Tag Archives: Greatness

A Life Is Defined By Action

wd oooHow many great ideas are destroyed before they have a chance to take root? How many are discarded by the neglect of time? Due to fear of failure or a lack of self-confidence? The time to wait is over, and the time for action is here. Taking action is THE ingredient that turns the perfect combination of raw materials into a masterpiece. Life is defined by the actions one takes or, in many cases, the inaction.

I wanted to share a few things I have learned about grasping your life by the throat through action. None of them are complicated to do, but they can be daunting, and I continually have to remind myself about these things.

Forget your Fears

We are all afraid at some point. Fear has served its purpose in your life to help keep you safe in a wild world, but it can become too much for people to function at the level of their highest capabilities. What is there to be afraid of? Action will defeat fear. Always!

inactionIf you stretch yourself, reaching for something you want, what is the worst thing? Fear will stop you from getting because you may be hurt, but that cocoon you exist in has become a cage, and it is time to let that go. Action will destroy fear.

Ignore the negative voices of others and even your mind. When someone behaves without fear, it can make people uncomfortable because their worries are displayed in comparison. Encourage the negative to seek positive actions. Actions will defeat fear.

Recognize your fear, thank it for caring and then do what you should. Move forward with all of the drive and ambition that you have in your heart. You are a bright light that doesn’t need to be hidden anymore. It is your time to shine through the dim fog of fear. Action will destroy fear.

Focus on Your Voice

There is a voice guiding our actions in each of us, and it performs this duty perfectly and for our greater good. Unfortunately, many of us lack a practical aptitude for hearing this voice, much less following it.

The voice is not in your mind but in your heart, and it can only be heard when you quiet your mind and listen. This is the guide that can tell you what you need to know and help guide your steps toward your dreams. To quiet the reason is a simple breathing practice, focusing on your breath and not paying attention to the endless stream of thoughts in your mind. 99% of these are not essential or relevant.

If you have a fail, it is this voice that will tell you to keep on going. Regardless of what others or your mind think, your greatness will be revealed when listening to this voice. Quiet your mind and focus on your voice. It is never wrong and will guide you into the action and places you need to go. You have to have faith and follow what it tells you. This is admittedly difficult to do, but what have you got to lose? A life of comfortable mediocrity?

Be Conscious of Your Vibration

Quantum physics has proven that each object globally projects a measurable vibration based on its physical makeup. You and I are no different, with the minor exception that human being seems to be able to adjust their vibration by changing how they perceive the world. Your thoughts are paramount to this. You can’t control all of your thoughts because they come pretty rapidly sometimes. Yet we have total control over the views we pay attention to and, of course, our reaction to those thoughts. 

In a nutshell, focus on the thoughts that come from love, such as kindness, joy, peace, hope, benevolence, empathy, truth, faith, and compassion. They provide a higher vibration and power.   Give no attention to thoughts like envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, resentment, guilt, inferiority, lies, superiority, or ego, which are all thoughts of fear. These lower vibrations will thwart your plans and make your life less enjoyable.

Positive thoughts are the motivation for our best actions. Our actions will define us. Many believe that your vibration will determine what type of life you will experience. Be conscious of which thoughts you focus on, and they will evaluate the experiences that come into your life. The quality of people you meet and the success you ultimately enjoy through your experience.

Kick  It Now

All of this is to urge you to go for it. If you have a mountain in front of you, climb it! Start swimming if there is an ocean between you and what you want. Now is your time.

All people are born with extraordinary abilities, and how much of those the world will see is determined by your conscious decisions to take action. If you want to lose weight, start doing something to lose weight!

If you want to be successful, start doing what you can to achieve your goals. There is absolutely nothing between you and your dreams than a lack of action. 

The Essential Lessons

What We Should Teach

There are many life lessons we will learn

Presented with the opportunity to teach anything I wanted, and assuming that anyone wanted to learn, there is no doubt that I would try to teach a few of the things I have learned from life that I think are important.

 There were many important things that I never considered early on in life, which have proven invaluable and nearly vital knowledge today.

