Tag Archives: Emotion


For those who like spelling!
For those who like spelling!

I was faced with today’s question of whether or not anger is a bad thing or a good thing. I believe that anger is one of the emotions that you should avoid because it is one of the emotions that stem from fear.  However, being the open-minded person that I am, I am willing to look at the emotion of anger from a neutral standpoint and decide once and for all if it is desirable to be angry or not.

Anger is just Anger

I am the first to admit that anger in and of itself is not a bad thing or a good thing. It is just a thing.  We all experience the emotion of anger because we are human. But, it is how we deal with that emotion that I think is important.  So, where your anger takes you in your thoughts, words and actions will determine whether that experience is productive or not.  This determines if it is good or bad for you.

Is anger Good?

Happiness is better than anger.
Happiness is better than anger.

There are some good things to anger.  The emotion itself exists to let us know when someone or something is hurting us or our needs are just not being met. It acts much like a smoke detector, warning of potential danger.   The positive possibilities exist when you look at the anger and understand why you feel this way.  Dealing with these emotions positively and discussing them with the people close to you allows you to work on that warning sign, and the next time it will bother you less.

Anger Problems

It’s not the anger that is the problem. Poor management of anger is the problem. If you are prone to angry outbursts, then you know that anger is more often than not going to entice you to say or do something that you will be apologizing later for.

Anger causes you to react from emotion and act quickly, without really thinking, and those results are usually bad.  But more importantly, I believe it is important to recognize where that anger is taking you.  If, for example, anger makes you physically violent, then that is wrong, and it is always wrong.  That is the most dramatic case, and most people would agree that it is never OK to commit physical violence no matter what someone does to make you mad.

tumblr_mdfkwiHmPt1rzcaajo1_500Everyone knows someone who has an anger management problem, and they are not pleasant people to be around.  You live your life walking on the edge of a volcano, with no idea when it might explode, spewing hot lava all over you.  I have also been fortunate enough to interact with people who use their anger as a push to understand themselves.

We should apply the same filter to other reactions which result from anger.  Much like the action to hit, push or slap a problem away from you because it hurt you, a person can react just as thoughtlessly by adding hate, revenge, or jealousy to the problem.  This would be a great example of how to turn the emotion of anger into something terrible.

Anger leads to Revenge, hatred, and jealousy, to name a few.

Negative thoughts that we entertain are going to affect our lives negatively.  Whether you believe in karma, quantum physics, or Christianity, hate is not an acceptable thought or behavior, and nothing good ever came from revenge, hatred, or jealousy.  They are nothing more than a person’s effort to “payback” someone or something that hurt them or didn’t fulfill a need.  So allowing this anger to churn inside you and spin out these other negative thoughts and actions will harm your existence.

Hating someone because of something they did to you or someone else is the same thing as hating yourself. We all have the ability to commit great evil and to show tremendous love.  How can you hate someone else for acting exactly like you are capable of?  You never have to like what they do or accept it.  Deplore the act, but forgive the person responsible because it is only through forgiveness that you can find peace.

Revenge will Get You Nowhere.

The same can be said for revenge. When someone hurts you, the most natural response is to want to hurt them back in any way you can.  Through name-calling, disparaging comments, or actions that you know will cause pain.  You can find revenge, but it will not make you a better person.  Anger is the hot rock that burns the one that holds it.  To hold a grudge, or obsess about paying someone back, is only going to stop you from moving forward.  The past

All emotions are ok, it is our reaction to them that causes problems.
All emotions are ok; it is our reaction to them that causes problems.

It is gone, it is over, and no matter how much punishment your hurt feelings get you to implement, you can’t change the act that hurt you.  This thought pattern will stop you from letting it go and move forward.

Jealousy is a Monster

Anger often is turned into jealousy about careers, love, or even possessions.  There is nothing positive about this emotion.  Jealousy is selfish and can turn one of the best experiences in life, love and turn it into a controlling, manipulative relationship.  Most of this comes from anger that you either ignore and are a slave to in your reaction to it.

These are just three negative emotions that stem from not positively handling your anger.  My experience with each of these has been inclusively negative in every way imaginable.  Jealousy stems from anger fed by insecurity. Revenge is a reaction to make someone else recognize and understand the hurt you are feeling, and hate is an emotion that has no positive aspect to it at all.

