Tag Archives: words

The Words of Achievement

All people capable of the art of speech let loose with thousands of words every day, but individuals rarely take the time to listen to what they are saying and the impact those words have on their lives. Each person is dictating the events they are capable of achieving through the use of their words. Both on the outside and, more importantly, on the inside. Is your life moving in the direction you desire or not? Check your words, and dictate if you are happy and prosperous in your endeavors or failing to achieve anything relevant.

Inside Job

Words are the expression of ideas we carry around in our minds. We don’t necessarily share everything we think with the rest of the world, but we can’t help noticing the thoughts in our minds. That is being human. If every time you think of goals you want to achieve, you are met with a barrage of discouraging thoughts, ready to stop achievement, and bold action before it collects any momentum.

These thoughts are often programmed into us by parents, relatives, education systems, pop culture, and peers. We have learned which ideas to share and which will brand us as strange or weird. So conditioned, we become that our conditioned thoughts run continuously and without conscious direction. They harm our self-worth, limiting our abilities to become what we are destined to be. Suppose we can get out of our way. Words are the things that either stop us cold or propel us into our best selves.

Outside Words

All people are contracted to the words they speak and bring into the world. What you talk about and focus on is what will show up in your reality. If you accept negative comments about your ability, character, or looks as accurate, then you are allowing the words of another to control your life. Too often, individuals allow the words spoken with malice or no thought to destroying their ability to do something good.

If you allow someone else’s words to dictate how you feel about yourself, you give up your most basic, powerful, and complete form of power. Astonishingly, most people are unconsciously moving through life. Each of you

Remove all doubt and destructive aspects of the words in how you think and speak to yourself. The terms thought or spoken will provide the direction and accomplishments of your life.

The Universe is listening to you and will bring back what it hears. We tell ourselves often and loudly what we are not capable of doing, and the Universe will ensure that is what happens to us.

Words You Speak Determine Your Path

Endeavor to set an intention in your life to be conscious of the words you put into the Universe internally and externally. If you are not where you desire to be, then perhaps your language is one of the reasons. All you think and say guides the forces of creation to bring you just what you are looking for. It is just as easy to create good things as to cause unwanted, complicated items. It would be best to consciously make what you want, starting with how you think and speaking about yourself and your abilities.

When your mind speaks negatively, notice and switch it over to a positive machine, helping you create your best life rather than a negative deterrent to success.



The Process in My Life

Process– a series of actions or steps to achieve a particular end.

While finding positive words to focus my awareness on each day, I have been amazed at how each day works and treats everyone, including myself, a little better.  It has also allowed me to look at life events and let go of the things that don’t matter.  Each day, our focus is on four things: our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.  That is the process I have used and one I think you might find helpful to focus on. It allows you to be aware of the process happening in you, and for most, you can grow from noticing this process in your own life. The process is happening to us all, whether we see it or not.

Thoughts Are the Thing

It always begins with our thoughts.  A thought is an idea we produce, and it seems to appear suddenly in our brain. People have thousands of views every day, a virtual stream of thought.  But we don’t notice them without a little effort.  When you start to pay attention to them, you see that your thoughts’ tenor directly controls your mood. If you have thoughts of love and positiveness, your attitude is cheerful. If you are focused on fear, your mood is more on the opposing side.  Which ideas you pay attention to is totally up to you.

Since each thought leads to a corresponding emotion, the words we use, and the actions we take. Nothing could be more important than choosing the ideas we want to represent us. If you are not aware of the thoughts you are choosing, someone or something else may be picking them for you. Another person, or worse yet, some pop culture influence, might be deciding your mood, the words you use, and the actions you take. Be vigilant of your thoughts, and make sure they represent you.

Emotional Responses

There is a direct connection between your thoughts and your emotions. Each study has an emotional reply. If you are thinking thoughts of fear, then your feelings will be on the negative side too.  If you are afraid your needs aren’t being met somehow, anger is often the response.

Emotional Sayings About Life Love Feelings And Emotions Quotes Very Sad Quotes Pictures – QUOTES MORNING

Anger is fear exposed to the world. Watch an angry person from a distance, and you can see the thoughts driving them. The same is for people who are calm in the face of adversity. Their opinions are not of fear but love.  That means kindness, acceptance, unselfishness, benevolence, or friendship can all spring from this type of thought.

