Tag Archives: grateful

The benefits of Practicing Gratitude

The practice of gratitude involves intentionally focusing on the good things in our lives and expressing appreciation for them. It can be as simple as thinking about the things we are thankful for or writing them down in a journal. While it may seem like a small and insignificant act, the benefits of practicing gratitude are numerous and far-reaching.

One of the gratitude’s most significant benefits is its effect on our mental and emotional well-being. Focusing on the things we are grateful for helps shift our perspective from a negative to a positive one. This can lead to increased happiness, contentment, and overall satisfaction. Gratitude can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, as it allows us to see the good in our lives rather than dwelling on the negative.

In addition to the psychological benefits, practicing gratitude can positively impact our physical health. Studies have shown that appreciation can improve sleep, a more robust immune system, and even lower blood pressure. It can also lead to increased energy and motivation, which can help us be more productive and achieve our goals.

Gratitude can also have a positive impact on our relationships. When we express appreciation for others and what they do for us, it can strengthen our bond with them. It can also make us more likable, as expressing gratitude is often seen as a sign of good manners and a positive attitude.

Finally, practicing gratitude can have a ripple effect, as it can inspire us to be more giving and compassionate toward others. Being thankful for what we have can inspire us to pay it forward and help those in need.

In conclusion, the benefits of practicing gratitude are numerous and far-reaching. It can improve our mental and emotional well-being, physical health, and relationships and inspire us to give more to others. We can significantly improve our overall well-being and happiness by simply focusing on the things we are grateful for each day.

What is Your Charge?

Every one of us is entirely made up of energy. The nature of your charge determines the types of thoughts you choose to entertain and the choices you continually make in life. For example, judging others and ourselves brings a negative amount to you, whereas gratitude brings a positive feeling and experience to your life. Your energy is something you will experience and transmit to others.

Have you ever been around someone with a negative attitude? It is something you feel, and it feels cumbersome. Some people bring you down by being in your area. Then others take you in the opposite direction. They are so positive they make you smile without saying a word. How do we create this positive energy? How can we become positive energy people? Think this way about yourself and others, and you will be well on your way to lifting many dark clouds from others, but more importantly, you will make yourself virtually immune from the negative vibes of others.

Be Grateful for Everything

It is incredible how many positive things come back to the simple act of being grateful. Building positive energy almost always starts with this practice. There is a difference between saying you are thankful and feeling grateful. Gratitude is a powerful emotional burst you have when you see something and know your life is a little better or more enjoyable because of the circumstance of that thing being there. Practice gratitude in all situations, and create a vortex of positivity around you.

There is a bonus that when you are grateful, the Universe seems to bring more of the things you are thankful for into your life. If you spend your effort and thoughts on judgment and negativity, You will find many more items in your reality to judge and be cynical about. Sometimes, it doesn’t seem like it, but this is all a choice we make. The energy you have inside yourself is a creation of you and the decisions we make every day. Think about this when you are experiencing angry moments about silly things like traffic or waiting in line at a store. Be grateful for a vehicle to be in traffic or the money to buy whatever you are in line to purchase. Gratitude is the attitude of positivity and the bedrock of the right kind of energy, making you a positive energy person.

Be Creative

Creativity is continually positive. Taking something and moving it from the realm of thought into reality is a fantastic trait of all humans. When you allow this creativity to come from inside your soul and speak to the world through whatever medium you choose, never stop talking to the world in this way. It is the most positive expression you can have, and if we aren’t here to make new things, why exactly are we here? It is easy to forget we have this power when we get stuck in our judgment and start to compare our experience to that of someone else. Life is not a competition, even though it seems it is sometimes. It is cooperation, and our creativity is how we cooperate.

Take some time every day and look at your thoughts and see how you feel about them. Your feelings that arise when you think of something will tell you whether you should pursue it or not. It will also determine what kind of energy you are producing because of it. Creation is always a positive thing for yourself and the world. Create your art. Create your plans. Start a business. Try something new. Sing a song. If it comes from the heart, it will bring positivity to your life and make you a positive energy person.


Allow People to Be What They Are

If you are the kind of person who sees the choices that others make and face them with judgment, then you have to learn how to allow them. People are all on their journey and maybe at a different point than you. Lessons need to be understood and how someone else learns is their issue, not yours. Perhaps your course is patience and understanding. You never know the full extent of what another person is experiencing, even if you are in a relationship. That is the secret of their mind. Don’t judge; allow people to be who they are.

