
authentic selfBeing a true original is difficult to do today. The media inundates all people with numerous messages of what we should aspire to be, what clothes are acceptable to fit our persona, what beverage to drink, and even which medications we should take to alleviate any minor problem.  You have to wonder if there is room for a person to be a total original. Then you meet or see one, and you know it exists, which means the authentic self exists in you. Blaze your path and leave a trail for others to follow.  Too many people worry about what others think of what they do. Just do what your heart tells you.  If you are experiencing fulfillment in the process, then that is all that matters. Let’s strive to make each of us the person we were born to be.

Show Your Unique Abilities

authentic selfWe live in a world that is full of contradictions. People have the drive to be unique but live in a hell-bent society to make sure we are never expressing this. So what can you do to show your unique abilities? One of the first things is to try not to imitate others consciously. Do your own thing. I struggle with this constantly because I see many great writing ideas and some I try to emulate, to see how they fit, but that only lasts for a little while. I have to be me and express my thoughts how I see them and, more importantly, feel them.  Each thing I write comes from the creation of my mind. Others’ ideas influence me in the many things I read, listen to, and grow from. I try to express my thoughts on all of these things in my words.  Words seem to be an outdated form of communication sometimes, but they are the method I have.

Your uniqueness will shine through the minute you start to think for yourself and do what your heart tells you.  If you want to create art, then create the art your soul is craving to express.  Some people I know with great talent are much too wrapped up in seeking an audience and creating things to do that rather than create what you have the capacity and will to do and let the audience create itself. I would rather die an original than live my life as a copy.

Don’t Waste Your Effort.

So many of us spend so much of our energy to make sure that we present a story of who we are to the world that we want them to see that we have no clue who we really are. It takes a lot of energy to do this, to wear the mask of perfection or whatever you want the world to see. When so much of yourself is spent keeping people from seeing who you are, obviously, you will not be your authentic self, and the only trail authentic selfyou will leave is one of anger, frustration, and personal disappointment.

Throw this out and focus on being you, regardless of what you think the world wants you to be.  You may not even remember who you actually are because you have been playing a part so long. Move off the path that others desire for you and move forward down the path of your true self. Your authentic self already knows the answers, it was a person you were born to be, and you were this person before society, and time reprogrammed you to think who you were was wrong.  Now we spend our remaining years seeking to find our purpose, and it is always to get back to that authentic individual. Some will make it, and some will never look. That is the choice of life. Choose to be your authentic self, and the world needs more of this.

Leave a Trail

Too many times, people do what others think they should. Rather than blazing their own trail, even in a small way, they spend their time looking over their shoulder for the approval of others.  We see this in the presentation of social media posts. People seem to be looking for ways to present themselves as they want to be seen rather than as they truly are.  Hiding their authentic self behind a facade of self-propagated propaganda.

Please don’t follow the crowd, and they don’t know what is good for you as a person. Only you can know what choices will feel good to you. Only you can determine your path because when it is all done, you will be held responsible for your life and who you are, not the crowd.  Be your best self and leave a bright, brave trail for others to follow.  You are the only one who can do this, don’t let yourself down.

Do Not Go Where the Path May Lead, Go Instead Where There Is No Path and Leave a Trail – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Through it all, I stood tall and did it my way.” – Frank Sinatra.


Your Heart

“Everyone who has the will can hear their inner voice. It is within everyone.”  Gandhi

inner voiceToday I am particularly grateful for my inner voice and the fact that I am learning to listen to it. I have thousands of thoughts every day, and most are negative and repeats of things I have thought before. The challenge of this writing is to find the ability to quiet the mind and listen to the voice within, the heart message that will NEVER lead you wrong.  Take a trip down this road.

Turn Down the Noise

Each of our minds is a nonstop factory of thought.  New thoughts are being created in all of our waking hours, old thoughts being revisited, and other people’s thoughts being entertained. 002_InnerVoice_AR_241_pg247_600x480_Eleesha_Inspiration_Quote_Affirmation2 We can’t help but think, and it is the job of the mind.

But if you listen to what the thoughts tell you, many of them are petty, jealous, and judgmental of others but more importantly of ourselves.  We spend a lot of time making ourselves feel bad about our decisions in the past, where we are in life, and what we like to do.   If you entertain that voice and its thoughts, you will lack self-confidence and not think much of your abilities.  It is below all that noise that you have to look for the real voice you listen to.