There are some emotions to avoid, and the thoughts that lead you there are the key to doing so. Notice your idea and release it; pay no attention to it, find a more positive thing to think about, and a more positive emotion will arise. Feelings to avoid: Rejection, anger, frustrations, loneliness, depression, failure, humiliation, or guilt are excellent places to start.  Each of these comes from the thoughts you entertain in your head about your situation. Look at your situation honestly, take responsibility, and then take positive steps forward. These emotions do no good for you or anyone else. Learn the thoughts that connect you to these emotions, and you will have a key to a more positive life.

Words are Magic

Words can bring great beauty to the world or burn down a paradise. How you use words reflects your mood, character, and the effect you have on the world.  Some use their words for good, and those that use their words for fear.  Do you speak well of others? Or do you use your words to insult or diminish them? Notice the words you use in all situations; you will have a clear view of your inner beliefs and the fears you must overcome.  All spoken comments have power, and that charge is either positive or negative.  What you focus on in life generally shows up.

If you are consciously speaking to others about kindness, prosperity, good health, and wealth, then it makes sense that those things will show up in your life. Speak with others well, and give them your support as they experience the complex parts of life. Words have a vibration to them and will carry that to those you speak with.  It is always your choice whether your words will be a good experience for someone else or not.  It all starts with being conscious of the thoughts you are thinking and being in control of them, rather than the other way around.  Manage your words.

Actions Speak the Loudest!!

Actions are the final result of our thoughts and are the truth serum for things. You can control your words, but your actions can wipe out any good thing you created.  To be a hypocrite, saying one thing and doing another shows the world where your true feelings lie.  All of your actions will come from your conscious mind. It tells you how to behave, what you should do, and how you should do it.  Your thoughts will determine everything from the route you take to your work to how you eat your dinner.

This is the end of the process, as you move from thoughts to emotions to words that all result in actions. What have you done today? How much of it was an accurate representation of you? How much was a representation of what someone else might think?  Hopefully, it is all about your thought because that means you are on the right path. If not, it is not too late.  Stop doing the things that are unhealthy, mean, or bad for your overall life. Train your mind to focus on what you want in your life, and those things will start to show up in your actions.

Be aware of the thought process and how it will affect your life.  Be vigilant and consistent in the tone of your thoughts because those thoughts will lead to the life you have.  There is no way around that. It is difficult to be happy when negative thoughts are running your life.  Focus on positive reviews and let them permeate your life. Let the process work for you and not against you.  Thought-Emotions-Words-Actions. 

“A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money.”- John Ruskin.

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”- Aristotle.

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought, and the study has found words.- Robert Frost

Welcome to the Morning

There seem to be two ways to look at the morning. Once it is the beginning of yet another day, the possibility of what you can create has begun. Either way, you look at it, today is here, and we have an opportunity to attack our lives with a dynamic passion or with a weak resignation to the fate of the calendar. Here are a few ideas to make this day and every day the best they can be. It is always a matter of the thoughts and emotions you will accept from yourself.

Positive In, Positive Out

One of the first choices we make each day happens when we wake and Monday accentuates this attitude because it will often set the mood for the week. A positive thought is essential to your day and your energy throughout life. Rather than look at your job and existence as drudgery or something you have to “get through,” you can view it as a great joy and adventure. It is always your choice to energize your life with positive thoughts and peaceful emotions at every possible opportunity.

Some days can be challenging; challenges are always going to arise. You will have bad moods, but you can change your attitude when you realize that your attitude is a choice of thought. All emotions result directly from the thoughts we entertain. Choose a different idea if you feel angry, upset, frustrated, defeated, or any other negative emotion. This optimistic attitude about yourself is available at any moment throughout the day. Your thoughts will energize your life one way or another. Positive thinking in mind leads to positive energy.

Become More Conscious of your Energy

As your day gets going, be conscious of the energy you are producing with your thoughts, words, and actions. Through your power, you can make your life better in every way. You can choose to eat healthier and participate in activities that increase your vibration. Your life will naturally be a more positive experience for you and those you deal with daily. Many people get in trouble when they start looking at things and become concerned that their needs aren’t being met.

