Tag Archives: positive words

Magic Words

Word- something that someone says or writes, a remark or piece of information.

wordOne of the three things I think you have to focus on to raise your level of consciousness is the words you use every day. Word use is essential to your actions and the feelings, thoughts, and steps you create in others and yourself. How you speak can make someone more confident and empowered, or it can quickly destroy someone’s confidence and abilities.

The choice of your words can also dictate the life you grow, either positive or negative. Today I am putting your focus on each word you use today. Is it helpful? Is it harmful? What exactly is the purpose of this thought? It all begins with looking at your thoughts,  which lead to your words, leading to feelings and actions in your life.   Most importantly, let’s look at the words you use every day.

The Words are Magic

Just for a day, focus on the words you use. Why do you say things the way that you do? There is a reason you speak to someone the way you do. Is there a trust or a distrust of this person?   Words are how we either clearly or not so clearly let the world understand our thoughts. That wordcan be a scary proposition for some people. Comments can be helpful, but they can be extremely harmful as well. A relationship can be destroyed, trust can be ruined, or someone can be saved through the words we use. Trust can be built when our terms are backed up with decisive action.

The point of focusing on your words is to make sure that you are the force in the world you intend to be. A person has an equal ability to be a positive force in the lives of others or to harm them with negativity. This choice all happens through the use of their words. Be complimentary, supportive, and kind in your terms, and their influence will propel people forward to being their best. But most importantly, your words will drive you toward being your best. Focus on your words and the thoughts and feelings behind them. Are they planting the seeds you want to see grow in the future?

Avoid the Negative

Our words can cause people pain. There are countless examples in every life on Earth of this being the case. Gossip is one way this happens, which is the mindless chatter of small minds. It can be hard to stop yourself from participating in gossip. This practice is foolish talk about others which most often are not based on fact. Even if it is true, it doesn’t do you any positive good to do this.

Words can be loving or feel like a punch in the face.

Words are used by all people with the capacity for speech, and there is little to no conscious thought associated with their use. We speak to express ourselves to others and rarely contemplate the message we are sending. There is power in your words, which exists in all verbal communication. Pay attention to the power of your words. These words can change our lives and the lives of those we take the time to speak with daily. What you choose to talk about grows. 

Our Thoughts Expressed

What is a word but a way to express your thoughts to the Universe? All words have power. Positive words can nurture a relationship, create peace, build a community, inspire great action, or create justice. Words of love, prosperity, and gratitude will bring those things into your life. Conversely, if your words are spent on gossip, hate, judgment, or jealousy, they will bring those things into your life. When you plant these positive words day to day, then the crop you reap will be a pretty positive one.

And so are you!
And so are you!

This is simple enough to test. Be aware of the words you are using and focus on really speaking words of love, prosperity, and gratitude for a week and see what grows from it. If that is too daunting a task, do it for just a day. The trick will be to stop yourself from speaking words on the negative side and sticking to the positive. I am always surprised by how tempting it is to say the words that don’t help anything or anybody, the gossip that provides a connection—the “harmless”  joke at someone else’s expense. Watch your words and see what happens. If you can, you will see a positive difference in your life. Those who continually gossip and judge others will bring negativity into your life, and it will become apparent when this is happening.

What you seek, you will find

This works so well because once you start to seek positive words and situations that be carefurequire positive comments, you become more aware of these situations in all areas of your life. When you deal with all people, tell them what they do well, explain why they are valued, and how your experience is better because of them in your life.

When you are looking for things to express positive feelings about, you can’t help but find items worthy of your positive thoughts and words. More than likely, these things have been there all along, unnoticed. But it is a conscious choice to look for them that reveals them to you and allows you to use your words to speak of them. It isn’t easy to make things happen if you don’t speak. 

Use your words to allow for the growth of love, kindness, peace, acceptance, and understanding in the world and your life. It takes just a little effort to have the consciousness of your words expressing the positive expressions of your thoughts. It all begins with paying attention to those thoughts, the resulting feelings, the words that follow, and your actions because of the great good you can accomplish with them.

“Be mindful when it comes to your words. A string of some that don’t mean much to you may stick with someone else for a lifetime.” -Rachel Wolchin

“Words are free. It’s how you use them that may cost you.” –Kushand Wizdom

“One kind word can change someone’s entire day.” -Unknown


Words of Power

Words are weapons more potent than the most destructive of bombs, and they destroy people and lives as quickly as the most violent of storms. We are all capable of inflicting great harm on others and having significant injury heaped into our own lives. Talking is a substantial mode of communication all people use every day, and it is also something most don’t give a second thought to, but they should. How can what you say affect your life and the lives of those around you?

