Embracing the Dance of Change

In the tapestry of life, we find a truth,
A timeless axiom, age-old and uncouth,
Everything changes, a dance so profound,
Yet against this rhythm, we often are bound.

Why resist the flow, the ever-shifting tide,When within its embrace, our spirits can ride?Human hearts, like seasons, forever evolve,In the intricate dance of problems they solve.Embracing the Dance of Change.

How To Create A Plan

The rubber eventually has to meet the road. No accomplishment will be created in mind alone.  All of the previous steps are useless without the courage of action.  It takes a brave person to take action because you will get an answer.  The results may be good or bad, but they will exist. It is at that point an honest evaluation has to take place.  Often the results will be less than you hope for, but there will always be lessons.  The wise person uses the experiences and doesn’t take the failure personally.

When You Wish For Better Things

Some of my earliest memories are of the fantastic stories read to me as a child. In these stories, reasonable people would be experiencing a challenging situation and wish for help or a solution to enter their life. Inevitably these desires would come into existence.

How to Find Your Optimism

there is a power in being optimistic and maintaining positivity that will propel you through tough times. It will allow you with armor against tragedy and will enable you to hold up those you love when all would like to turn to the negative.

What Do You Imagine?

Setting a clear intention for what you want seems like a logical first step, but some obstacles block us every day. Hopefully, you will grow in understanding the power of your intention.

How to Create a Good Decision

It takes a person of great faith to be able to continually move forward against a stream that is flowing against them, but it is the path to success, and those who quit before finding the x on the map or the gold at the end of the rainbow. 

Some Brainy Thoughts

The brain has been your constant companion through life and its ability to allow you to comprehend the good or bad in a situation dictates your moods, words, and actions in all situations of you are facing.