Avoiding the Negative Loop

This human experience can be confusing. As we try to figure out where we fit in, something changes, and we are left looking for a new equation that will lead to our success, acceptance, and happiness. But we spend time choosing and creating narrow attachments and expectations for the outcomes. If something doesn’t work out just like we think it should, that is bad, and we choose to be unhappy. When I let go of how I think the world should be and accept it, I can also find the good in each moment.


Life is going to bring its share of challenges. No person will live for an extended period, having everything go just perfectly. If they did, there would be no opportunity for personal growth or self-development. You would be stagnant, just as you were. It w, and it is like continually being a child with no developing maturity. Suffering comes from the thought that what is happening in your life is not as you think it should be. Something is wrong and needs to be fixed. This can result from any challenge which shakes your reality.

It can be a relatively minor thing, like an annoying co-worker, to a big something like a loved one’s death. The idea you need to fix things because they are wrong will lead you to fear, worry, insecurity, resentment, criticism of others, criticism of yourself, tensions, stress, and all things which lead to dissatisfaction and unhappiness.

What if you didn’t do that?

The alternative is to open your mind and develop a broader vision of life and the things it brings your way. Perhaps the experience you are having, no matter how unsavory or harmful, is precisely what is best for you now. You don’t have to like it, but not wanting something won’t make it go away. Dealing with the present moment will allow you to become better.

Living in the present moment, not worrying about what the future will be, or regretting the past, will allow you to make choices that honor the present and see where true fulfillment comes from. It isn’t attached to the events swirling around your life. A “good thing” here makes you happy. A “bad thing” makes you unhappy. Realizing they are all just things to which you give meaning through your mental conditioning, expectations, and attachments.

Your Power

This doesn’t mean you accept someone treating you poorly; when this occurs, you don’t take it personally as an indictment of your value and see it as a clear issue of the person mistreating you. A loved one’s death is a sad occasion, but feeling bad won’t bring anyone back to life; the reality of the situation is what it is. How you deal with it, move on from it, and see your gratitude for the departed person’s influence on your life will allow you to grow and develop your power despite the loss.

Shift of Perspective

It is not an easy shift, moving your perspective from one of the ego-defined expectations to source-centered acceptance. If a life of fulfillment is your ultimate goal, then some movement in this direction is warranted. It will allow you to not drift to and from happiness to sadness based on the things occurring outside of you. Living like this gives all the power to those things. Never knowing from moment to moment if you will have the rug pulled out from underneath you or not.

Learning to see events as things outside of you and not letting them define your happiness is a rare power. Not identifying with our conditioned expectations, we can approach all situations with an open mind and heart. This will bring on feelings of acceptance, well-being, and ease about the events of your life. They are things that happen, not defining points of your character. In this understanding and practice, one will probably realize that life is, in fact, OK, just as it is. What if our most feared moments are just opportunities to grow?

Think About What You Believe

Beliefs are the ideas we have chosen to provide a particular attachment to. These are thoughts we have been told during our lives that have been backed up by experience and our emotional reactions to them. It is essential to recognize our beliefs because they will form the paradigms of our lives. These rules will determine the reality we experience in our lives, so identifying the limiting beliefs and actively working to change them can make your life much more positive.

The Birth of Beliefs

Our fundamental beliefs come to us early on in life. One’s parent’s attitudes about life builds our own belief system, and we will create our reality and ideas about almost everything out of this. From money to personal relationships. They are all created and imprinted on our subconscious by our parents and family. These beliefs will be either positive or negative, empowering or enslaving, depending 0n  experience. If you get messages “like, can’t possibly accomplish”that ” or arena aren’t smart enough to do” that” or isn’t realistic, you will never be able to make a living ” it.”  The reality of your life is going to be limited by those beliefs.

If, on the other hand, the messages received were more supportive and encouraging, these beliefs will propel you into success much more accessible. The things we believe and the paradigms of our lives dictate our reality. It goes deeper than what you say in words and includes the example you set. If there are general mistrust and unhappiness in your life, you are building a belief that the world is full of peoplcan’t can’t trust. Although some can’t be charged, many are very trustworthy and kind. Your belief will carry over to the next generation, embedding itself and creating the reality that exists.

How to Change a Belief

Once a belief is embedded, and you accept it as true, it won’t change until new evidence strongly refutes it and causes the old paradigm to be discarded, and the new belief takes its place. This process will be different for everyone, depending on your ideas and how open you are limitationsto change.

If you are set in your ways and look at change as a danger, it will be challenging to change your belief. Simply put, you will not seek change until it becomes apparent there is a problem with what you are thinking and believing right now. Wanting to change and, in fact, seeing the need to change is the first step. Then it is a matter of deciding what you want to believe about money, relationships, charity, work, friends, family, or any other area affecting your life.

