Tag Archives: positive beliefs

The Words of Achievement

All people capable of the art of speech let loose with thousands of words every day, but individuals rarely take the time to listen to what they are saying and the impact those words have on their lives. Each person is dictating the events they are capable of achieving through the use of their words. Both on the outside and, more importantly, on the inside. Is your life moving in the direction you desire or not? Check your words, and dictate if you are happy and prosperous in your endeavors or failing to achieve anything relevant.

Inside Job

Words are the expression of ideas we carry around in our minds. We don’t necessarily share everything we think with the rest of the world, but we can’t help noticing the thoughts in our minds. That is being human. If every time you think of goals you want to achieve, you are met with a barrage of discouraging thoughts, ready to stop achievement, and bold action before it collects any momentum.

These thoughts are often programmed into us by parents, relatives, education systems, pop culture, and peers. We have learned which ideas to share and which will brand us as strange or weird. So conditioned, we become that our conditioned thoughts run continuously and without conscious direction. They harm our self-worth, limiting our abilities to become what we are destined to be. Suppose we can get out of our way. Words are the things that either stop us cold or propel us into our best selves.

Outside Words

All people are contracted to the words they speak and bring into the world. What you talk about and focus on is what will show up in your reality. If you accept negative comments about your ability, character, or looks as accurate, then you are allowing the words of another to control your life. Too often, individuals allow the words spoken with malice or no thought to destroying their ability to do something good.

If you allow someone else’s words to dictate how you feel about yourself, you give up your most basic, powerful, and complete form of power. Astonishingly, most people are unconsciously moving through life. Each of you

Remove all doubt and destructive aspects of the words in how you think and speak to yourself. The terms thought or spoken will provide the direction and accomplishments of your life.

The Universe is listening to you and will bring back what it hears. We tell ourselves often and loudly what we are not capable of doing, and the Universe will ensure that is what happens to us.

Words You Speak Determine Your Path

Endeavor to set an intention in your life to be conscious of the words you put into the Universe internally and externally. If you are not where you desire to be, then perhaps your language is one of the reasons. All you think and say guides the forces of creation to bring you just what you are looking for. It is just as easy to create good things as to cause unwanted, complicated items. It would be best to consciously make what you want, starting with how you think and speaking about yourself and your abilities.

When your mind speaks negatively, notice and switch it over to a positive machine, helping you create your best life rather than a negative deterrent to success.



The Way You Think

Attitude- a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically reflected in a person’s behavior.

How do you settle in the way you think about things? Our attitudes are the perspectives through which we view life. Our opinion about anything will define the emotions we feel about that thing. It will also determine the joy, success, anger, or failure we will experience. Everything around you and what you are doing in life will be affected. Your emotions are a result of your beliefs and how you define things in your life.  Our actions are going to be determined by our emotional state.  For example, if you set your job as something you hate or something to get through, the way you perform the job will reflect that. Your attitude determines everything. The same is true if you love what you do.  That joy will reflect in your duties around work.

Your actions will reflect this to the world in the way you act throughout your day. Each person should examine their attitudes today, the ones we have about all the things you can experience, and see how they affect your behavior and actions in all things. It begins with the thoughts you entertain about something, the emotions naturally attached to those thoughts, the words used to express your ideas to the world, and the actions you take that show your attitude.

Good Attitude Equals Success

When you set out to achieve anything, your attitude should be one of the first investments you make.  A positive attitude will allow you the motivation and persistence to overcome obstacles or to see around them to achieve the things in your dreams. A negative belief about doing something, yourself, or your abilities will make your goal challenging to accomplish. Assess your thoughts at the start of any project and make sure it is on the positive side. Then follow it through to the successful conclusion.

What makes a positive attitude? The belief is that whatever we are endeavoring to accomplish is worthwhile and will lead us to a better life.  If we believe it will bring more joy and satisfaction in our lives. Having confidence in what you are doing and a strong desire to experience that thing will allow you to create and maintain a positive attitude. With this attitude will come success and accomplishment. If you are not feeling optimistic about something you are doing, look at your approach and either make adjustments to the positive or abandon the project. There is no point in pursuing something, making you unhappy, angry, or sad. Just as the right attitude will bring success, the results of a poor posture are just as sure.

Where Attitudes Come From

An attitude is a part of us, but it develops over time.  Each experience we have shaped it, and our view of the world and ourselves is no accident.  Our practical knowledge builds our beliefs, and those beliefs reside in our subconscious mind, dictating behavior. These beliefs will influence, design, and control all of our attitudes about everything we do. If we believe we are “always bad at math,” our attitude toward doing the math will improve, and the results of any math-oriented things will be terrible because of it. So we become a self-fulfilling prophecy, and our attitude will lead the way in our failure. Changing that course is not easy, but it isn’t complicated either.

