Tag Archives: intentions

What Do You Imagine?

When you start moving toward your desires, you must set a clear intention about what you want to achieve. It is one of the most important first steps you can take. No trip can reach a successful conclusion unless you know the destination. That is one of the problems we face in life. We want something better but are unsure what that looks like. Indecision in intention leads to a lack of action and little accomplishment because there is no clear direction for your thoughts, emotions, words, and activities. Setting a clear intention for what you want seems like a logical first step, but some obstacles block us every day. Hopefully, you will grow in understanding the power of your intention.

Law of Intention- Directing energy as the intention is the first step of accomplishment and achievement, which allows you to accomplish goals. 

Lack  of Clear Intentions

How often do we wish for something better but have no clear idea exactly what that would look like in reality? Hoping for generic things like more money or a better relationship is great, but there has to be a more specific intention to think about and then take actual physical action. This movement is where tools like visualizing and goal setting can help you. Visualizing is taking your intention and imagining what it will look and feel like when it arrives. This mental picture can help set the direction of your action toward your purpose.

A simple goal-setting process can also help clarify your intention. What is an intention but a goal? Sit down and write the steps and actions you need to take to allow this intention to come into your reality. If you want better relationships, then changes have to be made. If you want more money or a more satisfying career, then make a clear plan of action steps to put into practice. Things have to change for new things to come into your life.

Intention and Fear

Change is difficult for everyone; even if you are struggling, change can be frightening. Also, if things are bad, at least you are dealing with it. What if things get worse? Fear is a funny thing, it is nothing but a thought, but it comes with all sorts of complications for your life. It comes with many wild scenarios of disaster that may result if you pursue a new path. You may fail, people will talk, and you may end up in real danger. These are all fearful thoughts that stop people from following their intentions.

One of the things that separate those living their lives the way they want to and those just living life is the courage to create an intention and then take steps to pursue it. All great things come with a risk attached, making them valuable. Setting an intenta choices you want and then following it through conclusion is what life is all about. It is going to work, or it isn’t. Real courage is to keep going when your first attempt doesn’t work out. Sometimes you need to learn a skill or try a different path for intentions to come into reality. Fear stops the process.

Get Your Intentions In Gear

It is time to decide what it is that you want out of your life at this moment and set a firm intention to do it. Once you have a clear picture of what you want to accomplish, where you want to go, and who you want to spend time with each moment. Once you have this picture in your head, please write it down and continue focusing on it. See the steps you need to take and start to take them.  

Don’t be discouraged if things don’t go exactly as you plan; practice; practice and allow the item to come into your life in the best manner possible. Which they will if you allow them to. The key is to focus on what you want in your life and make sureensuretaking action to see if it can happen. It may and may not, but one thing is for sure, if you set no intention, nothing will happen.

“Creation’s gold mine is in you, and deliberate intention is key. Whatever your dream may be at this moment, identify it. If you cannot define your desire, it can never become a reality.”- Mary Manin Morrissey.

“No one researches physics to win a prize, and it is the joy of discovering something no one knew before.” -Stephen Hawking.

“The world is awaiting your gift – all you have to do is show up with the right intention!” -Lewis Howes.


Use Your Power of Intention

There are two types of people, those who plan everything and those who plan nothing.  I believe spontaneity has its place in life, but when it comes down to accomplishment and actually getting something done, you need to have the end of your efforts in mind. It will help fuel your activities and guide you toward your desired result.  Without the guidance of a genuine intention, we are easily distracted from our path, and reaching our accomplishments will be difficult, but setting an intention is relatively easy. The little effort it takes will allow people to turn their goals into reality and live more fulfilling lives.

Plan Nothing

A wise friend once told me, “If you plan nothing, that is exactly what will happen.”  This is as true for your big goals in life as it is for how you spend your time on the weekend.  Creating a plan will focus on your actions and guide you in the time you can spend on each task to achieve everything you want.  In the short term, you will find your weekends much more productive if you create a list of intentions you will accomplish in that time.  That means committing your thoughts to paper and making a list of the intentions you are pursuing.  There will be things you want to do and things you have to do.  You will be shocked how just writing down something will hold you accountable when you just thought about your list in your mind. It is easy to “forget” your intentions.

With bigger goals, you need to write them down and continually review them.  Break down the ultimate accomplishment into smaller pieces, write them down, and move forward to make it happen.  Keeping the result in mind as you work through creation is vital to keep you working toward achieving what you want in life.  Without intention, long-term goals are virtually impossible. There must be a “fire” inside you to accomplish anything of substance and make it last.  People tend to move like a boat on the water with broken steering cables with no clear destination. They move very quickly in a circle, always in motion, but most energy is wasted because it isn’t taking you anywhere.  Keep your desired ending in mind and write down an intention to get there.

The Path

Once you set an intention and act for a purpose, the path you must take opens up in front of you. It isn’t by magic, and it is by necessity.  Each step you need to take will be there in front of you.  Will there be “missteps”? Yes, there will be an experience you need and the knowledge you have to obtain to reach your ultimate goal.  People without intention can lose their motivation after just one minor setback, whereas someone who desires to accomplish a thing will have no issue continuing their effort regardless of what is in their way. Your intention leads the way.

