Tag Archives: what kind of person are you


develop your vision and look for your future.

No matter where you are right now, what you are doing in your daily life, and what challenges you are facing, you have the ability to move out of whatever situation you don’t want to be in.  It starts with developing your vision. Not the day to day ability to see what is in front of you. But the place you want to be in two weeks from now, a month from now, a year from now or five years from now.  The ability to see a future that doesn’t exist yet but could is a gift we all have but most forget about. Think about what your ideal life would look like and then have the courage to build your vision and go get it.

Vision Quest

Native American tribes practiced the tradition of the vision quest, to help guide the development of its community.  The process varied from tribe to tribe but included fasting, prayer and sometimes a vision that would lead to a young man finding his purpose in life.  I think we should all spend time seeking our purpose in life.  We may not be sure what it is but quite often we are absolutely sure what it is not. Our feelings can be a guide for what we want, and a little concentration about them is going to help as well.

Take some time each week and seek your purpose. A person without their purpose is like a rudderless ship on the ocean. You can function just fine, floating around from place to place but you are operating at the will of the elements and outside forces alone.  Your vision can be the rudder to steer the ship of your life to the places you want to go and the experiences you want to have.  Contemplate your purpose on a regular basis, if you never seek it, you probably won’t find it.

Personal Vision Statement

To start moving in the direction of your vision to lead toward your purpose, start to think of a personal vision statement that will be a guiding principle for the course of your journey.  It can be adaptable as you grow but in general, it should lead you toward your purpose.  The details of each individual will, of course, be different but your vision statement will encapsulate the core ideals and values that you want to have present in your life for the next year, two years, five years and on into the future. It will point you in the right direction and provide a guide to where you want to go in life and the experiences you want to experience.  Start by crafting a sentence which is true about the type of journey in life you want to have.  Choose the things that you value and that resonate with you at your core.

These core values are the things we are uncompromising about. Do you want to be rich or poor? Kind or mean? Supportive or selfish? Judgmental or accepting? Whichever path you want to walk it starts with knowing what you stand for or you will have a hard time finding the right trail to follow.  I personally have been blessed with many different experiences in life, each giving to me an experience to make me wiser and understand more about myself. As I create my vision statement for the future, I see there are a few changes ahead of me, but that is alright, I have been through it before and I will survive.

Clear Vision

Developing a clear vision of where you want to go is what today is all about. If you develop a vision and then continually put off the action steps you need to take, who’s fault is it that you aren’t where you want to be yet?  Life is the ultimate in responsibility, we reap what we sow in life and if we take positive action and rely on other people to do things.

Every passing second is a chance to move closer or further away from your vision. See what you want to represent you in the future and get the education, take the chances, give to others, or do what you need to do in order to get to that point. You probably aren’t going to get better by simply thinking the thoughts. Taking the steps will show the path and provide you with clear vision of where to go and how to get there.

“Use your brain, follow your heart.” 

“Life is a divine mission to do something!!”

“It will all work out fine! If you let it!”