Tag Archives: Bravery

Building Some Greatness

All people have greatness within them. Don’t believe me? Then I challenge you to do the following five things and see what you can learn about yourself.

With the powerful messages from the media, we get inundated with each day of perfect-looking people always happy. It sends the Message that you won’t be satisfied unless you look like them.

This Message is ridiculous because every person has weaknesses, shortcomings, unique likes, and thoughts, and the ideal of perfection is unattainable. The media tells you what you should think is attractive and what beauty you should aspire to reach, and no person on the face of the Earth can live up to that expectation of perfection.

When you look at yourself with complete objectivity and recognize that you have unique physical characteristics, thoughts, and talents that make you unique, how could you possibly exist any better than that? You are you, and beauty in being imperfect should be celebrated and not chastised or ignored because it is not what the media perceives to be perfect. The truth is that there is no such thing as usual. It is time to recognize your greatness!

Don’t Judge Others

This means YOU!

Every person evaluates and judges things every day. That is how we keep ourselves safe and moving in directions that we feel are good for us. Judgments are a  part of being a human being, and the skill is to help you determine safe situations from harmful ones. However, when your judgments start to label people’s values, they tend to force you into isolation and make your life experience less fulfilling. This negativity is because if you begin to judge someone else’s behavior or beliefs. We tend to look at the world through a tainted lens through which we evaluate others. Unfortunately, we tend to see a part of ourselves that we don’t like and are unwilling to come to terms with. For example, if you judge poor people as bad, perhaps it is not the people who are “bad,” “lazy,” or “freeloaders.” Maybe your fear of poverty creates these judgments and forces them to be expressed through your decisions.

When you look at someone who dresses differently than you, it is easy to criticize them as strange, but really inside of yourself, you may feel exactly like they look and don’t dare to do anything about it. We all fear that people will “find out “what we are like and therefore reveal ourselves as the “strange” dudes and dudettes we are.

The secret is that everyone is strange. This uniqueness results from the fact that we are all individuals with unique experiences that are ours alone. That is why we all have unique ideas, thoughts, and feelings about everything. When you start accepting others who have different views and lifestyles from you, that is a significant step towards making yourself and all that you think and feel. People are strange, unique, and unusual, and so are you. Accept it and enjoy life. When you judge someone else, you are judging yourself and your fears.

Look for the Gold

look for beauty
This Starts Inside of You

In these differences we all possess,  you may focus on how strange someone else seems to you. They may have different religious views, cultural influences, or lifestyles, and it is up to you to learn what you can from them and find the attractiveness of their situation. That doesn’t mean that you have to accept their beliefs as accurate; it merely means that you understand why the thoughts and behaviors are what they are. Who is to say what is right?

Too often, I have kept people who are different at arm’s length or dismissed their thoughts without consideration because it is much less scary to reject something than to investigate it and consider its validity. There might be some nuggets of information that you can use in your life.

Like digging for gold, there might be thoughts a person different than you can teach you. Your mind may expand and learn to accept the good in others more readily. There is a chance for good in all people. It lives pretty deep in some, but the capacity for good is hiding like the future.

Be Kind To Yourself

Of all the judgments we make, the harshest are saved for ourselves. Why is it that people are so hard on themselves? How many people go through a day, a week, or a month without thinking about how great they are?

The answer is many, many people. A critical voice in our heads works to help us survive, and if you listen to those thoughts exclusively, you will never be satisfied or happy with who you are. (Ego)  How often do you look at yourself in the mirror and see a unique talent that is you? Or do you only know the weakness, the age, your physical self’s imperfect physical self? e many years when these thoughts never even entered my mind. I never saw my strengths, weaknesses, or talents as a part of me. I only saw them as I thought others observed them, good or bad.

I have unique talents, as you have particular expertise o see this because then what do you do? You will have to develop it somehow, and being kind to yourself is a great place to start. If you don’t treat yours lf with some understanding and love for the things you bring to the table of life, who will?

Be Better Than You Were Yesterday

Don’t waste time comparing yourself to others in behavior, actions, talents, or weaknesses.  Comparison is a slippery slope that will only detract from your abilities and stop you from reaching your potential.