When you adopt this mentality, you will be operating from a mindset of lack and fear. Fear of not meeting your needs will pollute your day with negativity, anger, jealousy, and worry. There isn’t any adverse action or mindset that can’t be neutralized with its opposite positive thought and action. Feelings of lack contradict beliefs of abundance, fear with love, anger with peace, worry with confidence. These things can be done instantly because we choose the thoughts we entertain in our consciousness.

Make Today Great

There is no other day that we are guaranteed to have than this one. It is up to us to choose if we want today to be great or not. Yesterday is over, and no matter how good or bad, it is now a part of history, and we can’t change anything about it. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed to anyone. Today is all we have, and you can choose to be more conscious of what you appreciate in life and the great things that make you the best version of yourself. You can decide to make today optimistic or pessimistic. It is all up to you to choose hope and joy in your life. Make today as powerful as you can.


All our dreams can come true–if we dare to pursue them. –Walt Disney

Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. –Les Brown

Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless. –Jamie Paolinetti

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. –Lao Tzu

 A year from now, you may wish you had started today. –Karen Lamb

Magic Words

Word- something that someone says or writes, a remark or piece of information.

wordOne of the three things I think you have to focus on to raise your level of consciousness is the words you use every day. Word use is essential to your actions and the feelings, thoughts, and steps you create in others and yourself. How you speak can make someone more confident and empowered, or it can quickly destroy someone’s confidence and abilities.

The choice of your words can also dictate the life you grow, either positive or negative. Today I am putting your focus on each word you use today. Is it helpful? Is it harmful? What exactly is the purpose of this thought? It all begins with looking at your thoughts,  which lead to your words, leading to feelings and actions in your life.   Most importantly, let’s look at the words you use every day.

The Words are Magic

Just for a day, focus on the words you use. Why do you say things the way that you do? There is a reason you speak to someone the way you do. Is there a trust or a distrust of this person?   Words are how we either clearly or not so clearly let the world understand our thoughts. That wordcan be a scary proposition for some people. Comments can be helpful, but they can be extremely harmful as well. A relationship can be destroyed, trust can be ruined, or someone can be saved through the words we use. Trust can be built when our terms are backed up with decisive action.

The point of focusing on your words is to make sure that you are the force in the world you intend to be. A person has an equal ability to be a positive force in the lives of others or to harm them with negativity. This choice all happens through the use of their words. Be complimentary, supportive, and kind in your terms, and their influence will propel people forward to being their best. But most importantly, your words will drive you toward being your best. Focus on your words and the thoughts and feelings behind them. Are they planting the seeds you want to see grow in the future?

Avoid the Negative

Our words can cause people pain. There are countless examples in every life on Earth of this being the case. Gossip is one way this happens, which is the mindless chatter of small minds. It can be hard to stop yourself from participating in gossip. This practice is foolish talk about others which most often are not based on fact. Even if it is true, it doesn’t do you any positive good to do this.

Words can be loving or feel like a punch in the face.

Words are used by all people with the capacity for speech, and there is little to no conscious thought associated with their use. We speak to express ourselves to others and rarely contemplate the message we are sending. There is power in your words, which exists in all verbal communication. Pay attention to the power of your words. These words can change our lives and the lives of those we take the time to speak with daily. What you choose to talk about grows. 

Our Thoughts Expressed

What is a word but a way to express your thoughts to the Universe? All words have power. Positive words can nurture a relationship, create peace, build a community, inspire great action, or create justice. Words of love, prosperity, and gratitude will bring those things into your life. Conversely, if your words are spent on gossip, hate, judgment, or jealousy, they will bring those things into your life. When you plant these positive words day to day, then the crop you reap will be a pretty positive one.

And so are you!
And so are you!

This is simple enough to test. Be aware of the words you are using and focus on really speaking words of love, prosperity, and gratitude for a week and see what grows from it. If that is too daunting a task, do it for just a day. The trick will be to stop yourself from speaking words on the negative side and sticking to the positive. I am always surprised by how tempting it is to say the words that don’t help anything or anybody, the gossip that provides a connection—the “harmless”  joke at someone else’s expense. Watch your words and see what happens. If you can, you will see a positive difference in your life. Those who continually gossip and judge others will bring negativity into your life, and it will become apparent when this is happening.

What you seek, you will find

This works so well because once you start to seek positive words and situations that be carefurequire positive comments, you become more aware of these situations in all areas of your life. When you deal with all people, tell them what they do well, explain why they are valued, and how your experience is better because of them in your life.

