Tag Archives: jonathan hilton

Letting Go


burningFire is an element that represents many things to many different people. To me, it has a symbol of purification. This is because when I looked into the fire, I saw the future ahead of me and the past was left behind.

The Significance of the Fire

There needs to be a bit more explanation than that I suppose.  In life, there are people who come into your life and cause only a ripple in the large tangle of life’s experience. Then there are those that are destined to leave a deep emotional crater, that you are destined to carry in your life.  How much and how long you carry it is up to you.

I started the fire for purification purposes. It needed to be done, a weeding out of cluttered possessions that served no purpose other than to remind me of things that were gone. As long as I held these things, there was the hope in the back of my mind that they would somehow summon those ghosts from the deathly slumber of their existence. It was time for a funeral, it was time for purification.

A Picture is Worth…………….

fire footage
Pictures burned as memories drift into the sky, never to be seen again.

The pyre I started was solely for me to observe and as the preparatory flames burned I said a silent goodbye and started to cleanse my existence of those memories. It was the pictures that went first.  Each happy moment of fake smiles and skin deep beauty were at first singed and then ever so slowly erased from existence.  As they went all of the lies, jealousy and foolishness went with them. Watching them go one by one was fascinating. Playing back entire years of events.  Then wiping them and their cursed impact away.  As the last fake image of yesterday disappeared into the either, candy swirled emotions of relief and fear engulfed me.

Possessions Mean Little to Me

campfireThen it was time for the things. Things that at one time held a vat of feelings and memories of special moments that will never be lived again. Knowing that there was a beauty in the world was great, but knowing that beauty can cut you deep and leave you with nothing but scars and disappointment. Onto the fire went the every single thing that had ever been given or held any attachment whatsoever.  Some of them burned well and caused the fire to burn ever higher.  Some did not, there was a bottle from a special occasion, that only the label disappeared in the wall of flame.

Your Words Showed Their Value

Eyes on FireLast and not least were the words. Words are empty when the emotions that once supported them. Now they are like the crack of a whip every time you read them and realize that they are no more. Let them go, place them in the fire.  Read one final time and destroyed forever.  That is the way of relationships that are born in the fire. They are often ended by the fire. How else could it possibly be?

The cleansing was over, the end had come. The fire went out, the past was gone with its last searing growing ember. Never to be mentioned again in conversation, but the scars remain, not only from the past but from the first moment I looked into the fire.

What Is Up


Inside my head it's a mess_thumb[10]I read a great article last week about finding out what is happening on the inside. To make this more clear to get in touch with your subconscious mind, through art. This blog is called the Creative Guru, and she really is creative and a guru.   I saw the very beautiful and talented artwork the author created and loved it.  She is an artist and rendered paintings, which are just wonderful.

The author suggested that you need to have no artistic ability to do this yourself.  Lacking any ability to draw at all, I wanted to accept the challenge and see what was happening inside myself that perhaps I wasn’t aware of, if that is possible.  She also has promised to evaluate the deep meaning behind my picture. She also gives links to help your do it your self. Click Here for these

The process is quite simple, don’t think, just draw.  Whatever you feel like just do it. Well not thinking was easy, drawing was not. I did three images to give a really clear example of both my artistic failings and my unresolved issues.  I am no expert but this is what I found with each picture.

This is the short basic list of what you should look for:

  • Rounded shapes and curves indicate a need for harmony in your life.
  • Straight lines & square: indicates a down-to-earth personality
  • Arrows: signify some goal that you have in mind.
  • Intricate patterns: indicate an introverted and obsessive nature.
I even had a name for this, but I crossed it out. Didn't want to reveal too much. Can you guess what it was?
I even had a name for this, but I crossed it out. Didn’t want to reveal too much. Can you guess what it was?