You can always find someone who can write better, think sharper, jump higher, run faster, is more robust, or whatever than yourself. That is not the point of having talent.  It would help if you ap excited about what you could do.  Your talent is yours and is meant to be precisely what it is, and your only responsibility is to use it.  Comparing what you do t someone else will only lead to you judging your talent, better or worse.   Look at others and appreciate their skills, but don’t compare them to your own; it wastes time.

You can evaluate something objectively and learn from it without comparing yourself.  There is no reason to d this other than to either make yourself feel bad because you don’t perceive that you measure up or build yourself up by trashing someone else.  Be the best, most origi l you can be; that will have to be enough. Focus on being a better person than you were yesterday.

Embrace Your Uniqueness!!

There is only one you in this world, regardless of what has happened in the past. Or, what anyone else thins s, you should be proud of who you are.  It would help if you were glad that you are you and have all of the tremendous physical and mental talents you possess. Your gifts will offer so ething to the world that can’t come from anywhere else.

You always have the choice to explore these talents or to let them lie dormant and waste away.  That doesn’t mean that you will still be perfect or always make the best choices; it merely means that you will share your talent with your talented you and let the chips fall where they may.

There is beauty in this imperfection that makes you perfect. Being “Normal” is overrated and dull; being you is an exciting adventure that will last you the rest of your life. Be the best you that you can imagine!

“Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in t is the notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.” —Wilma Rudolph.

“People do not decide to become extraordinary, and they decide to accomplish extraordinary things.” —Edmund Hillary.

“Mediocrity will never do. You are capable of some ing better.” —Gordon B. Hinckley.

I Dare You

Dare– dare to do something. Defy or challenge (someone) to do something

One of the most challenging things to do in life is to dare do something you are not sure you can accomplish. You may think that you can do it. You may dream that you can do it. You will never know for sure until you take the initiative and dare to try. There are challenges you face in every area of your life. It takes extraordinary courage to meet them and see where you stand. How much greatness has been left unshared because someone was afraid to try? Afraid of failing? Fearful of what people will think? Today I urge you to be brave, take a chance, and dare try. Let the greatness in you have an outlet, and it starts with a consciousness of your thoughts, being aware of the words you speak to the world, and actions you take to interact with life.

Dare To Keep Going

Sometimes we try, and we fail. It is a part of life. You will not get everything right the first time. The Universe will help you develop if you can accept its guidance. When you experience failure, it is essential not to take it personally. Much easier to say than to do. But if you take a step back and evaluate what has happened and why you can see what might need to change when you try again to make it a success.

The fear of the pain that results from failure can be debilitating, and many people would rather quit than be at risk of feeling that disappointment again. Don’t be one of them. Your song is yours to sing, and it may take a bit of fine-tuning before the goal is realized completely. The lesson of daring to try again is one of the most pervasive and repetitive ones that life will bring to you. Dare to try again and express the greatness you have inside of you.

Dare to be Different

We live in a world determined to make you want to fit in. From the time we enter school until the day we die, we are bombarded with messages to “stand in line,” “sit in a row,” “follow the directions.” These messages might as well be “be a sheep.”  As you grow, the words come in the form of propaganda from the media, and marketers tell you what is acceptable to wear, activities you should participate in, and even the job you should desire. When you look at the things you think are important, how many of them come from inside you, and how many come from the outside world? Do you wear clothes you like, or do you wear socially acceptable? Do you think that buying things will make you complete? They won’t.

I know that breaking from the pack, even in a small way, can threaten people. They will immediately try to put you back in line, usually through ridicule. But then a funny thing will happen. Once you dare to be different, people want to be like you. I am not sure they know why, but I think we all have a single song we want to sing. It is repressed, and seeing someone break out of the shell of expectation, lets us all know it is possible. If you feel like doing something different, dare to do it. Don’t follow straight lines of expectation just because it is easy. When you are on your death bed years from now, it is the things you never dared to do that will haunt you. Dare to be yourself. Dare to be different. It will make you extraordinary tomorrow.

  Dare to Create

In creativity, there is an opportunity for true originality to rise to the surface. Creative people are the best at solving problems, finding new solutions to problems, and looking at life. Creativity is the language of the soul, and we are at our best when we are creative. There is not a moment in life when creativity and encouraging others to be creative do not positively affect the world. As you are creative, your creations will change the world. Maybe that change will be minimal, but keep creating anyway because it is suitable for your heart and allows your light to grow and shine a little bit brighter.

