Tag Archives: beating fear

Let’s Shine a Light

Overcoming toxic fear- brave
Dive Into Your Life……Fearlessly

All of us must know at a basic level that fear is bad. I am not thinking of the basic fear of heights, snakes, or public speaking. Even though the roots of those are located in one of the three fears, which cause us to think negatively and bring negative energy to our lives. To eliminate the toxicity of fear, it is essential to learn how to recognize it and the emotions attached to it and destroy it in our lives. It sounds straightforward, but you know it is anything but simple if you know fear as I do. Let’s look at these three fears, how they arise, and how to eliminate them. Imagine living a life free of fear. What could you accomplish that you haven’t? What things in life would flow better and more efficiently? I didn’t invent these fears, but I have had in-depth experience with them. Let’s shine a light on them.

Fear of the Future

If everyone is honest, they will admit to entertaining the thought of fear about tomorrow’s future. It is easy because we all have hopes and dreams for what will come. But we also have experienced pain because we have attachments to specific outcomes that didn’t happen. It is a constant game of what if and worries. What if the car breaks down? What if they leave? What if I get sick? The list of potential problems is nearly infinite, and your mind will play this game a lot because it is a trick to think if you consider all of the difficulties you might face, you will never be disappointed when tragedy does come your way.

The problem is you are creating anxiety where none needs to exist. Challenges will come your way, and you will deal with them as they come. The actions you will need to take will become apparent as required. To eliminate these fears, the best technique is to maintain a sense of mindfulness and be in the moment right now. Right now is the only moment you are guaranteed. Live there and let tomorrow bring its things. That doesn’t mean you don’t plan, we all do the best we can in this area, but it also means you don’t put all of your energy into fearing what might happen tomorrow or next week. Be grateful for the things you have in your life right now at this moment. Live today and dismiss the fear of tomorrow.

Fear of Rejection

This fear also exists in everyone; some people deal with it much better than others. We have all been in a situation we haven’t gotten what we wanted in life, had a relationship end, or lost a job or something else that mattered to us. This is rejection, and that can be a harrowing experience. It is so painful that we will create a life where we don’t put ourselves in that position again. We will limit ourselves and the people we are close to, ensuring we don’t find that pain again. But that is fear, and fear is toxic and will limit you in all ways.

To face these fears is to understand the pain inside will happen occasionally, and you don’t want to go out and seek it, but you can’t live a life of limit to avoid it either. I have spent years in limiting situations because I was afraid of rejection. It stems from your experience and the programming you have had in life. Something that happened when you were very young can hold a place in you, creating fear of being rejected by someone. Divorce often has this effect on children. We all rationally know it isn’t the child’s fault, but it feels like rejection for sure to the child. Face your fear of pain and jump back in with an open heart and a clear mind. It isn’t easy because there is always going to be a chance you will be hurt. And pain is still………..well, painful. But life is about living, and pain is a part of that. Fear stops you from living. Focus on today and not what has happened in the past and accept new things and people and be grateful for them.

Fear of Failure

We have been conditioned in our lives to fear failure. It is a word that has become synonymous with lessening your ability and a result to be avoided at all costs. Look at our educational system: you pass and are great or fail, and you are not so wonderful. If you have never done something and are trying to figure it out, you will not experience success right away, more than likely. But if you continue to work, take the lessons from your first attempt, and put them into your efforts the next time. You eventually will bring your goal into reality. But a fear of failure stops many from even attempting.

It would be quite a world to put the fear of failure behind us and try things we are interested in without being labeled. When a young person tries and doesn’t do things quite right, it is essential to encourage and not chastise them. See the effort and encourage them to try again. All great things are created through the action of experiencing “failure” and applying what you learn. If others discouraged you as a child, it is up to you now to choose how you respond to a challenge today. Some don’t step out of what they know they can do, and others jump into the challenge. Funny that once you face the fear of failure, you realize how valuable those experiences are to you and your learning. Try without attachment and be open to the feedback experience gives you; you can do anything.

Fear Not

Many fears branch off these three toxic fears, but you can overcome them by learning to recognize when you are afraid. Fear is a feeling of danger and exists to maintain your well-being. It moves you away from physical danger and keeps you safe. When this perception of risk is irrational and mental, you need to shine a light on it, and you will find the fear holding you back is nothing but a misguided thought. The thought you are supporting the things you believe about life. Change your thoughts, and you will find these three toxic fears can be lessened or even eliminated from your life. Start by consciously looking at how you approach things. Please point out the fear, and notice it in your mind. Understand it isn’t you. A simple change in thought can eliminate it. This is not an easy process, but it is simple, and anyone can do it. You can do it if you try, and the result will be a life of limitless possibility.

