Tag Archives: being better

Your Valuable Learning Experiences

Familiar Territory

Everyone makes mistakes
It’s OK To Make Mistakes

An inevitable part of being human is that we all make mistakes in life. Nobody is perfect, no matter how hard we try to be.

That has always made us wonder: Why are we all so hard on ourselves when we make a mistake? When you analyze things, you see that failure can be a real problem. Nobody would choose an error and the trauma that comes along with it over the easy sailing of success, but that leads back to the point, no matter who you are, no matter how smart, funny, famous or talented, you are going to make mistakes and experience failure at some point in your life.

But I wanted to say that our lives are not the mistakes and failures that define us; how we react to those mistakes and failures determines who we are.

“In school, we learn that mistakes are bad, and we are punished for making them. Yet, we learn by making mistakes when we look at how humans are designed to learn. We learn to walk by falling; if we never fell, we would never walk.”
― Robert T. Kiyosaki, Rich Dad, Poor Dad

How a Mistake can Crush You

mistakes can crush you
Good Quote

When bad things happen in life, you have a choice in how to deal with them. You always have a choice. You can let the wrong something define you or let the unfortunate incident teach you how to be a better person.

Being human, I have made many life mistakes and bad decisions and experienced failure. There have been times when I was discouraged and felt sorry that life wasn’t fair, and it was easy to place all of the blame on others’ actions.

But if I wanted to grow and evolve into the kind of person I wanted to be, I had to look hard in the mirror and understand that if I let the bad things that have happened in my life crush me, then I am allowing my life and my destiny to be determined by someone else.

When you let your whole being be so controlled by not only the mistakes you make but, even more importantly, what you perceive others to think about your setbacks, you will slowly be crushed by your mistakes.

How a Failure can inspire You

Don't let Mistakes Define You
You Are Awesome

All great things have been accomplished for one of two reasons, inspiration or desperation. What may, on the surface, seem like a failure may be viewed as a victory in the broad scope of one’s life.

You may have discovered a talent you would never have found because you were forced to look for it. You may have traveled somewhere you would never have gone because your failure caused you to move. You may have met your soulmate only after a nasty breakup that allowed you to look inside yourself and discover what you need in a relationship. It is easy to quit in life, and it is easy to go into the fetal position and say, “Enough.”

But when you push yourself to continue pursuing a complete and happy life,  you will find that many of the low barriers we face in life are merely hurdles to hop over on our way to the finish line, not impenetrable walls that stop us from achieving greatness. Sometimes, our mistakes, failures, or setbacks can provide the momentum to push us toward making dreams a reality.

Don’t let the Fear of Failure Determine Your Future.

learning from mistakes
A Long Book!

Whatever the case, we can’t let the fear of failure determine how we live our life because we can fail at any time, and it can happen.

Learning how to deal with the loss and disappointment of having things not work out the way we plan may be the most valuable lesson we can learn in life. Life guarantees only one thing you will have experiences; that’s about it.

You are not assured that your life will be non-stop happiness without any sadness or disappointment. Those just come as a part of the package, but true greatness can be achieved by anyone who sees the risk of failure and disappointment but continues to see what happens.

Do not let the fear of what might happen to stop you from doing anything in life. You may fail, you may look foolish, some people may laugh, and you may be misunderstood, but all of that doesn’t matter if you have to courage to look your fear in the eye and try!

You will NEVER accomplish anything worthwhile unless you create a dream and have the courage to try to make it come true. If you make mistakes or fail along the way, understand that it is not a condemnation of your goals and dreams but a needed step to achieving them. Nobody said that doing anything worthwhile would be easy or quick to complete.

In fact, as in most things, the journey to achieving our goals needs to be appreciated as much as reaching the plan itself. You will always cherish the victory when you know it was hard-fought and won, which will have much more value.

Quotes On Mistakes

“Some of the best lessons we ever learn, we learn from our mistakes and failures. The error of the past is the success and wisdom of the future.” – Tyron Edwards.