Forgiveness is Final

There is no reason to beat yourself up or think you are a bad person if you experience anger because we are all humans, and we all experience anger.  Gandhi experienced anger, but he didn’t let it consume him. He believed you had to forgive those who wronged you or the things that happened to you.  Once you let them go, they no longer have any power over you, and you can freely move on with your life.  Much like a giant burden is taken off of your back.

In conclusion, Anger is an emotion that is neither good nor bad; it is an inevitable piece of being a human being, stemming from being hurt or not having your needs met.  How you deal with anger and what you let it manifest into in your thoughts, words and deeds are where we can recognize anger as either positive or negative.


The Happiness Choice

Why Don’t we all choose Happiness?

Happiness is a goal that everyone wants to experience. How many times have you just wanted to be a5c051b4717d998bbf35faca2927241chappy with life, your choices, the people that you know, and the things that you own? Yet, there is a deep feeling of angst inside that what you have and what you are is not enough. You would be happier if you were taller, thinner, had a more beautiful car, or a more interesting significant other. The real source of happiness is within you.

The Difficulty with Things

One of the reasons that everyone isn’t happy is that they depend on things to make them so.  If you need something to happen or something to own to make you happy, then you are in trouble. What is going to happen if that thing is taken away from you?  Or it might never occur, so you will run the risk of having your happiness stolen or never happen at all because you are dependent on some exterior force to provide you with the feeling of joy.

Happiness is nothing more than a choice. Although it is unrealistic to expect everybody to be happy all the time, it is a personal choice to decide if you are comfortable at any given moment or not. Only you can make that decision for yourself.

What Makes YOU Happy?

choosing to be happy
Your choice

What makes you happy? Money, property, things?   Or do you look for love, friendship, meaning, kindness?

It is all up to your choices to look for something to be happy about or, conversely, to be unhappy.  There is always a reason, and it depends on where you focus on how emotions and feelings will go.

Often the problem isn’t with other people but with you because you have such a small list of things to be happy about and such a long list of things to be angry or unhappy about that it is challenging to be grateful for the great things that you do have.

You can change your outlook simply by adjusting thoughts you focus on, like the good things in your life.  All negative thinking, emotions, and ideas of an unhappy nature stem from fear, whereas all happy or positive emotions stem from love.

When you look at the things that make you happy, they always stem from some form of loving emotion, and when you are unhappy, you are focusing on some fear-based foolishness.

Fear Makes You Unhappy

It is important to remember that if you are happy now,  not everyone will be pleased because too many people are focusing on fear.  They find your happiness almost an insult to them. Since misery loves the company, they are often not satisfied being unhappy by themselves. They feel the need to make you miserable too, and everyone else comes in contact with them.

But these energy drains don’t have to be a pain in your life. Understand that your choices and experiences result from what you decide to focus on and nothing else.

It would be a much better world if the things that made you happy could make everyone happy, but that is not your responsibility or job. You can only manage your own experience and determine if you will have happiness or misery in your day. Nobody else is responsible, and you are not responsible for anyone else’s happiness. It is impossible.

I believe that when we do the things that make us shine, we will bring happiness to others.  In a world full of self-centered, egotistical people, that is the best you can do to find one real connection.

We only have one chance in life to live, create greatness, make mistakes, learn our lessons and decide to get better as a person or allowing the perceived weight of our shortcomings to weigh us down.  Happiness is there for us if we choose to carry it with us. Joy is found in the memories of loved ones, here now and passed on. Or in the smile of someone who likes spending time with you.  Every person has a heart capable of creating unlimited happiness.



Letting Go


burningFire is an element that represents many things to many different people. To me, it has a symbol of purification. This is because when I looked into the fire, I saw the future ahead of me and the past was left behind.

The Significance of the Fire

There needs to be a bit more explanation than that I suppose.  In life, there are people who come into your life and cause only a ripple in the large tangle of life’s experience. Then there are those that are destined to leave a deep emotional crater, that you are destined to carry in your life.  How much and how long you carry it is up to you.

I started the fire for purification purposes. It needed to be done, a weeding out of cluttered possessions that served no purpose other than to remind me of things that were gone. As long as I held these things, there was the hope in the back of my mind that they would somehow summon those ghosts from the deathly slumber of their existence. It was time for a funeral, it was time for purification.

A Picture is Worth…………….

fire footage
Pictures burned as memories drift into the sky, never to be seen again.