 These lessons may not be mind-blowing, but I think they are essential for you to be all you want to be in life. Whether you believe they have a place in your life or not is up to you.

1. There is Greatness in You

No matter the circumstance of life, each of us has the potential for greatness inside. How that greatness shows itself is different for everyone, but it is nonetheless. The secret is to find your area of expertise and allow it to grow.

greatnessIgnore the limiting thoughts of others. DonDon’tt your own negative self-talk discourage you. Follow the feeling in your heart that tells you quietly and confidently what you should be doing. Know that you are great, and allow it to show. Some of us have hidden our talent for so long that we have forgotten what direction to look or what to look for.

The first step to finding out what your skill set might contain is to start to look for it. Once you do, I have found that things tend to fall together quite naturally to develop and present you with a path to follow.

Before any of that can happen, you have to accept that you have greatness in you with the potential to do whatever you dream of.

2. Love or Fear will rule you.

There are two forces inside each of us, and everything we do comes from them: love or fear. You can choose which one you pay attention to in any situation.

 Love is not just romantic love. That is a tiny part of the entirety of the emotion, and it includes all branches of this positive emotion. Kindness, acceptance, joy, peace, love, humility, empathy, and truth are all things that come from this positive force.

Fear or Love Frame the Phrase Adyashanti Fear is the opposite and leaves its calling cards behind, evil, anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, lies, inferiority, and ego. Following these feelings and thoughts will bring more situations to make the same choice. What you think is who you are.

With every situation you encounter throughout life, you will be faced with this simple choice of how you approach it, and your choices will determine what kind of life you experience.

It is important to remember this choice because sometimes you may be in a situation where someone elselse’soice will affect you.

How positive the impact you have in life will, in a nutshell, be boiled down to which of these two opposing forces you align yourself with.


3. Gratitude is the Attitude

I do not know if gratitude can be taught or not, but it is vitally important to have a good life. Often, we spend life looking at what we dondon’tve and wondering why.

This thought pattern will only bring more awareness to what you dondon’tve. Since you spend all of your thought on the lack in your life, that is precisely what you will continue to experience.

InspiringsFramedPrintGratitudeBestowsReverenceThe alternative is to focus on what you do have, and even if it isnisn’tch, being genuinely grateful for what you do have will open the door’ for more to come into your life. Since your thoughts are about gratitude and being thankful, the world will find a way to see that you experience more of these things.

Being grateful is recognizing what you have and experiencing some joy about it. Being grateful will allow you to enjoy that thing and experience a feeling of joy surrounding it.

 If you are experiencing joy, even on a small scale, it is hard not to be happy. If you are happy, well, isnisn’tat the purpose of this little game called life? I think it should be, and I am grateful to be able to tell you this.

4. Live in the Present Moment

Speaking of being happy, you must learn how to live in the moment. That means you are aware of and appreciate what is happening in your life. It would seem simple to do, yet very few people do it.

 Distractions take out minds to all sorts of places rather than where we are. You cancan’tjoy today if your mind is lost in yesterday or tomorrow. If you arearen’tesent, then your happiness will evade you.

33214115972027956_gojpenAi_f Look at people walking down the street today; most are focused on anything other than where they are. On the morning commute, almost every eye is looking at their phone or Apple Watch searching for something that is not with them.

The present moment and all that it has to offer is ignored for a fantasy of thought that takes you anywhere, but at the moment, you are actually in.

This is important because if you live your life half aware of what is going on right in front of you, it will be challenging to experience long-lasting happiness. Simply because if your joy is in the past or uncertain future, it is not with you right now.


I would include many other lessons in my lesson plans for life, but that will have to wait for another day. I am grateful to all of you who have read to this point! You just made my day! Remember that the end game of life is to be happy. So if you are making decisions or having thoughts and experiences that arearen’trking to that end, you need to change them. You have the power to do this anytime you want, and you have to like it.

 Reflections on the way things used to be…….. lead to knowledge

The Power of Your Choice

What do we all have in common that makes us human?

diffent the same

No matter where you live or what you do to survive, life always boils down to our choices. From who you choose as friends to how responsible you are, it is all decided consciously. We all can choose what we experience.