This was the first one that sprung to mind if you can’t tell they are balloons tied to a fence. I am not sure why this is hidden in my mind but it was.  My interpretation: I really like balloons, they are very happy things, securely tied to a fence post where their strings will be cut someday and they will fly free through the atmosphere.  Lots of rounded shapes and straight lines, I am a down to Earth person with a need for harmony in my life. Whew! I was really worried there that I might want to join a circus or a carnival or something.

Picture number 2

Not sure I need Freud to interpret this one.
Not sure I need Freud to interpret this one.

This was the second one I did and I am not sure if the person getting rained on is me or not, but I have definitely felt this way some days. The interesting thing was the giant head of a duck was the last thing I added for no apparent reason. I would like to know why?

We are all duplicitous, I think
We are all duplicitous, I think

This was the third one I did and it is what it is.  I would explain it but really have no idea. It is the picture of a room. The thing in the middle is a mirror.  The rest of the stuff I just drew and am not sure about but I am open to suggestions.

So there you have it. I spent some time on this day, trying to find out what is on the inside. These three drawings have shown that I really don’t have much talent. However, to be honest, there was a great feeling of release in creating them. I felt happy when I was done and poor artistic ability aside, I like looking at them. I could have made a few more but wanted to keep my intense artistic abilities to myself.

What I learned so far is that it is fun to stretch yourself and try new things, without question.  Trying something new is fun and I encourage you to try it.  I may not be able to interpret these but I respect and admire those that read these pages, so please feel free to give me a title for each picture!! Thank you very much for reading to this point you deserve a prize.



I’m Really Blue, Are You?

I'm Blue
I am definitely blue, but not in a bad way!

by Jonathan Hilton

Pouring over my daily dose of inspiration I was looking for a great idea to write about, and most great ideas come from other bloggers who know much more than me.

I didn’t have to look very far to find one that hit me right where I live.  It was on the site called Creative Guru , which features great ideas, fantastic writing and a tale of self discovery.

Today there was a post about what color she is, not literally, but here personality.  That she was once a yellow but over time has become more of a blue.  She started to have blue infiltrate her life, to fill it up. Blue just started to show up in clothing and household items.

I was intrigued because I was trying to see if there was a color that had infiltrated my life.  I enjoyed the writing so much I commented and stated that I didn’t particularly notice any color all over my life.  She suggested to start by noticing the color of the shirt I was wearing today.

blue peter griffin
I didn’t touch nothin’ Wonka! Peter is blue too.

I looked down at my blue jacket I had on, and unzipped the coat.  Revealing a shirt the exact shade of blue as the jacket.  “That is kind of strange” I thought to myself, then noticed further the blue pants I had on.  I looked like a giant walking blueberry. I even had blue socks on!

It was absolutely true that I put no thought into what I was going to wear today, I just picked what jumped out at me and that was blue.  How accurate could this color business be? Well here is what blue is said to reveal about your personality:

” Lovers of blue have a deep need to find inner peace and truth, to live their life according to their ideals and beliefs without having to change their inflexible viewpoint of life to satisfy others.”

This was kind of a strange thing because without looking very hard I found the following pieces I have written in the past year about living my life by my own ideals.

A Path to Inner Peace  , Everything You Do Matters,  Forgive and move on,

Then I learned that those who favor Indigo:

“have a need to feel in harmony and at one with the Universe and to be accepted by others as the aware and intuitive spiritual beings that they are.”

Which I wrote about in a post called My Biggest Fear, which happens to be the fear of what others think about me.  Much of what I write is from a spiritual perspective or has been influenced by my journey of self discovery.  Then I was totally psyched up because there is definitely something to this color business.  You can pick almost any of the posts I have written and they come from this base.  Read any of the Thirty Question Project posts and they will reveal the truth, that yes, I am blue, but in a good way!

Tobias blue man
I feel this blue! Thanks Tobias.