Keep moving ahead, even taking just a tiny step daily, and you will inevitably find the next available step.  The path to all outstanding accomplishments is easy to see from the endpoint of success. Looking back, you can see how all things are connected. Moving forward, you have to have faith in the Universe to cause all of the tumblers to fall just where they need to for your intention to become a reality.

Each day we begin a new chance to follow the goals we want, or we will unconsciously work toward someone else’s intention. Be conscious of what you want, write it down, revisit the statement often, and have faith you will accomplish what you seek.

“Every morning, you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them.”

“Intention is one of the most powerful forces there is. What you mean when you do a thing will always determine the outcome. The law creates the world.” — Brenna Yovanoff

“Every journey begins with the first step of articulating the intention, and then becoming the intention.” — Bryant McGill

“A gift consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver or doer.” — Seneca 


Make Your Life More Abundant

abundanceLike many people, I look at how much I have and wonder if I should be doing things to attract more into my life. More money, more love, more everything! My interest led me to investigate, and I started to do some research on the topic. I found a bunch of ideas about attracting more abundance into your life. We all think that we will be happier if we have more money, love, fame, or whatever. That is a philosophical statement for another day. Today, there are three simple things that you can start doing today that will make your life more abundant in what you are seeking.

Gratitude Journal

I have always been a fan of the gratitude journal. I have kept one sporadically over the last three to four years. When I was diligent, in all honesty, more came into my life in all areas. You get busy and tell gratitude journalyourself; I will think about them and not write them down. In my experience, much of those thoughts’ power is left behind. So the simple process I use is: I write ten things I am grateful for each morning over the past 24 hours. I will try to make 3 of the new stuff. I believe the activity’s value is thinking about the genuine gratitude you feel about each thing. Adding new items creates a mindset of looking for what you are grateful for and not taking things for granted. We are a fortunate society, and you see a list of items daily to feel thankful for.

I think this works because it creates an energy of gratitude. If you are a believer in personal power, what you focus on brings more of that into your life. Being grateful for what you have will get more of that into your life. Be thankful for the love in your life, and soon you will find more of it in your life.

Give Freely

This isn’t easy because I always say I will gladly give when I have more stuff. The problem with that is I never know when that is. Fear of not having enough will stop you from passing, but giving freelyto get it, you always have to give. I don’t think it means giving everything you have but establishing a mindset of giving. That allows you to deal with a feeling of abundance, not lack.

Giving doesn’t have to be financial either, and I think giving with the right attitude of your time and talents can be just as powerful for creating abundance in your life. Again I believe that the attitude you start by looking for opportunities to give is the key to attracting more lot into your life. Give without a chance of recognition, and that creates the best energy. When you give, you accept that there is more on the way, and it always is. If you are afraid that you will be lacking, you focus on lack, and what you focus on will grow in your life.

I would encourage people to start small and see what happens. Give and watch. I have done a few experiments, and most have positive results. Give a small amount freely and see what happens. Give because you want to and focus on that. Don’t think of the lack. Think of the abundance, and hope that your gift can genuinely help someone else. It could be money, donated clothes, the time you gave, or even a conscious choice to be kind.

Set Clear Intentions

Almost every book I have read about creation, abundance, or self-improvement. The first thing you have to do is to know what you want, specifically. Many people have the generic answer of more love or money, and those generic intentions will bring generic results. It seems that asking clearly for what you want is essential in attracting more abundance into your life. Don’t be afraid to ask for exactly what you want.

Like anything, practice is the key to doing this. We have been conditioned to believe that we have no control over what we get. But there is increasing evidence through Quantum Physics that we are absolutely in control of what we see in our lives. Set a clear intention, and believe that it can happen, take action toward it, and it will happen. Don’t skip over that TAKE ACTION part because that is the key. Your efforts provide the momentum to your intention and move them from the page of thought into reality.

You can try these three simple practices today to investigate, drawing more abundance into your life. More money, love, or success. Whatever it is that you are looking for. I always try to remember that we are unique spiritual beings placed on Earth to have a great experience, not suffer and be unhappy.

A little song of gratitude for you

What is Your Intention?

Daily Intention- a thing intended, an aim or plan.

All that we have ever done or ever will do has begun with the creation of an intention in our mind. Someone has set a resolution to do or accomplish something and then taken action to make that thing come into reality. Without the initial power of intention, there is no way that someone can get started on a path at all. This fact is actual, from a significant change in career to building a relationship or inventing some new process, substance, or product. It all starts with the intention to do it. What plans are you setting today? Focus on your purposes in your thoughts, words, and actions today.

Short-Term Intentions

Each day, we can create almost anything we want from the clean slate of a new morning. Set an intention to be happy, be productive, or be a good person on this day. The opportunity will present itself to you to follow your intention, and all one has to do is follow its purpose to its successful conclusion. Without an intention in your day, it isn’t easy to get outside of yourself.