Then allow yourself to be who you must be. Too often, we live a comparison life to others where we compare our bodies, bank accounts, and relationships with others. It doesn’t matter how this imaginary competition goes; you are still who you are with your body, the same bank account, and the relationships you have nourished. Your life is what it is and reflects your attitude about life. If you don’t like what you see, you can make other choices today to drive you in a different direction. Get healthier, wealthier, and love more. Allow yourself to be who you are. If you could have done better, you indeed would have. Look at the good in you and others and allow it to exist in growth in your thoughts and actions today. There is greatness in all people. It will only be found in you when you believe it exists. Become a positive energy person.

“Energy is contagious, positive, and negative alike. I will forever be mindful of what and who I am allowing into my space.” Alex Elle

“Everything around is made up of energy. To attract positive things in your life, start by giving off positive energy.” Anonymous

“Let your unique awesomeness and positive energy inspire confidence in others.” Anonymous

“Take responsibility for the energy you bring.” Anonymous


To Be Alive

f405364503cdebb61939dfa03ddd1ad5 Consciousness

Today-on or in this present day.

Each day, we are given a new opportunity to create greatness in the world we live in and in our personal lives. As we embark on our daily adventure, it can be derailed most often by our limiting thoughts and fear-based behavior.

I wonder what would happen if we could fully grasp the magic available every day and make life the grand show it was meant to be. The first step to doing this will make a change in consciousness and be aware of our thoughts today, the resulting emotions, words, and actions. That is the beginning of appreciating and behaving today.

Look At The Possibilities

Each day is born with a nearly unlimited list of possibilities. You could win the lottery, see an old friend, make a new friend, find your passion, experience something new for the very first time, discover a unique food, have a once in a lifetime conversation, become famous, save a life, build something new, see The Rock,  develop that million dollar idea or any other great thing that you can think of. All of it can happen today if you look for it.

When you approach the day as a mundane chore, like it is something that we need to get through to find something on the other side……….the weekend, that vacation, a trip, a visit, that bonus at work, or whatever else you are thinking of. These thoughts rob you of the potential that today has stored away for you. Each moment that today brings for you is a succulent treat to be enjoyed for what it is. Tomorrow will be different and get with it, adventure and potential of its own.

How to Make the most of today

locked up blessingsSo that is all well and good, but how do you start to look for this adventure and potential each day? That is a good question, but it isn’t as hard as you think. You can do several things, but the first and most potent is to practice gratitude.

Be grateful for all of the things and people in your life daily which makes you happy about being a living, breathing human being living on the face of the Earth. What is it you love about life? What is it that makes you smile? What did you do that provided satisfaction? Were there any pleasant moments? Conversations that you enjoyed? Needs met? Whatever you can be thankful for in your life, make a habit of marking them somehow. Gratitude will allow you to appreciate more about today and allow for more of what you love to come into your life. This practice increases today’s potential for you and what you can experience. Growth will come to you.

Leave Fear Behind You

Another simple way to harness the potential of each day is to leave fear behind you. We all will maxresdefaultexperience some anxiety on some level each day of our lives. There will be something that we will be afraid of, which is life. How we deal with this fear will define our lives and determine the enjoyment we get from it. As with all things in life, we have a choice to run from it, face it, or try to ignore it. Running gives fear of power, facing fear through action destroys it, and ignoring it does nothing. The fear is still there, living in the shadows until you face it and deal with it. It will be with you.

Action is the way to defeat fear, and it doesn’t have to be the most decisive step in the world. Still, just a conscious choice to act regardless of the fear that eliminates it and provides you with the courage and confidence to create, move forward, find strength, and accept the gifts and adventure each day has hidden inside for each of us.

Look into the Sky

Finally, each day there is a potential to know how vast the universe is. All you have to do is look into the sky. No matter the weather, time of day, or cloud cover, look and contemplate the size and scope of the thing you are looking at. It can be a giant blue backdrop highlighting the drifting of white puffy clouds as they drift by on their journey to nowhere. Or it could be a clear night sky with a million tiny shining lights facing you. This ever-changing canvas is available to everyone, everywhere in the world, all the time. It provides inspiration, hope, and wonder, and all you have to do is notice it.

The vastness of the sky can allow us to find all of the potential today has to offer. When you see something so wondrous and immense, it is not difficult to imagine the things we need to complete. Our potential is reflected in the vastness of what you see when you look up. Take a moment to see the blue or black in the sky and notice the quiet, constant show in front of you, and it will wake you up to the potential that today has inside of it for each of us.