Then I started to think about how blue I really am, how I own other color shirts but I like blue the best, from my trusty superman shirt to any and all New England Patriots and Boston Red Sox paraphernalia I wear on a semi-regular basis. Blue, blue, blue, there is no escaping it I am a blue man.  I should move to Vegas and join the Blue Man Group.

In all seriousness I enjoy learning about new things so much, and to find out things that are signs of why I think the way I do, act the way I do, and wear what I wear.

This was so much fun and such a great experience that I decided to post it immediately so if you are interested in seeing where your personality type lies then follow the link below! You may be blue, red, yellow, or some other color.  No matter what where you fit in on the spectrum of color. It is OK because that is who you are! Wear you colors proudly.

See about your personality from http://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/personality-color.html, it’s a pretty neat site, they have much more in-depth definitions than I gave above.

My Deep Thought Notebook

by Jonathan Hilton

My current colorful, deep thought notebook!
My current colorful, deep thought notebook!

I am not sure what other people do with their thoughts. I mean the one’s that make you adjust in your seat and know that there is power boiling there.

The potential seed that could grow into some potentially awesome writing, or a gadget the world has never seen before and may never experience if I don’t record it quickly and accurately.  I often get hit with ideas from sources I experience every day and spend my time trying to record them in my almost magical, brightly colored, deep thought notebook.

Why I carry My Notebook

I have been carrying around a notebook for most of the past two years to catch these wonderful thoughts before they can escape me.  I call it my notebook of deep thoughts and ideas. More of a hopeful title than descriptive because it captures all ideas both good and bad.

As a learner throughout life, writing things down allowed me to internalize them, ingest them and work them around inside which allows me to decide if the idea is a good one or if it needs a bit more work. My notebook allows me to place an idea off to the side, safe and sound. Then return to it in the future and find my subconscious has found the value of that writing.

Looking for a "great Idea" in my notebook. Find them all the time
Looking for a “great Idea” in my notebook. Find them all the time

Some are from reading I do, and note taking of unique points and thought provoking phrases that highlight a feeling or spark a unique thought.  Some come from the great blogs I read online. I fill my notebook with quotes and descriptions that are just inspiring.  Like a blog I read yesterday for the first time. There were so many great writings, I filled up many pages, with quotes like:“In your shadow, I became a child.  In your light, I became a bird, and learned how to fly.” – Purnimodo

This quote and many others,  I place into the book and refer back to as often as I have to, in order to let it spawn a great expression of my own.  These are easy to do, because the words speak a story.  In a few short words, a story is spawned in my mind.  It is then just a matter of letting it flow out through my fingers onto the keyboard.

Some times during meditation, I think of those words and they allow me to encompass and cover the entire world.

Get Yourself a Thought Book

I highly suggest that you have a thought collection process for all great ideas that come your way, be they deal with spiritual things, action plans or just great information about life.  I am sure that people look at my colorful notebook and have pangs of jealousy, but they are going to have to find their own.

The great thing is that the actual book, means nothing without some substantial substance located on the pages inside. Any old notebook can provide any person with a vehicle to catch their ideas and manufacture them into greatness.  Mine cost a dollar but I have made it priceless.


I Feel So Much Gratitude!

Thank You
I was very shy about letting anyone know what I wrote.

by Jonathan Hilton

I was scared to death! Petrified! White knuckle, grab a hold of something, close your eyes and scream scared of what other people would think of my writing. So much so, I really hesitated to ever show it to anyone.  I had one friend who I would “let” read what I thought. They were very safe and supportive.

Finally after a bit of coaxing,  I started to take a few tentative steps out into the world of blogging.  It was a world that is very strange to me, I just never realized how many other people write and share their work.  What an amazing discovery this world has been.  It is a world of dynamic personalities, interesting thoughts and great knowledge.

I was pensive at first because I am careful by nature I guess, and looked at a few blogs, and finally got up my courage to leave a couple of comments.  I was amazed that not only did most of the blogs I commented on read my comments but they replied back!