Calm and Let Them Go

When I have a lot of work to do or need an answer that will be youare voicesomething that I can trust, I have to get by those thoughts and listen to the voice in my heart. But how can you get by the nonstop whir of your never-ending mind? That is the challenge to most great things.

Finding this voice is simple, but it isn’t easy.  You have to learn to let the incessant thoughts your mind is producing slide by you, notice them but then just let them go.  As you do this, you will find an increasing sense of quiet in your mind.  As the mind quiets, only then can the voice in your heart be heard. Focusing your mind on your breathing and choosing not to get involved in your thoughts is the thing that will free you.  It is in the stillness of the mind when your heart can be heard or rather felt.

I Don’t Know Who You Are

There is no advice I can give you about where this voice comes 097_Your_Inner_Voice_AR_96_pg111_600x480_Eleesha_Inspiration_Quote_Affirmationfrom, except to say that it comes from inside of me, and it has never been wrong.  My mind is often critical and judgmental. This voice has an understanding and always pushes for my greatest good.  When I see disaster on the outside, the voice gives me a less egoic perception of the situation, and I know it isn’t the end of the world. In fact, even a bad situation can lead to extraordinary growth and learning.  Heights can be reached, which otherwise would have been unavailable to you without a tough experience. Suffering is not a good thing, but it can bring good things. LISTEN.

No, you aren’t perfect, but this is how things will play out, and here is what you should do.  Always this voice chooses the path that is best for me, yet I still fight against it.  I think I know more and am more intelligent, but clearly, I am not.

Almost all of my failures and shortcomings in life have come when I let my conscious thoughts guide me over my intuition.  Do this because it is safe! Do that because it is expected!  Do those things you know because they are safe! What will people think?  Yet, it is the things that I haven’t done that will take me where I want and need to go. To find the purpose of my life.

Today, I am grateful for this voice inside me, and I hope that I have the will to listen to the voice and the courage to do what I hear from that voice in my heart. Sometimes having the faith to do what you have never done is the secret to everything.

Don’t be shy, just let your feelings roll on by.





Small Steps

success“If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.”~ Success

Are great deeds hiding from you? Is it difficult to find them? This can be the case from time to time, but all deeds provide the chance to be performed with greatness. Each moment of every activity you are taking part in provides the opportunity to display the greatness inside you and find success.

You can always perform in a great way by completing whatever you are doing with the greatness that is inside of you. Some call a poor effort “good enough,” but not you.  Your talent, conscience, and effort won’t let that stand as an example of your work.  Only greatness can come from you because let’s face it, you are great. Do you see that in yourself, or is there something else you are looking at?

Creating Success

greatnessIt doesn’t matter if you are bringing an orchestra together to play a great piece of music. Or perhaps it is a team of athletes working to become the best they can. If each person participating creates greatness in their little part, then the music or the team has a chance to achieve unique perfection. Even with the smallest role, if one person decides to be less than great, then the whole project is in jeopardy of mediocrity or worse.

The little things make the big things possible, and each of us has a part to play in this. All that we can control is our own thoughts, words, and actions in any situation. Another person’s choices belong to him or her, and that is why it is important to understand who we are aligning ourselves within, attempting to achieve our hopes and dreams. If you are spending time on a project with a person who is less than committed to greatness, then how can you find success? Use wisdom when choosing your companions on the path of life.

More On Little Things

You have greatness within youWith each small task you perform each day, and you are choosing to be great or not. This generally is going to come from being present in the moment of the task you are performing. That means not having your mind on something else, which is a cheat to you and those you are with and the task you perform.

Being totally present at the moment will allow you to perform at your best every day. Notice all the little moments and things that make up your life. Allow for the opportunity to practice this. If you are great in all things, then there will be no choice for the bigger things in life. Being great consistently is a skill that you can develop. Don’t let anyone tell you any different.

It Can Only Be Greatness

Greatness is defined in you every day of your life. The way you think, hear, talk, walk, or spend your time is unique to you and in that rarity is your greatness. It is all of these small things that make us who we are, unique and AMAZING.  Each goal we have, large or small, will be accomplished one small step at a time. Take and make those steps as perfectly as you can with your maximum effort, and the result can only be greatness.

