Tag Archives: positive self talk

Why Use Positive Self-Talk??

Positive self-talk is a way of talking to yourself positively and encouragingly rather than using negative or self-defeating language. It can benefit your life, improving your self-esteem, motivation, and overall well-being.

One of the main benefits of positive self-talk is that it can improve your self-esteem. When you constantly tell yourself negative things, such as “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never be able to do this,” it can damage your confidence and make you feel bad about yourself. On the other hand, when you use positive self-talk, such as “I am capable and capable of achieving my goals,” you can boost your self-esteem and feel more confident in yourself.

Positive self-talk can also help to increase your motivation and determination. When you believe in yourself and your abilities, you are more likely to take action and pursue your goals. For example, if you try to lose weight and tell yourself, “I can do this; I am strong and determined,” you are more likely to stick to your diet and exercise plan and see results.

In addition to improving your self-esteem and motivation, positive self-talk can positively impact your overall well-being. When you have a positive mindset, you are more likely to cope with stress and challenges healthily. You may also be more resilient and able to bounce back from setbacks or failures.

Positive self-talk can be a powerful tool for improving your life. By talking to yourself positively and encouragingly, you can boost your confidence, motivation, and well-being, which can help you achieve your goals and live a happier, healthier life.

The Words of Achievement

All people capable of the art of speech let loose with thousands of words every day, but individuals rarely take the time to listen to what they are saying and the impact those words have on their lives. Each person is dictating the events they are capable of achieving through the use of their words. Both on the outside and, more importantly, on the inside. Is your life moving in the direction you desire or not? Check your words, and dictate if you are happy and prosperous in your endeavors or failing to achieve anything relevant.

Inside Job

Words are the expression of ideas we carry around in our minds. We don’t necessarily share everything we think with the rest of the world, but we can’t help noticing the thoughts in our minds. That is being human. If every time you think of goals you want to achieve, you are met with a barrage of discouraging thoughts, ready to stop achievement, and bold action before it collects any momentum.

These thoughts are often programmed into us by parents, relatives, education systems, pop culture, and peers. We have learned which ideas to share and which will brand us as strange or weird. So conditioned, we become that our conditioned thoughts run continuously and without conscious direction. They harm our self-worth, limiting our abilities to become what we are destined to be. Suppose we can get out of our way. Words are the things that either stop us cold or propel us into our best selves.

Outside Words

All people are contracted to the words they speak and bring into the world. What you talk about and focus on is what will show up in your reality. If you accept negative comments about your ability, character, or looks as accurate, then you are allowing the words of another to control your life. Too often, individuals allow the words spoken with malice or no thought to destroying their ability to do something good.

If you allow someone else’s words to dictate how you feel about yourself, you give up your most basic, powerful, and complete form of power. Astonishingly, most people are unconsciously moving through life. Each of you

Remove all doubt and destructive aspects of the words in how you think and speak to yourself. The terms thought or spoken will provide the direction and accomplishments of your life.

The Universe is listening to you and will bring back what it hears. We tell ourselves often and loudly what we are not capable of doing, and the Universe will ensure that is what happens to us.

Words You Speak Determine Your Path

Endeavor to set an intention in your life to be conscious of the words you put into the Universe internally and externally. If you are not where you desire to be, then perhaps your language is one of the reasons. All you think and say guides the forces of creation to bring you just what you are looking for. It is just as easy to create good things as to cause unwanted, complicated items. It would be best to consciously make what you want, starting with how you think and speaking about yourself and your abilities.

When your mind speaks negatively, notice and switch it over to a positive machine, helping you create your best life rather than a negative deterrent to success.



Stop Being So Hard on Yourself

The conversation occurs subtly behind the actions of

self-talk-head-1the day. It is one conversation that we should have a massive interest in, but we rarely take the time to analyze the tone or tenor of which our inner voice is speaking. This discussion is called self-talk, an ongoing dialogue inside your head that contributes commentary on the happenings of your experience.

Too often, people accept the exchange without inquiry, and it is often decidedly dripping with negativity. This negative spin will tend to cause one to be tough on themselves and give harsh criticism to their lives. Often crushing our confidence and self-esteem. All is not lost. Once a person becomes aware of this talk, they can make a conscious effort to change their inner dialogue and build a more positive inner world. If you can make this adjustment, it will change the way you look at yourself and how others look at you. It is one of the most critical skills a person can learn.

