Tag Archives: avoid negative people

When You Wish For Better Things

Wish- a desire or hope for something to happen

Jiminy Cricket had it right.

Some of my earliest memories are of the fantastic stories read to me as a child. In these stories, reasonable people would be experiencing a challenging situation and wish for help or a solution to enter their life.

Inevitably these desires would come into existence. It was a magical thought. All of your wishes could come true!! Unfortunately, it seems in life today that no magic lamps are waiting around the corner for us. At least not any that I have found yet. Do you wish for things? Or do you think it’s a waste of time? Desire or hope for something is not a waste of time; I believe that conscious wishes are valuable and creative and provide direction to your true self. The power of a wish begins by being aware of your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions regarding a desire. What is it that you want? We don’t always get what we want, but we almost always get what we wish.

When You wish ………….

Being conscious of what we wish is essential because these thoughts can guide us toward the things that will make us happy. Some people never want anything, and with no action, they get nothing. Others wish for wisheverything, and surprisingly, when follow-through and work are attached to these wishes, they come into reality. The difference is your mindset and the action you take. Either you believe you are worth your dreams, or you don’t.

The mindset of worth and value in ourselves allows you to look past the cynical part of your mind that puts the word wish and fantasy together. Don’t listen to that voice. Use your imagination to wish for the things that you want in life. To be successful, wealthy, famous, or master a particular skill are all attainable, and the wish to experience them is just a gateway to getting them. The act of consciously thinking of something opens a passage to your goals. Your imagination is the key to this. A wish is powerful because once you have one, it can come true. Wish freely and wish often. Then take action to give them a chance to come true.

Leave the Negative

There will always be those who feel the word wish means fantasy. There are several negative sayings about wishes, “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.”  This sentiment is looking at the thought with no action attached to it. The magic of a wish is that it provides hope, and hope is the best of things. It allows you to move through a tough day because the promise of a better day is ahead of you. Hope lets you find your inner strength and discipline. There are few things as powerful as a wish come true.

Unfortunately, sometimes things don’t work out the way we wish. It could be that there are lessons you need to learn or information to gather to allow you to become the best version of yourself. Whatever the reason, when a person dares to wish, there is a chance it won’t come true, especially if your wish involves other people. They have their wishes. If you let disappointment tamper with your enthusiasm, your power is gone. You stop believing there is value in a desire, and most significantly, you stop wishing and hoping for things. Without magic, what do you have left? Without hope, where do your thoughts go? Keep wishing and know that just because it doesn’t come to you magically in the way you think it should, it can still come to you. Most often, in the best way possible, one that will last and be much more rewarding. Wish and know the Universe rewards action.

I Wish You The Best

Some of our best wishes aren’t for us but for someone else. I have sent wishes of favorable, good fortune to many people from my past. Positive thinking is a practice I have kept up and do today. No matter what adverse events may have happened between us. No matter what anger, pain, and hurt were there once, I wish you well in all you do.

These wishes can be the most potent because the alternative is to hold onto the negative emotion and experience. It is in the past, and it is what it is. Feeling wrong about things today isn’t going to change the past. All you can do is be positive, and that energy will also course through your life. Let go of the anger toward those that let you down. They are only human, after all. I wish them well on their journey, and do the best you can on yours. Moving without the weight of disappointment, fear, anger, or regret holding you back is far easier.

Wish Today

Take a moment today and think of the wishes you would like to make. Some may be realistic, some may not, but all are legitimate if your heart desires them. I wish all people you see today, silent or loud best wishes to find what will make them happy today and in life. It all begins with paying attention to your thoughts and the emotions they elicit from you, which are there to guide you. Thoughts lead to feelings, words, and actions taken for what you wish today.

I wish you the best of days and that happiness will find you in every moment you experience.

“The wish to bring pain to an end, to heal and be present for another person in their anguish are qualities we have all aspired to and embodied.” —Christina Feldman

“It is not what you say, or wish, or hope or intend; it is only what you do that counts.”- Brian Tracy.

“Many people go through their lives wishing that they were more successful. This is a good starting point because ‘Wishing’ for something will not get you it.” —Simon Banner

“Be strong as you fight your way to success; the difficulty you face is nothing compared to the joy of success.”

“It isn’t hard at all to make a wish, and the difficulty lies in how to make what you wish for a reality.” –Catherine Pulsifer.