I read another bloggers account of reading spam and pretending that it was real interaction, because at least it felt like someone had read my thoughts.  That was me for sure. So getting actual feedback from real people was like winning the Super Bowl!

Thank you so much for following one of my blogs in any way!!

Other people actually read what I wrote.  What a great feeling! Now even though I have never met in person any of these people, their stories and writing is a vital part of my daily life.

Finish a job at work, sneak over and see what is happening in the blog world.  See a story that inspires, a video that puts me in awe, or a picture that makes me scared of reptiles.  What ever it is generally, specifically I am inspired.  Creativity comes from this inspiration and I want to express my gratitude for those who have followed me in as special a way as I can!!!

Thank you so much for making my life a richer experience. I placed each person in a random order because I love all of you so very much. If I forgot anyone it is not because you are not in my heart, because you are, it is because I somehow missed you!

Samantha DeLint
Maaher Sayeed
Leila Dayne
marga t.
Pat Cegan
Ray Barbier
Simply Me

Christmas Should Be the Cure

Why Christmas should cure people.

christmas wonder
Christmas should be a time of wonder, and if it isn’t, look within yourself.

It is easy to see the problems with the world today, life’s issues seem to force themselves into our consciousness.  There are those without enough to eat, no family, no home and no hope of anything any better.  This is impossible to fix completely but Christmas gives us our best opportunity to make changes in the quality of life for all people.  How come we so often miss the mark?  Why is it that so many people are not really happy on Christmas?

Commercialism Robs Gratitude

Too often it seems Christmas lists look like this. Greed is not good.

The increase in commercialism around this time has made Christmas the season of expectations not of gift giving and gratitude.  People, especially young people, spend the holiday wrapped up in what is being wrapped up for them.  Rather than being concerned with the feeling of Christmas which has always been love, they are worried about what is in this for them.

I feel old when I say I remember a different time, but I do.  There were small gifts that were really appreciated by those receiving them.  I remember not only receiving gifts that were thoughtful, and just what I wanted, and I remember searching for just that perfect gift that cost under five dollars for my parents or siblings.  It was a simpler time, even though Christmas was commercialized then, it was nowhere near the media advertising blitz it is today.

It is no wonder people are so messed up around Christmas, if your intake of expensive electronic gizmos and gadgets doesn’t equal the price of a small import car, the holiday is a failure.  Where did we go wrong?

The Magic of Christmas

gratitude of Christmas
Try some of these thoughts and emotions this year.

It doesn’t have to be that way, and it is simple to reclaim.  If you are Christian then remember the actual meaning of the holiday.  The message is one of love, power, and wonder.  If you aren’t Christian but like the holiday, simply remember that the act of giving is a good thing, and has the power to transcend culture, distance, and differences of all kinds.  Giving is a two-part transaction, which should never be forgotten.  On the one hand, there is the giving of a gift.  It simply has to be given with an open heart, to make someone else happy.  That is it.

The second part of the transaction is receiving, with gratitude, and appreciation, that someone else in the world cares enough about you to take the time to find you a gift. There was a time in life, that I took gifts for granted myself, but age and time have made receiving gifts of any kind a wonder.  I appreciate the thought, even more than the gift itself, because that is the real treasure anyway.

This is the magic that comes with this season each year and seems to be lost in the commercialism and greed that pervades the holiday.  The act of giving is powerful, but the feeling of gratitude for the gifts and love of another can carry you to new heights.  Having a gratitude in your heart can allow you to find the strength to make it through tough times because it is not really how much crap you accumulate in this life, it is how much others care about you and your presence in their lives that matters in the end.

It Will All Be OK

So when you start to feel overwhelmed with the season and find that you are getting frustrated with the commercialism and greed that seems to be all around you, then you need to look inside yourself and find the spirit of giving and the gratitude for all that you have.  If that is your focus you will have a much more pleasant holiday season and life.