Why So Negative and Hard on Yourself?

In the development of life, there is programming Negative-self-talkthat takes place. All people learn beliefs or programming through the early experience of their lives. Interactions with parents, siblings, relatives, friends, teachers, and the media, combine to let us know the rules of this game called life. Most of the messages we learn through pain, we learn to want to avoid pain and seek pleasure. The talk in your head is generally geared toward preventing evil, painful things, but things go haywire. We ignore most of the positives in life, ignoring many positive things. People choose to focus on the negative.

The programming we experienced occurred when we were between 5-10 years old and has become obsolete, outdated, or just plain untrue. When you start to notice this voice and see how negative it is, you can then choose to change your programming and not allow negative, stubborn, or defeatist thoughts to rule your mind. You have the power to create change, and it starts with a personal awareness of your thoughts. You will undoubtedly be if you believe you are incapable of doing something. It is self-defeating, and most aren’t even aware it is happening.

Be Kind to You, Change the Self Talk

Self-Talk-2As you look at the conversation and hear the comments your mind is producing, ask yourself with each one, “Is this true?”, “Is this kind?” “Is this necessary?”  If the comments are not all of these, you should probably pay no mind to them.

How you treat yourself will be relevant to the experience you have in life. If a person will not treat themselves with respect, encouragement, and understanding, then who will?

Take a moment today and listen to re are your self-talk and decide if the conversation needs to change. All change talkpeople are capable of quick and dramatic change in this area only by choosing to treat themselves better. Let the negative thoughts and opinions slide by and introduce more positive thought patterns into your mind. Or to just let the voice be silent.

If you are not going to treat yourself in a caring and loving manner, why would anyone else?

Change from I can’t to I CAN

Change from No to Yes

Change from I have Doubts to I have no Doubts.

Change from Impossible to Possible

Change from I’m Unable to I Am Able

Stop expecting the worst and Demand the Best!

There is a positive opposite waiting to be noticed and used for every negative, self-defeating phrase you have ever spoken. You are capable at any time of making these changes.

Mindfulness and being aware of what is happening right now, at this moment, can force the voice in your head to be quiet because your awareness is focused on so much happening now there is no room for a talk. Focus your attention on what you see right now, what you hear, or the things you feel, taste, or smell. Each of these inputs brings you.

The Benefits of Positive Self-Talk

Choosing to be more confident in the way you speak to yourself in your mind will provide many positive benefits. First, of course, your confidence will increase because you are not listening to the adverse judgment in your mind. Secondly, you will enjoy life more because when you eliminate the constant negative self-talk, you have room for more positive thoughts, ideas, and creations. Third, you will find you are just happier in your life. Positive reviews bring with them a higher vibration, which feels right. These thoughts multiply, and soon you are feeling great all the time.

Understanding that we are not perfect, there are things we still need to learn. Falling short at something and recognizing our faults allows us to reevaluate and try again with better information. Positive self-talk will enable us to enhance our success in all our efforts. It lets you become your highest, most positive supporter. Staying optimistic about your ability to develop will move you through problems you face in life. The ability to practice positive self-talk will allow you to stick to a process of accomplishing a goal rather than just quit at the first sign of initial failure. You will build an immunity to the negative messages your mind creates to save you. Positive self-talk will give you the power to accomplish many vital goals you make. If we don’t learn to support, like, and be kind to ourselves, we can’t expect those things to be generated by others. We are 100% in control of our actions and not in control of anyone else. Why put our confidence, happiness, and ultimate success in the opinions of others.

There is nothing wrong with liking who you are and appreciating the skills you possess. To me, this is just common sense. You can be a massive fan of yourself and enjoy your life without being arrogant or condescending. Nobody is perfect, but everybody is perfectly able to be the best version of themselves. In accepting our talents and skills, we are then more able to recognize and appreciate the things other people can do and understand they are valuable. Listening to negative self-talk,  our mind often sees the accomplishments and skills of others as threats, and they are not. There is room for everyone to shine. Positive self-talk allows you to appreciate this in everyone.

Controlling the negative self-talk starts with an awareness of the voice and precisely what it is saying to you. This voice is not who you are, and you are the listener, the observer of the vote, through meditation and learning how to be in the present moment by observing our breath or repeating a mantra. You are capable of flipping the script in your mind from negative to positive any time you choose.