When you are looking for things to express positive feelings about, you can’t help but find items worthy of your positive thoughts and words. More than likely, these things have been there all along, unnoticed. But it is a conscious choice to look for them that reveals them to you and allows you to use your words to speak of them. It isn’t easy to make things happen if you don’t speak. 

Use your words to allow for the growth of love, kindness, peace, acceptance, and understanding in the world and your life. It takes just a little effort to have the consciousness of your words expressing the positive expressions of your thoughts. It all begins with paying attention to those thoughts, the resulting feelings, the words that follow, and your actions because of the great good you can accomplish with them.

“Be mindful when it comes to your words. A string of some that don’t mean much to you may stick with someone else for a lifetime.” -Rachel Wolchin

“Words are free. It’s how you use them that may cost you.” –Kushand Wizdom

“One kind word can change someone’s entire day.” -Unknown


Words of Power

Words are weapons more potent than the most destructive of bombs, and they destroy people and lives as quickly as the most violent of storms. We are all capable of inflicting great harm on others and having significant injury heaped into our own lives. Talking is a substantial mode of communication all people use every day, and it is also something most don’t give a second thought to, but they should. How can what you say affect your life and the lives of those around you?

Words have incredible power to express our emotional sentiment and thought to the world. All things are energetic, and comments are exponentially so. You must choose carefully. The words you use in all of your conversations with others and with yourself will determine much about your karma. The energy you create with the language you use will affect your life and those you speak with long after the sentence is uttered and the thought expressed. The effect can be either positive or negative, and the choice belongs to you and the way you deploy your weapon of words.

The Dark Side of Language

The dark side of language can suck you in very quickly, and it is the most powerful weapon you have. Simple little sentences between friends can harm all people involved in the conversation and lead to more negativity in the world. It is difficult to turn back once you start down a negative path. Here are a few of the negative word paths you should avoid.

  • Negative talk- Negativity is speaking poorly about someone or something, looking for the worst, being mean, critical, or using any other negative words toward something. Also, always expecting the worst out of any situation is negative thinking.
  • Lying – Not being honest is the creator of negative energy. People lie because they are afraid of the truth, and it justifies what they are or actions they have taken, others, or even themselves. Lying always brings negative energy.
  • Gossip- Speaking in casual or unconstrained conversation about others using details that are rumors or outright lies. At the very least, you are painting someone else in a negative light for no constructive reason.
  • Judgment- When you judge someone else in your language, you remove their humanity, and you separate them from yourself and usually make yourself feel better.
  • Complaining- When you complain about something, you create a victim’s mentality. It does no good, and keep this in mind. 80% of the people don’t care, and the other 20% are glad you have a problem to complain about.
  • Make Excuses- I have often stated that excuses give your Power away to the most plausible reason you will accept.
  • An exaggeration is a form of lying that can hurt you when you make something more substantial than it is to make yourself look better or feel better; it will harm your life.

Positive Power of talk

Fortunately, weapons work for good as well. You can choose to talk about things positively and leave the negative words and conversations behind them. Bringing positivity and hope to your life and adding to the joy in others. Focus your discussions and terms on the positive forces of words and see the difference it makes in your life. You are shining a positive light on your life and the lives of others. Here are a few points to focus on.

  • Honesty– This is the first test of all words we choose to use. Is it true? If it is and doesn’t hurt anyone, let it out. Honesty is always positive. Being straight and transparent with your words and what you mean will allow others to be honest with you.
  • Authenticity– Being genuine in what you say allows everyone to know what you stand for. If you feel a certain way about something, as long as you are not harming anyone else, then speak genuinely about your thoughts and feelings about topics in your life.
  • Integrity- Sticking to your principles is essential so that your words stand clearly for what you believe in. If your words represent your beliefs and what you think is moral and upright, how can you go wrong?
  • Love- In all things, let your words come from a place of love. All branches of love, acceptance, kindness, understanding, caring, etc., will spread positivity throughout your world. Speak with respect whenever possible.

Time Release Detonation

One of the aspects of our words that most don’t consider is that a thought spoken meanly can sit idly inside your head for years and then resurface and do its damage later. When you use insults or negative-minded comments, they may pop out later when you least expect it. A word is spoken, and at first, it doesn’t bother you, but as you think about it more and more, it can infest your mind and cause anger, fear, or even worse.