Letting Go and Moving On

by Jonathan Hilton

ten quotes changeSometimes a change will come as quick as an Earthquake totally changing the landscape of your life.  Other times changes happen so slowly as to be almost imperceptible to the observer.  Yet no matter the time they take, change is constant, and powerful, like a river carves a great canyon where none existed before, change affects your life each and every day.

I say this because there have been many changes over the past year for me to absorb.  Experiencing the events happening in my life right not is the easy part, but for me to actually let all of the past go, that has been the hard part.  Yet all things do change and all things do eventually end.

Even though I know that there was an ending many years ago, I still kept a hope alive that in time there would be a reconciliation in some way.   I always wanted to make sure that I was available, should this moment arise.  This thought has been stopping me from living let-go1life to its fullest, and the change that is taking place is that it ends today.

This is no monumental feat or grand accomplishment, in fact to all other people it will mean nothing at all.  Yet to me it is the ultimate in letting go.  I have forgiven, I have understood, but I have never let go, and it is time that I did.

So when you look at the world today, looking up at the clear blue sky, or later tonight seeing the moon hanging in front of its pitch black canvas, understand that in a small way, the world is different today than it was yesterday and a very small part of that is because it was finally time to let go and say goodbye to yesterday and accept the promise of the future.



imagine-what-is-possibleby Jonathan Hilton

Lost in a flow of unfamiliar folks. Found in an instant by you.

Thinking and resigned to my fate, there is a waking up that leads me here.

I don’t know where I’ve been for so long, now I am sure it’s time to move on.

Moving on into the abyss of the dark, scary, exciting and inevitable.

not possible to know if circumstances will improve, but moving forward is the only thing to do. It is then you will find the message with only your name, left just for you.

The loneliness of life can at times totally swallow your soul, if you are not careful, there will be only a weak surface joy in life. Digging deeper with all you have will reveal the truth.

anything is possibleTry not to fear this change, and fight the instincts to run for safety, move boldly.

Strength of nerve will bring understanding so move boldly without hesitation.

There is no limit on your path, your potential is infinite, unless you choose to struggle.

All barriers before you fall, loneliness leaves, contentment grows, as it should.

When your beliefs are working with our dreams, this is a time in your life when …..



How Great I Am

How Great I am Muhammad Ali
How Great I am!

by Jonathan Hilton

There are many motivating things that I have come across over that past two years, and one of the most motivating people of the last half of the 20th century has been Muhammad Ali, championship boxer.

Not because he was a great boxer, but because he transcended boxing and provided inspiration that can be applied to every day life.

It doesn’t really matter what your goals are or what you really want to accomplish, if you believe in yourself like Ali did, you will have an excellent chance of achieving your goals.  I publish his affirmations with a sense of pride, because I know “How Great I Am.”

I am sure that Ali never thought that his thoughts from so long ago would ever amount to anything more than motivation for the fight he was about to undertake.  He even admitted himself that he was trying to convince himself and everybody else that he was the greatest, if he said it often enough and loud enough, people would start to believe him.

This is true to all of us, if you say how great you are, and believe it, you will be!

Below is the most motivational video of all time.  Watch it and you will feel that there is nothing you can’t do.

One of his poems The Legend of Cassius Clay:

This is the legend of Cassius Clay,

I Can Fly Muhammad Ali
I Am The Greatest

The most beautiful fighter in the world today.
He talks a great deal, and brags indeed-y,
Of a muscular punch that’s incredibly speed-y.
The fistic world was dull and weary,
But with a champ like Liston, things had to be dreary.
Then someone with color and someone with dash,
Brought fight fans are runnin’ with Cash.
This brash young boxer is something to see
and the heavyweight championship is his destiny.
This kid’s got a left, this kid’s got a right,
If he hit you once, you’re asleep for the night.

Ali provided the examples of great personal affirmations that anyone can use to help motivate them to accomplish any thing.