“Be mindful of your self-talk. It’s a conversation with the universe.”- David James

“Be very careful what you say to yourself because someone very important is listening . . . YOU!”–John Assaraf

“Relentless, repetitive self-talk is what changes our self-image.”-  Denis Waitley

“Evidence is conclusive that your self-talk has a direct bearing on your performance.”  –  Zig Ziglar


Hear Your Fear

Fear– an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

It is often believed that hate is the opposite of love, but that isn’t true. Fear is the opposite of love. Fear is an emotion that stems from beliefs that a situation will cause pain. All things are a choice between love and Fear. To try something you have a passion for, or not give it a go because you are afraid of failure or looking silly or not perfect. The most significant blocks to achievement are the thoughts of Fear, and the purpose of this post is to raise your consciousness about your fears and what they are stopping you from enjoying, accomplishing, or believing.

It all begins by being aware of your thoughts of Fear. They stem from beliefs you have accepted in your mind as undeniably true. They lead to emotions of Fear, words of Fear, and actions based on Fear. You can turn all of it around because Fear is just a thought that you can disregard as quickly as it can be accepted. That is our challenge today. Please find what you are afraid of and then learn how to overcome it. Simple task, right? Afraid not!!

Kinder Self-Talk is the First Step

There is a voice in our minds that talks to us continually. It suggests judges, states, encourages, or discourages us in all situations we face in life. The tenor of that voice has a lot to do with the level of self-esteem we enjoy. If that voice is kind, encouraging, and supportive, then your confidence will be higher, and Fear will be less of a problem. If that voice is negative, discouraging, worried, or judgmental, Fear will have an easy time controlling you. But it can all change.

Our ways don’t exist in stone. Changing the tone of our inner dialogue can happen just by becoming aware of the sound and choosing to change it. Notice how you speak to yourself when you see yourself in a mirror, when you face a challenge or when you think of those you care about. If that voice is negative, recognize it, and refuse to accept it. If you don’t expect yourself to be kind to yourself, it isn’t easy to assume that treatment from others. You are a unique human being with a wellspring of potential to do all sorts of things. See it, make a choice, and pursue it. The self-esteem you accept from yourself will determine your success more often than not. Don’t fear yourself.

Face Your Fear

As children, many are afraid of darkness at night. It is a thought of what might be hiding in the dark that scared us. Once we turned on the light, those fears were eventually let go. There was no monster under the bed, but there is always one in your head. That monster is Fear. That monster is there to tell you: “You can’t do that!” “You will look stupid!” “You have no talent in that area.”, “You will fail!” or any other negative comment you can think of. This hurdle is the monster of Fear in your head, and it is all just a thought.

The cure for Fear is to turn the light of experience on it. Once you shine a light on that Fear, it will lose its power, and you can move past it. So facing Fear is decisive for your confidence and self-esteem. Understanding the difference between danger and anxiety is essential. Danger can hurt you, and it is natural, tangible, and needs to be taken with precaution. Fear is the thought of things that might or might not happen ever. Shine a light on your Fear by facing them. Understanding that this can be very difficult to do, confidence rises inside that will help you meet and overcome more significant fears once it is done. Once the mindset is created that Fear is just a thought, and you can overcome it, what can stop you from doing anything?

Never Fear Mistakes

I have learned in life that people will make choices that lead to pain and suffering of one sort or another. These are viewed as mistakes in hindsight. But are they? All options cause actions, and these actions lead to results. How you weigh them is a point of view. Good, bad, tremendous, or horrible. It is the value you assign to the experience that gives it its value. As a society, we have been conditioned to fear making a mistake.

In school, we were graced by the number of mistakes we made and labeled by our school because of them. If a person never tried anything new and only stuck to what they mastered, they would never make mistakes, and they would never evolve or grow either. To truly learn, a person has to throw their whole self into the process. Create a theory, try it out, evaluate your results, adjust your opinion until you find success. Mistakes are a part of learning, and to fear them is unnatural. The more you shine a light on errors, the more you will see them for what they are, opportunities.

Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself

One of the most powerful, simple, and actual lines Franklin Roosevelt ever spoke. Fear is the only thing we have to fear in life. It was expressed at the time of the great depression when people were panicking in Fear that the country would collapse. It wasn’t what was happening that scared everybody, and it was the thought about what might happen that hurt them.