Words have incredible power to express our emotional sentiment and thought to the world. All things are energetic, and comments are exponentially so. You must choose carefully. The words you use in all of your conversations with others and with yourself will determine much about your karma. The energy you create with the language you use will affect your life and those you speak with long after the sentence is uttered and the thought expressed. The effect can be either positive or negative, and the choice belongs to you and the way you deploy your weapon of words.

The Dark Side of Language

The dark side of language can suck you in very quickly, and it is the most powerful weapon you have. Simple little sentences between friends can harm all people involved in the conversation and lead to more negativity in the world. It is difficult to turn back once you start down a negative path. Here are a few of the negative word paths you should avoid.

  • Negative talk- Negativity is speaking poorly about someone or something, looking for the worst, being mean, critical, or using any other negative words toward something. Also, always expecting the worst out of any situation is negative thinking.
  • Lying – Not being honest is the creator of negative energy. People lie because they are afraid of the truth, and it justifies what they are or actions they have taken, others, or even themselves. Lying always brings negative energy.
  • Gossip- Speaking in casual or unconstrained conversation about others using details that are rumors or outright lies. At the very least, you are painting someone else in a negative light for no constructive reason.
  • Judgment- When you judge someone else in your language, you remove their humanity, and you separate them from yourself and usually make yourself feel better.
  • Complaining- When you complain about something, you create a victim’s mentality. It does no good, and keep this in mind. 80% of the people don’t care, and the other 20% are glad you have a problem to complain about.
  • Make Excuses- I have often stated that excuses give your Power away to the most plausible reason you will accept.
  • An exaggeration is a form of lying that can hurt you when you make something more substantial than it is to make yourself look better or feel better; it will harm your life.

Positive Power of talk

Fortunately, weapons work for good as well. You can choose to talk about things positively and leave the negative words and conversations behind them. Bringing positivity and hope to your life and adding to the joy in others. Focus your discussions and terms on the positive forces of words and see the difference it makes in your life. You are shining a positive light on your life and the lives of others. Here are a few points to focus on.

  • Honesty– This is the first test of all words we choose to use. Is it true? If it is and doesn’t hurt anyone, let it out. Honesty is always positive. Being straight and transparent with your words and what you mean will allow others to be honest with you.
  • Authenticity– Being genuine in what you say allows everyone to know what you stand for. If you feel a certain way about something, as long as you are not harming anyone else, then speak genuinely about your thoughts and feelings about topics in your life.
  • Integrity- Sticking to your principles is essential so that your words stand clearly for what you believe in. If your words represent your beliefs and what you think is moral and upright, how can you go wrong?
  • Love- In all things, let your words come from a place of love. All branches of love, acceptance, kindness, understanding, caring, etc., will spread positivity throughout your world. Speak with respect whenever possible.

Time Release Detonation

One of the aspects of our words that most don’t consider is that a thought spoken meanly can sit idly inside your head for years and then resurface and do its damage later. When you use insults or negative-minded comments, they may pop out later when you least expect it. A word is spoken, and at first, it doesn’t bother you, but as you think about it more and more, it can infest your mind and cause anger, fear, or even worse.

This time-released detonation can be devastating to relationships of all kinds. Words spoken in anger in the heat of the moment resurface later to harm you and whoever is around you. Be wary of every word you say and conversation you have. Be positive that the terms are what you want to be represented by for the rest of your life. One sarcastic comment can cut a person to the core, totally meant in jest. Be careful of the way you use your words and make sure they are not a weapon harming anyone.

“Be mindful when it comes to your words. A string of some that don’t mean much to you may stick with someone else for a lifetime.” -Rachel Wolchin

“Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can be only forgiven, not forgotten.” -Unknown

“Words are free. It’s how you use them that may cost you.” -Kush and Wizdom

“Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.” -Rumi

 “…But the human tongue is a beast that few can master. It strains constantly to break out of its cage, and if it is not tamed, it will run wild and cause you grief.” -Unknown

 “The secret of being boring is to say everything.” -Voltaire

 “One kind word can change someone’s entire day.” -Unknown



512566070029080548_1356144434Bad days happen. We fall, we make mistakes, and things fall apart. That is life. I have observed that the people who move swiftly through these mishaps manage to enjoy the positive side of life and have developed habits worth emulating. It is easy to let negativity creep into our lives as we live day to day, especially when things are not seeming to go our way. Consciously focusing our thoughts on the positives in life will provide value where it appears that none exists. Being in love with your life during each minute is a secret to happiness. It is not what happens to your thoughts about the thing which affects your life.

