The Power of Your Choice

We all have two sides to us, one is dark, and one is light, and our decisions and choices show which way we will go.

Your Choices

Things could have been much worse for you if you made a different choice.  When we think of doing things differently, we only focus on a lofty, positive result.  When the outcome could have been disastrous.   Since you could be far better off with the choice that you did make, thoughts like this appear to be a waste of effort.

Day of Choice

You have total control over what type of day you are going to have. Is this a great day with the unbelievable potential for good? Or is this a day of boredom and perpetual letdowns? You are the one who decides the direction of your day and the course of your life.  Your life will be what you make it.


There is a risk in all situations in life and being open enough to accept whatever comes your way, may just lead to the greatest reward. It is all up to the choices that you make. Being vulnerable is not a bad thing; it is only a thing. To live is to make decisions based on the information we have. Live big and take a chance on your goals or live small and take no chances and live inside of your safe cocoon. There is always a chance of pain, but there is still a chance of something greater.

Choice Defines You

If you can be conscious enough to ask yourself in all of the small choices, does this honor me? You will get an answer, and that will guide you if you listen. It is particularly important in the manner you choose to treat other people. If you lie or cause harm to someone willingly, then you can expect those poor choices to become a part of your life for a while. It is just that you won’t be the giver of pain and suffering; you will be on the receiving end.


Life is a short ride, and the decisions we make each day determine if that ride is a thrilling experience that makes you hold your breath or if it is a calm walk through the park.

The choices we make every day will determine the tone, happiness, and satisfaction we get out of life. Choose well.