Do your part to thrive in your experience. 




Everyone feel like this sometime
Everyone feels like this sometimes.

For many people, including myself, there are times when we are not sure what to do next.  A new situation confronts us, and we have to move left or tack right. Something is headed right for us! What do we do?

Now for me, either because of the way I was brought up or because I am just a very stubborn person asking anyone for help or advice is almost always out of the question because it would reveal to the world, gasp,  “I don’t know everything.”

Okay, I am sure that the world doesn’t care if I know everything or not, so why would it bother me to ask for help?

Recently I have contemplated this mystery because someone recently asked me if they could help me.   My initial reaction was pretty typical. I think, “No, thank you, I am fine.”

Then I stopped to think about it.  I am not perfect, and I don’t have all the answers. Perhaps there is some assistance that I could get from someone else’s insights, experiences, or knowledge.  I then remembered two things.  There are people who I knew were in deep.

Look to give a helping hand.
Look to give a helping hand.

trouble and I offered to help them, and they said: “No thanks, I am fine.”

The second thing I remembered was when I was at the lowest point of my life.  I was struggling to make it through each day, and if anyone needed help or encouragement, it was me, and continually I would pretend that everything was fine, I was OK. In reality, I was really in distress and just too proud or stubborn to let anyone know about it or help me navigate through this difficult time.

In retrospect, this was very foolish behavior. I could have had the smartest person in the world at my disposal, and it wouldn’t have mattered because I was intent on keeping my problems to myself—no point in burdening anyone else with my problems.  The result is needless suffering.

Help is not a dirty word.  It doesn’t mean you are weak if you lean on someone else for advice, assistance, or support.

In fact, it shows two things.  First that you are intelligent and

It would be nice if this guy showed up when you had questions, but life usually chooses more accessible messengers. Listen to them!
It would be nice if this guy showed up when you had questions, but life usually chooses more accessible messengers. Listen to them!

Recognize that you need some information that you don’t have to move forward most efficiently.  Secondly, it gives others a chance to help you.

Most people have great intentions and want to make your life a bit easier by sharing their wisdom.

This doesn’t mean that you have to listen to every person you meet in a coffee shop; rather, I think it means that if you need help, don’t be too proud to ask or too stubborn to accept it when it comes to you.

 That is how the world works best, with all of us working together.

The Little River Band had it right……………


Trust~firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

It is impossible to talk about the value of trust without discussing all of the reasons we don’t trust or, worse yet, trust when we shouldn’t. It is one of the greatest learning curves in life, putting your trust in the right people and things. Today’s goal is to look at the things we trust and bring them into your consciousness and analyze if they are worthy of trust or not.  The things we trust build our beliefs about the world and the people we encounter in it. If your trust is misplaced, so is your belief, and your experiences will most likely reflect this. Once someone violates your trust, it is good to understand what it tells you about them. They certainly don’t have your best interest at heart.

Childhood Trust

There are education and indoctrination into becoming the human being you are today. The beliefs you have today were built on the foundation of trust people innately have for their family members. A person is born, and they spend the first portion of their life trying to figure out how the world works. What is safe? What can we trust? The parenting we receive and the culture we are born into providing many of these early answers.  The definition of success, goodness, desire, positivity, how to treat others, our values are all determined as we figure out life. Add to that the messages we receive from media and authority figures of school or other organizations.  It all determines what we trust.

As life unfolds and you have new experiences, many of the things you once trusted as truth are proven to be no more than an opinion you choose to accept as true. When you start to see these truths fail, it cannot be easy to trust anyone or anything.  Life provides a good classroom and having thoughts, opinions, and even beliefs that change and develop as new information and experience become available is a healthy thing.  The attachments of trust we build to beliefs make them Earth-shattering when they are proven not true. This can be a philosophy or a significant other. When these heartfelt truths are broken, so are you. At least for a while.

Trust Yourself

Life is much easier and enjoyable when you trust yourself. Of course, this is a much more difficult proposition than it sounds.  We all make mistakes, miscalculations, and misjudgments in the experience of our lives. How can we trust such a person? The choice is up to you, to crawl under a rock and hide from the past mistakes and cowering in fear because of the mistakes you will make in the future. Or you can see the mistakes for what they truly are, learning experiences. Some paths of knowledge are much more painful than others.

