Tag Archives: be creative

The Present Moment is All We Have

This moment is the only one you are guaranteed to experience. That is a fact. Why do we spend so much time avoiding the only time we are guaranteed? The number of reasons is as wide and as varied as people in the world. Some are caught by the nostalgia of yesterday. Others are living for the next moment, tomorrow, next week, or next year ignoring what is happening. It is essential to understand the present moment and enjoy living in it to enjoy your life.

Notice Your Breath

The easiest way I have found to get myself into the moment is to learn to watch my breath. Breathing is one of our body’s only functions, both voluntarily and involuntarily. Left to its own, a person will breathe without a thought because oxygen is required for life. But the same function, when under observation, can bring a person into the moment and allow them to become conscious of it. It is as simple as thinking, “I am breathing in”  as you inhale, and “I am breathing out” as you exhale.

The depth of your breath has many functions to bring more oxygen to your body, brain, and heart and to allow your physical system to run more efficiently. It will also get you into the now, this moment, which is the only one we have.   You can do this silently by yourself and see the results at any time and in any place.

The Value of This Moment

You only have one life to live, a relatively short experience, and you should outlive it to be consciously aware of most of it. In the present moment, all decisions are made, and your life will be defined. If your mind is focused on the past and regrets old actions or on how good things will be tomorrow when this or that happens, you will miss the things you have to experience right now.

If you can be focused on and try to experience what is right in your life, happiness is there waiting for you. Even if the moment is hard, painful, or contains something you don’t want, it still provides the only experience you can have. To wish away or ignore the challenges is to wave away the living you are gifted in this life. Focus on your breath, and see what is happening right before you.

Be Creative

All people can be creative, and creativity will naturally bring you into the present moment. If you are practicing true creativity, there is no other place you can be. Painting, drawing, carving wood, planning a garden, working on a new invention, or making your workplace more efficient. All creativity will bring you into the present moment and allow you to experience the only time you have available to you.

Even if you are not good at something, you can still experience the present moment by pursuing it. People are often put off practicing creativity as youths because they are often told that their pursuits are excellent, but they can’t make a living. But making a living isn’t the point, and living your life is. Do not take criticism about your ability in creative pursuits personally. Create whenever the mood strikes you.

People Connect You to The Present

Every person you come in contact with in life provides an opportunity to be in the moment. Each conversation, short or long, shallow or in-depth, is an opportunity to be here in this moment. Please focus on the interaction and seek its value, and there is always value. If nothing else, then understand other people or yourself better. Paying attention to the words we speak and, even more importantly, the things we hear from others will provide guidance.

Nature Brings The Moment Alive

Getting yourself out into a natural setting will allow you to come into the present moment. You can’t help if you remove yourself from the electronic noise, get into the woods, or sit by.

Find the moment connecting with nature.

The ocean, there is a connection to the now created, and you will be living in the present moment, which is the only time you can have right now.

So much of our lives are filled with noise. My generation was raised to have the television on all the time and today’s youth live life attached to a phone, mindlessly scrolling through their lives on social media. There is no chance to be in the moment if your mind is on the past, the future, or in an unconscious state of muddled thought.

Take time to practice connecting with the present moment each day. The activities I recommend here are 1. Notice your breathing. 2. Value the moment. 3. Be Creative. 4. Connect with People. 5. Spend time in nature. 

This is the only moment you have, and all things happen at this moment.

What is Your Charge?

Every one of us is entirely made up of energy. The nature of your charge determines the types of thoughts you choose to entertain and the choices you continually make in life. For example, judging others and ourselves brings a negative amount to you, whereas gratitude brings a positive feeling and experience to your life. Your energy is something you will experience and transmit to others.

Have you ever been around someone with a negative attitude? It is something you feel, and it feels cumbersome. Some people bring you down by being in your area. Then others take you in the opposite direction. They are so positive they make you smile without saying a word. How do we create this positive energy? How can we become positive energy people? Think this way about yourself and others, and you will be well on your way to lifting many dark clouds from others, but more importantly, you will make yourself virtually immune from the negative vibes of others.

Be Grateful for Everything

It is incredible how many positive things come back to the simple act of being grateful. Building positive energy almost always starts with this practice. There is a difference between saying you are thankful and feeling grateful. Gratitude is a powerful emotional burst you have when you see something and know your life is a little better or more enjoyable because of the circumstance of that thing being there. Practice gratitude in all situations, and create a vortex of positivity around you.

There is a bonus that when you are grateful, the Universe seems to bring more of the things you are thankful for into your life. If you spend your effort and thoughts on judgment and negativity, You will find many more items in your reality to judge and be cynical about. Sometimes, it doesn’t seem like it, but this is all a choice we make. The energy you have inside yourself is a creation of you and the decisions we make every day. Think about this when you are experiencing angry moments about silly things like traffic or waiting in line at a store. Be grateful for a vehicle to be in traffic or the money to buy whatever you are in line to purchase. Gratitude is the attitude of positivity and the bedrock of the right kind of energy, making you a positive energy person.