This time-released detonation can be devastating to relationships of all kinds. Words spoken in anger in the heat of the moment resurface later to harm you and whoever is around you. Be wary of every word you say and conversation you have. Be positive that the terms are what you want to be represented by for the rest of your life. One sarcastic comment can cut a person to the core, totally meant in jest. Be careful of the way you use your words and make sure they are not a weapon harming anyone.

“Be mindful when it comes to your words. A string of some that don’t mean much to you may stick with someone else for a lifetime.” -Rachel Wolchin

“Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can be only forgiven, not forgotten.” -Unknown

“Words are free. It’s how you use them that may cost you.” -Kush and Wizdom

“Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.” -Rumi

 “…But the human tongue is a beast that few can master. It strains constantly to break out of its cage, and if it is not tamed, it will run wild and cause you grief.” -Unknown

 “The secret of being boring is to say everything.” -Voltaire

 “One kind word can change someone’s entire day.” -Unknown



Create-bring (something) into existence.

What is Creativity?

Create The ability to bring things into existence that previously didn’t exist is an awesome power and allows an individual to enjoy life and the experiences it brings. When you create, the energy produced is positive and contagious.  All people have a force in themselves that yearns to create. It could be to create paintings, writing, thought, woodwork, plays, songs, or any other of a billion different things. When you have a question about your direction in life, look to create, and it will guide you.  Raise your consciousness today by looking at how you create in thoughts, words, and actions.  (See Video)

The Concept of Creativity

The ability to create allows people to connect their mind, body, and spirit in one activity. Most religions see creativity as a gift from God, and to use that gift will honor all involved. The result doesn’t matter, and it is the process of bringing something into existence that

Createpreviously didn’t exist that is powerful, memorable, and self-supportive.  There is a creator in all of us looking for a way out, and that can only come through making the conscious choice to free our creativity.

Choosing to let your ability to create lie dormant will decrease the enjoyment you have in life. Creativity is a joy we give to ourselves and the world. Try not to waste that gift, and you never know what your creations might lead to. Fame? Fortune? Connections? Whatever it is, the world will be better for it. Your method and inventions may open ideas for others and solve problems in ways you never thought of before.

Characteristics of Creativity

There are several simple things a person can do to create more easily. One of the most effective is to read. Find books that challenge you and teach you something. A mind that expands will never regress again.  Once you become aware of new thoughts in your existence, they often lead you to creative action. The more depth in your knowledge, the bigger the field of creativity you have to play on.  Read, think, expand your mind, Createand read again.

Never be afraid to lose yourself in a task of creativity. When the time doesn’t matter, and you are focused on the creation. It is in these moments that we find the answers to who we are.  The concentration is away from the chatter of thoughts existing in our minds, creating something that never existed before. You are this powerful creator. Once the channel is open, higher and grander creative forces will build in you.  Find out where your creative limits lie if you have any!

Today raise your awareness of what you are creating in all areas of your life. In your thoughts, think of what you would like to develop and how you will bring it into reality. In your words, look for ways to express your desire to create and encourage that desire in others.  In your actions, create something.  Make time to do this today.  The desire to develop connects you to your soul and allows you to enjoy the experience of life. Paint, write, sculpt, build, dance, act, sing, play, do what your soul guides you to do, and answers will come to you.

Concepts of Creativity

Every soul has the power to create something that can only come from them, so find it and create it and release it to the world. It is your duty to live.

If, at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it. ~Albert Einstein

Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties. ~Erich Fromm

The chief enemy of creativity is good sense. ~Pablo Picasso

There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life. ~Sophia Loren

An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail. ~Edwin Land

Creativity is never a waste of time !!


Gratitude Attitude

Another holiday is upon us, and we are still faced with the same old choices of how to respond.  On Thanksgiving, more than any other day of the year, it is a natural time to pause and consider all of the great things we have in our lives and, more importantly, all of the people who make your life go.  In today’s minutia, it is easy to pass by these things and people without so much as a mental mention. My challenge to myself and you is to find gratitude deep inside yourself and allow the thoughts to bring it to you to surface.  Here is my quick attempt to capture my own gratitude today.