This practice is the way it is in life. If you are in a situation, you deal with it. You handle it. It may not be pleasant, but you will live. Then the thought about that thing happening again is the thing that haunts you. Your imagination is excellent at making up dark fantasies about bad things happening. The idea is these are not real, and the Fear of them is being afraid of a thought. It is fearful of Fear itself. Don’t let the fear of what might happen run your life and make decisions for you.

Fear Factor

Take a moment today, look at what scares you, and ask yourself why? Is it the danger of the situation, or are you letting an irrational thought get the best of you? Evaluate all of your dreams on their fear factor. Is there a real danger here, or is it a fear of what might happen? Look at your physical reaction to this emotionally. Look at the things that you want to say because of it. Observe how your actions are affected by it. This is becoming conscious of how Fear affects you and is, in effect, shining your light on the monsters under your bed. Taking action is always the cure for Fear.

“If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.”- Marcus Aurelius

“Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To Conquer Fear is the beginning of wisdom.”-Bertrand Russell

“Fears are educated into us, and can if we wish, be educated out.”-Karl Augustus Menninger



The conversation occurs subtly behind the actions of

self-talk-head-1the day. We are a massive part of one that we rarely take the time to analyze the tone or tenor of which we are speaking. This is self-talk, an ongoing dialogue inside your head that will contribute commentary on the happenings you experience. Too often, people accept the conversation, and it is most decidedly dripping with negativity. We tend to be extremely hard and give extremely harsh criticism, often crushing our confidence and self-esteem. Once a person becomes aware of this talk, though, they can consciously change their self-talk and start building a more positive self-image. This will change the way you look at yourself and how others look at you.

Why So Negative and Hard on Yourself?

In the development of life, there is programming Negative-self-talkthat takes place. All people are given beliefs or programming through the early experience of their lives. Interactions with parents, siblings, relatives, friends, teachers, and the media, combine to let us know the rules of this game called life. Most of the messages are learned through pain, and we learn to want to avoid pain and seek pleasure. The talk in your head is generally geared to preventing foul, but things go a bit haywire.

The programming we experienced mainly was completed when we were between 5-10 years old and has become obsolete, outdated, or just plain untrue. When you start to notice this voice and see how negative it is, you can change your programming and not allow negative, stubborn, or defeatist thoughts to exist in your mind. You have the power to change, and it starts with a personal awareness of your thoughts. If you believe you are incapable of doing something, then you certainly will be. It is self-defeating, and most aren’t even aware it is happening.

Be Kind to You, Change the Self Talk

Self-Talk-2As you look at this conversation and hear the comments your mind is producing, ask yourself with each one, “Is this true?”, “Is this kind?” “Is this necessary?”  If the comments are not all of these things, you should probably pay no mind to it.

How you treat yourself will be relevant to the experience you have in life. If a person will not treat themselves with respect, encouragement, and understanding, then who will?

Take a moment today and listen to re are your self-talk and decide if the conversation needs to change. All change talkpeople are capable of quick and dramatic change in this area only by choosing to treat themselves better.

If you are not going to treat yourself in a caring and loving manner, why would anyone else?

Change from I can’t to I CAN

Change from No to Yes

Change from I have Doubts to I have no Doubts.

Change from Impossible to Possible

Change from I’m Unable to I Am Able

Stop expecting the worst and Demand the Best!

There is a positive opposite waiting to be noticed and used for every negative, self-defeating phrase you have ever spoken.

My Enemy

My own worst enemyMy own worst enemy is almost always in my mind, that voice that tells me I can’t, shouldn’t, or couldn’t possibly achieve what I would like to do. This message is an outdated survival mechanism left over from childhood. Where it once served a purpose but now only limits my potential.  As I grow older, the voice of criticism that I hear and entertains works to destroy my confidence, lower my self-esteem, and significantly limit what I can achieve. It is time to Get rid of that voice or, at the least, pay very little attention to what it says. Here are a few of my favorite methods for limiting or eliminating my own worst enemy and learning to listen to positive self-talk.

My Worst Enemy Speaks Harshly

It would be best if you started paying attention to what the voice is saying about you, my own worst enemyyour appearance, and your abilities. Ask a question, and you will hear an answer in your mind: How do I look?

Will I be successful on that project?

How will that date go?

Will I get the job?

