for what it is.

Thinking well and being aware of thoughts can bring positive things to your life if you know what is happening and listen to the thoughts you say to yourself. Never accept thoughts that are degrading to you or put you down in any way. Only accept thoughts that you would find acceptable to say to another person.  Often we are far harsher with ourselves than we would ever be speaking to someone else.  This is a vital part of learning to care about yourself and appreciate all of the good things you bring to the world. Until you appreciate them, it will be hard for others to see them as well.

In fact, you cannot have a positive, exciting life and a negative mind.
~ Joyce Meyer

Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.
~ Zig Ziglar

If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, you never will change the outcome.
~ Michael Jordan

A bad attitude is the worst thing that can happen to a group of people. It’s infectious.
~ Roger Allan Raby

The only disability in life is a bad attitude.
~ Scott Hamilton

The only people who find what they are looking for in life are the fault finders.
~ Foster’s Law