Tag Archives: more than enough of everything

Allow Abundance in Life

There seem to be two different mindsets people have when it comes to abundance.  Either you believe there is enough of everything or you are worried there is not enough for everyone.  Each of these mentalities leads to a certain experience in your life one of plenty or one of lack.  We seem to experience in life, exactly what we believe in.  The law of abundance states that there is more than enough in the Universe and nothing is limited.  This is a very difficult concept for many to accept because we see perceived lack all around us every day.  But that is only a perception, the reality is yet to be discovered and lies deep in your attitude and beliefs.  How you choose to view things is going to dictate your feelings about abundance.

The Law of Abundance– There is more than enough in the Universe, nothing is limited.

Money is Our Issue

In today’s world, money is the energy that makes things go.  We look at collecting as much money as possible to provide relief, happiness, and freedom.  But so much of how we view money depends on what we were taught and experienced as children. Your attitude about abundance starts right there in your youth.  We learn our basic beliefs from our parents, relatives, society, peers, and others we have contact with when we are young.  These ideas will be formed by the time we are 10 years old and many of the beliefs we accumulate come from there.

As soon as you believe money is an issue for you, panic and/or fear that you won’t have enough run your life and no matter how much you have, there will be a fear that it is not going to be enough.  Money becomes the focus of everything rather than on what you really want. Most want freedom, time, travel, experiences, etc.  These things are not money, although it is perceived that we would be free to do all we desire if money wasn’t an issue.  But we are the ones who make it an issue.  Our attitude dictates our success with and around money.

Abundance and Joy

It is common sense to look at someone who has done what you want to do and emulate them. But when it comes to abundance and happiness, you need to learn to blaze your own trail.  If you do what someone else is doing simply to make money it probably won’t provide both success and joy.  Joy comes from within when we are pursuing our purpose in life.  Whatever that is to you.  Follow your desire and the money will follow.  Most who hear this statement immediately list a lot of reasons this couldn’t possibly work for them.  My favorite is “You can’t eat your purpose.”

When you approach something from that perspective, with a list of reasons you will fail, then most often you are going to fail. That is just too much negative energy to overcome from within yourself.  If you don’t believe in yourself and give your dreams a chance, nobody else is going to.  There is enough in the world to go around. Be grateful for what you have, truly in your heart and more will follow.

Abundance and Lack

Lack seems to be a man-made commodity. The world creates plenty of food, enough to feed everyone, but it isn’t distributed to others because we have a man-made system of commerce.  Food has a value and if that value isn’t paid there is a fear the system will fall down. So the fear of not getting all they can causes lack.  Greed causes lack.  As people look out for themselves and accumulate way more than they could ever need.  This selfishness leads to lack because many feel that other people are not their problem.

This could all be changed if as a collective human race we decided that all lives were of value. Not just a select few. The fact is that they are and it doesn’t matter where they are from, what version of God they worship, the color of their skin, or their age, we are all the same and have a value.  Abundance will come when we see the most valuable commodity in the world is the people. All people. Be Grateful for what you already have and more will follow. Money, love, freedom, creativity or whatever it is you want.

Abundance Mindset

To allow abundance into our lives we need to have the right mindset. That mindset is that anything is possible. Know what you want and believe that it is possible for you.  Not just in the realm of money but in all areas of your life. Want abundance in relationships? Believe that it can happen to you.  One of the most talked about forces behind abundance is the practice of giving.  To give freely without the thought of return increases your personal energy and takes away the feelings of desperation and fear that repel things from your life.

Look at your personal beliefs about having money, being rich, or just being successful.  Take steps to take any negative, limiting beliefs you are entertaining.  Your beliefs about the world dictate the reality you experience.  Building positive thoughts, emotions, words, and actions about having abundance in your life will bring it into your life. Stop listening to negative messages about yourself and recognize that you can achieve what you want. The abundance of money, relationships, and experiences can come your way.

“Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things.” –Eric Lutterworth

“To open to The Law of Abundance, we must be willing to become aware of where we focus our attention and what we believe to be true.” – Jennifer O’Neill

“Wealth flows from energy and ideas.” –William Feather