How much around you do you notice? Really notice and appreciate it? From the way, it feels when cold snow hits your face to the old, worn-out way a tree looks in late November, with a few stray brown leaves clinging to branches as the chill wind blows them around in the dance of the inevitable. Most moments, we are wrapped up in our thoughts too much to notice much of anything outside of us.  That is a shame and a loss of possibility.  Start right now and put the thoughts of gratitude for the things all around you.  The sunshine on your face shows you all will be ok,  The rainfall and how it feels.  Too many people rush through the rain as if it is a major inconvenience, and in some ways, I know it is, but think of life, somewhere a person is lying on their death bed, wishing that just one more time they could feel that rain on their face. Please don’t take it for granted.

See the world, and appreciate it.  We all will face challenges, and people will disappoint us, and life will push us. Yet, it always gives you these tiny reminders of beauty to help us along the way.  If your troubles are too big to notice the small salve of nature and the miracles all around you, then you are too wrapped up in yourself. I have been there, and unwrapping your mind and letting the meaningless thoughts go is the first step. Be grateful for all the things in your life you never notice.

See Your Cast

Shakespeare claimed all the world is a stage, and we are merely players.  You are the star of your production of life, and you also choose who is cast into the leading roles in your life.  Too often, we allow people who don’t deserve to be even minor characters in your life, assume staring roles.  You determine who these stars are or are not.  Be grateful for the ones who deserve to be in your life. You will know

You have a choice to decide which roles you play and who is on the stage with you. Choose wisely, and your life depends on it.

Because they feel like sunshine. Not just once in a while, all the time. Warm, comforting, and accepting.  A wise person constantly evaluates their cast and makes sure to make changes in the production if warranted.

People are good actors, so sometimes it is hard to know who to keep and who to move on from, which creates all the good drama in your live production. Those who are not what they seem will eventually display their true selves.  Be careful of the attachments you build to the roles you play, they will change, and the people with you may change too.  Allow change to happen, create your cast wisely, allow those who care about you, and contribute to your best self to be in your life. You cast your troupe of players every day and have the opportunity for change. I have learned this lesson the hard way.

You Decide

You make all of the choices in your life, be grateful for that ability, and take full responsibility for those choices’ results.  Too often, we want the choices but only claim them as ours if it works out.  If things do not happen as we envision, we point the finger of blame at the situation, other people, the weather, God, or everything else but us.  We are the driving force behind our lives, be grateful for this gift because it means you really can do whatever you want.

Our thoughts are the power behind the momentum of our lives. A thought leads to an emotion that then will lead to action, and the results of those actions are what we call life.  You are the creator of thought and, therefore, of emotion and action. Choosing thoughts that will help you and not harm you is the first step in accomplishing anything. If you don’t like the results of a certain thought, then it is time to make a different choice and think some other way.  It is a great day to appreciate that skill in yourself. If you are not where you want to be right now, you have time to think of things you would like to experience and start moving toward it.

Next year you will have more to be thankful for and different people to think about, and probably new adventures to embark on.  Understand that you are the creator of it all and with great power comes great responsibility.   I wish you well on your journey.

100 Day Reflections of Consciousness

Raising My Consciousness One Word at a Time

Reflection– serious thought or consideration.

On Wednesday, November 22, 2017, I began a project with a simple goal.  To give an encouraging word to others every day for 30 days. What quickly resulted was a change in my awareness and quickly I saw my consciousness become more of a focus.  So then I hoped to raise the consciousness of at least one other person with each word. When I reached 30 days, like Forrest Gump, for no particular reason I kept going.  Here I am.  It has been 100 days since then and that is 100 words and 100 thought-provoking posts, that I have completed one way or another every day.

In that 100 days, I have managed to maintain my normal schedule and find time to create a post a day.  I changed jobs, which led to an entire schedule change but still was able to persevere.  People have entered and left my life.  So this is a reflection of the project at the 100-day mark.  What went well and what could have been better.  It deserves serious thought and consideration.  I will begin by looking at my thoughts, the corresponding emotions, words and actions that have arisen.  Welcome to my journey of consciousness.

My Evolving Consciousness

To me, your consciousness is simply what you are aware of in life. Too many days go by without an acknowledgment of their significance. We move one day to the next, just trudging through life. Hoping to find some distraction from life. Life is the entertainment, not the distraction. Although, I didn’t always see it that way. This project forced me to take a moment every day and set my mind toward something positive.  Each thought leads to a corresponding emotion. So if you think of frustrating things you are going to feel frustration, that will lead to words about frustration and of course, you will act on that.  The same is true for positive things.  They are there for you in every day. If you choose to look for them.