 Many people have a hard time accepting responsibility for these choices in their lives, but if you look at yourself honestly and in an unbiased fashion, you will see the power your preferences have had on your life’s success or failure.

 Yet often, we fail to look closer and see the common threads that run through us all. Our choices in what we see, who we love, where we go, and what we do are all made by us alone. Think along with me and recognize the power of your choices as you do.

One Connection Through us All

I think that we are all connected.  You are reading this, and my miles away from you, a person you have never met, are connected.  I believe in the energy we produce each all connectedday through the tenor and intention of the thoughts we create.

 Some see God as a being that exists somewhere, guiding us from afar or judging us either good or bad in our actions. Based on some outward notions of right and wrong.

Yet, it seems that God is much closer and more involved than that. He is inside each of us, and when you can quiet your mind, you can hear that power in all things. God doesn’t judge. God guides. How well we listen will provide joy or disappointment in our experience.

I am not looking for a fight to convince you of anything or change what you believe because that is your Connection and, of course, your choice. I know that I have never felt more connected and sure than I do now.  We all have this Connection inside of us and need to look for it and listen to it to know what we should do.  We are all connected, and that makes us human. It is your choice to determine how that Connection affects your life. I feel that anything that provides separation of people is not from God, and anything that connects people is.

The Choice of Kindness

tumblr_lejihkylQ41qcre5zo1_500When I look at all people, I think we all have the choice of kindness every day in all situations we encounter.

Someone yells at you unfairly, and you have a choice, hug them or punch them in the face.  Someone gives you a gift, and you have the same choice. The choice of your action is always with you, not someone else.

 I have never encountered a situation where kindness was not the right thing to do or didn’t make a bad situation better.

 It eases the pain, boosts morale, and makes people feel generally good and hopeful about the future.  All of these happy ships of thought are sent through acts of kindness.  We all choose to be kind or cruel; you decide what the people in your life will be experiencing. The ability to choose to share hearts makes us all human.

Greatness Lies In Us

All people are born with a great talent of some kind. Unfortunately, life seems to present us with a relentless avalanche of experiences tgreatnesshat cause us to forget what this talent is. To the point that we forget we possessed it in the first place.

 There is a passion inside of you and me that is our own. Each of us has this; once you investigate it, you will find your path. The one that makes you truly happy and allows you to connect to life in the best way possible.

Dreams are the vehicles that these passions follow.  You dream of what you would love to do with your life, and your passion and talent make this happen.  Sometimes we create our roadblocks by overthinking things and believing the negativity that others provide.

What if this happens? Or if only that should happen? Or any other million possible limiting questions that can impede you from simply reaching for your dream.  It may seem daunting and too much of a chance, but the only way you will ever know is to create the journey toward your goals. The journey is a powerful thing because that is where life lessons exist.

How much will I cherish the lessons I learn on the way?  Mistakes are great teachers and often bring tasks you need to know to reach the dream eventually.   We are all searching for our true selves and the ability in us that will make us great. Your choice is to seek this talent or let it lie dormant forever. You can’t blame anybody else.

The Dark Side

One of the scary parts of having the freedom to choose is that from time to time, we are going to

We all have a darkness, without it we couldn't recognize the light.
We all have darkness; without it, we couldn’t recognize the light.

Choose wrong.  There is a dark side in everyone, and all people are capable of great goodness and great evil, and it is one of the mysteries that make life delicious to taste. It is a choice.

 Everyone has been on the dark side at some point, and it may have seemed like it was for a good cause, but when you choose anger, fear, intolerance, or hate, you choose the dark side of humankind.

 I am not wise enough to know why, and I only observe and know that from what I have seen, both darkness and light do exist inside every person I have ever met, including myself.

 Accepting this fact is not difficult because nobody is perfect. I recall all the times I chose for selfish, fear-driven reasons, and I know I could have done better.  It is not a criticism of people, only an observation of fact.

 All people have a dark side. Putting it aside and maintaining the light is a show of strength, which is the most difficult choice.

 We are all the same

All people have so much in common that I often find it inconceivable that hate exists merely for arbitrary reasons, race, religion, culture, region, or even sexual orientation.