“A failure is an event, never a person.” ~William D. Brown,

“I have learned more from my mistakes than from my successes.” – Sir Humphry Davy

“The only time you don’t fail is the last time you try anything – and it works.” ~William Strong

“Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement.” – Henry Ford

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” ~Thomas Edison

“If you have made mistakes…there is always another chance for you. You may have a fresh start at any moment you choose, for this thing we call ‘failure’ is not the falling, but the staying down.” – Mary Pickford

“When we begin to take our failures non-seriously, it means we are ceasing to be afraid of them. It is of immense importance to learn to laugh at ourselves.” – Katherine Mansfield

“There is no failure except in no longer trying.” ~Elbert Hubbard

“Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” ~Samuel Beckett

“We learn wisdom from failure much more than success. We often discover what we WILL do by finding out what we will NOT do.” – Samuel Smiles

“If you’re doing your best, you won’t have time to worry about failure.”

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein.

“You know, by the time you’ve reached my age, you’ve made plenty of mistakes if you’ve lived your life properly.” – Ronald Reagan.

“Failure doesn’t mean you are a failure… it just means you haven’t succeeded yet.” ~Robert Schuller

“One fails forward toward success.”  ~Charles F. Kettering

“Nobody makes a greater mistake than he who does nothing because he could do so little.” – Edmund Burke

“One must be a god to be able to tell successes from failures without making mistakes.”  ~Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

“A man may fall many times, but he won’t be a failure until he says that someone pushed him.” ~Elmer G. Letterman

“Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.” ~F. Scott Fitzgerald

“There are defeats more triumphant than victories.” ~Michel de Montaigne

“Notice the difference between what happens when a man says to himself, “I have failed three times,” and what happens when he says, “I am a failure.” “~S.I. Hayakawa

“A failure is a man who has blundered but cannot cash in the experience.” ~Elbert Hubbard

Make Your Life More Abundant

abundanceLike many people, I look at how much I have and wonder if I should be doing things to attract more into my life. More money, more love, more everything! My interest led me to investigate, and I started to do some research on the topic. I found a bunch of ideas about attracting more abundance into your life. We all think that we will be happier if we have more money, love, fame, or whatever. That is a philosophical statement for another day. Today, there are three simple things that you can start doing today that will make your life more abundant in what you are seeking.

Gratitude Journal

I have always been a fan of the gratitude journal. I have kept one sporadically over the last three to four years. When I was diligent, in all honesty, more came into my life in all areas. You get busy and tell gratitude journalyourself; I will think about them and not write them down. In my experience, much of those thoughts’ power is left behind. So the simple process I use is: I write ten things I am grateful for each morning over the past 24 hours. I will try to make 3 of the new stuff. I believe the activity’s value is thinking about the genuine gratitude you feel about each thing. Adding new items creates a mindset of looking for what you are grateful for and not taking things for granted. We are a fortunate society, and you see a list of items daily to feel thankful for.

I think this works because it creates an energy of gratitude. If you are a believer in personal power, what you focus on brings more of that into your life. Being grateful for what you have will get more of that into your life. Be thankful for the love in your life, and soon you will find more of it in your life.

Give Freely

This isn’t easy because I always say I will gladly give when I have more stuff. The problem with that is I never know when that is. Fear of not having enough will stop you from passing, but giving freelyto get it, you always have to give. I don’t think it means giving everything you have but establishing a mindset of giving. That allows you to deal with a feeling of abundance, not lack.

Giving doesn’t have to be financial either, and I think giving with the right attitude of your time and talents can be just as powerful for creating abundance in your life. Again I believe that the attitude you start by looking for opportunities to give is the key to attracting more lot into your life. Give without a chance of recognition, and that creates the best energy. When you give, you accept that there is more on the way, and it always is. If you are afraid that you will be lacking, you focus on lack, and what you focus on will grow in your life.

I would encourage people to start small and see what happens. Give and watch. I have done a few experiments, and most have positive results. Give a small amount freely and see what happens. Give because you want to and focus on that. Don’t think of the lack. Think of the abundance, and hope that your gift can genuinely help someone else. It could be money, donated clothes, the time you gave, or even a conscious choice to be kind.

Set Clear Intentions

Almost every book I have read about creation, abundance, or self-improvement. The first thing you have to do is to know what you want, specifically. Many people have the generic answer of more love or money, and those generic intentions will bring generic results. It seems that asking clearly for what you want is essential in attracting more abundance into your life. Don’t be afraid to ask for exactly what you want.

Like anything, practice is the key to doing this. We have been conditioned to believe that we have no control over what we get. But there is increasing evidence through Quantum Physics that we are absolutely in control of what we see in our lives. Set a clear intention, and believe that it can happen, take action toward it, and it will happen. Don’t skip over that TAKE ACTION part because that is the key. Your efforts provide the momentum to your intention and move them from the page of thought into reality.

