Tag Archives: stopping bad moods

What are YOU Grateful For?

Daily Positive Thought: What are YOU grateful for? 

Sometimes in life, things don’t go the way we think they should and it is easy to get discouraged or down at these moments. A relationship ends, a loved one passes, a job is lost, you are having a physical ailment, or even much more minor problems come into our focus and make us angry, fearful, anxious and our attitudes and feelings reflect on this. This is the energy we are bringing into our consciousness.

A human mind is a powerful tool that creates thoughts and can help us to solve complex problems. Our thoughts push us in a direction of achievement and if we are conscious we can control and direct this tool in a certain direction.  One of the facts about the human mind is that we can only entertain one thought at a time. That is it. Our thoughts can come fast and furious but they arrive in our consciousness one at a time. They bring with them a corresponding set of emotions and this all combines to create our energy.

This is where thoughts of gratitude can bring their true power to you.  When you are angry, fearful, or just worried.  Take a moment and list the things in your life you are grateful for.  First, it is easy to take things for granted, even great things. To spend a moment to focus on the positive things we do have is important.  When your thoughts are focused on gratitude, your corresponding sets of emotions will be positive. That will lead to words and actions that are positive as well. All stemming from simple thoughts of gratitude.

Take a moment right now to honestly look at your life and make a quick list of the three things you are most grateful for.  Keep these things in your mind and when you are feeling overwhelmed, angry, frustrated or fearful, take a moment and think of them.  Really think of them. Spend your time with them in your mind. Think about what is good and your mood, perspective and attitude will change.

Being conscious of our gratitude also opens our mind up to receive more good things.  Give it an honest, conscious try and see what happens to your mood. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

What are three things you are grateful for right now??????

Quick list to help you find gratitude:

community, relationships, love, kindness, friends, family, earth, sun, health, job, money in your pocket, this moment, positive memories, special moments, rest, play, action, thoughts, acitivity, intelligence, learning, healing, experience, joyful times, kindness, food to eat, safety of being, freedom, your mind……….