Or any of a thousand other questions, then listen to the answer. If it gives you a list of negative attributes that limit you, you have your answer. How do I look? You are too old. You have gray hair. You are too heavy. You have a scar on your forehead that nobody can find attractive. You are ugly. You are not appealing to others.  This coding is a replay of things that I have thought about myself at some point in my life. See all negative and all need to be challenged and changed. My own worst enemy uses them to limit the chances of feeling the pain of rejection and disappointment. But it is essential always to realize that the opposite, more positive thought is still available to your mind. You have to pay attention to it.

Defeating My Own Worst Enemy

The way to change your thoughts is by paying attention to how you value yourself. Recognize that negative self-talk leads to negative emotions. It is challenging to build a positive image if you’re continually telling yourself how positive self-talkawful you are, how untalented you are, or how ugly and worthless you are. Change that around by focusing on your relevant personal characteristics. The great question is to ask yourself, would I speak to a young child this way? If you wouldn’t, then don’t talk to yourself in that negative, degrading tone. Changing is as easy as choosing a different thought. If YOU aren’t going to be optimistic about yourself, who is?

I think it is important to decide what you want in life. If you’re going to feel powerless and feel bad, then continue to listen to your own worst enemy. If you are ready to destroy the enemy within, start creating some positive affirmations that have truth and emotional attachment to them.  I am talented. I am good with money.  I am attractive.  Whatever point you usually destroy yourself on, build yourself up.

My Own Worst Enemy is Defeated

You are in control of the thoughts that you entertain and give the power to guide you. To raise your self-esteem and personal energy, you have to learn to speak to yourself more loving and accepting. Your greatest enemy and greatest ally are simply a  voice in your head, and you dictate the tenor and level of kindness that voice brings to your life. You have the pure power to turn your own worst enemy into your most trusted and valued supporter. It is a simple matter of what thoughts you are going to pay attention to.



Creating positive mindsetThings To Consider When Creating a Positive Mindset

Every word we use has an energy attached to it and impacts the lives of all that hear it. Too often, we use our words without consideration of how they will affect others. Words are the building blocks used to build our mindset, either positive or negative. Our words radiate around and within us long after they are spoken. All people must be vigilant in noticing the charge of our words and their thoughts. Focusing on speaking positively will allow us to create a more positive mindset. This will make life a happier and more enjoyable experience.

Positive Mindset Musts

The most negative words that are used at some point by everyone are those of gossip. Gossip has the power to draw almost anyone in and drag 3e904ff58b78afd415f20809bbd9610athem down as well. Gossip is attractive because it allows people to feel included in a secret group of thoughts that only the group currently gossiping knows. It allows someone the opportunity to judge someone, their actions, and their lives without knowing anything as a fact. Gossiping leads to many problems and lessens your life. The most important drawback is the negative energy you generate in your life.

When you participate in talking about others and their lives when they are not present, you increase your life’s negative energy. You are spreading rumors, speaking about things that are at best half-true and worst outright lies. This sticks with you and will stay with you. If you are speaking with people who thrive on gossip, guess who they are talking about when you leave the room?

Each time you speak negatively about someone else’s life, you are diminishing your own life. You destroy your integrity.  Our behavior tells the world what we are and our actions define and accentuate that. When you participate in negative talk like this, then your life will be decidedly negative. It is difficult to experience happiness when we are constantly looking at and talking about others’ negativity.

How to Speak Positively

The great thing is that we all have a choice about how we speak and the things that we speak about. It starts by paying attention and what you thinkmaking good choices, creating a positive mindset. The simple way to manage your words is to be consciously aware of all the words you use and what energy they bring.

Learn to T.H.I.N.K. about what you are going to say, and this little acronym will allow you to look at all of the things you say to yourself and others.   Use this before you say anything about anything, and it will allow you to speak more positively about yourself and others, which will make your energy and life more positive.

T- Is it true? That is a significant factor in speaking about you or someone else. If it isn’t true, don’t say it.

H- Is it helpful? If you are about to say something that is not helpful, then choose not to say it.

I – Does it Inspire confidence? If you are about to say something that does not inspire confidence in yourself or others, you should choose not to say it.

N – Is it Necessary? This is important to consider as we speak. Often the answer is no. A thought is not worth expressing through your words.

K – Is it Kind? One of the most important considerations that we should consider when looking at the way we speak about others and ourselves. Speaking with kindness is positive and builds positive energy around yourself and others.

By following this simple guide and evaluating your thoughts, and being mindful of the words you speak, you can make your life and the lives of those around you exponentially happier by developing a positive mindset.