When you fall, make mistakes or lose something or someone, learning to manage your thoughts more productively will decrease the time of self-pity and sadness and allow you to take the lessons and move forward. That is all there is to do in life.

Let Worry and Fear Go

It is a natural part of our society to look at the future with worry and fear. tumblr_l86giqztyy1qcugwco1_500What if I don’t have enough? What if the money runs out? What if I am alone? What if nobody is there to love me? All of these questions and more will build worry and fear into today that will rob you of any enjoyment you may experience. You have the money; you are loved; you have enough; all these things are happening right now. Enjoy them. It is OK to be happy at the moment.

Happy people tend to focus on the positive things in their life right now and have gratitude for them. The future is uncertain at best, and it will happen. It could be great or not so great. It really will depend on the way you view the things that come your way. Why let it take away from the certainty that is good today? Let worry and fear go; they are limiting and will only make you unhappy. Worriers are generally people who are grasping at the control when situations become uncontrollable, always. No amount of worry or fear is going to stop the thing from happening. We all understand that life is going to end the same for everyone eventually. It is how you live in each moment of each day, which will define you. Live each moment well, and don’t fall into the trap of worry and fear.

Watch The Words

Words have a power that most people fail to recognize. Words can build, encourage, love, or support. They have equal potential to tear Quotes-watch-your-Wordsdown, discourage, hate, or undermine. The way you use your words will dictate the energy they have for others and yourself. If your comments are focused on Gossip and complaining, then your life will be filled with a lot of misery.

Watch your words and how many are spent on complaining about circumstances in your life or gossiping about the life of others. That will provide the energy to bring you and everyone you deal with down. Misery loves company, and so does contentment. Watch your words. Are they positive or negative? The words you use will define your experience every day. Avoid Gossip and complaining. What you focus on in life increases.

It is also worthy to note that when you withhold words you should speak, you are also harming yourself and those you care about in your life. Knowing what to say and avoiding direct and clear communication about your views and how things affect you is a limiting action. When one word may have saved someone else needless suffering, share your words when they represent what you think and feel about your relationships because sometimes the moment passes, and there is no way to repeat those things. In their silence, they cause pain, and they can’t reverse it. Open and honest communication is the best practice.

Comparison and Jealousy

Happy people don’t spend their time comparing their life and accomplishments to others. That is one of the surest ways to build misery. The experiences and achievements of others are not your business. People comparison-is-the-thief-of-joysee success for others and feel jealous. Why not be supportive of all people? It is based on the misconception that there is a finite amount of anything in the world. The truth is that there is plenty of wealth, success, and happiness for everyone. Most of us seem to lack the confidence to go after it and find our joy. We are responsible for our thoughts and actions in all areas of life, and the actions and thoughts of success are always available for us to grasp and hold onto tightly.

When you concern yourself with your success and happiness and how you behave, not only will positive things happen for you, but you will enjoy them more. Time spent being jealous or envious of someone else’s success is foolish and self-defeating. These thoughts will take away from the abilities you have to create your own most joyous life. Developing ideas and accomplishing goals is a good thing and should be commended and applauded. It proves that all people can be successful, wealthy, creative, and happy, INCLUDING YOU! To not see this is another way you can fall.

Life Is Hard, Not!

If you entertain the limiting belief that life is hard, then it surely will be. These thoughts are away many fall down. It is a simple fact that happy people ignore and look at life quite differently. Life is meant to be an adventure with many twists and turns, and each can bring happiness into your life if you let it. All people dont believeexperience loss in life; the damage is a lesson we all have to deal with at some point. It is your attitude about the loss that will define the rest of your life. I know words about loss can seem empty, but I have known significant loss, and my thoughts about it were my biggest weakness. The power I gave ideas limited my ability to be even just a little bit happy because I focused on the loss. Not on the gains and the possibilities ahead. To look at what is gone and long for it again is a natural feeling and desire. But many great things are not meant to last and are fleeting in their beauty. Love them anyway. Try not to fall down the trap of feeling one situation or person is all there is for you.

If you believe that there is no way your life can be good again, it most likely won’t be. That means that each loss, either a death, loss of a job, a relationship or

We all fall down sometimes; it is the fact that we get back up that defines us.

anything that is a loss brings with it a possibility of growth and wonder as well. That is a fact, and it depends on the choices we make.

We decide not to move forward or not look for a new advantage. Optimistic people seem to have found the secret of perspective. We can all practice this by looking at life as a road of endless possibilities rather than living as a complex, painful experience.