Trust yourself to learn the lessons is a big step in figuring out exactly who you are and what your purpose might be in life. Trust that you can handle whatever comes your way, no matter how uncomfortable, intimidating, or insurmountable it may seem.  Look at your life so far. How many challenges have you successfully (or unsuccessfully) navigated so far? Each of us is on our own hero’s journey, and the only way we can fail is to quit. Trust in the hero in you. Don’t let the villains who enter your life win.

Trust Your Experience

Daily we are inundated with messages. From society, social media, the mainstream media, advertisers, and government.  People seem to forget messages always have a purpose. In our society, we are given messages to buy things, spend money, gain possessions as if that will fill us up.  We all know, I think, that deep down, buying things will not fill our empty spaces. They are meant for real emotional experiences.  There is a momentary enthusiasm that may accompany a purchase, but it leaves soon, and you are faced with the same space.  Don’t trust the messages you receive from the outside. Analyze them and determine the motive.

Much of the “news” of the day is presented in a way to increase your level of fear.  A frightened person is easy to control. If you are afraid of your neighbors, you will not unite with them and do something revolutionary like think for yourself.  Trust in the experiences you have with people and situations. You know what good feels like and seek that out in your daily life. Trust it.

Recognize Trust

When it comes to relationships, trust is built over time and through consistent interactions with someone. We all meet people who we trust, and they are proven they don’t merit that consideration.  Just as with any experience, we should use these experiences to learn from. Not as an excuse to never trust again. The gold treasure of life is to find people and things you can rely on. Those are worth more than any monetary reward. It is also their scarcity that makes them so valuable. Trust again, but not anyone who has broken your trust. They do not deserve it.

It is simple to see if a person is worth your trust. Be conscious of their thoughts, words, and actions.  Do they do what they say?  Emergencies happen, but for the most part, if you say you are going to do something, follow through and do it. Trust is built.  In the same vein, are the things they tell you true? Really there is no good reason to lie or be dishonest.  Honesty is how trust is built, and it can all be torn down with one lie. A lie is proof of a lack of character and possible narcissism.


Evaluate your thoughts, words, and actions honestly today and decide whether they are worthy of your trust.  Are all of your beliefs valid, supported by observations and experience, or are they something you blindly accept?  Trust yourself to know the difference and to keep positive in your life and the negative out.  The answers are not the same for everyone.

Trust is an important ingredient in an enjoyable life. You have to give it to get it. It will restore your faith as quickly as it took faith away.

“The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.” 
― Ernest Hemingway


Positive Life

It has been one of my experiences that people are as happy as they decide they will be. We make choices every day about our attitude by the thoughts we choose to entertain. Either you choose positive thoughts, which positive words and actions will follow, or you will move in the opposite direction. That is a negative movement with negative words and actions to follow. It is backed up by research shown in books like The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor. How you think can be altered to create a more positive experience in your life.  Here are some simple things to try to create a more positive outlook. Open your mind and see what you can supplant in there.

Practice Gratitude

Before you can be positive about life, you need to appreciate what you are fortunate enough to experience today. Too often, we focus our attention on the things we do not have and ignore the things we do.  A simple shift in focus to being grateful for what you have will increase your mood and create a more positive life.  Being more positive will make your life more enjoyable and even lead to better health.

The simple way to do this is to list all of the things you are grateful for. When you start your day, honestly give thanks for the good things in your life. They can be people you love, your job, the house you live in, the car you drive, the view you experience, the friends you have, a wonderful cup of coffee in the morning. Whatever you have to be grateful for, list it and think about it, and your mood will naturally become more positive.

Cultivate a Positive Attitude

In every situation, there are two sides, a positive and a negative.  Go into all situations with the idea that you are looking on the bright side of things.  Choosing before anything happens to look at things positively makes bumps in the road you encounter to be less of a barrier to success but more of a catapult to becoming your best. How can the same situation be viewed in two totally different ways? Mindset. Understanding that we are developing, learning people throughout life allows us to look at mistakes or bad experiences differently.  That they are not the end game, but a step on the way toward the end game.

