Tag Archives: daily positive thought

How to Find Your Optimism

Optimistic- hopeful and confident about the future.

optimisticEach day we all make a choice. Either we will be positive, or we will be harmful in the way they view our lives and the situations we experience. I hope we will follow an optimistic mindset and look at the positive side of events. I wish this for us because life is a much more enjoyable experience when you look for the good, and it is always there. Sometimes you have to look hard to see it, but the positive is still there. I would like you to always be hopeful and confident in the future that you face in your thoughts, words, and actions. (See Video)

What Does it Mean to be Optimistic?

In every moment, situation, and interaction, we are faced with a choice to be positive or negative. Life sometimes makes it impossible to be optimistic because you are experiencing something negative. We all experience loss, and in that loss, there is pain, and nobody likes pain. We try to avoid pain. It is easy to slip into a world where you expect there to be pain all the time. Then when the pain doesn’t come or is not as bad as you imagined, you aren’t disappointed. Unfortunately, that attitude harms your life, all those you deal with, and your life. Your negative thoughts of a dark and painful future of not getting your hopes up and expecting the worst will diminish your experience and the experience of all those people you deal with daily.

The optimistic choice is always available to you right there with the negative. It takes work, and it is hard to be consciously hopeful about your future when the now seems to be painful and full of things you can’t count on. The present is what it is, and the end will be what you make it. Your ability to maintain optimism can create something fantastic for you, and a negative mindset can only destroy it. That is your choice, and it will remain a choice until the end of your human experience.

Ways to be Optimistic

So when you look at today, and you are dealing with the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, the disappointment that life brings when things don’t work optimisticout as we wish. Recognize what is happening. Deal with it appropriately and do what you have to do to survive. We maintain hope and positivity about the future. Change is going to happen, and some of them are painful. That is life. Don’t let fear run your existence; you will accomplish very little and enjoy even less.

The situations we face are what we face. Whether they are ultimately positive or negative is a value we assign them. Sometimes people are faced with hardships to provide the tools and skills they will need on the path to greatness. Once you lose everything, you have nothing to lose. Sometimes that is the path a person needs to face. There are many terrible things in the world that we shouldn’t have to face, but life doesn’t give us the option of what we face. It gives us the choice of how we deal with what we face. I wish people the courage to face adversity with optimism that tomorrow will be better and they can recover. Because you can, the choice to quit because of fear or keep trying with optimism is always there, and I hope you will always choose to be optimistic.

How to Remain Optimistic

The media perpetuate enough negative messages out there. These messages of fear are all around you and are designed to control you and your behavior. I doubt that you are not good enough. Fear that you don’t fit in. Fear that you are not rich enough. Fear that you are not enough, period. Look at the messages you are getting in every advertisement you see. They optimisticare designed to manipulate you in some way. Don’t believe that hype. To me, there is something extraordinary, beautiful, and hopeful in the person who can maintain their optimism in the face of a cynical world.

Look at the stories of disaster and tragedy that the national media presents you with as often as possible. These stories are tragic and terrible, but what good does it do to be cynical about all people and situations because of one unfortunate incident? They perpetuate fear to control you, be afraid, and you are easily manipulated. Be optimistic and hopeful; you are a wildcard that might change the world. Be a wildcard and change the world, please! That is my most significant optimism, which lies in the hands and hearts of others and their ability to do great things and be optimistic about the world. Also, in my hands, I want to be the best I can be despite challenging situations of loss and pain.

Be Optimistic

It will not always be easy to maintain an optimistic outlook on life as new dramatic situations enter it. But there is power in being happy and maintaining positivity that will propel you through tough times. It will allow you to armor against tragedy and will enable you to hold up those you love when all would like to turn to the negative. It starts with a consistent and straightforward consciousness about your thoughts, words, and actions. To look to the good and be grateful for what you have in situations that seem contrary.

More Optimistic Quotes

Being optimistic, anything is possible, and being negative little is. Choose to enjoy the unlimited possibilities of being joyful. 

“Optimism doesn’t wait on facts, and it deals with prospects.” ―Norman Cousin.

“Be fanatically positive and militantly optimistic. If something is not to your liking, change your liking.” ―Rick Steves.

“No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit.” ―Helen Keller.


Dreaming My Dreams


My goal is to establish a positive focus every morning by concentrating on one positive word or phrase. There are enough negative influences in the world, and I believe that through a conscious movement of thought, we can improve our emotions, words, and actions and make the world a better place and our lives more enjoyable.   Follow your dreams today?  

What is a dream?

One of the great things about life is that we can conjure up images in our minds of things we want to experience and accomplish through our efforts. These are nothing more than thoughts in our imagination, which are dreams.  Once you establish these dreams, then it becomes a quest to see if you can accomplish them or not. There are plans to make and actions to take, which will allow you to complete all the things you set out to do.

Sometimes you will reach your dream, and sometimes you won’t. But it is the journey to accomplish the things in our minds that provides spice to life.  To believe in yourself and your ability to perform things when all others doubt you and make it happen is the greatest accomplishment.  Follow your dreams!!

Finding the Value

Not all journeys are going to be comfortable and seamless. You can set out on the path to chase a dream, and it will be comfortable in the beginning, but there will be challenges that arise and obstacles that get in your way.  At these moments, a person needs to look for the lesson they are being taught or the skill they have the time to develop.  Often that is the best value that dreams provide an increase in agility, thought, and performance that would have never existed if you didn’t have the plan in the first place.

There is also an enjoyment of the journey that gives a zest to life we can all use.  As you go down the inevitable path, your dream will take you; there will be experiences along the way. There is knowledge to gather, people who encourage you, people who don’t encourage you, and tiny victories and defeats along the way.  Take the time to appreciate them all because it is in the struggle that the value of the goal is felt.