Your choices when you fall will define what you feel about your experiences and, of course, your level of happiness and enjoyment. There is nobody or nothing else to blame for the joy you have in your life. It is solely and entirely up to you and the mindset you develop over your life. Choose to be upset, and you surely will be. I am choosing to be satisfied and seeking in all I do in life. I have fallen down and am picking myself up and moving forward into opportunity.

“You don’t get drow by falling into a river. You get drown by remaining there. Falling accidentally and rising immediately was what distinguished Thomas Edison and Abraham Lincoln from the rest.” ― Israelmore Ayivor

“Life has pounded me down
and thrashed me around,
Time and time again,
But I always get right back up,
Because I still love life –
Just as the earth still loves
The rain.”
Suzy Kassemn

“You fell down? Get up! You fell down again? Get up again? You keep falling down? Keep getting up! Refuse the direction towards the ground! Up and forward, that is the direction!” ― Mehmet Murat ildan


Joyous- a good, affirmative, or constructive quality or attribute.

positive thoughtToday can be a good day, or this can be a bad day. Positive thinking will make sure it is a good day. The decision is yours to make. A pretty simple choice, isn’t it? You have total control over what kind of experiences you will have only by how you look at the circumstances you find yourself in at the moment. Positive thinking allows you to be hopeful through all sorts of situations. It sees the long game of benefits in a short set of experiences. It is choosing to be a force that helps others in the world. Positive thinking is a chance to be a positive change in the world. It starts with a conscious awareness of how your thoughts move you today toward the positive or the negative and how your corresponding emotions, words, and actions stem from that. I have experienced many images over the past year, betrayal, loss, lies, and selfishness. My conscious choice is to look ahead and leave the past in the past. That is what I was supposed to do all along.

Positive Thinking Determines What you Will Accomplish

It is said that “your attitude will determine your altitude in life.” What this implies is that what you get from life is what you put into it. When it comes to your career, if you expect to find the work you love and develop the knowledge and skillsets required, you are well on your way to achieving that goal. The next step is action. It would help if you took action; without it, you would not reach your destination.Positive Thinking

I was once told that life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent of how you react to it. The ratio may be wrong, but the general idea is correct in its meaning. Many things in life happen to us that we have no control over, but we always do have control over how we react to them. Positive thinking allows those reactions to be helpful and productive rather than unhelpful and destructive.

How do you put this into practice? Well, it is as simple as making a decision. It can be anything from losing a job to getting a flat tire. There can often be things in our lives that are not pleasant to experience. Still, they allow us challenges that would enable growth and increased self-awareness that we would never have had if these unfortunate events had never occurred. If you can manage your anger and the urge to indulge in self-pity, you will be able to find a bit of good in anything. That is positive thinking.

This is How Positive Thinking Works

How can the loss of a job possibly be a good thing? Because when the injury occurred, you were forced to branch out and explore options you would never have explored or looked at had you never lost the previous job. You positive thinkingwould never know if you have the strength or will to survive something until you do. That is positive. All of life is a constant movement of change. It is difficult to see the long-term benefits until you are looking backward. But they are there. Your choice is to be optimistic about the future or be cynical about past experiences. One will lead to growth, and one will not.

How can getting a flat tire be a good thing? You never know what is waiting for you down the road. You might have gotten into a horrible accident if an annoying flat tire hadn’t waylaid you. It could have saved you from destroying your vehicle or even protected you from significant bodily harm. It is all a matter of perspective and outlook. Often we see the problem and focus on that because of the stress of the immediate situation. How you deal with issues in life determines the experience you have in life.

Being Positive doesn’t Ignore the Negative

I hear many people look at the prospect of being positive and seeing the bright side as being unrealistic. All events happen, death, crime, accidents, and they can happen at any time. Each brings with it a set of challenges to every human that faces them. Our thoughts and emotions are intertwined. So we need to grieve, and that is not a “good” thing, but it is a necessary part of living and enjoying life. No matter what or who has left your life, life is still moving forward. What will you do with your time remaining?

Some will choose to sit and look at what is lost and never move past it. Others will see the loss as a change in life, but life still has a lot of good things to give to your experience. Many times it is up to our consciousness to notice the good things that are remaining. We only have a finite amount of time to have this human experience. Each of us decides for ourselves if it is spent in fear of what life may bring or in love with what life is giving us. Always your choice and nobody else’s.

Positive Challenge

So I challenge you to put this into practice and choose to make today the best day that you possibly can. Enjoy the good things in your life, from the cup of coffee at the beginning of the day to the caring thoughts that others send your way throughout the day. This day you have a thousand choices of what you think, feel, and do. Be conscious of your positive protonreaction to all things. Is it positive or negative? Why is it that way? Then take it into the next day.