Each day has its potential for greatness, and so does each of us. Take a moment and think about how you would like tomorrow to be different, better, and generous, and then the steps you can take to make it that way. Is it such a leap to find that happiness? It all starts with a conscious awareness of your thought process in life. The emotions that result become your mood, the words you speak to others, and your actions throughout the day. You can make it great today if you choose to.

“The past is where you learned the lesson. The future is where you apply the lesson.”

“The best way to predict your future is to create it” – Abraham Lincoln

“Forget yesterday – it has already forgotten you. Don’t sweat tomorrow – you haven’t even met. Instead, open your eyes and your heart to a truly precious gift – Today.” ― Steve Maraboli


Being Grateful

gratitude-logoOne of the simple things in life that we all know we should practice gratitude for the things we have in our lives that bring happiness.

It is easy to look at the struggles and challenges of life and forget to see all of the things that make each day a positive experience. One of the best practices is setting aside a time of day to look at the past day and decide what you are grateful for.

Build Your Mindset

MindsetIt is a great time to build your mindset of appreciation for whatever makes your life a little better. It is my practice to write ten things a day that I appreciate, and I try to make 2 or 3 new or original. This practice gets your mind looking for ideas that you might add to the list throughout the day. Seeking gratitude improves your focus to include good thoughts and moves you away from negative thinking and worry.

Open the Door for More

Being grateful and appreciating the positive things in your life opens the door for more of those things to come into your life. A gratitude journal is a reflective moment that will only make you happier and make you feel better about life and the things you experience in it.

Open-the-door-to-moreThe other choice is to complain about everything you don’t like about your experience. That only puts your focus more on those negative things, and of course, more of those things will come into your life. Nobody cares about your complaints; they are your issues. At best, anyone you are complaining to is just looking for an opportunity to share their grievances about why they are unhappy.

Like most things, it comes down to a simple choice that anyone can make. You don’t have to be intellectually superior to be grateful, but you must be smart. It will make your life better and bring more of what you want into your consciousness.

The Power of Thank You

hqdefaultThere is a lot of power in using the words Thank You! It has been clinically proven that if you thank a new acquaintance for anything they do, it makes them more likely to seek to further your relationship. Gratitude makes you physically and mentally healthier, enhances empathy, reduces aggression, improves the quality of your sleep, improves self-esteem, and makes you think more efficiently.

Best of all, there is no downside to the practice at all. Have you ever heard of someone being harmed by being grateful and saying a simple thank you? Of course not. Those two little words make others feel appreciated and open the doorway for more positive creation in your life.

Appreciation Game

A high activity that I read about is the Appreciation Game. When you are feeling angry, upset, or just in a negative mindset, it is because of the thoughts you are choosing to entertain. Our minds are fantastic tools, but they are only tools to be used by us. They are capable of thinking one thought at a time, and you decide the content, tenor, and tone of that thought. So you choose to find things in your life that you appreciate and think about. I understand the weather. I enjoyed my coffee today. It makes life better. I appreciate my spouse. I know the kind thing my kids did. I appreciate my health. I appreciate having money. I appreciate my success. I appreciate my life, etc. It will flip your mindset to the positive side if you let it.

Of course, you can choose to stay mired in the negative for whatever reason you want. Anger, jealousy, and judgment are just different masks of fear. These have something to do with not meeting your needs and some pain coming your way.

The choice is yours, live in fear, or live in gratitude.

“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” —Gilbert K. Chesterton

“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.” —Zig Ziglar

“Learn to be thankful for what you already have while you pursue all that you want.” —Jim Rohn

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” —Oprah Winfrey

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” —William Arthur Ward


My Darkness

relax-and-succeed-i-am-grateful-for-the-darknessThere is the gratitude I feel for the downtimes, the darkness, and the sorrows of life. A thank you. That needs to be said and felt.

Why am I grateful for these things? Well, there is no other choice because these things will exist whether I am thankful for them or not. But when you think about it, difficulties and hardships are a vital part of the journey. They reveal much about ourselves, what we are made of, and force us to grow.

Darkness Shows Light

light up the darknessI heard it explained that without the night, the light of a candle would lose the value and unique power that its light provides. When I look back on less enjoyable times to experience, I can see the opportunity to shine within them. As a human being, the challenges life throws at you are tests that allow you to rise higher than you could without the problem or, unfortunately, a chance to be crushed by the difficulties you face.

The most significant people in history resulted from difficult historical times, and the same can be said about your life. The hard times or darkness allow you the forum to shine and succeed.