In the early of your morning, take a moment, and think about the intent you want to bring to your day. Most people don’t have a conscious intention to be negative, judgmental, or unkind, but without a definite purpose, these things happen. Set a choice in your day to be a positive influence in all things you do, and then take action toward that end. Each day we have the chance to do so.

Long-Term Intentions

Of course, most people have long-term goals and dreams they are trying to pursue and create. That is what gives life its juice. You may not know precisely how this will happen for you, but you are set in your mind about creating it. It could be a career goal or some other achievement. Set your intention and let it dominate your thoughts. Thoughts will lead to words and actions. Something will happen once you start taking action, moving you closer to your goal.

Whether you reach your aim or not has to do with many factors, you may not be able to control—the ability to accept failure. Sometimes we need to learn things, and we do not naturally know everything. Failure is not a permanent predicament. But a valuable learning experience that provides you with the knowledge you need to accomplish the things you set your intention to do. Never be too discouraged, plan draws energy, and that energy is for building what you want. All you have to do is know what you want and be strong enough to do what you need to do to stick with it until you find your intention as a reality in your life.


Set Intentions Right Now

Setting your intentions is essential because it gives your life direction and purpose. These are two critical things to be engaged in and enjoy the journey. A goal will keep life exciting and provide you with something to work toward achieving. Always have a meaning until life is over. Keep your direction in mind because your actions will take you down one road or another. Please make sure they are the roads that you want to travel down.

Set your intention today for the great things you can accomplish in the next 24 hours and for something you can achieve in your life. See where they lead you. Today, be kind, considerate, compassionate, understanding, loving, generous, compassionate, understanding, loving, and generous. Be aware of what your intentions are today in your thoughts, words, and actions!! It will define your life.

“Our intention creates our reality.” – Wayne Dyer

“It is the intent which establishes one’s consequential outcomes.”-T.F. Hodge

“We know there is intention and purpose in the universe because there are intentions and purpose in us.”- George Bernard Shaw


Knowing what you want can be the most challenging thing to become aware of for many people.  Knowing what you want is a big thing. It sounds like it would be easy to state what you want, like enjoying a lot of money, love in your life, or freedom to do what you want.  All of these are great but very vague and lack purpose.  The why of any goal is going to provide the fuel to the achievement of any kind.

Every goal and desire will come with a series of steps that need to be accomplished to reach the great purpose.  This is the journey. As with any trip, it is going to take perseverance to run a successful conclusion.  That is the ability to keep moving forward despite obstacles and setbacks you encounter on your way.  Developing a solid case of perseverance is the key to most successful adventures because you can keep your eye on the prize and overcome whatever gets in your way.

Nothing Is Perfect

Many times, we start a journey, and we have expectations built up in our minds about what a successful conclusion will look like. We become so attached to that vision that any other decision, regardless of value, makes us suffer. Allowing things to come to us in their way and time makes the most sense.

It is often easier to do nothing at all and take no steps toward your goals because you are worried that you will fail. And then what will happen to your grand plans? Rather than worrying about failure, think of how you can turn a perceived setback into a positive in your life.  All goals and accomplishments are completed in a process, and there are lessons to learn on the journey. Nothing is going to go perfectly as you see it in your mind all the time.  There may be valuable nuggets of information that you need to find before ultimate success is yours. Often, the hurdles you have to jump and the rocks you navigate around provide the best memories.

Set an Intention and Stick To It

One of the best ways to maintain your momentum in pursuit of your goals is to develop a positive and powerful intention that is easy to understand and easy to stick with. The power of intention is to allow your energy to be directed toward a goal in a concentrated way.  It will also act as a compass for you when you get a little bit off track. Writing down your intentions gives you a chance to feel if it is something you want to accomplish.

Intentions are the key to starting the ignition of accomplishment and knowing exactly what we want.  As I said before, many people drift around different things, never committing to what they want. That leads to a life of floating around, fluttering from one thing to another. Choose an intention, make it a goal, follow it to its conclusion, and evaluate it. Just because you think you might want something doesn’t mean you do.  And that is just fine.  It is called learning, and that is what life is all about.  Set an intention and stick to it until it comes into reality. Then choose another one and do the same thing again.  How else can you live the life you live.

Attention Please

Along with thinking about where you would like to go is paying attention to daily focus. Are you distracted by work? Other projects? Fears? Lack of confidence? Or is your attention focused on the things in your day that will lead you toward your goals and intentions? Where your attention goes, that thing will grow.  If your attention is removed from it, then that thing will dwindle into nothingness.

Focus your attention on the positive things you want in your life. No matter what you want, make a plan, follow it through, focus on your goals, intentions, attention, and stick to it no matter what.

Take These Steps

  1. Determine what you want to achieve.
  2. Break down how you will get there.
  3. Write it down.
  4. Make it stick.
  5. Do one thing every day that brings you closer to your goals.

“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”-Albert Einstein.

“I will persist until I succeed. Always will I take another step. If that is of no avail, I will take another, and yet another. In truth, one step at a time is not too difficult. I know that small attempts, repeated, will complete any undertaking.”- Og Mandino.

“A failure is not always a mistake. It may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying.”-B.F. Skinner.