Make someone else’s day a little better, compliment them, or be kind. It’s free! Practice positive thinking and make your reality a little bit sweeter and gentler today. If you are thinking in a positive direction, don’t let someone else’s negative thoughts influence you toward the negative. Use them as a springboard to become more positive. Only a positive frame of mind will allow you to enjoy life and all it has to offer. A negative mindset will let you fear life. It is your choice, and it starts with a greater awareness of the thoughts you entertain. The emotions they bring to the surface. The words you speak to others because of your dreams—your actions because of your positive or negative mentality.

“Each day, I come in with a positive attitude, trying to get better.”- Stefon Diggs

“Your positive action, combined with positive thinking, results in success.” Shiv Khera

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.



Creating positive mindsetThings To Consider When Creating a Positive Mindset

Every word we use has an energy attached to it and impacts the lives of all that hear it. Too often, we use our words without consideration of how they will affect others. Words are the building blocks used to build our mindset, either positive or negative. Our words radiate around and within us long after they are spoken. All people must be vigilant in noticing the charge of our words and their thoughts. Focusing on speaking positively will allow us to create a more positive mindset. This will make life a happier and more enjoyable experience.

Positive Mindset Musts

The most negative words that are used at some point by everyone are those of gossip. Gossip has the power to draw almost anyone in and drag 3e904ff58b78afd415f20809bbd9610athem down as well. Gossip is attractive because it allows people to feel included in a secret group of thoughts that only the group currently gossiping knows. It allows someone the opportunity to judge someone, their actions, and their lives without knowing anything as a fact. Gossiping leads to many problems and lessens your life. The most important drawback is the negative energy you generate in your life.

When you participate in talking about others and their lives when they are not present, you increase your life’s negative energy. You are spreading rumors, speaking about things that are at best half-true and worst outright lies. This sticks with you and will stay with you. If you are speaking with people who thrive on gossip, guess who they are talking about when you leave the room?

Each time you speak negatively about someone else’s life, you are diminishing your own life. You destroy your integrity.  Our behavior tells the world what we are and our actions define and accentuate that. When you participate in negative talk like this, then your life will be decidedly negative. It is difficult to experience happiness when we are constantly looking at and talking about others’ negativity.

How to Speak Positively

The great thing is that we all have a choice about how we speak and the things that we speak about. It starts by paying attention and what you thinkmaking good choices, creating a positive mindset. The simple way to manage your words is to be consciously aware of all the words you use and what energy they bring.

Learn to T.H.I.N.K. about what you are going to say, and this little acronym will allow you to look at all of the things you say to yourself and others.   Use this before you say anything about anything, and it will allow you to speak more positively about yourself and others, which will make your energy and life more positive.

T- Is it true? That is a significant factor in speaking about you or someone else. If it isn’t true, don’t say it.

H- Is it helpful? If you are about to say something that is not helpful, then choose not to say it.

I – Does it Inspire confidence? If you are about to say something that does not inspire confidence in yourself or others, you should choose not to say it.

N – Is it Necessary? This is important to consider as we speak. Often the answer is no. A thought is not worth expressing through your words.

K – Is it Kind? One of the most important considerations that we should consider when looking at the way we speak about others and ourselves. Speaking with kindness is positive and builds positive energy around yourself and others.

By following this simple guide and evaluating your thoughts, and being mindful of the words you speak, you can make your life and the lives of those around you exponentially happier by developing a positive mindset.


Daily Positive Project Day 3

Improving the world one positive thought at a time!


Words are sounds we make or symbols we draw which offer information to the world. We use them to express ourselves and we do this without a lot of conscious thought.

It is important to watch the words you use because each word brings with it an energy that you are going to use to represent yourself, your thoughts and emotions and they can lead to the actions you take.  A positive word of encouragement can lead to something good for someone else and yourself and a negative can do the same.

Words are a part of your consciousness whether you know it or not. As you think thoughts feelings are linked to them and our words are a result of this process, displaying to the world what is going on inside you.  If you are having thoughts of joy, kindness, caring, or love then your words will naturally reflect that.  The same can be said if you are having thoughts of fear, anger, frustration, jealousy, or hate. Watch your words they are a weapon.

The challenge today is to be conscious of the words you use and the feelings and thoughts that are behind them.  Watch how your words affect the people around you. They are powerful things.

Positive Words to Focus on Peace, hope, love, kindness, empathy, generosity, success, and Empathy. 

Negative words to avoid: Anger, envy, sorrow, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, ego, and hate.