The only way you will find out what creative things you like taking part in is to give them a try. When you are immersed in creation and time seems to pass without notice because you are so involved in the process, you have found an outlet. It doesn’t matter how “good” you are at it because that is based on the opinion of others. Your heart determines what activities and creations have value. Dare to be creative and try new creative outlets. The reward is a more prosperous life and a joy that can only come inside you.

Dare Today

So the challenge is there for you today to look at your life and what you want to do.

Do you dare to be different?

Do you dare to keep trying?

Do you dare to be creative?

Can you dare to do them all at once? Remember that this is your life; nobody else owns the responsibility for it. What you dare to do and be will define it. Dare today in thoughts, words, and actions. 

“Failures are made only by those who fail to dare, not by those who dare to fail.” ~Lester B. Pearson

“Dare to be the best you can at all times, dare to be!”– Steve Maraboli

“If I had my time over, I would do the same again. So would any man who dares call himself a man.” Nelson Mandela 

“We become strong by embracing vulnerability, we dare more greatly when we acknowledge our fear.” Gretchen Rubin 


Life Challenges

highwireIt is fantastic that life continually puts you into situations that challenge and change you. It is also eye-opening that I continue to be surprised by this. Yet here I am, looking at what I want to create, standing on the precipice of going for it and tentatively cringing.

It is not rare, I think, for people to feel this way. When you look at most people, they have put their real goals and dreams aside to accept living in a rut of consistency and security that life provides. Safe is the choice, but we still have ideas that we are not acting on. Today I am looking to move and am encouraging you to come with me.

See Your Fear

We should be good friends with fear by now in life. It has been a constant our entire lives. How we have reacted to it has changed through our life, but still, it is always there knocking at the door of your thoughts with those two little limiting words…………… What if?

I could attempt my dream, but what if……….

….it doesn’t work?

……….I fail?

……………………I look stupid?

………………………….., the world laughs at me?

…………………………………………….I am not good enough? etc., etc., etc.

These are the seeds of doubt, driven by fear that paralyze us into taking no action at all toward what we want to be. The only difference between those who achieve their dreams and those who do not is a willingness to take action and see what happens.

If it doesn’t work? You will gain experience and knowledge to allow it to work the next time. If you fail, then you learn and know. Joy and freedom are the results of bettering yourself and reaching your dreams. This effort is never wasted. Not growing the talent inside of you and seeing what you can do would be a waste of energy.

What if the world laughs? The world won’t laugh. The world will continue to exist, much as it did before, with the single exception that someone living there has provided their unique contribution, and now it is a slightly better place.

What if you are not good enough? A leftover doubt from childhood and time to get rid of this fear. Why wouldn’t you be good enough? If you can conceive of a thing, you can create that thing. If others don’t accept it, then that is their problem. The beauty of the building isn’t any less.

So on this thoughtful day, let us choose to evaluate who we are, see where we would like to be on a personal, financial, physical, and spiritual level, and then be brave enough to take those first tentative steps toward those goals.

The only way to know if you can cross that high wire is to try and see if you make it to the other side.

Believe in your dreams, no matter how impossible they seem.” Walt Disney

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” Arthur Ashe

The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” Oprah

Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.” Henry David Thoreau

We may place blame, give reasons, and even have excuses, but in the end, it is an act of cowardice to not follow your dreams.” Steve Maraboli


My Next Step

by Jonathan Hilton

Click Image to say HI to Raimy-D. She has an entourage and wears jewelry like a rapper. But she is great!

One of my favorite people in the blogisphere is my friend Raimy-D(creative-guru.com).  She spends her time dreaming up stuff for me and others to try to experience. I am two activities behind but I am making an effort to do this one in real-time and let the chips fall where they will. I will take a lot of positive thinking to get this done.

Automatic Writing Assignment

This activity is called automatic writing and I was intrigued because I had such a good time when I tried her automatic drawing exercise, highlighted by Raimy-D and her expert analysis of my very talented drawings.

It was liberating and fun. So automatic writing, no problem, this should spark some positive thinking.

1271254066-writingwithpenThis is how it is supposed to work

So it should work like this:  1. Think of a question you want to have answered in your life.

