Tag Archives: face everything and rise

Your Fear

fear of failureWe have all dreamed and attempted to achieve those dreams. We have tried to become something or create something at one point in our lives, and we have failed. Failure is a part of life, a consistent factor in achievement, and how quickly that achievement will depend on how you react to the crash you face. It hurts to fail, and the quicker you can overcome that fear of failure, you can move forward sooner.

Lie Down or Run Forward, Fear of Failure

I think in my experiences, there are two reactions to failure. Lie down and give up or learn the lesson and try again, realizing that you now have one of 6252359-Young-Asian-businessman-in-suit-hanging-himself-by-his-necktie-as-a-final-extreme-reaction-to-failur-Stock-Photothe critical pieces of information that will lead you to where you are destined to go. So running forward makes sense because your success will quickly come to you.

Now we have all experienced failure. We have tried as hard as we can, but all of our hopes and dreams behind a goal and wanted it with all that we have inside, and it all came crashing down in failure. When that happens, your brain remembers the pain of that situation, and a fear of failure is created. So the next time we start to put our hopes and dreams into something, our brain starts to remind us of that previous situation and wants us to be wary. That is where the thoughts of doubt, worry, and fear come from. If you allow them, they will derail your project before it gets going. Fear of failure will keep you standing still.

Mistakes are Directions

A wise man is thankful for mistakes because he tries to change the outcome and accomplish goals. Secondly, a mistake tells you clearly what will not fear of failurework, so you will find the method that will be successful. Learning comes in many ways through books, from mentors, but the most potent teacher we ever have is our experience with mistakes and failure. It is a delicate dance to allow yourself to fail and not take it personally and let the fear of failure destroy you and your ability to take action.

These lessons your mistakes give you are success directions, and those who take a moment to decipher the experience without fear will achieve their dream and reach all their goals. As long as you learn the lesson and don’t continually repeat the same mistake, success will come from the errors you experience, and you have to learn to evaluate them helpfully.

fear of failureBe Great Go Against the Fear of Failure

Do not let a mistake destroy your confidence or make you tentative in your actions. As you think, so shall you be. Think about what you want to accomplish. You are a divine and unique person with unlimited potential, and only you and your attitude can stop you from being great. Taking action is the cure for all fear. Overcome that nasty fear of failure once and for all.

“Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold.” -Helen Keller

“Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.” -William Shakespeare

“Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.”-Dale Carnegie

“Do not be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” -John Rockefeller

“Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out. “-Benjamin Franklin



Fear– an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

FearOne of the most challenging things that people face in life is fear. It is a formidable foe because it can rise in any area of your life at any moment.  Any experience in life can cause pain, and we are designed to avoid pain. So a traumatic experience at any age can cause fear to arise in your mind and affect your life. Fear can either be a motivator or a limiter to what you can and will accomplish in life.  Once you have been harmed, most people go to great lengths to avoid a repeat performance.  Raise your consciousness today, noticing the fear in your life. Look at where you are limited and the fear behind it in your thoughts, words, and actions.  By recognizing the fear and understanding its cause, the fear can be overcome and even eliminated. Try to be fearless. (See Video here)

Eliminate Fear

People often believe that the opposite of love is hate, but that isn’t true. Love’s opposite is fear.  All things seem to come down to a choice between love and concern.  To eliminate fear will, therefore, allow you to experience more love in your life.  Love should be your goal in all things. Not just the fearidealized version of attachment but the caring for others in the world, making your experience more positive.

The thoughts of fear are always in contrast to the ideas of love. Like two sides of the coin, they are there waiting for you to make a conscious choice of which one gets your attention.  There is a Cherokee parable about this battle in our hearts. Each of us has two wolves inside of us, fighting for control. One is love, and one is fear. Which one wins is the one you feed.

The thoughts of love are joy, peace, acceptance, hope, kindness, empathy, humility, and truth.

The thoughts of fear are anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, dishonesty, judgment, and ego.

Which one do you choose to feed? It is essential because overcoming fear will allow you to become a better human being. You are making your life and the lives of those around you a better experience only by consciously choosing the positive thoughts, words, and actions of love over those of fear. Be fearless.

Action Kills Fear

If you asked most people what they would like to do, they would tell you, but then follow it up with a list of reasons they can’t possibly do that right now. Lack of funds, time, freedom, acceptance, fearunderstanding are all reasons to keep dreams at a distance. These are all words of fear of talking.  The truth is behind the excuses is a fear of failure. A doubt has arisen in all of us since the beginning of our lives. But one that cane destroyed as quickly as all others.

The remedy to fear is action. Fear will kill your dreams, and work will open the doorway to achievement. Taking a vision from thought to action is scary because of all the things that can go wrong.  It is courage that allows you to move forward, take action, and see what happens.  No matter what happens, there are answers on the other side of action. Those answers will make your goals and dreams a reality or provide you with a roadmap of getting where you want to go.  Be brave and take action toward whatever it is you want to achieve. Be undaunted by potential failure. To do anything else is to cower in the darkness, hoping someone will stumble across your greatness.  Develop your excellence through action and defeat your fears.

Fear the Constant Companion

Fear is a constant companion in life. It is the brain trying to keep you safe.  But it is just a thought, and you have to decide what kind of life you will live. Life comes with no guarantees, and there are going to be situations that hurt you. That is life.  Learning to muster the courage to keep living fearfully, even though pain may happen, is how great experiences are created.  The only person who can be brave for you is you, so developing this talent will allow you to have the potential to accomplish anything.

So be conscious today and every day about the fears that are controlling your life. Where do they come from? What action will overcome it?  Become aware of your thoughts, words, and works around fear, and strive continuously to overcome it.  This conflict between your mind and your concern is the most significant battle we all face in life. Everything you dream about is on the other side of your victory over fear.

Questions about fear

What fears cause anxiety to you?

How do you deal with the emotion of fear?

What fears are most challenging for you to face?

How does fear help you in life?  How does it limit you?

Quotes About Fear

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.~Eleanor Roosevelt

If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment. ~Marcus Aurelius

Fear is only as deep as the mind allows.~Japanese Proverb

Be Fearless