Make You More Grateful for Good Things

grateful-for-everythingWhen you have things in life that are not pleasant, it makes you appreciate it when things are going pleasantly. If you have had a time of loneliness, companionship feels all that much better. If you have had tough economic times, the gratitude for bountiful times is all the more significant.

These sensations will not exist in their intensity without the contrast of darkness or hardship and downtimes.

Do Not Fear Difficult Things

tough-times-dont-last-tough-people-doOne of the most challenging things to deal with is a fear of difficulties that may come in life. When you look at your life and think that everything is going well, it used to be a time when I would worry a lot. There was nowhere to go but down. Yet, worry didn’t stop problems, hardship, or poor decisions; it only made my enjoyment of the great things in my life more appreciated.

Do not be afraid that hard times may come your way. You always have the strength to pull them through if you can persevere. Keep moving forward with gratitude, and inevitable change will carry you to a better time.

So today, I am grateful for the hard times and the darkness of life because it allows people to rise and shine their light and become great.   My wish for you is happy days and sunny skies and the courage to handle anything that comes your way.

“All things are as they should be, relax and enjoy them.”



Thank You For Being You!!

grateful Moving through your life, from task to task, work time to free time, one of the most important thoughts to keep in your consciousness is to be grateful for all of the things in life you experience every day. Some people and experiences bring joy, and some get lessons. All need to be appreciated for what they are because……….

Being grateful is an attitude that increases your positive energy, makes you more efficient and is in the doorway of abundance. In every situation, there is a choice of opinion. One can decide to be angry, disillusioned, bitter, or worried. Or a mind can be appreciative, grateful, accepting, and joyous. In each moment, the choice of gratitude exists, and I encourage you to be thankful in your thoughts, words, and actions today. Show that appreciation wherever you can by choosing the simple words, “Thank you!”

Don’t Take Things for Granted.

When life is going well in any area, relationships, financially, or achieving personal goals, take a moment and be grateful. Recognizing the presence of positive and enjoyable things in your life will open the doorway gratefulfor other “good” things to come into your life. Those who take things for granted tend to experience little to no joy, no matter what they have. Does it matter if you have everything if you don’t have the mental acuity to appreciate these gifts? Look to be grateful for the smallest of things, and joy will arise in you.

You never know when the good things in your life will pass away and disappear like smoke from a smooth summer’s fire. Each moment you have which are joyful and shared with someone you love should be appreciated, and a feeling of gratitude should accompany it. We are not guaranteed anything in this life, only a beginning, a middle, and an end. It is up to you to either appreciate your life and those in it. Or you can choose to take it for granted and be angry. This decision is one we make every day. Where are your choices leading you?

Say Thank You Often

In the course of your activity in a day, seek out situations to use the phrase “thank you.” Be mindful of why you use the term, and you will see more conditions the words can describe in your life. Each time you are grateful, from your heart, for something someone else has done, you increase the positivity of the world in just a fraction. Thank you have the power to show, share, and transfer the feelings of being grateful to other people.

It is also essential to be able to accept gratitude from others. If they take the time to acknowledge your acts of kindness with the words, thank you, make sure to keep the positive flowing by responding with a heartfelt word. The best one I know, I was taught by my great-grandmother. When I would thank her for one of the millions of kindnesses she showed me, her response was always cheerful and heartfelt “You are very welcome.” It still transferred the joy she felt in giving and made me feel loved and appreciated. Spreading that feeling can’t be a bad thing. Be conscious of the opportunities to thank you today and show how grateful you are for all things, big and small.

Appreciation Game

One of the most reliable ways to turn your attitude around is to focus on the appreciation game. This gratitude is the mental process of shifting your conscious focus away from negative thoughts of regret or anxiety and being grateful for the positive things in your life. Look gratefulat how fortunate you are. All people can find something to be thankful for having. Some can never find anything. The choice is always up to you and your mind.

Look at your life today and list, either mentally or on a piece of paper, things you are grateful for in your experience. Good weather, people who help you, people who care about you, coffee, reliable transportation, a job you enjoy, the ability to learn, an act of kindness, something in nature you witnessed, or anything you can think of experiencing. Just a moment of being grateful for each thing, and your mood will flip because it is tough to be negative and thankful at the same time.

Be grateful today, say thank you often, and count the good things in your life. It will be impossible to be in a bad mood. You will be a light of positivity. All this comes by becoming more conscious of your thoughts, words, and actions of being grateful in life. I thank those who have lied to me because I learned how much I value truth. Thank you to those who have hurt me because, through suffering, we find our most authentic selves and understand what is important to us. I thank those who count themselves as my enemies; you have taught me to understand the opinions of others never define my value.