As I looked at the encouraging words for the day, I found them becoming a part of my life.  In times where I might have been angry, I was patient and able to maintain a better mental attitude. The focus on the positive things in life became more of my daily outlook. This was a conscious choice each day and it has made a positive difference in my life.

The Power of a Word

It is strange how a word can create a mindset for a day.  I started with the word kindness, then moved to encouragement, and through the 100 words.  With each consecutive word I wrote about I almost always ran into a situation that day where I could apply the lesson.  Each time, I would be consciously aware that the word was showing up in my life.  Confidence, choice, forgive and choice all came and went and as each day passed I realized that the person really benefitting from this project was me.  I am

Finally, I changed the beginning from “word of the day” to “Raising my Consciousness One Word at a time.”  There are others who have read a word here or there and found some thought from it.  Others who read every word and write to me to talk about their thoughts on that aspect.  All I know for sure is that there is a power in words.  They can lift you up and make the life of those around you better as well.  It all starts with a thought and that leads to an emotion, the words you speak, and the actions that you take.  All from the thought of a word.  Awesome.

What can get Better?

Like all projects, there are always things you learn along the way.  In this case, I would have kept better track of the words as I went along.  At first, I thought the project would only be 30 days, so I didn’t pay close attention, but then as the list got longer, I needed to be careful or the same word would be used again.  It is easier than you think.  I used the same word twice and wrote totally different ideas about it.  On the good side, there were things that I obviously needed to say.

I also would have found a way to share more of the beginning of the project with people and made a clearer agenda of what I was hoping to accomplish. However, if I had done this the project would have only lasted 30 days and would have been called the encouraging word of the day.  Much of the good that I have gotten out of this so far, might not have happened.  Overall I am happy with the result but there is always room for growth.

How will this grow?

There are a few natural paths for growth here I think. One is to do a weekly podcast on the words of that week.  I will publish it on the blog so you can hear my thoughts on the points of interest during the week.  Also could include guest appearances from people important to the blog.

Another way to grow the project would be to create a short video for each word that explains my thoughts on how focusing on the positive aspects of that word can help you become more positive in your life.  Also, I think that this format could lend itself quite naturally to becoming a book.  But that will all be in the future.

Finally, I am grateful to have made it this far, and it really doesn’t seem like a hundred days has gone by.  Because when you take it one day at a time, they just start to fly by.  I am also grateful for what the project has brought to me, what I have learned and how I have been able to express my thoughts.  It has been a great experience to have other people provide their feedback to me and to gain something positive from my little creation themselves.  So take a moment each day and really focus your thought on the words you are using in your life and look at the actions that result.  Raise your consciousness to the level you want.  Be aware of the life happening all around you. It is a pretty good thing.  100 thoughts, 100 words, 100 actions.

“Reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has many not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.”  Charles Dickens

“Sometimes, you have to look back in order to understand the things that lie ahead.” ` Yvonne Woon

Daily Positive Project Day 3

Improving the world one positive thought at a time!


Words are sounds we make or symbols we draw which offer information to the world. We use them to express ourselves and we do this without a lot of conscious thought.

It is important to watch the words you use because each word brings with it an energy that you are going to use to represent yourself, your thoughts and emotions and they can lead to the actions you take.  A positive word of encouragement can lead to something good for someone else and yourself and a negative can do the same.

Words are a part of your consciousness whether you know it or not. As you think thoughts feelings are linked to them and our words are a result of this process, displaying to the world what is going on inside you.  If you are having thoughts of joy, kindness, caring, or love then your words will naturally reflect that.  The same can be said if you are having thoughts of fear, anger, frustration, jealousy, or hate. Watch your words they are a weapon.

The challenge today is to be conscious of the words you use and the feelings and thoughts that are behind them.  Watch how your words affect the people around you. They are powerful things.

Positive Words to Focus on Peace, hope, love, kindness, empathy, generosity, success, and Empathy. 

Negative words to avoid: Anger, envy, sorrow, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, ego, and hate. 

Personal Growth, Self Improvement, Positive Thinking