Wish Articles

How to turn your Wishes into Reality

About Wishes

Achieving your Wishes 

What Your Wishes Say About You

Blog Articles about Wishes 



Variety Pack

Spectrum- An assorted range of responses, individuals, ideas, etc. 

The experiences in life are the things that build your life. Not the things you buy or own but the people you choose to spend your time with, the places you go, the activities you take part in, and the thoughts you want to contemplate the higher spectrum of these things you find in your world, the more well rounded your experience will be.

It seems too many people are working very hard to provide as little variety in their experience as they can. You are always looking for reasons to separate yourself from others and creating a false sense of “us” vs. “them.”  There are no real teams in the human experience, and we are all unique individuals who are connected to our humanity.  Today the challenge is to increase the spectrum of responses you have to live, people you accept, and ideas you agree as accurate about yourself.  It begins with a conscious effort to look at the thoughts you focus on each day, the emotions attached to them, the words you speak because of this affecting the world, and the actions taken in your life.

A Box of Chocolates

People are one of the biggest influences in your life. The spectrum of folks you allow into your life is going to determine the ideas you entertain, the enjoyment you have in doing things, and just the overall happiness and joy you have in your life. Surround yourself with people who are focused on material things and shallow pursuits, and you will find life a rather unhappy happenstance. But choose your people more wisely, and you will find the experience a much more positive one.

Look at the things you discuss with a friend or acquaintance and the energy attached to it. How do you feel after the conversation? Are you drained, or are you fulfilled? Back away from those that drain you and gravitate toward those that fulfill you. These are the people of ideas, possibilities, understanding, and growth.  Variety is essential to accumulate in your tribe because new insights and knowledge will come with them. Choose honesty, kindness, understanding, character, and you will have a substantial spectrum of folks providing positive to your life and avoiding negative things.

Responding With Thought

It is easy to develop a subconscious program of response. A stimulus or situation arises, and you respond out of hand one particular way or another. But learning each case in life is different and unique and may deserve a new or different level of response to be appropriate and thoughtful in all things.  Increase the spectrum of your answers, and you will increase your ability to become a more positive influence in all the lives you touch, including your own.

To respond by the impulse to a specific type of stimulus or action will cause you to stereotype and group things. That means you are not giving situations a chance to teach you before you judge them and dole out your rote thought, emotions, words, and actions surrounding them. Instead, take a moment and look at each moment and create a broader spectrum of responses you can choose from. This will allow you to grow and to influence things in your life more kindly and gently. Rather than being a robot of responses, be a caring responder with a spectrum of offers to others.

Idea Creator

Ideas are the real currency in the world. All things provide an opportunity to seek a new perspective and to develop a broad spectrum of views. Each situation you are exposed to gives you an excellent opportunity to develop ideas that can make that experience better, more efficient, and more productive for all involved.  Look at your life and the way you move through your day.  Start there and come up with ideas allowing you to get more out of your life, get up earlier, move a little faster, changing your schedule of activities. Each little change can have a significant impact if you develop and implement new ideas.

New ideas are hard to implement because a new design means change, and we are programmed to be suspicious of change. It can be great, but it can also be a painful experience, so better to stick with the prevailing situation than to risk a bad experience. But it could result in a better life, and nothing ventured means nothing gained. New ideas will be the things that are going to separate you from the crowd and allow you to thrive in any circumstance. Your creativity of ideas is the only limit you have in all of your successes. Increase the spectrum of ideas you are exposed to, and you will increase the number of ideas you have.

You should use many things in life to grow as a person for each item you understand. We are either getting better in life, or we are getting worse, and it’s right about all areas of our life, work, creativity, relationships, how we treat others, practicing positive thinking, or any other thing. Take a moment and look at the simple ways you can focus on something and expand the spectrum of factors contributing to it.  It will all begin with the thoughts you entertain about that particular thing, the emotions naturally attached to them, the words you use to express your ideas to the world, and the actions you decide to take, which affect the world in the way you want.


“All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.” ― Edgar Allan Poe

“To change ourselves effectively, we first had to change our perceptions.”― Stephen R. Covey

“We sit silently and watch the world around us. This has taken a lifetime to learn. It seems only the old are able to sit next to one another and not say anything and still feel content. The young, brash and impatient, must always break the silence. It is a waste, for silence is pure. Silence is holy. It draws people together because only those who are comfortable with each other can sit without speaking. This is the great paradox.” ― Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook

“Humans see what they want to see.”― Rick Riordan