Tag Archives: Power Of Thought

The Process in My Life

Process– a series of actions or steps to achieve a particular end.

While finding positive words to focus my awareness on each day, I have been amazed at how each day works and treats everyone, including myself, a little better.  It has also allowed me to look at life events and let go of the things that don’t matter.  Each day, our focus is on four things: our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.  That is the process I have used and one I think you might find helpful to focus on. It allows you to be aware of the process happening in you, and for most, you can grow from noticing this process in your own life. The process is happening to us all, whether we see it or not.

Thoughts Are the Thing

It always begins with our thoughts.  A thought is an idea we produce, and it seems to appear suddenly in our brain. People have thousands of views every day, a virtual stream of thought.  But we don’t notice them without a little effort.  When you start to pay attention to them, you see that your thoughts’ tenor directly controls your mood. If you have thoughts of love and positiveness, your attitude is cheerful. If you are focused on fear, your mood is more on the opposing side.  Which ideas you pay attention to is totally up to you.

Since each thought leads to a corresponding emotion, the words we use, and the actions we take. Nothing could be more important than choosing the ideas we want to represent us. If you are not aware of the thoughts you are choosing, someone or something else may be picking them for you. Another person, or worse yet, some pop culture influence, might be deciding your mood, the words you use, and the actions you take. Be vigilant of your thoughts, and make sure they represent you.

Emotional Responses

There is a direct connection between your thoughts and your emotions. Each study has an emotional reply. If you are thinking thoughts of fear, then your feelings will be on the negative side too.  If you are afraid your needs aren’t being met somehow, anger is often the response.

Emotional Sayings About Life Love Feelings And Emotions Quotes Very Sad Quotes Pictures – QUOTES MORNING

Anger is fear exposed to the world. Watch an angry person from a distance, and you can see the thoughts driving them. The same is for people who are calm in the face of adversity. Their opinions are not of fear but love.  That means kindness, acceptance, unselfishness, benevolence, or friendship can all spring from this type of thought.

There are some emotions to avoid, and the thoughts that lead you there are the key to doing so. Notice your idea and release it; pay no attention to it, find a more positive thing to think about, and a more positive emotion will arise. Feelings to avoid: Rejection, anger, frustrations, loneliness, depression, failure, humiliation, or guilt are excellent places to start.  Each of these comes from the thoughts you entertain in your head about your situation. Look at your situation honestly, take responsibility, and then take positive steps forward. These emotions do no good for you or anyone else. Learn the thoughts that connect you to these emotions, and you will have a key to a more positive life.

Words are Magic

Words can bring great beauty to the world or burn down a paradise. How you use words reflects your mood, character, and the effect you have on the world.  Some use their words for good, and those that use their words for fear.  Do you speak well of others? Or do you use your words to insult or diminish them? Notice the words you use in all situations; you will have a clear view of your inner beliefs and the fears you must overcome.  All spoken comments have power, and that charge is either positive or negative.  What you focus on in life generally shows up.

If you are consciously speaking to others about kindness, prosperity, good health, and wealth, then it makes sense that those things will show up in your life. Speak with others well, and give them your support as they experience the complex parts of life. Words have a vibration to them and will carry that to those you speak with.  It is always your choice whether your words will be a good experience for someone else or not.  It all starts with being conscious of the thoughts you are thinking and being in control of them, rather than the other way around.  Manage your words.

Actions Speak the Loudest!!

Actions are the final result of our thoughts and are the truth serum for things. You can control your words, but your actions can wipe out any good thing you created.  To be a hypocrite, saying one thing and doing another shows the world where your true feelings lie.  All of your actions will come from your conscious mind. It tells you how to behave, what you should do, and how you should do it.  Your thoughts will determine everything from the route you take to your work to how you eat your dinner.

This is the end of the process, as you move from thoughts to emotions to words that all result in actions. What have you done today? How much of it was an accurate representation of you? How much was a representation of what someone else might think?  Hopefully, it is all about your thought because that means you are on the right path. If not, it is not too late.  Stop doing the things that are unhealthy, mean, or bad for your overall life. Train your mind to focus on what you want in your life, and those things will start to show up in your actions.

Be aware of the thought process and how it will affect your life.  Be vigilant and consistent in the tone of your thoughts because those thoughts will lead to the life you have.  There is no way around that. It is difficult to be happy when negative thoughts are running your life.  Focus on positive reviews and let them permeate your life. Let the process work for you and not against you.  Thought-Emotions-Words-Actions. 

“A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money.”- John Ruskin.

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”- Aristotle.

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought, and the study has found words.- Robert Frost

How You Look At It

Interesting Point of View
Interesting Point of View

What are you sure of in life? What philosophy can you stand behind and not shy away from because you know its validity? We all have some non-negotiable items in this cache. The sun will rise; the sun will set. Life is fleeting. It would help if you worked hard to be successful. The government is looking out for your best interest. If it isn’t one thing, it’s another. Many points of view are considered by people constant, unshakable, and permanent fixtures in life and creators of our reality. Yet, they are only new points of view that you can choose to believe or discard as you see fit.

Our thoughts on things have power. How we perceive is essential to the reality that we experience every day.  But let’s look at the interesting points of view, which are not factual in any way but held onto by people just as if they are.  You probably have a few. There are two main areas we all stay strong emotional points of view, love and money. The majority of our time is spent dealing with these two issues. Getting enough money to experience the life we want and finding someone to love us for it.

Money Matters

When it comes to money, we are all carrying points of view developed when we are young. Our

How you look at things determines their reality
How you look at things determines their reality

parent’s attitude toward money will go a long way in establishing our personal beliefs about money. Some believe it is hard to get; some believe it makes you greedy to have a lot. Some think that money is going to solve all their problems. It doesn’t matter what you think about it; all of these things are simply thoughts in your head and not reality. It is just as easy to believe that money is an energy that can be attracted to me quickly. Or Money comes easily, and I always have more than enough.  What you choose to believe is going to determine the reality of your financial situation.  Any point of view can be changed, at any time, instantly.

I Love You

Love is a topic that takes up a lot of time in life. We have even more points of view when it comes to experiences love in life. I think that it is because we all have experiences in this area, and the collective pain and pleasure of those experiences have combined to contribute to our feelings of love. Yet, it seems pov-different-exercisethat most of us have thought wrong about what love is. We are looking for someone who fits our point of view of love.   I don’t deserve love. Love is difficult to find. Love never lasts. Nobody could love me. On and on we go and put our points of view about love out there.  A point of view is just a thought, and thoughts can be changed instantly, today, right now.

The actual definition of what it means to love will be different for everyone based on their experiences. When I say I love you, what does that mean? Does it mean a commitment for a lifetime or a week? It depends on the person. This understanding implies that clear explanations of your perspective about that emotion will lead to many fewer problems.

Since Point of View is a Choice, Choose a Good One

There are many different philosophies on beliefs and how to change them. Still, the bottom line is that if you are carrying a negative, limiting knowledge about anything, it affects your life.  The first step is to recognize the shortcoming, and the second is to change that belief into an interesting point of view that will be more beneficial to your life and happiness.

Change is constant and continuous in life; we are all changing physically and mentally every day. You can move these changes in any direction that you choose. It all depends on which interesting points of view you decide to entertain. Since it is all a choice, decide to hold onto points of view that will make you happy and pursue those.