Be Creative

Creativity is continually positive. Taking something and moving it from the realm of thought into reality is a fantastic trait of all humans. When you allow this creativity to come from inside your soul and speak to the world through whatever medium you choose, never stop talking to the world in this way. It is the most positive expression you can have, and if we aren’t here to make new things, why exactly are we here? It is easy to forget we have this power when we get stuck in our judgment and start to compare our experience to that of someone else. Life is not a competition, even though it seems it is sometimes. It is cooperation, and our creativity is how we cooperate.

Take some time every day and look at your thoughts and see how you feel about them. Your feelings that arise when you think of something will tell you whether you should pursue it or not. It will also determine what kind of energy you are producing because of it. Creation is always a positive thing for yourself and the world. Create your art. Create your plans. Start a business. Try something new. Sing a song. If it comes from the heart, it will bring positivity to your life and make you a positive energy person.


Allow People to Be What They Are

If you are the kind of person who sees the choices that others make and face them with judgment, then you have to learn how to allow them. People are all on their journey and maybe at a different point than you. Lessons need to be understood and how someone else learns is their issue, not yours. Perhaps your course is patience and understanding. You never know the full extent of what another person is experiencing, even if you are in a relationship. That is the secret of their mind. Don’t judge; allow people to be who they are.

Then allow yourself to be who you must be. Too often, we live a comparison life to others where we compare our bodies, bank accounts, and relationships with others. It doesn’t matter how this imaginary competition goes; you are still who you are with your body, the same bank account, and the relationships you have nourished. Your life is what it is and reflects your attitude about life. If you don’t like what you see, you can make other choices today to drive you in a different direction. Get healthier, wealthier, and love more. Allow yourself to be who you are. If you could have done better, you indeed would have. Look at the good in you and others and allow it to exist in growth in your thoughts and actions today. There is greatness in all people. It will only be found in you when you believe it exists. Become a positive energy person.

“Energy is contagious, positive, and negative alike. I will forever be mindful of what and who I am allowing into my space.” Alex Elle

“Everything around is made up of energy. To attract positive things in your life, start by giving off positive energy.” Anonymous

“Let your unique awesomeness and positive energy inspire confidence in others.” Anonymous

“Take responsibility for the energy you bring.” Anonymous


Every Day Has Purpose

Everything and everyone were created for a purpose. 

Seeking purpose in life is the journey we are all on. Some look for it in money, others in a family, others in religion, but the only place you will find your purpose is inside yourself. It can be challenging to believe that you are all here for a purpose when you are experiencing the ups and downs of life, especially when it seems just survival and feeling “normal” is a challenge from day to day.

People can easily believe that the things in nature were created for a purpose; the seasons continually happen in perfect order. The sun rises and sets with clockwork precision. Ecosystems function with symbiotic excellence creating vital life cycles that benefit the area and the world in creating beauty and growth. Delicate balances are made just as they should be. It is much more challenging to see ourselves as one of these perfect creations. But we are. We were all created with a purpose, but unlike most other players in the game of life, we have a choice that allows us to move closer to our goal or move further away. What choices are you making today? What choices have you made in the past six months? Have they helped or hindered your growth and reaching your purpose?

Battle of Choice

I believe that when we are young, we are very close to our purpose. As life’s experiences pour over us, and we try to rationalize where we fit and accept the beliefs we are taught, we lose sight of what our purpose is.   What makes you feel a connection to the world and life itself? What is it that you lose yourself when you participate in it? As we entertain more and more choices between good and evil, pleasure and pain, instant satisfaction or delayed gratification, our life patterns form. Either they are taking you closer to your purpose or further away.

If you are moving no closer to your purpose, you will experience some emptiness inside. You may have collected many material things, large sums of money, or whatever looks like a success on the outside. But inside, there will always be a yearning to find your purpose or what makes you come “alive.” A choice is a funny thing, we make a million of them every day, but when we are far from what we are, subconsciously, we create options taking us back toward doing the things that constitute our purpose. Having a choice and free will means you can do anything, including making bad decisions. Become more conscious of your intention, and if you don’t, take steps to get there.

Know Your Purpose

To know your purpose in life can be like reading a good mystery novel. You try to guess what happened, and then it is revealed as you get toward the end of the story. Seeking your purpose will take a lot of trial and error and a bit of fearlessness. A lucky few people have known and remembered their senses all their life. But most choose to follow a path determined by others, parents, family, or society. As they do what they think they should do, they move further from who they are. It is never too late to move back toward your purpose.