Then it is a matter of reprogramming your subconscious, and there are many ways to do this. Some involve changing your belief bit by bit, and others involve rapid and immediate change. The best way to change a limiting belief is to recognize the idea, where it came from, and how it is hurting your life now. Constructing a new belief will involve using your imagination and introducing images that connect to emotion about what you want to believe.

Changing A Limiting Belief is Simple but Not Easy

Some information I have read on this topic has stressed the difficulty of creating changes that last in your belief system, but most people who purport this message want to sell you something. My experience is that most beliefs can be changed quickly, which can last.

Simple method: 1. identify the problem in writing 2. write down the change you want to see in your beliefs. 3. Create positive thoughts (affirmations)  that support those thoughts  4. Read them, say them, and repeat them with emotion until the positive thought replaces the limiting belief. You will know it has happened in your experiences as thoughts change, life changes.

You may think that nothing is that simple, but it is a choice to keep letting the beliefs that limit you control your reality or move on to something better.

“Thoroughly unprepared, we take the step into the afternoon of life. Worse still, we take this step with the false presupposition that our truths and our ideals will serve us as hitherto. But we cannot live the afternoon of life according to the progrlife’slife’s morning, for what was great in the morning will be little at evening and what in the morning was true, at evening will have become a lie.” ~C.G. Jung

“You begin to fly when you let go of self-limiting beliefs and allow your mind and aspirations to rise to greater he gets.” ―Brian T

“Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do, and you can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” 

“Do just once what others can’t do, and you will never pay attention to their limitations again.” 

“Learning too soon our limitations, we never learn our powers.” —Mignon McLaughlin.

“Every person takes the limits of their field of vision for the limits of the world.” —Arthur Schopenhauer.

Make Your Life More Abundant

abundanceLike many people, I look at how much I have and wonder if I should be doing things to attract more into my life. More money, more love, more everything! My interest led me to investigate, and I started to do some research on the topic. I found a bunch of ideas about attracting more abundance into your life. We all think that we will be happier if we have more money, love, fame, or whatever. That is a philosophical statement for another day. Today, there are three simple things that you can start doing today that will make your life more abundant in what you are seeking.

Gratitude Journal

I have always been a fan of the gratitude journal. I have kept one sporadically over the last three to four years. When I was diligent, in all honesty, more came into my life in all areas. You get busy and tell gratitude journalyourself; I will think about them and not write them down. In my experience, much of those thoughts’ power is left behind. So the simple process I use is: I write ten things I am grateful for each morning over the past 24 hours. I will try to make 3 of the new stuff. I believe the activity’s value is thinking about the genuine gratitude you feel about each thing. Adding new items creates a mindset of looking for what you are grateful for and not taking things for granted. We are a fortunate society, and you see a list of items daily to feel thankful for.

I think this works because it creates an energy of gratitude. If you are a believer in personal power, what you focus on brings more of that into your life. Being grateful for what you have will get more of that into your life. Be thankful for the love in your life, and soon you will find more of it in your life.

Give Freely

This isn’t easy because I always say I will gladly give when I have more stuff. The problem with that is I never know when that is. Fear of not having enough will stop you from passing, but giving freelyto get it, you always have to give. I don’t think it means giving everything you have but establishing a mindset of giving. That allows you to deal with a feeling of abundance, not lack.

Giving doesn’t have to be financial either, and I think giving with the right attitude of your time and talents can be just as powerful for creating abundance in your life. Again I believe that the attitude you start by looking for opportunities to give is the key to attracting more lot into your life. Give without a chance of recognition, and that creates the best energy. When you give, you accept that there is more on the way, and it always is. If you are afraid that you will be lacking, you focus on lack, and what you focus on will grow in your life.

I would encourage people to start small and see what happens. Give and watch. I have done a few experiments, and most have positive results. Give a small amount freely and see what happens. Give because you want to and focus on that. Don’t think of the lack. Think of the abundance, and hope that your gift can genuinely help someone else. It could be money, donated clothes, the time you gave, or even a conscious choice to be kind.

Set Clear Intentions

Almost every book I have read about creation, abundance, or self-improvement. The first thing you have to do is to know what you want, specifically. Many people have the generic answer of more love or money, and those generic intentions will bring generic results. It seems that asking clearly for what you want is essential in attracting more abundance into your life. Don’t be afraid to ask for exactly what you want.

Like anything, practice is the key to doing this. We have been conditioned to believe that we have no control over what we get. But there is increasing evidence through Quantum Physics that we are absolutely in control of what we see in our lives. Set a clear intention, and believe that it can happen, take action toward it, and it will happen. Don’t skip over that TAKE ACTION part because that is the key. Your efforts provide the momentum to your intention and move them from the page of thought into reality.

You can try these three simple practices today to investigate, drawing more abundance into your life. More money, love, or success. Whatever it is that you are looking for. I always try to remember that we are unique spiritual beings placed on Earth to have a great experience, not suffer and be unhappy.

A little song of gratitude for you