There are countless cases of people who have managed through difficult times and gained a skill or lesson that allowed them to achieve ultimate success in the end. You will find the success of your goals by persevering through adversity, not being buried by it. A positive attitude is a fuel that allows this to happen. If you look at life as a game board, you are now not where you will end up. It is the next move that determines your future.  All experiences give us the chance to learn and grow, and it is up to us to grasp the lesson and become better.  A positive outlook will allow you to do this.

Limit Time Dwelling on the Negative

All of us are going to experience some negative things. Still, most often, our lives’ negative forces are not something we have experienced directly but something we are exposed to through society and the media. The media creates “news” that is designed to make you feel negative.  These negative feelings made you feel isolated from others and scared that people are out to hurt you. You have the option to decide how much time you spend focusing on the negative in your life, totally up to you. A person cuts you off in traffic, and you can spend your time thinking about what a jerk they are or send them peace because that is who you are.

Our thoughts’ tenor sends us down a channel of feeling that will continue to build on the initial thought you choose to pay attention to, either positive or negative. Limit the time you spend focusing on negative things, and you will experience more happiness and joy in the world. Focus on the good in your life and, for that matter, in the world, and you will be better off. Don’t let a negative action by someone else dictate your attitude. This is always a conscious choice. Make a good one.

Maintain Your Momentum Of Positive

Like exercising your body, you have to maintain your work on being more positive. If you stop focusing on gratitude or avoiding the negative, or cultivating a positive attitude, then you will most likely backslide into negative patterns that have been a part of your life.  If being happy and enjoying life is how you want your life to look, then focus on these and many other things that will allow you to be positive and positively look at life. It is all a conscious choice.  It starts with choosing to move toward the positive. Life is too short a ride to spend time complaining, crying, and feeling badly towards others. Time spent positively is a good time.

“The best project you’ll ever work on is you.”

“Be so busy improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others.”

“Surround yourself with people who have dreams, desire, and ambition; they’ll help you push for and realize your own.”

The Brady Bunch Had It All Figured Out



Winter -the coldest season of the year

winterLiving in Maine my entire life, winter has been a major part of the experience. Every year there is the challenge the weather throws at you. It interrupts your schedule, makes you plan, forces you to endure, and causes you to grow. It develops a toughness inside of you because if you can survive this challenge so easily, other challenges will be just as easy to conquer.  Every year, like it or not, winter comes, the days get short, the weather gets cold, and the challenge begins to not only survive the season but to thrive in it.  Sometimes it is difficult not to complain about the cold temperatures and the storms. But complaining doesn’t change anything; each day is going to be what you make it.  Add the positive aspects of winter to your awareness today in your thoughts, words, and actions.  Winter is not an enemy; it is a proving ground followed by the renewal of spring.

Tough Winter

There is no denying winter wears on you after a few months of temperatures below freezing and impending storm after impending storm. All of us live through this together and understand silently the strength it takes to experience the storm, clean up after it and move on with life. It is a winterlesson that you can apply in other areas of your existence quite easily. Storms come and most often on short notice. They make your life more difficult, and when they eventually pass away. Leaving behind a pile of snow as a reminder that this did, in fact, happen, and you did experience it. You survived.

This is a toughness that is built up throughout your life.  Winter is different from the last and provides its own storms. No two are exactly alike. There are different temperatures and levels of precipitation.  The timing is different, and that determines how much your life is affected.  In my youth, there was nothing as beautiful as a storm day. The town I lived in had a fire horn that had a particular call that announced no school. It was a special joy to know that you could stay in bed and not have to go to school that day. That joy still lives in me.  Mentally, winter can be a strain for a while, and you are just waiting for it to end.  But experience teaches you, and you will survive and be a little bit stronger for the experience. You learn the challenge will end eventually and give way to something better and more enjoyable.

The Beauty of Winter

Winter is not all snowstorms and freezing temperatures. Many great things come with it and make the world a more interesting place winterto live. When it snows, without any wind at all. The world is never as peaceful.  There is a quiet there which doesn’t exist any other time of the year.  It is one of the most peaceful times that exists in the world. If you listen, then you can hear the voices of those you knew, and they are with you for an ever so brief moment.  The sad part is most people are moving too fast, either physically or in their minds, to pay attention.  Pay attention.

