Tag Archives: Thanks

Thank You Kindly

Thanks– an expression of gratitude.

ThanksIt doesn’t matter who you express your gratitude toward in your daily life. It is only essential that you tell your appreciation to everyone you can by saying thank you for all opportunities. No matter where you are in life, there is a chance to thank someone and feel gratitude for what you do have. The energy created by using this simple sentiment will be dominant in your life. Gratitude is contagious in your life. If you are thankful for what you have, more things will come into your life. The beginning of this process is simple, consciously look for opportunities to say thanks today. It could be for something tiny, but the more you use the phrase “thank you,” the better your day is going to go. Consciously seek these changes in your thoughts, emotions, words, and actions today and see what stems from them. Focus and say thanks for everything positive in your life.

Thank You For the Good Things

The most comfortable place to start is with all the good things already in your life. It could be a job, your family, those who care about you, your physical and mental ability, the money you have, the trips you are going on, or any other positive thing that exists in your life right now. List them and appreciate them by saying thank you. And mean it, in your heart. Be grateful for being able to experience your life. It is a fantastic thing.

Every day we are given a gift of life and experience. You have a choice of what you do with that gift. Take advantage of it or waste it by feeling sorry for yourself or angry about a tiny aspect of your experience. One of the best choices you can make every day is to be grateful for the positive things in your life. The human mind can only entertain one conscious thought at a time. If you are thinking of the things you are thankful for, that energy will be transferred to the rest of your day. How many items should you say thanks for in your day that you take for granted? Count them.

Thanks for the Tough Times

All lives have moments that are difficult to experience. Challenges arise all the time. Some are very tragic, and of course, we can live without them. But once something has happened, it has happened, and no matter what you do, you can’t change it. All you can do is choose how you will deal Thankswith it now. Some choose self-pity and to kill their feelings with drugs or alcohol. That is not going to solve anything. If you experienced the loss of someone, be grateful for the time you had together. Thank them for all they provided in your life—the memories and lessons you learned.

Moving forward after a tragedy is complicated, but that makes it a fantastic thing. Sometimes the drama of life will wake you up to what you have been missing. Recognizing the words to thank you for at these moments is even more powerful. Always say thank you to those who matter to you because you never know when that chance for them to hear it will be gone forever. The tough times always wake you up to what you take for granted in life. As you get older, you experience more challenges and become more and more awake to the good things in life. Enjoy them and say thanks even when it is hard.

Thanks for That

There is a chance for you to appreciate things right at this very moment. Since the human mind can only think one thought at a time, if you are Thanks for everythingthinking thoughts that are consciously negative, feeling frustrated, angry, or judgemental of others, take a moment. Just take a moment and a deep breath and start thinking of the things you appreciate in life. Say thanks to yourself, the universe, or somebody else for them, and soon your mood will shift. It has no choice.

Every day will start to look pretty good when you start looking at things this way. Your mood will shift, and not only will your energy be more positive, but the energy of those around you will also seem more positive as well. Look at the world and take a moment to see the things right in front of you which are miraculous. The sky, the clouds, the sun, the moon, the stars, or just the current weather are all fantastic in how they work. Please take a moment and appreciate the grand scheme of things that brings them all about. Be conscious of the items in the world which are more significant than you. Say thank you to them.

Be Conscious of your Thank You’s

Today is a day like any other, but take time to notice the times you consciously say thanks to someone else. Even take extra time and look for opportunities to thank anyone and everyone you can. It takes just a little effort and see what the rewards are. Be grateful for what you have in each moment of every day. A place to live, a person who cares about you, someone to care about yourself: all of these can provide an excellent opportunity to say thanks. Be conscious today of that and the number of times you can say thanks on a regular, ordinary day. It all begins by noticing your thoughts and being aware of the emotions, words, and actions that spring from them.

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” — William Arthur Ward

“If a fellow isn’t thankful for what he’s got, he isn’t likely to be thankful for what he’s going to get.” — Frank A. Clark

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” — Oprah Winfrey

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson



Gratitude Attitude

Another holiday is upon us, and we are still faced with the same old choices of how to respond.  On Thanksgiving, more than any other day of the year, it is a natural time to pause and consider all of the great things we have in our lives and, more importantly, all of the people who make your life go.  In today’s minutia, it is easy to pass by these things and people without so much as a mental mention. My challenge to myself and you is to find gratitude deep inside yourself and allow the thoughts to bring it to you to surface.  Here is my quick attempt to capture my own gratitude today.


How much around you do you notice? Really notice and appreciate it? From the way, it feels when cold snow hits your face to the old, worn-out way a tree looks in late November, with a few stray brown leaves clinging to branches as the chill wind blows them around in the dance of the inevitable. Most moments, we are wrapped up in our thoughts too much to notice much of anything outside of us.  That is a shame and a loss of possibility.  Start right now and put the thoughts of gratitude for the things all around you.  The sunshine on your face shows you all will be ok,  The rainfall and how it feels.  Too many people rush through the rain as if it is a major inconvenience, and in some ways, I know it is, but think of life, somewhere a person is lying on their death bed, wishing that just one more time they could feel that rain on their face. Please don’t take it for granted.

See the world, and appreciate it.  We all will face challenges, and people will disappoint us, and life will push us. Yet, it always gives you these tiny reminders of beauty to help us along the way.  If your troubles are too big to notice the small salve of nature and the miracles all around you, then you are too wrapped up in yourself. I have been there, and unwrapping your mind and letting the meaningless thoughts go is the first step. Be grateful for all the things in your life you never notice.

See Your Cast

Shakespeare claimed all the world is a stage, and we are merely players.  You are the star of your production of life, and you also choose who is cast into the leading roles in your life.  Too often, we allow people who don’t deserve to be even minor characters in your life, assume staring roles.  You determine who these stars are or are not.  Be grateful for the ones who deserve to be in your life. You will know

You have a choice to decide which roles you play and who is on the stage with you. Choose wisely, and your life depends on it.

Because they feel like sunshine. Not just once in a while, all the time. Warm, comforting, and accepting.  A wise person constantly evaluates their cast and makes sure to make changes in the production if warranted.

People are good actors, so sometimes it is hard to know who to keep and who to move on from, which creates all the good drama in your live production. Those who are not what they seem will eventually display their true selves.  Be careful of the attachments you build to the roles you play, they will change, and the people with you may change too.  Allow change to happen, create your cast wisely, allow those who care about you, and contribute to your best self to be in your life. You cast your troupe of players every day and have the opportunity for change. I have learned this lesson the hard way.

You Decide

You make all of the choices in your life, be grateful for that ability, and take full responsibility for those choices’ results.  Too often, we want the choices but only claim them as ours if it works out.  If things do not happen as we envision, we point the finger of blame at the situation, other people, the weather, God, or everything else but us.  We are the driving force behind our lives, be grateful for this gift because it means you really can do whatever you want.

Our thoughts are the power behind the momentum of our lives. A thought leads to an emotion that then will lead to action, and the results of those actions are what we call life.  You are the creator of thought and, therefore, of emotion and action. Choosing thoughts that will help you and not harm you is the first step in accomplishing anything. If you don’t like the results of a certain thought, then it is time to make a different choice and think some other way.  It is a great day to appreciate that skill in yourself. If you are not where you want to be right now, you have time to think of things you would like to experience and start moving toward it.

Next year you will have more to be thankful for and different people to think about, and probably new adventures to embark on.  Understand that you are the creator of it all and with great power comes great responsibility.   I wish you well on your journey.