  1. start writing without a conscious thought. (easier for some than others)
  2. write until you get tired I guess or until you feel like you are done.

The idea is that the subconscious mind will answer the question that you ask.  I have told Raimy-D that I am a little fearful of doing this because what if the answer isn’t something I want to hear?  But bravery is the better part of valor here and I am going to do this right now, right here and you can read my ramblings.

The question: What is my next step supposed to be in life? (Play the song at the bottom when you read, it is neat.)

swansThere were twelve swans that went to a local pond to take a swim. The water was warm but the swans didn’t know about the secret underneath the water. There were worlds that they had never seen. one at a time the swans would dive for food and while under the water they saw what was there and went to investigate each finding their own world to explore for awhile. Until there was only one swan left and he looked around and realized that he was all alone. He called for help, but no one came. He wanted to fly away but also couldn’t leave his companions without knowing their fate.  He had never seen anything but food on his dives so he was unaware of the mysteries below the water. Finally he dove deep and saw out of the corner of his eye a light that he couldn’t resist. He swam as hard a he could toward the light and with all of his effort he made it and emerged into a  totally new world. It was colorful, and full of beautiful trees, sparkling lakes it had a lot of green grass to walk on and beautiful puffy white clouds that the swan couldn’t wait to fly into.  There was no reason he could think of that this place existed but here it was he could touch it with his feet and taste it with his tongue. It seemed real to him and in the end I guess that is all that mattered.

Answer my questions please.

So there you go I am not going to read this until after Raimy-D looks at it and tells me what she thinks. The answer will be in the comments. Feel free to contribute your own interpretation of the story I am open to any and all guidance in this endeavor.  I just want to learn about my next step.

I encourage you to give this a try for yourself and see what happens.  I definitely encourage you to read the Creative Guru so that you can try all of this neat stuff as well.


Fighting the Angry Chicken

I just wanted to ask, “How was your day?”

There are many times in life when you have to fight to be a man, today was not one of those days.  As I was minding my own business, thinking about enjoying the warm weather and getting some work done. I was interrupted by the gentle clucking of chickens outside.  The place where I am fortunate enough to work has their own chickens, that they do get their own eggs from, and so they serve a purpose.  I have seen them almost daily, and my interactions with them have until today been of the most perfunctory in nature.

So this takes us to today, I hear the chickens clucking away outside, and I decided that I should go out and talk to them and see what all the clucking was about.  I mean there must

chickens are mad
I was simply acting like the chickens, I guess I must have done too good a job.

have been something happening.  So I approached the herd of chickens like I always did, with a friendly disposition and the intent of just saying, “Hello chickens, what is happening on this beautiful November day?”

The conversation started much as I thought it would, I milled about with the chickens and made my own fake clucking sound, thinking this would ingratiate me with the rest of the flock.  Seeing no animosity, I took that as encouragement and started to duck my head and

chicken attacks
Out of nowhere, like a shark, he attacked!! I reacted with bravery as you can see.

mimic the motions the fowl were making.  This turned out to be a bad idea.  As one of the roosters took this action to be a threat I think.

Out of nowhere he pecked at my shoe.  Which more startled me than scared me.  This chicken was really mad at my shoe apparently as he continued to attack.  I tried to reason with the chicken and calmly explained that I didn’t mean any harm and if he went away I might bring him some food.  He didn’t buy it so  I of course went into my natural defense mode, which is reminiscent of the crane technique from the movie the Karate Kid.  Mr. Miyagi said when you do this right, there is no defense.  He obviously had never tussled with an angry chicken before.

I hoped he would get bored and stop his attack before I had to get serious and move to the second part of my self defense training.  (The fetal position)  Fortunately I was able to stay

crane technique
I instinctively practiced the crane technique from the Karate Kid, it seemed appropriate due to the opponent.


calm and stop laughing long enough to think of an acceptable exit strategy.

The irony was heavy on my mind that I was running away from an overly combatant chicken: Who was the chicken?   I did learn that if a chicken does start to attack you, if you run away, they will not be able to follow you very far and they will immediately attack your friend who was taking pictures of that whole incident.  So it all worked out in the end I got away with out being harmed by a chicken or doing harm to a chicken.  I also haven’t laughed so hard in a long time.

Running away from the chicken
I showed him who the better chicken was! How do you defeat a chicken?  You become one!