You can try these three simple practices today to investigate, drawing more abundance into your life. More money, love, or success. Whatever it is that you are looking for. I always try to remember that we are unique spiritual beings placed on Earth to have a great experience, not suffer and be unhappy.

A little song of gratitude for you


Resolution-a firm decision to do or not to do something.

Each of us has to take a hard look at our lives from time to time and evaluate our progress toward becoming the person we desire to be. This passion can lead to changes like losing weight, being more responsible, working toward a goal, or any number of other tasks we can set our resolutions toward achieving.  Doing this is a positive and vital part of life, and I encourage everybody to look at ways you can improve your life starting today. Because when you are striving to be your best self, you are not only making yourself and your life better, but you are making the world better.  If you have a dream to make your life healthier, wealthier, or just more enjoyable, you should do it with full conviction.  Here are a few areas you can focus on in your thoughts, words, and actions to create positive resolutions for yourself and support positive changes others are attempting.  

Do Things that Make YOU Joyful

There are things we do that bring us joy and things we do that don’t.  I think the first resolution is to do more of the things that bring joy into my life.  resolutionJoy comes from within and can be accessed at almost any time. Of course, there are situations in life when you are disappointed, angry, worried, sad, frustrated, or any other uncomfortable emotion you can think of. Still, hopefully, they are a passing wave in the ocean of your life. I hope the overall current is joy, and I can do the things that bring it into my life.

As I grow a bit older, it seems these are easier to find.  Time to think and write something that is on my mind. Spending time working on a project with someone about improving in some way.  Learning something new and applying it to life, exercising,  or just appreciating the good things life gives you.  All of these make me joyful, and I look forward to doing more of them in the years to come.

Be Aware of the Unique Experience of Life

Life is a total one-of-a-kind experience. We start it out with no real clue Resolutionabout what is happening and try to piece things together over time, collect information, and think we are figuring it all out.  The fact is we never will, but you can choose to enjoy all the experiences along the way.  The bottom line is that this is a unique and one-of-a-kind experience for all.  Too often, we spend time worrying about the things we don’t have and ignore the experiences we can create for ourselves.

This life is only going to happen once, and then it will slip off into the quiet oblivion, and nobody is going to remember how much stuff you collected or how rich you were. But, they are going to remember how you made them feel, and the tenor of that memory is your legacy to the world.  You only get one chance to do this, and you can spend it being someone that lifts people, or you can spend it being someone who pulls people down. That is the unstated resolution you make every day of your life.  So pay and live your life to the fullest and help others do the same just by having a better attitude.

Be a Better Version of YOU

Finally, I am going to endeavor to continue my pursuit of the .001% rule of life.  I will find a way every day to be at least .001% better physically, spiritually, and mentally.  If I can accomplish that, then I am guaranteed to make a difference in some way.  I hope that I have provided support, examples, and strength to those who have needed it and hope to do the same every day.  People often refuse to see how awesome they are because they focus on limiting beliefs on them by their past.  Let these go.

The simple fact is that you can think, feel and move, and all of these things you can learn or work to do better.  But let’s be clear, you are awesome just as you are. A resolution to change one or two aspects of your existence is great, but the overall package already is pretty awesome. Realize this about yourself and life, and much of the struggle will be over.

Focus on Resolutions

So to focus on the changes that will tweak your existence in a good way.  Stop doing things that are harmful to you, and do more of the things that really bring joy to your life.  Find improvement in small increments,  but most of all, learn to love yourself and know that you are awesome.  You have to start believing it.  This begins by looking at your thoughts, words, and actions and building a conscious awareness of your experiences and why.

Goal Setting, nutrition resolutions, weight loss resolutions, How to set goals, Being a better version of myself, Being better, growing as a person, becoming a great person, Resolution quotes

Resolution Quotes

“His resolve is not to seem, but to be, the best.” ― Aeschylus

“A long December, and there’s reason to believe maybe this year will be better than the last.”- Counting Crows

“It is always during a passing state of mind that we make lasting resolutions.” Marcel Proust

“You have to live today. And I think one of my New Year’s resolutions is definitely trying to stop and live in the moment and cherish it.”-  Thomas Rhett.