Tag Archives: what makes a good choice

It Is Through Our Choices

It is through our choices that we determine the motion of our lives. We choose what clothes we wear, who we spend our time with, the things we do for enjoyment, or how we express ourselves creatively. We make choices all the time, and we do this in two ways, consciously and subconsciously. If you don’t like the way things are, you can choose to change it. By our choices, we set in motion the intentions for your life and start to embrace who you are. Through your decisions, you have the power to dictate how you are going to respond to any person, situation, or circumstance. Let’s look at what a choice looks like.

What is a Good Choice?

To make a good choice, there has to be some thought and consideration spent on your part. The first thing required is to be present in the moment of what is happening. Only in this presence can you adequately weigh the pros and cons of each option. Each choice has the opportunity to be the tipping point between past and future, bad and good, from one life to another, or any change at all. By making a choice, you are declaring a direction in your life. It could be a relationship or a job, but your choice will dictate the order in which your life will run and who you will be running with.

It is also a chance to declare a clear intention about who you are and what you want. Each choice you make makes your identity clearer to everybody else and yourself. Also, natural selection must be a conscious decision. Not something you drive through any previous programming because of what others will think or have told you to do. But your conscious thought tells you to do what is best for you. Because all choices are personal and individualized, suitable for someone else, they may not be good for you. Through this process, there should be feelings of empowerment and personal gratification in the end. A choice will move you toward your destiny in life. Of course, we all understand that “good” is subjective, and what is suitable for one may be tragic for another.

What is Not A Good Choice?

We do many things we think are choices, but they are actions spurred on by fear. Essentially, they are choices but not the choices we make for our best interest. Other factors are influencing us. An option should not be something you are pushed into or have to force yourself to do. It should be natural and easy to do. A choice is not scary or uncomfortable in the long run. Often a choice leads to change, and when you do something new, it can be a little frightening, but once you are in the activities of that choice, it isn’t scary. It feels good.   All of your options have to be made by you, for you. You can’t make life choices for anyone else, and they can’t make them for you.

Of course, you should never make a good choice because you think it is what someone else wants you to do. Pleasing someone else in this way in the short term leads to long-term disappointment and even resentment. Don’t let the current circumstances of society dictate your morality of choice. You are responsible for what you decide to do in all situations, don’t let outside influences or other people ever make choices for you, and never seek to do that for others. That is just control driven by fear.

It is Time For a Choice

You know it is time for a conscious choice when certain situations enter your life. If you are sitting on the fence looking at two options in your life, it is time for an alternative. Wondering which way you should go or what action you should take, it is time to choose. It could be about a job, a relationship, or anything else that matters to you that you can go one way or the other. Another time for a good choice is when you see that change is necessary for your life. It would help if you had new habits to live in step with who you are. It could be a new diet or a new workout regimen. You want to change and are willing to create new habits.

If you think about new things and feel excited about experiencing them, it is time to make some new choices. It can be a welcoming way to new learning and building your resolve to share these new things in life. A good choice will have you feeling solid in your determination to experience your life differently, more than likely in a more positive way. There will be feelings of relief around issues that previously made you upset or confused you. Now you are taking positive steps toward finding the correct answers for you.

Through our power of choice, we set our intention to embrace who we really are and how we respond to any person, situation, or circumstance.

“Sometimes it’s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever.” —Keri Russell

“Your life changes the moment you make a new, congruent, and committed decision.” —Tony Robbins

“I believe that we are solely responsible for our choices, and we have to accept the consequences of every deed, word and thought throughout our lifetime.” —Elisabeth Kubler-Ross