If people focused on what we have in common rather than their differences, the world would be friendlier and more productive.  I know that people attacking differences in others is a defense mechanism to make them feel safe, but I can always hope that it will change and our commonalities will be more important than how we are different.

What were the most powerful choices in your life?


Your Story

story-of-your-lifeThere is only a short time allotted to each of us to write the story of our life, and with that time, we are tasked with a lot of things to accomplish. You have only one life to get things right and sing the song you want to sing. Time to get busy finding out what it is that you want to do and what you want to leave behind in the wake of your efforts.  You are the only one who can write the story of your life.

Size of Your Success in the story of your Life

The size of your success is only limited by the size of your thoughts and the limitations of your beliefs. desireLook at your goal and develop it. Take that initial goal and make it as big as you can imagine, and then start getting excited about bringing it about. Make your dreams so compelling that you will that you can’t wait to work on them because waiting to experience them, in reality, is too painful.

This enthusiasm is a must. I think all successful people find as they start to build their dreams and achieve their goals. Look at all the greatest stories and accomplishments you have ever heard of.  At the core of them was an enthusiasm that pushed them through each day to accomplish greatness. So tune your enthusiasm to the size of your goals and attack it as your story depends on it because it does. That is how you write the story of your life.

Paying the Cost for the Story of your Life

pppjjjjAll things of value are going to come at a cost. That is what makes an accomplishment something to treasure. That is why people are willing to work hard to be a success. Unfortunately, not everyone is willing to make sacrifices to become the best at what they do or build the best company. Greatness has its price, and chasing your dreams is something that you should do with every ounce of yourself because you only have this one chance. You can sleep later or get to work. You can watch TV, or you can work. You can play computer games or work on your craft. It is all up to you. Remember, there is only one chance to write the story of your life.

It is time to start writing your story and decide what your legacy will be. Your thoughts will lead to your actions which will write the story that others will read throughout history. How many will read the story of your life?


Small Steps

success“If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.”~ Success

Are great deeds hiding from you? Is it difficult to find them? This can be the case from time to time, but all deeds provide the chance to be performed with greatness. Each moment of every activity you are taking part in provides the opportunity to display the greatness inside you and find success.

You can always perform in a great way by completing whatever you are doing with the greatness that is inside of you. Some call a poor effort “good enough,” but not you.  Your talent, conscience, and effort won’t let that stand as an example of your work.  Only greatness can come from you because let’s face it, you are great. Do you see that in yourself, or is there something else you are looking at?

Creating Success

greatnessIt doesn’t matter if you are bringing an orchestra together to play a great piece of music. Or perhaps it is a team of athletes working to become the best they can. If each person participating creates greatness in their little part, then the music or the team has a chance to achieve unique perfection. Even with the smallest role, if one person decides to be less than great, then the whole project is in jeopardy of mediocrity or worse.

The little things make the big things possible, and each of us has a part to play in this. All that we can control is our own thoughts, words, and actions in any situation. Another person’s choices belong to him or her, and that is why it is important to understand who we are aligning ourselves within, attempting to achieve our hopes and dreams. If you are spending time on a project with a person who is less than committed to greatness, then how can you find success? Use wisdom when choosing your companions on the path of life.

More On Little Things

You have greatness within youWith each small task you perform each day, and you are choosing to be great or not. This generally is going to come from being present in the moment of the task you are performing. That means not having your mind on something else, which is a cheat to you and those you are with and the task you perform.

Being totally present at the moment will allow you to perform at your best every day. Notice all the little moments and things that make up your life. Allow for the opportunity to practice this. If you are great in all things, then there will be no choice for the bigger things in life. Being great consistently is a skill that you can develop. Don’t let anyone tell you any different.

It Can Only Be Greatness

Greatness is defined in you every day of your life. The way you think, hear, talk, walk, or spend your time is unique to you and in that rarity is your greatness. It is all of these small things that make us who we are, unique and AMAZING.  Each goal we have, large or small, will be accomplished one small step at a time. Take and make those steps as perfectly as you can with your maximum effort, and the result can only be greatness.

Do your part to thrive in your experience. 


