Tag Archives: unconscious choices

On Autopilot

Your thoughts choose which road you travel down.

In a day, we make thousands of choices. There are two types of choices we make, conscious and unconscious decisions. The number of each of these we allow and accept will determine the kind of life we experience.  The more options we make on autopilot, the more we acknowledge that auto-response to deciding who we are and what we represent.  Moving more of your decisions to the conscious realm will allow you to choose things that will serve you and truthfully define what you stand for. When you develop your conscious choices, you bring power to your life through your conscious or unconscious reactions to what happens. We determine the path of our lives.

Unconscious Choices

The majority of our decisions are of this variety because it is more efficient in many cases and saves us a lot of energy. It would be silly to have to think about how to drive a car consciously, or walk, or take a shower every day. So many of our actions happen under the radar,

Moving by subconscious thought



Following the subconscious mind handles work, and it will keep you going.  The problem with allowing our choices to dictate life by our subconscious is we become reactionary and thoughtless in too many ways. Our thoughts lead to our emotions, words, and actions, and to not make a conscious choice about how we think puts us at the mercy of mere reaction for all of our emotional stability is unwise and unhealthy. Still, many of us opt for this type of behavior. Once you become aware of the thoughts, you think you have moved to the conscious level. That is an excellent place to be.

Conscious Choices

Being aware of our choices has more to do with the direction of our lives than we know. This decision is the process of making a conscious choice about the thoughts you entertain at each moment.  Since our thoughts will bring corresponding emotions, words, and actions, you are determining the tenor of your life. It seems straightforward that if an idea brings anger, frustration, or fear, think about something else. Even though it does sound oversimplified, the process is that simple. When you look at your job, you have a choice to think about all the things that annoy you or bother you, or you can choose to look at the things you like.  The decision you make in that area will determine your mood as you experience things. Since it is a choice, why not choose to be happy.

When you make conscious choices of the thoughts you entertain, you are automatically living in the moment.  Since the moment is all you are guaranteed, then you are experiencing your life, not just sleepwalking through it.  Too often, your unconscious thoughts will take you to places that are out of the moment, either to experiences in the past or places you may go in the future. As soon as these two places rule your life, then you are spending thoughts, words, and actions on something that doesn’t exist in reality. Livin at the moment brings a natural appreciation for the moment, just as it is.  This is done through the process of conscious thinking.

Choose Consciously

Look at your thoughts today. Which are serving you and which are just there subconsciously because you are operating on autopilot? We are all in control of the ideas we choose to pay attention to in a day. When you are angry or feeling upset, take a

We control the chains of our thought and can break them at any time.

There is always a thought at the root of any emotion. Moment and follow the emotion back to the thought. Choosing a positive idea is just as easy as selecting an unfavorable view. Knowing this, we are still controlling what we feel by being conscious of what we think and pay attention to.  Make good positive, conscious choices today in your life. You are the person who will benefit from that. Take yourself off autopilot and fly your plane.

“Man is made and unmade by himself. In the armory of thought, he forges the weapons which will destroy him. He also creates the tools with which he will build for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peach. Between these two extremes are all the grades of character, and man is their maker and their master.”- James Allen.

 “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Albert Einstein

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” Rumi

Choice Defines You

Choice- an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.  Something we all struggle with because we are always worried we will choose wrong.

What choices will you make today?

There is freedom that exists in every choice we make.  From the seemingly meaningless routines of the day to the most complicated interpersonal decisions, the choice of your thoughts, words, and actions always lies exclusively with you alone. That is an excellent and sometimes frightening proposition. But that is part of the joy of life. So I am trying to remember for myself and urge you to make the choices your heart is encouraging you to make. Even if they turn out to have challenges, you will have the ability to create new opportunities and move in another direction.  Each moment of life is a choice, and you create your character with the decisions you make, so choose well.

Daily Choices

The average person makes approximately 35,000 choices in a day. Many decisions arrive using our subconscious mind, and the automatic programming we have been collecting all your life. choiceThere is no conscious thought behind them. They might include, what you eat, what you wear, when you eat, the route you take to work, the places you stop along the way, the coffee you drink, the activities you participate in, or any number of things. There is a missed chance for consciousness in every choice we make on automatic pilot.

Every moment of the day is an opportunity to choose who you want to be. Honesty or lies? Kindness or meanness? Judgment or acceptance? Peace or anger?  These are just a few things that you choose at each moment of your life, and they determine who you are.  If you are unhappy with a portion of your life, then you have the power to choose another path for yourself. If you hate your job, decide to find another or find a way to make it more enjoyable.  If you are unhappy with your relationships, choose to work on what bothers you or select to end them. Be prepared to accept the freedom and responsibility of the results of your choices.

Choosing Our Reaction

There are moments in life that are out of our control, and we have no choice in them and certainly wouldn’t want to experience them. Natural disasters, the death of a loved one, job loss, the poor behavior of another are examples of things out of our control that no sane person would choose.  But we always have a choice in how we react to these unfortunate things.

Life is never a smooth road, there are bumps and challenges all the time, and they are there to allow for your growth. You choose how you deal with them. Do you become bitter or learn to be more accepting? Do you stay stuck in the past or move forward into the future? Do you give up? Or do you rebuild? Each choice will define you until the next opportunity comes along to change it. In the end, you are going to be responsible for the life you live.   We can make all the excuses we want. The choices we make in thought, words, and actions will tell the true story of our life. What choices are you making today?

Honoring Choices

I hope that more people will look at their choices and ask if they are things that will accept them. Only you can decide what thought, word, or action will bring honor to you or not.  I know that there have been times I made poor choices that did not honor my life for me. They were mistakes, and hopefully, I have learned from them and make more honoring preferences with that experience.

If you can be conscious enough to ask yourself in all small choices, does this honor me? You will get an answer, and that will guide you if you listen. It is essential in the manner you choose to treat other people. If you lie or cause harm to someone willingly, then you can expect those poor choices to become a part of your life for a while. It is just that you won’t be the giver of pain and suffering; you will be on the receiving end.

Be conscious of all of your choices today in thought, words, and actions.

“At some point in our life, everyone must decide if they are a creator or a critic, a lover or a hater, a giver, or a taker.” ~ Unknown

“Make good choices today, so you don’t have regrets tomorrow.” Anonymous

“Every day brings new choices.” Martha Beck

“Life is all about making choices. Always do your best to make the right ones, and always do your best to learn from the wrong ones.” Anonymous

“Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you.” John C. Maxwell

“Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice you have made. If you want a different result, make a different choice.” Anonymous

“Every morning, you have two choices: Continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase your dreams. The choice is yours.” Anonymous

“There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.” Denis Waitley

I have written about choice quite a lot in the past.

Crossroad Choices

Even more on this page