The pyre I started was solely for me to observe and as the preparatory flames burned I said a silent goodbye and started to cleanse my existence of those memories. It was the pictures that went first.  Each happy moment of fake smiles and skin deep beauty were at first singed and then ever so slowly erased from existence.  As they went all of the lies, jealousy and foolishness went with them. Watching them go one by one was fascinating. Playing back entire years of events.  Then wiping them and their cursed impact away.  As the last fake image of yesterday disappeared into the either, candy swirled emotions of relief and fear engulfed me.

Possessions Mean Little to Me

campfireThen it was time for the things. Things that at one time held a vat of feelings and memories of special moments that will never be lived again. Knowing that there was a beauty in the world was great, but knowing that beauty can cut you deep and leave you with nothing but scars and disappointment. Onto the fire went the every single thing that had ever been given or held any attachment whatsoever.  Some of them burned well and caused the fire to burn ever higher.  Some did not, there was a bottle from a special occasion, that only the label disappeared in the wall of flame.

Your Words Showed Their Value

Eyes on FireLast and not least were the words. Words are empty when the emotions that once supported them. Now they are like the crack of a whip every time you read them and realize that they are no more. Let them go, place them in the fire.  Read one final time and destroyed forever.  That is the way of relationships that are born in the fire. They are often ended by the fire. How else could it possibly be?

The cleansing was over, the end had come. The fire went out, the past was gone with its last searing growing ember. Never to be mentioned again in conversation, but the scars remain, not only from the past but from the first moment I looked into the fire.

What’s Love Got to Do With It?

Love this Card featured on the Simpson's
Love this Card featured on the Simpson’s

So here it is Valentine’s Day.  I initially was going to rant about how this day is not about love and only about how much money a person has to spend to adequately show their love to another.  That this isn’t actually a holiday at all, but a manufactured event of greeting card companies to sell more greeting cards between Christmas and Easter.  But that is just being miserable for the sake of being miserable so I decided to focus on what the focus should be on this day, LOVE.

Love Has Everything to Do With It

When I heard the word love, for much of my life I thought about the romantic emotion of love. However love is more than just an emotion that you feel when you are around someone you care about, it is a force that can help make your life and those of others better each and every day.  Love is the fertile soil from which kindness, charity, acceptance, understand all grow out of.

Kindness Counts Today

Good enough for Superman, Good enough for me
Best Valentine EVER!

Kindness seems to me to be one of the things that we should be focusing on every Valentine’s Day. There are opportunities in each of our lives to just show a little kindness to another person.  It doesn’t cost a dime to be kind to anyone. So the next time you interact with someone, be it, someone, you have known your whole life or a complete stranger, just approach them with kindness and not only will they feel better about the world and themselves but you will too.

Patience is definitely a Virtue

Another branch of the plant of love is patience.  When you get frustrated it is usually because you are not focused on the here strongmanand now but because you are thinking about what might not happen in the future if something goes wrong.  Being patient is simply recognizing any moment for what it is.  A line is long because it is long, not for the sole purpose of messing up your day.  A person who makes a mistake that you think could have been avoided is more than likely doing their best, and a little guidance from someone else might be all they need to be more productive and to have a better day.  The point is that it doesn’t matter if you’re dealing with a teller at a bank, your kids or your spouse, practice patience and understanding over being impatient and mean and you and those around you will see the world in a much brighter light.

It’s What You Give That You Get

The rules of life are mysterious and nobody knows them for sure, we take guesses based on experience but there is no rule book to guide you.  One thing that I have found to be true is that what you give in life, most often you get back.  If your focus is on solely meeting your needs, then you are probably going to be surrounded by people who are solely focused on their needs.  The same is true for love if you are focused on making sure those you care about are having their needs met, then you are going to find that others are looking out for yours.  It is what you give that you get, for the most part in my experience.

Love Stinks When You Lose Your Focus


If you have ever been in love, you know that it is the greatest feeling in all of the world. To care about someone so much and know they care about you.  It is so great that often times we lose our focus on the love and focus on the fear of losing it.

This is what happens when jealousy enters the picture.  Jealousy is a powerful manifestation of fear and can work to not only destroy a loving relationship but rob you of any enjoyment that relationship might bring you.  Fear of losing the love that means so much to you is a recipe to lose everything you have.  That is my experience that fear is the destroyer of relationships and needs to be discarded on a regular basis. Focus on the things that you love and they will be accentuated.

So I hope that all of you people who love this day have a great time today. Those of you who dislike this day because of the fact that it is over commercialized foolishness, trying to make money off of the purest emotion in the world, I wish you the biggest and best Valentine’s Day you have ever had.  You deserve it.