Change in World

What I would change about the World

If there were one thing that I could change about the World, it would be to

you're not good enough
Messages people receive every day

remove the thought, “I’m not good enough,” from the thought process of everyone in the World.

This single thought has managed to cause more damage than any other in the history of humanity, and if people are honest, every person has entertained this thought at one time or another.

The fact of the matter is that if we could remove this thought, people would experience higher self-esteem and be free to be the best person that they can be without feeling wrong about things like your body style, wealth, or social standing.

This is particularly true with our young people who have to deal with a hyper-critical world that broadcasts images of perfection that nobody could ever possibly live up to.

 Build a Positive Body Image

You are what you want to be!

Body image is a huge factor that people face throughout their lives.  Instead of focusing on the content of the character of the individuals our society is producing, our media is constantly bombarding our young people with images that tell them what they should consider beautiful.

The problem is that the image is unattainable for 95% of the population, if not more.  The message that people receive is that you are not good enough because you are too heavy, you are too short, or you don’t have the right clothes.

These images make great people feel wrong about things that they can’t help.  There seems to be no way to go backward and send a different message to our kids because the messages we send them are not very positive ones.

The simple fact of the matter is that nobody is going to be truly happy until they accept themselves as they are and realize that they are fantastic just like they are. Your character is not measured by how you look, how much you weigh, or what clothes you wear.

Anyone who says any different is trying to build themselves up by knocking you down.  These people have feelings of not being good enough and are trying to compensate by putting you down. YOU are fantastic!

Follow Your Passion to A Career

you are good enough
Love Yourself

Some people have heard the message that they are not good enough in their heads so much that they have decided to prove the world wrong!

They strive to show them all by becoming the most successful and wealthy that they can become.  By accumulating the “Best” job and making lots of money, to buy many, many things, surely that will prove that they are good enough?

Surely they are successful, and they are valuable and worthy to themselves and society.

The sad truth is that you can own everything in the World, but if you don’t accept yourself as you are, and love that person, you will never be happy, no matter how much money you have.

You will be good enough when you stop listening to the judgments of others and embrace the goodness inside of you.  Choose a job that you are passionate about, and you will not only be happy, but you will most likely find financial success as well.

Don’t Give Up on Your Greatness.

There is another group that has heard the message that you’re not good enough, and they have simply embraced the message and decided that there is no way to feel good about yourself, so they have hidden in a mask of drug addiction.

It doesn’t matter if the drug is alcohol or crystal meth, the result is the same, there is a fundamental dislike of the way that they feel about themselves, they will never be good enough like they are: so why try?  This attitude has led to an epidemic of young, vital, great people throwing their potential away because they simply didn’t feel good enough.

Once you are into that lifestyle, it seems nearly impossible to get out of it.  It all begins because a person hears the voice in their head tell them that they are not good enough.

Reach for the Stars, and You Might Hit the Moon

For most people, the message that “you’re not good enough,” will be a constant, pervading message that will serve to keep you from reaching your potential, or significantly diminish your ability to enjoy the things that you do.

Sometimes you may find that you don’t try something because you have been so conditioned that you don’t have the talent or ability to work.  The truth is that all of us have the potential to do almost anything we want to do, from getting rich to be famous, but we lack the confidence and belief in ourselves to follow through and make it happen.

If you live your life thinking that there is no way that I could be super successful, is there any wonder that it never happens?  Every person is born with an unlimited amount of potential to achieve whatever they desire, and they spend the rest of their lives trying to remember what that talent was.

It is the fear that we actually might prove that we aren’t good enough that stops us from trying or doing many things.  Let go of that fear, and there are no limits to what you might be able to accomplish.

So if I could change one thing about the World, it would be to remove the thought “I’m not good enough” from the minds of everybody and replace it with  You are a great human soul with unlimited potential.

“As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands. One for helping yourself, the other for helping others.”– Audrey Hepburn 

“At the end of the day, it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished. It’s about what you’ve done with those accomplishments. It’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.”– Denzel Washington 

“Peace begins with a smile.”– Mother Teresa

“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”– Mahatma Gandhi