Tag Archives: don’t give up on your goal


Knowing what you want can be the most challenging thing to become aware of for many people.  Knowing what you want is a big thing. It sounds like it would be easy to state what you want, like enjoying a lot of money, love in your life, or freedom to do what you want.  All of these are great but very vague and lack purpose.  The why of any goal is going to provide the fuel to the achievement of any kind.

Every goal and desire will come with a series of steps that need to be accomplished to reach the great purpose.  This is the journey. As with any trip, it is going to take perseverance to run a successful conclusion.  That is the ability to keep moving forward despite obstacles and setbacks you encounter on your way.  Developing a solid case of perseverance is the key to most successful adventures because you can keep your eye on the prize and overcome whatever gets in your way.

Nothing Is Perfect

Many times, we start a journey, and we have expectations built up in our minds about what a successful conclusion will look like. We become so attached to that vision that any other decision, regardless of value, makes us suffer. Allowing things to come to us in their way and time makes the most sense.

It is often easier to do nothing at all and take no steps toward your goals because you are worried that you will fail. And then what will happen to your grand plans? Rather than worrying about failure, think of how you can turn a perceived setback into a positive in your life.  All goals and accomplishments are completed in a process, and there are lessons to learn on the journey. Nothing is going to go perfectly as you see it in your mind all the time.  There may be valuable nuggets of information that you need to find before ultimate success is yours. Often, the hurdles you have to jump and the rocks you navigate around provide the best memories.

Set an Intention and Stick To It

One of the best ways to maintain your momentum in pursuit of your goals is to develop a positive and powerful intention that is easy to understand and easy to stick with. The power of intention is to allow your energy to be directed toward a goal in a concentrated way.  It will also act as a compass for you when you get a little bit off track. Writing down your intentions gives you a chance to feel if it is something you want to accomplish.

Intentions are the key to starting the ignition of accomplishment and knowing exactly what we want.  As I said before, many people drift around different things, never committing to what they want. That leads to a life of floating around, fluttering from one thing to another. Choose an intention, make it a goal, follow it to its conclusion, and evaluate it. Just because you think you might want something doesn’t mean you do.  And that is just fine.  It is called learning, and that is what life is all about.  Set an intention and stick to it until it comes into reality. Then choose another one and do the same thing again.  How else can you live the life you live.

Attention Please

Along with thinking about where you would like to go is paying attention to daily focus. Are you distracted by work? Other projects? Fears? Lack of confidence? Or is your attention focused on the things in your day that will lead you toward your goals and intentions? Where your attention goes, that thing will grow.  If your attention is removed from it, then that thing will dwindle into nothingness.

Focus your attention on the positive things you want in your life. No matter what you want, make a plan, follow it through, focus on your goals, intentions, attention, and stick to it no matter what.

Take These Steps

  1. Determine what you want to achieve.
  2. Break down how you will get there.
  3. Write it down.
  4. Make it stick.
  5. Do one thing every day that brings you closer to your goals.

“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”-Albert Einstein.

“I will persist until I succeed. Always will I take another step. If that is of no avail, I will take another, and yet another. In truth, one step at a time is not too difficult. I know that small attempts, repeated, will complete any undertaking.”- Og Mandino.

“A failure is not always a mistake. It may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying.”-B.F. Skinner.