After defeating Sonny Liston the most feared fighter of his time, this affirmation was spoken:

“I knew I had him in the first round. Almighty God was with me. I want everyone to bear witness, I am the greatest! I’m the greatest thing that ever lived. I don’t have a mark on my face, and I upset Sonny Liston, and I just turned twenty-two years old. I must be the greatest. I showed the world. I talk to God everyday. I know the real God. I shook up the world, I’m the king of the world. You must listen to me. I am the greatest! I can’t be beat!”

Before fighting Ernie Terrell in 1967 Ali let the world know what he thought of his opponent.

I think Terrell will catch hell at the sound of the bell.
He’s going around saying that he’s a championship-fighter,
but when he meets me he fall 20 pound lighter.
He thinks that he’s the real heavy weight champ
but when he meets me, he’ll just be a tramp
Now I’m not sayin’ just to be funny, but I’m fightin’ Ernie because he needs the money

Last night I had a dream, When I got to Africa,
I had one hell of a rumble.
I had to beat Tarzan’s behind first,
For claiming to be King of the Jungle.
For this fight, I’ve wrestled with alligators,
I’ve tussled with a whale.
I done handcuffed lightning
And throw thunder in jail.
You know I’m bad.
just last week, I murdered a rock,
Injured a stone, Hospitalized a brick.
I’m so mean, I make medicine sick.
I’m so fast, man,
I can run through a hurricane and don’t get wet.
When George Foreman meets me,
He’ll pay his debt.
I can drown the drink of water, and kill a dead tree.
Wait till you see Muhammad Ali.

Muhammad Ali was the greatest because he not only professed his ability and went on to back it up, he also led the way for all people, everywhere, if you truly believe that you are the best, the greatest and you will succeed, then there is no power on the face of the Earth that can stop you from achieving and experiencing your greatness.  How Great I am!

Other Muhammad Ali quotes I like.

I’m retiring because there are more pleasant things to do than beat up people.

Joe Frazier is so ugly that when he cries, the tears turn around and go down the back of his head.

Frazier is so ugly that he should donate his face to the US Bureau of Wildlife.

It’s just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up.

I’m not the greatest; I’m the double greatest. Not only do I knock ’em out, I pick the round

Since I won’t let the critics seal my fate, they keep hollering I’m full of hate.
But they don’t really hurt me none, ’cause I’m doing good and having fun.


There is no person alive who can tell you that you are not capable.  There is no person alive who can tell you that you don’t have the talent.  There is no person alive who can tell you you are no good, washed up, a loser….only you can tell yourself these things.  You have the talent to be the greatest at whatever it is that you decide to do.  You simply have to believe how great you are, fight all the critics, enjoy the journey and in the end you will be The Greatest.


Tranquil Dreams Visits Life of Jonathan

by Jonathan Hilton

A Great Visit

This world of blogging is a strange world indeed. You read blogs, leave comments and begin to feel like you actually know the people you are talking with.  Yesterday I had the great

Kim (left) of Tranquil Dreams visited the Life of Jonathan the other day. It was awesome.
Kim (left) of Tranquil Dreams visited the Life of Jonathan the other day. It was awesome.

fortune of actually meeting one of my blog friends in person and to make them an actual friend.

If you have never read Tranquil Dreams then you don’t know Kim.  She writes eloquently about food, books and especially movie reviews.  I enjoy reading her work and what I like best is that she always has a friendly and encouraging comment to share with you when you visit her blog.

Kim told me she was coming to Maine awhile ago, and I was hoping that we could meet in person when she was here.  We were able to work out the details and I was able to spend some time with Kim and her awesome boyfriend Eric.  They were kind enough to humor me and listen to my stories about camp and life.

For me it was a thrill, and if Montreal is full of people like Eric and Kim, I definitely have to visit there.

I hope anybody who is coming to the area, gets in touch with me to arrange a meeting, it was amazing to meet your blog friends in person.    Also in the picture, Kim makes me look really tall.