There is also the way the world looks on a sunny morning after a snow event. The trees are frosted with snow, and the landscape is changed to something different, wonderful, and new. Covered with a blanket of opportunity.   Like most precious things, this is not going to last. Snow melts, seasons change, just like our lives, it is just a temporary joy.  Most don’t pay attention to this either. There is a powerful and unique picture worthy of the greatest painting right in front of you. And they are busy looking at their phone.  Pay attention because spring is coming, and the winter will be gone.  Leaving behind it a world that is clean and new.

Hope is the Thing

Even as winter sets in during the holiday months of November and December, there is hope that builds. The days will get longer. The temperatures will rise. The easy days of summer will come.  All of the benefits of those easier seasons, warmth, easy travel, sunny beaches, long days. All of these things derive more of their meaning and joy from the contrast that winter provides them.

Just like the challenges faced in life provide success with its sweetness, winter makes the other seasons more savory.  How many times have I felt like a 40-degree day in March was downright tropical?  Put the windows down in the car and felt the sunshine on my face like an old friend coming back to visit.  If you are a veteran of winter, every year, this happens.  The remainder of hope for spring, summer, and fall. The reminder of hope for your life and your dreams.  All things seem possible once you survive your winter.  That is because if you thrive in difficult times, all other times are easy.  Enjoy them all.

Our Strength of Winter

There is a strength inside of us all.  Some will never use it because their consciousness has a focus on other things.  But if you focus on the challenges that face you and take responsibility for managing them, that strength will reveal itself.  Some people hide at home during a snowstorm. Others ski down a slope and revel in the opportunity.  It is all a matter of perspective and what you allow yourself to accept from the winter experience.

You can let it control you, your attitude, and your life. Or you can control the way you react to it. That is a strength that is transferred into other areas of life.  There is a strength in all of us that needs a push to rise to the surface. Winter can be that push.  So be conscious of the wonder and power of winter. In your thoughts, words, and actions today.  Look at the beauty of the snow on the trees. Enjoy the unique silence of a snowfall.  Make a snow angel—ski your slopes.  Winter is the coldest season, but hope for the warmth that will inevitably follow in the spring will rise.

“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.  And that makes me happy. For it says no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger—something better, pushing right back.” ~Albert Camus

 “As call it winter, which being full of care,  Makes summer’s welcome, thrice more  wished, more rare.”  ~ William Shakespeare



There are a precious few moments that are truly silent and fewer still in life people are aware of. All of our moments seem to be spoken for with a wide variety of visual entertainment available, intensive video game experiences, and the constant attention on our phones. Few moments are free to be silent. But still, the silence is there waiting for us if we take the time and make an effort to hear it. You must do this because it will benefit you in your mental health and help you become the best at whatever you want to accomplish.  Listening to the available silence is good for your mood, too, because it is an easy way to bring you into the present moment and out of negatively charged thoughts of the past or the future.  So let’s take a moment and start finding the silence.

Listen to Silence

Even though our life experience is probably something else, silence is always available to us. Many are afraid of the quiet because there is only you when you are not distracted by something else. That can be intimidating, scary, and even seem lonely, which creates an uncomfortable feeling that people want to avoid.  It doesn’t have to be that way because once you ease into this silence and become more comfortable with yourself, you will recognize the strength in yourself.  There is always a silence existing underneath the noise and activity, and it is waiting there for you to access it and experience its power and strength.

Listening to the silence immediately creates a stillness in you. This stillness is like a pond in the early morning with no wind, and it is a soft reflective pool where the best of your possible ideas can go to develop.  The stillness in you is rare to find and has been difficult for me to maintain, but the time I do get to spend listening to the silence revitalizes thoughts and allows me to feel what it is I am seeking in my life. A chance to separate the thoughts of value from the thoughts of foolishness. It is also a chance to deal with your emotions and where they come from.

Your Reflecting Pool

You are more than the physical body you travel around in each day. You are more than the job you have or the things you own. Those are just things you have accumulated. Some people are better at accumulation than others. That doesn’t make them great people. Great people understand who they are, and that person is accessible through the silence. We are all trained from childhood to identify with the mind and treat it and the thoughts it creates as if that is us. It isn’t. When you ask a question with your mind, someone answers. Who is that? You can pull back and watch your thoughts come to you, and if you are watching the thoughts, you can’t possibly be the thoughts.