Dreams Come True Every Day

The most important thing to remember on your journey is that dreams come true every day. There are people out there with no more talent, skill, or drive than you are turning their imaginative thoughts into reality.  You can do it too—some simple things to do. First, keep the image of your dream in your mind daily. Please write it down. Look at it regularly and use your imagination to think about what it will be like, then it comes into your reality.  Second, don’t listen to those with a negative mind.  If you want to get discouraged, tell people about your dream. They will most often list all the reasons you are unrealistic or that it can’t possibly happen.  Keep your goals close to your heart and yourself, except for those who are optimistic supporters.  Third, keep on going and moving forward. This track is done by taking consistent and appropriate action, developing your skills, and getting you closer to accomplishing what you dream about.

Dreams are a human experience. No other creature we know of experiences something in the imagination and then brings it into reality.  Our ability to attempt to do this brings us to hope that life can get better and that we can turn things we desire into reality. That means we can create almost anything in our lives. Become better, develop your skills, and follow your dreams.  They are a reality on the other side of your imagination.

“Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries.” ―James A. Michener

“How long should you try? Until.” ―Jim Rohn

 “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” ―Nelson Mandela

“You just can’t beat the person who won’t give up.” ―Babe Ruth




My goal is to establish a positive focus every morning by focusing on a positive word or phrase. There are enough negative influences in the world, and I believe that through a conscious focus of thought, we can improve our emotions, words, and actions and make the world a better place one thought, feeling, word, and move at a time.   What is Your character today?  

Character Is

The mental and moral qualities an individual possesses determine the contents of nature.  This benefit is not something you are born with; it is a force you manage throughout your life. Character is a series of daily choices you make in where you spend your attention, your time, and, most importantly, how you choose to deal with other people.

Your character is ever-evolving and can be redefined many times throughout your life.  Today, at this moment, is the only chance you have to reveal what you are made of, and that makes all of your decisions valuable to what you are and the energy you produce each day. Character is what you do when you think nobody is looking.  Remember, you are always looking. You can’t fool yourself.  Consciously develop the style you want to represent you.

The Shifting Sands of Character

When you are born, you do not have any character. As you grow in life, you make choices in how you deal with others and what you accept for yourself, which will define you to the world.  It is important to remember that if you behave selfishly or negatively towards others, that defines your character and is who you are.  Focus on the things you do in each moment, the decisions you make, the actions you take, and the thoughts you are focusing on in your life.  Do they honor you? At the end of your life, when you look back at this moment, is it going to be one that you are proud of representing you?

If it isn’t, then you have a chance to change your outlook by making more positive choices.  Each moment contains a decision: to be happy or sad, kind or mean, loving or fearful, the sum of your options will define your character.  Once you understand you can develop that character, you have no excuse not to become a better person.  Two simple things are involved:  honesty about who you are and a willingness to grow and improve. Only your self-imposed limitations can stop you from progressing.

Set Goals, Be Better

When you look at yourself and your thoughts and behaviors, honestly, there will be two categories: Things you are doing well and things you want to improve.  Look at your choices, which enhance and display the character you wish to possess.  Enjoy them and feel good about who you are! Then look at where improvement is needed.  Set some goals to become better, and then take action by implementing them in your life.  If you feel you need to be kinder to people, then make that a conscious focus of your day.  When you see a deficit in generosity, then look for ways to be more generous with the positive things in your life.   Don’t deceive yourself; your character results from the daily conscious or subconscious choices you make daily. Only you decide this.

Why Character is Important

Developing your character matters because it will define who you are and how you contribute to the world.  All people are complicated, and we possess both the capability for great good and great evil.  The conscious choices we make determine the path we walk down.   Your preferences for the character will decide who you are in this life.   Are you a positive force for good, or do you choose to be a negative force for evil? That is why our character has value. It determines the choices we have made in the world and how we decide to work with life.

It is a constant battle inside every person to maintain the positive qualities of honesty over deceit, kindness over meanness, giving over selfishness, confidence over doubt, or love over fear.  Your value to the world and its collective experience is defined and determined by your character’s choices. Developing a better character is going to make the world collectively more positive.

Challenge today

The simple challenge today is to examine your choices right now with clarity and honesty.  Where are they leading you?  Define the areas you are doing well and feel positive about it.  Define the improvement that is needed and create goals to become better.  The character you define is your own, and you are solely responsible for the kind of person you will be today and in this life.

Quotes on Character

“Most people say that it’s the intellect which makes a great scientist, and they are wrong: it is character.” – Albert Einstein.

“Character is the result of two things: Mental attitude and the way we spend our time.”  – Elbert Hubbard

“Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character” – Albert Einstein

“Character is what you know you are, not what others think you have” –Unknown



Daily Positive Project Day 3

Improving the world one positive thought at a time!


Words are sounds we make or symbols we draw which offer information to the world. We use them to express ourselves and we do this without a lot of conscious thought.

It is important to watch the words you use because each word brings with it an energy that you are going to use to represent yourself, your thoughts and emotions and they can lead to the actions you take.  A positive word of encouragement can lead to something good for someone else and yourself and a negative can do the same.

Words are a part of your consciousness whether you know it or not. As you think thoughts feelings are linked to them and our words are a result of this process, displaying to the world what is going on inside you.  If you are having thoughts of joy, kindness, caring, or love then your words will naturally reflect that.  The same can be said if you are having thoughts of fear, anger, frustration, jealousy, or hate. Watch your words they are a weapon.

The challenge today is to be conscious of the words you use and the feelings and thoughts that are behind them.  Watch how your words affect the people around you. They are powerful things.

Positive Words to Focus on Peace, hope, love, kindness, empathy, generosity, success, and Empathy. 

Negative words to avoid: Anger, envy, sorrow, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, ego, and hate.