Are You Truly Living

What is the difference between being alive and truly living?

truly living
Are you truly living?

by Jonathan Hilton

All people are going to answer this question differently depending on where they are in their life.  To me being alive is a fact of nature, and enjoying life and living for a purpose is truly living.  But how do you enjoy life?

Other people will answer this very differently.    It only takes a few visits to any number of blogs to experience the wide variety of philosophies and beliefs that exist.

Young people are struggling to master life, yet so hopeful about living it is encouraging   While older people are resigned to the fact that you may never figure it out everything there is to know about life, but they share their thoughts and experiences.

One of the things I like about reading so many different people’s opinions is to be exposed to ideas that are different from mine. Valid yet different and I think that is a powerful force of growth.  These are my thoughts on truly living.

The problem with Life

For me there is a question that came to me as I got older and thought that I was on the

questions about living
We all have questions, I know I did.

path I should be on. After carefully contemplating the experiences I have been fortunate enough to have in life I came to the conclusion that being alive was not enough and that I needed to start truly living and for me that meant I had to make a lot of changes in my perceptions of people, life, God and everything that at one time I was sure of.

I wasn’t sure what was “right”, but I knew there was more to life than a conditioned accumulation of material goods to supply comfort to life.

What comfort did I ever give to others? What did I contribute? Even as an educator, I was contributing stories about living which happened long ago, espousing the morals and actions that young people should aspire to follow, with the awareness of the world around me the size of the head of a pin.

I don’t think I  consistently enjoyed what life gave me. There are easy things to enjoy and appreciate, like those we love, and those that love us, a sunny, beautiful day, a large sum of money, all of these can be easily enjoyed, but how many people pass through a day without having gratitude for anything in their life, because they are too busy looking at what they don’t have.

I was one of these, searching for the right amount of stuff that would bring happiness with it. I never found that.

 The Past

Future past and present sign in the sky
Which direction do you follow?

One of the biggest problems people face,when trying to truly live is that they always seem to distract themselves from the moment they are currently experiencing.

Perhaps spending time with someone you love, reading a book, exercising, or doing whatever it is you do, because you allow yourself to be distracted by things that make you feel the moment you are in is not a good enough thing.

One distraction is the past, which often allows you to reminisce about the past and feel that things were so much better back then, when you were happy.

Often the past is not quite what we remember it to be and it really doesn’t matter in the scope of today.  It is over and gone, good or bad and to short change today for yesterday is selling something tangible and of extreme value for  nothing but a fantasy.

Often I had looked to the past to the good old days, which were nice memories, but other than lending experience to today, couldn’t help make me very happy or allow me to truly live.

 The Future

Others choose to focus on the future, planning and scheming the best way to route their lives to get to the point where finally they will be happy.  They think that if they  do this particular thing, at this particular time then I will be happy, satisfied, successful, or whatever.

The problem with this is that when you put all of your focus onto tomorrow you miss the great things that are happening today.  You can prepare for the future with the actions of today and enjoy today at the same time, the difference is that you don’t put anything off, like being happy and satisfied with life or anything else. Tomorrow may never come and rarely does it happen as you plan, so putting happiness off is a bad gamble that will most likely never pay off.

I’ll Be Happy When I am Rich

Materialism is another distraction that keeps people from enjoying the moment, often it goes hand in hand with waiting for the future, but tying your happiness into the acquisition of some material thing is going to stop you from appreciating today, because you are going to be thinking that happiness is going to come when you get that house, or car, or Ipad or whatever.

The satisfaction of that acquisition will be short-lived and soon you will be looking for the next thing that should bring happiness and satisfaction to your life, as you ignore the opportunity for happiness that you have in your experience today. Being grateful for what you have will allow you to enjoy the day. If you don’t believe me, then try it.  Be truly grateful for what you have.

Your Choice

choice for life
You can choose if you are alive or truly living

So truly living to me is the appreciation of what life is giving you right now in this moment.

That doesn’t mean that it will always be perfect. Sometimes there are painful things in life, and we have to deal with feelings that are not so nice, people get sick, accidents happen, people die, life is not perfect and there is no guarantee that everything is going to go your way.

However, there is a choice that comes pinned to each of those experiences to make it a positive or a negative factor in your life.  Only you can decide for yourself the difference between being alive and truly living.

What does truly living mean to you?