“Develop an attitude of gratitude and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.” ~Brian Tracy

“Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” —Charles Dickens.





No matter what life brings you, each person can either be grateful and appreciative of the experience, or they can be angry and disillusioned. The choice is always in your hands. Always.

Things Go Wrong Sometimes, Be Grateful

This is an easy idea to cope with when things are going well. There is plenty of money to do whatever you want, all of those you love are healthy and happy, and the most significant decision you need to make is what form of entertainment is in store for you this evening. Of course, you can be grateful and appreciative of this situation. Yet, I know many people in just such a predicament, and there is very little gratitude or appreciation.

It seems like so many are focused on what they don’t have rather than what they do have in their life. They gratitudehave a house, but the problems with that house seem to stand out to them, and they only see the lack rather than the bounty.

When things are going badly, many people get discouraged by the pain, trouble, worry, or inconvenience. It is hard to see the positive and be grateful and appreciative when the cellar is flooded, possessions are being ruined, things need to be moved, and the plumber can’t come for two days. These situations make it difficult to appreciate, but in time the positive can be seen if you choose to look.  No situation is inherently good or bad except for the label that we apply to it.

 Appreciate the Good Things

Positives can be anything from being grateful for the times when the cellar isn’t flooded to the new closeness that your family has for working together getting through the problem.  Being appreciative of the simple things in life is much easier when taken away for even just a short time.  Today when we vibrationlose power for a day, we are lost.  But you sure as heck have an appreciation when the power is back on.

Choose Appreciation and Gratitude

There is a power that comes with expressing gratitude for what you have. When you have a heartfelt appreciation for what you do have, I believe that it opens the door for more of the same to show up in your life.  Be grateful for the comfort of the life we are provided each day.  Enjoy the people who make your life the wonder that it is each day. The family and friends who provide all of the delightful flavors to your life.

Being grateful is always a choice to appreciate what life brings you. Not for what it is, but for what it allows you to be. All events can be positive life-altering events if you choose to make them so.

A Gift of Possibility

morning hope Sometimes we forget that every day we are given the gift of possibility. All people have a chance to make their lives whatever they want. Unfortunately, too many spend time ignoring this fact and choose to dwell on the negative. They are choosing instead to be weighted down by the predictable prison of routine and hopelessness of poor thought patterns. For today let’s hope the world may surprise you.  If you give it a chance and allow your focus and expectations to stretch just a little bit toward positive things, there is no telling what may happen. Greet each day with a heartfelt, Good Morning!! Let’s see what this day will bring to you. I know the days I focus on possibility, good things come my way, and the challenges I can leap over like an Olympic athlete. So I say, “Good morning to you!”  Loudly and with no tentativeness at all.

Focus on What you Have

It is easy to focus on the things that we lack. Fame, money, a brand new black supercharged Ford Mustang may be objects of your desire.  These things can make our lives seem like it isn’t what it should be or what you would like.  Yet, the facts are indisputable. At the dawn of each new day, the infinite possibility of accomplishment is open to you.

Whatever you dream of creating in your life or career, the path is before you every time the sun rises. Unfortunately, I have spent too much time in life looking at the flaws rather than looking for solutions to create what I dream should exist. This is a waste of time.

Believe it or Not

Now, as you read this, you are either thinking,   “Yes, a new day filled with ultimate possibilities. Time to be great!” or you are thinking, “That is a load of crap, I can’t possibly good-morning-quotechange this situation. I am in.”

If you have anything similar to the second answer in your head, I have one thing to say to you.  You are right; if you believe there is no changing your present situation, it will never be changed.  You will be living that reality until YOU decide to change the way you think about it.  I can speak to this from experience.  Looking at the new day and seeing nothing but minefields and problems. A life lived from that perspective has a desperate feeling of worry that never allows you to enjoy anything, even when the best circumstances are presented to you.


The unique opportunity that you have to put an imprint on life is presented every day. If you choose to embrace this thought, then your life will be an adventure. Life will be full of what you truly desire to experience. So take a step each day toward your dream. There is always something to do, a hurdle to jump, a skill to develop, or a deed to do.  Magic happens one event at a time.

The feeling of hope pervades a life practicing this mindset. Hope allows all things to be possible. In the way you define it, achieving the ultimate success is a possibility in each morning we experience. For this hope and promise, I am grateful.