I wish I could say exactly what your purpose was and where you can find it, but all of us are different, and so is our purpose. That journey is as individual as each of us is. One of the best methods to find yours is to create. Creativity provides us with the power to connect with our souls. Whatever you are making will tell you which way to go. If you paint, paint! If you write, write! If you carve things out of wood blocks, cut things out of blocks of wood! Creating something that didn’t exist before you had the thought and took action to make it is powerful. It will lead you to the doorway of who you are. If you feel you are not creative, evaluate your efforts. Something in your life is done with a unique thought pattern and activities which belong to you and resonate with your soul. You will know it when you lose track of time when doing it.


Seeking a Fit

Consciously or subconsciously, we are all looking for the puzzle piece we are in the world and where we fit in perfectly. Where do we belong, and what is our purpose? Some get so far away from it that they feel empty, and that is where we try to fill that emptiness with drugs, alcohol, food, material possessions, or some other thing that we hope will allow us to feel whole. But the only thing that will do that is to keep looking for what we are meant for until we find it.

All of us have a purpose inside of us, and finding that will allow us to experience more happiness in life if we can live it. If things are chaotic and seemingly moving out of control in your life, you are probably not following your purpose. If you are pursuing your goal, things flow, work in harmony, and fill the fulfillment of doing what you were meant to do. Never stop looking for your purpose or following it when you find it. Trying to become the best version of yourself and be happy in the world will involve recognizing your drive and taking steps to practice it to the best of your ability.

Understand that you the only one that can do what you were put here to do what you are meant to do. Like the sun is one of a kind and each star in the sky are different and original, so are you. Find your purpose and bring your light into the world. 

“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.”- John F. Kennedy

“Everyone has a purpose in life and a unique talent to give others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals.” -Kallam Anji Reddy

“Achievement of your happiness is the only moral purpose of your life, and that happiness, not pain or mindless self-indulgence, is the proof of your moral integrity since it is the proof and the result of your loyalty to the achievement of your values.” -Ayn Rand

Whenever I hear this song, I think of people finding their purpose. Ain’t it Beautiful??



Create-bring (something) into existence.

What is Creativity?

Create The ability to bring things into existence that previously didn’t exist is an awesome power and allows an individual to enjoy life and the experiences it brings. When you create, the energy produced is positive and contagious.  All people have a force in themselves that yearns to create. It could be to create paintings, writing, thought, woodwork, plays, songs, or any other of a billion different things. When you have a question about your direction in life, look to create, and it will guide you.  Raise your consciousness today by looking at how you create in thoughts, words, and actions.  (See Video)

The Concept of Creativity

The ability to create allows people to connect their mind, body, and spirit in one activity. Most religions see creativity as a gift from God, and to use that gift will honor all involved. The result doesn’t matter, and it is the process of bringing something into existence that

Createpreviously didn’t exist that is powerful, memorable, and self-supportive.  There is a creator in all of us looking for a way out, and that can only come through making the conscious choice to free our creativity.

Choosing to let your ability to create lie dormant will decrease the enjoyment you have in life. Creativity is a joy we give to ourselves and the world. Try not to waste that gift, and you never know what your creations might lead to. Fame? Fortune? Connections? Whatever it is, the world will be better for it. Your method and inventions may open ideas for others and solve problems in ways you never thought of before.

Characteristics of Creativity

There are several simple things a person can do to create more easily. One of the most effective is to read. Find books that challenge you and teach you something. A mind that expands will never regress again.  Once you become aware of new thoughts in your existence, they often lead you to creative action. The more depth in your knowledge, the bigger the field of creativity you have to play on.  Read, think, expand your mind, Createand read again.

Never be afraid to lose yourself in a task of creativity. When the time doesn’t matter, and you are focused on the creation. It is in these moments that we find the answers to who we are.  The concentration is away from the chatter of thoughts existing in our minds, creating something that never existed before. You are this powerful creator. Once the channel is open, higher and grander creative forces will build in you.  Find out where your creative limits lie if you have any!

Today raise your awareness of what you are creating in all areas of your life. In your thoughts, think of what you would like to develop and how you will bring it into reality. In your words, look for ways to express your desire to create and encourage that desire in others.  In your actions, create something.  Make time to do this today.  The desire to develop connects you to your soul and allows you to enjoy the experience of life. Paint, write, sculpt, build, dance, act, sing, play, do what your soul guides you to do, and answers will come to you.

Concepts of Creativity

Every soul has the power to create something that can only come from them, so find it and create it and release it to the world. It is your duty to live.

If, at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it. ~Albert Einstein

Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties. ~Erich Fromm

The chief enemy of creativity is good sense. ~Pablo Picasso

There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life. ~Sophia Loren

An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail. ~Edwin Land

Creativity is never a waste of time !!