When you are identifying with your mind, you are being cut off from who you really are. If your whole sense of self is identified with thinking and you can’t access and live from the space of who you really are.  This leads to underlying feelings of unhappiness, longing for something that you can’t quite put your finger on. That is the true self, struggling to send you a message. The silence allows the message to get through. Becoming conscious of this being is done by reclaiming your consciousness from the mind, and people can do that by allowing all things to be silent and exist in the cool, calm, reflecting pool of your existence.

How to Focus on What You are doing

The focus starts when a person stops Identifying with their thoughts all the time. Our minds are great tools we should use to solve problems, help create things, and weigh our decisions’ value. It is not who we are, and neither are the thoughts we think. Drawback and look at your thoughts. Take five minutes and without a filter, write down everything you think. How many of your thoughts are repeated, or useless, or both. Notice the tenor of your thoughts. Are they kind? Helpful? Mean? Judgmental? Let your thoughts slide by you without reacting to them and their power. Choose to pay attention to the thoughts that honor you and represent what you want them to.  Once you let them go, you can find the silence.

Silence is found in between thoughts and emotions. Take time and see how you feel about things. What are you avoiding, denying, or resisting in life? When you see yourself feeling unease or nervous about something, that is something you should deal with. Search your soul, search your mind in the quiet spaces, and it is at this point your journey to self-discovery and personal growth. It all begins with the silence. Take time to find the calm and silence in your everyday life and see what secrets it holds for your life.

“Silence is a source of great strength.”- Lao Tzu.

“He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words.”- Elbert Hubbard.

“The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenements halls and whispered in the sounds of silence.”- Paul Simon.


A thing that may happen or be the case.

PossibilityWhen you wake up in the morning, the power of possibility surrounds you.  There is no telling what the day may hold. There is an unlimited potential that exists every day, which you can use or squander, depending on your focus, thoughts, and beliefs about life.  This may be the day that all of your wishes come true. This may be when accomplishments are achieved, battles long fought are ended, or dreams are realized. If we all focused on what possibilities today hold, no one would ever sleep in.  Put the concept of possibility securely in your consciousness today in all of your thoughts, words, and actions.

The Simple Choice of Possibility

At each moment of the day, you will have a choice of what you see.  Either it is going to be the same old thing, or there is a possibility for more. The key possibilityingredient for seeing things differently is imagination and visualization.  This is how you create the thought about what you would like to experience and place it into action through belief and possibility.  It is an easy thing to move through your day in the same manner you always have, and of course, you will get the same results.  That is a choice.

The thing about choice is that on the other side of the thing you always do is located the thing you never do.  That is a possibility of everything.  Think about this, sadness has the possibility of happiness, poor has the possibility of rich, fear has the possibility of love, all things bring the opposite possibility with them, and it is all due to the choice you make today. So don’t sit in a dark room of unhappiness when the light of possibility surrounds you, and making a different choice will bring that light into your life.

Open to Possibility of Change

Sometimes the fear of what might be is greater than the pain that today holds for people. If life is difficult or painful, it is easier to deal with the known than to undertake a possibility you are not sure of.  Even if the possibility is great, fear of change can stop you.  Change is a constant and possibilityinevitable part of life.  Like anything in nature, we are continually growing, aging, and moving through our own life cycle. No matter how you try to stop it, change is going to come.

Embrace the possibility of change because things are going to change anyway. You might try to move the changes in a way you would enjoy.  Eckart Tolle suggests in his book, The Power of Now, that you should face everything that happens in a day as if you chose it. Rather than being resistant, be accepting and embrace the possibility of what is happening.  For the simple reason, what is happening, is indeed happening, resisting it borders on insanity.  Embrace the possibility that change is bringing you.

Be Open To Possibility

Today will bring with it a multitude of choices that you will make. Instead of allowing your subconscious to make decisions for you, be conscious and possibilityaware of the decisions you make and the possibility that exists with them that you are not tapping into.  Is it because you are afraid? Is it because you lack confidence? Is it because you don’t deserve it? Overcoming these barriers is the doorway to the possibility that exists each day.

Recognize the chance that you have to achieve things right now.  Be conscious of your thoughts about the possibility, your words about it, and your actions toward it if you do the same things each day and expect a different result; that is the definition of insanity.  Are there areas of your life, career, relationships, or health that you would like to change? The possibility for this exists in every moment of your life. On the other side of impossibility is a possibility.

“Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.” ― Gloria Steinem.