Good Morning to you!!!! Have a great day, and remember who you are. A one of a kind wonder unleashed on the world. So be who you are, and the right people will love you and those who don’t lose out.



What are YOU Grateful For?

Daily Positive Thought: What are YOU grateful for? 

Sometimes in life, things don’t go the way we think they should and it is easy to get discouraged or down at these moments. A relationship ends, a loved one passes, a job is lost, you are having a physical ailment, or even much more minor problems come into our focus and make us angry, fearful, anxious and our attitudes and feelings reflect on this. This is the energy we are bringing into our consciousness.

A human mind is a powerful tool that creates thoughts and can help us to solve complex problems. Our thoughts push us in a direction of achievement and if we are conscious we can control and direct this tool in a certain direction.  One of the facts about the human mind is that we can only entertain one thought at a time. That is it. Our thoughts can come fast and furious but they arrive in our consciousness one at a time. They bring with them a corresponding set of emotions and this all combines to create our energy.

This is where thoughts of gratitude can bring their true power to you.  When you are angry, fearful, or just worried.  Take a moment and list the things in your life you are grateful for.  First, it is easy to take things for granted, even great things. To spend a moment to focus on the positive things we do have is important.  When your thoughts are focused on gratitude, your corresponding sets of emotions will be positive. That will lead to words and actions that are positive as well. All stemming from simple thoughts of gratitude.

Take a moment right now to honestly look at your life and make a quick list of the three things you are most grateful for.  Keep these things in your mind and when you are feeling overwhelmed, angry, frustrated or fearful, take a moment and think of them.  Really think of them. Spend your time with them in your mind. Think about what is good and your mood, perspective and attitude will change.

Being conscious of our gratitude also opens our mind up to receive more good things.  Give it an honest, conscious try and see what happens to your mood. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

What are three things you are grateful for right now??????

Quick list to help you find gratitude:

community, relationships, love, kindness, friends, family, earth, sun, health, job, money in your pocket, this moment, positive memories, special moments, rest, play, action, thoughts, acitivity, intelligence, learning, healing, experience, joyful times, kindness, food to eat, safety of being, freedom, your mind……….

Family First

quotes-and-images-family-love-family-quotes-24132It is Day 30 of the Super Gratitude Challenge which means, only one more day to go.  Today I am going write about how grateful I am for the experience of having a great family.  Not everything in my life was perfect but there are a lot of things to be grateful for and I want to share just a few.

My Grandparents

I was fortunate to have a relationship with all of my grandparents, which was unique and I treasure.  I also had the great good fortune of knowing all but one of my great grandparents as  well.  This extended family connection allowed me to be spoiled and feel like I was the center of a lot of people’s lives.

This picture, four generations of Hilton's, taken in early 1970's. My father, grandfather and great grandfather in the back. My brothers and myself in the front. Guess which one is me.
This picture, four generations of Hilton’s, taken in early 1970’s. My father, grandfather and great grandfather in the back. My brothers and myself in the front. Guess which one is me.

There were so many things that I was taught by these people, from how to behave myself and be polite when company came to the value of honesty and doing what you say.   The greatest gift that each of them gave me in a different way was to tell me that to them, I was special and had the potential to do about anything.  One by one, they passed away over the years and are all gone now, but their lessons live on in my heart and will for my life.

The Parents

Like most people in adulthood, we look at our parents with a knowing understanding.  They were never going to be perfect, and Jimjoannejeffjonmy parents weren’t.  But they did give me a safe and happy childhood. I was never abused, or neglected and felt again like my life mattered significantly to them.  It still does today.

My father was a school teacher and coach and shared a love of sports with me and my siblings that still exists today.  It is a way that we can relate to each other.   My mother is a minister and she is still preaching every Sunday.  Even though I don’t agree with her religious beliefs, she doesn’t push them on me.  She is a thinker and writes and well, so do I.  I got great gifts from each of them.

Sibling Appreciation

Well these people are the ones who have shared the common experience of JonathanJeffreyswinggrowing up.  There aren’t many people who really know what that means, but they each do.

All relationships are formed over a common experience, school, work, a hobby or your family life and siblings are the ones who really know who you are.  I am grateful for  the experiences of childhood, even though they involved a lot of arguing and many disagreements, there were a lot of shared moments of special times that even today are fondly remembered.  I was one of four and that in itself made me part of a unique group.  All of my family have first names that begin with the letter J.

So there it is, on Day 30 of this gratitude challenge I am thankful for all of my family members, those who have passed on and those that are still around.