Quotes on Fear:

“Is it useful to feel fear because it prepares you for nasty events, or is it useless because nasty events will occur whether you are frightened or not?”– Lemony Snicket

“Many times, the thought of fear itself is greater than what it is we fear.”– Idowu Koyenikan

“Men go to far greater lengths to avoid what they fear than to obtain what they desire.”– Dan Brown

“Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are our fears.” – Rudyard Kipling

“One great enemy we must all endeavor to fear, not conquer, is fear. Fear can cripple purpose and purposeful life. Fear asks questions we must fear. Fear makes vision a nightmare. One must always cross the barrier of fear to get to the great city of true purposefulness. A great number of us who are unable to live to accomplish the true reason for our existence on earth are unable to cross the barrier of fear in the first place.”– Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

“The enemy is fear. We think it is hate; but, it is fear.”– Gandhi


Things Happen for A Reason


leapI should stop being astonished, and there should be a moment where I finally get it. All of the things that happen in life do happen for a reason, and all I need is patience to see what lesson I need to learn.

The problem with me and I think many people are that we spend way too much time planning and plotting to prove how smart we are and not enough time enjoying what is happening in our lives right at this very moment. Or we are just so sure we know what the best outcome for us would be if only the Universe would stop toying with us and make us better.

This post is for the little leaps of faith that people take each day to get to where we are destined to go and hopefully find happiness. I need to remember these faithful spells are available to me at all moments. Too often, I will resort to fear and lack faith.  It starts with the thoughts, words, and actions we entertain every day to see the wisdom in life.

The Stones Appear From Nowhere

It used to be that I thought you couldn’t do anything unless you saw the next step river-rocks-nan-wrightin front of you.  That got me moving through a lot of days of mediocre existence.  There were few lows and very few highs, just a constant middling life. I was not open to anything outside of my control. How could it be possible?

Eventually, it got to the point that there was a clear choice in front of me.  Stay in this existence for the rest of my life, or move in a new direction where the potential for downtimes was there, but the potential for significant achievements as well. I paused at the crossroads like when I was young, summoning the courage to take the plunge into the cold lakes of Maine in the summer.

I took the first hesitant steps into the unknown, and the adventure of life truly began.  I often took those steps out into the foggy mist, and I did not know what was there. I almost always find the feel of a sturdy stone under my feet with each step and open myself up to the wonder of the world. Sometimes I have slipped and fallen.  That is the price you pay for excitement and learning something new, but I have also been able to experience jobs, people, and things that I would never have imagined.

Open Your Front Door

It is too easy to look at everyone and mistrust them thoroughly.  If you watch the media view of the world, I don’t blame you.  It seems like a mass murderer is living around.

Open a door and you never know who will walk in.
Open a door, and you never know who will walk in.

Every corner, but that is a lie.  There is a great human being around every corner.  You can choose to be suspicious and not trust anyone. But you are limiting yourself.

Often I have made this choice, and sure enough, I was safe enough, but at what cost?  How many opportunities for growth did I miss out on? Were there people who could have helped me on my way?  I will never know.  Instead of keeping the front door locked and bolted all the time, try opening it once in a while. See who stops by for a visit.

I can’t guarantee you that the people you will meet will be great, but they may be just what you need to experience in your life right now.   I don’t know if it is good or bad, but it is my experience that the more people in your life, the more opportunity for growth. So try opening that door.

Master Your Fear and Grow

I probably should have started with fear, but it always makes a good ending.  In life, we all struggle with this factor.  It is the root of many of our major problems in life, from Thinking-will-not-overcomewhat job to pursue to whom we should have a relationship.  Fear is the factor we must all learn to overcome to have a life. Its potential exists in every person and everything we do.

These leaps of faith, from choosing a new path to giving people a chance in your life, are exercises in conquering fear.

Nobody lives their life free of fear, and it is such a part of our psyche.  Sometimes the fear is so ingrained that we don’t even recognize that is what is controlling our behavior. It is hard to open up and give people a chance because they can hurt you, and that is an experience we would all like to avoid.

Learning to recognize when you are experiencing fear and managing it is one of the most significant leaps of faith you can take.  You fear because you don’t want to be hurt when you open yourself up, then you may be injured.  The risk is worth it because the best way to grow is to take a chance on a path, a person, or overcome fear, and find that you are more powerful than you thought.

Then as you grow, you are willing to take more significant risks and put yourself into a position where you could be hurt again, but accept the opportunity to experience great achievement, love,  or anything else that you value.

The choices are really for you to decide.  Stay in the safe zone you live in, or take some brave steps into the unknown and see just what growth is coming your way. It all starts with your thoughts, words, and actions.

Grasp your opportunities, and grow like you were meant to!

Do not constantly spend your time complaining about a problem you may be having or may be up against. Focus your time toward correcting the problem. Always remember, Time values!”  Victoria Addino

Ultimately there is no such thing as failure. There are lessons learned in different ways.”  Twyla Tharp

I believe that nothing is more important to our ability to effectively address our present than understanding the lessons learned from those who have come before us.”  Charlie Gonzalez

The lessons learned as we try to build ever more sophisticated nanomachines will almost certainly inform our understanding of the origins of life.”  Paul McEuen

I’m thankful for every break in my heart, I’m grateful for every scar, some pages turned, some bridges burned, but there were lessons learned.” Nishan Panwar