The first thing that has to happen is that you need to identify the places your beliefs are lacking. What do you believe about making money? Look at your attitudes. What do you think about your ability to succeed and accomplish things? What do you think about your talents, skills, intelligence, creativity, or other critical factors? Identify the beliefs that limit you and then endeavor to change them. Changing an idea requires a little reprogramming, but consistent effort can get it done. If you can change your mindset, you can change your attitude and, therefore, accomplish anything.

Good Attitudes

Building the right attitude involves an awareness of where you are at in life. More often than not, no activity or accomplishment in life will go smoothly without a hitch. A positive attitude will provide a person with the perspective in achievement to see the opportunities on the horizon and keep moving toward them despite the little potholes of life we have to get through. When your attitude is on the positivity of the accomplishment, nothing will deter you. Not the negative programming of your past or the negative moods of those around you today.

A positive attitude will allow you to keep your eye on the prize and get you moving toward that kind of accomplishment. Liking the goal and having faith in your ability to accomplish it is enough to pull you over, around, or through anything that might get in your way. A positive attitude will allow this to be the life case. Remember a time you accomplished something others thought you couldn’t. Attitude carried you or, conversely, stopped you.  How has your mood written your story?  How does it continue to write it?

Positive Attitude Builders

Look at the people you choose to surround yourself with in life. Either they are positive or negative factors in your achievement. The influence of a positive person will fuel you.  It will provide a good push toward success.  Like fuel in a car, the positive cohort makes everything run well. And often, encouragement is all you need to keep you moving forward and stop you from losing focus or heart in achieving your goals and becoming what you want to be.

The detrimental effect of negative people will be harmful to your attitude and limit what you can do. How many goals and dreams have died a horrible and premature death because of negative thoughts? It can be challenging to believe in an idea if the people around you tell you it can’t possibly happen. Limit or remove these influences from your life because you will never be your best, carrying the negative baggage negative people try to pile on you.  It is hard enough to find your path in the best situation. Don’t let the influence of negative people make it harder.

Your attitude needs to be a creation of you and not someone else. Learn to believe in yourself, and all you can do and all you dream of is reachable.

Honest Evaluation

Honestly, look at your attitudes about the things in your life. Look at what you believe about yourself and the way the world works. Your attitudes are a direct reflection of these beliefs. If they do not positively serve you, you need to change your beliefs and develop new ones that will allow you to live your best life. It all starts with looking at your thoughts today and recognizing those you are giving your attention to. Acknowledge the emotions that stem from these thoughts and the words you use to express them to the world. Finally, the actions you are taking because of your attitudes about life. They will define you and what you can accomplish in life.

“A ship is always safe at shore, but that’s not what it’s built for.” —Albert Einstein

“Some people want it to happen. Some wish it would happen. Others make it happen.” —Michael Jordan

“The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” —Ayn Rand

“Scar tissue is stronger than regular tissue. Realize the strength, move on.” —Henry Rollins

“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” —Steve Jobs



Belief- an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists.

It is essential to understand what a belief is and how it affects your life.  A belief is just a thought that we supply attachment to and accept as true and accurate in and to our lives. What you choose to believe is going to determine the foundation of your life. It is, of course, going to drive the story of your adventure.

If you have built an attachment to a belief limiting your potential, you may never be able to create all you are capable of building. Or, at the very least, it will provide a vast edifice needing to be conquered.   Take some time and develop an awareness of all of the beliefs you have chosen to accept as our reality. And how our lives are driven positively or negatively because of it.  Analyze where they come from and what evidence is there to back them up. Usually, there is not much fact, and we are running our lives based on another rumor. Seeing the origin of your beliefs begins with a focus on your thoughts, words, and actions around your ideas. And how they influence your behavior and accomplishments.

Don’t Let Opinions Limit You.

All people should value themselves and the gifts they bring to the world. Too often, we allow the opinions and thoughts of others to become a part of our belief systems. Even though they are untrue, make you weaker, ruin your self-esteem, and take away your power. It is always up to you which ideas you actively accept and let slide beliefpast your consciousness.  How we feel about our values and abilities is probably the most vital factor in developing and using the skills we have born in us. Too often, our lights are turned off before we even get a chance to take them for a test drive and see just what we are capable of doing.

It seems like people have chosen not to pursue their skills, and of course, are not fulfilled.  Misery loves company, and they consciously or subconsciously deter all others from pursuing theirs. But more importantly, I think, if someone else succeeds around them, develops their talents, and finds success, it makes the folly of their limiting belief apparent. That is a scary thing.  YOU build your self-worth based on how you feel about your abilities, skills, and choices in life. Choose to look at yourself in the most favorable light you can find. It is not arrogant to love yourself. It is common sense. You are the most critical person in your life!  Don’t waste your opportunity settling for the limiting beliefs of others. Change them and see how great a person you can become.

You Can Do It

Henry Ford gets credit for this quote, but I think anyone who has ever endeavored to achieve anything could say it as well. “If you believe you can, your right. If you believe you can’t, you are also right.”  No more accurate evaluation of our beliefs beliefhas ever been stated and provided a more significant explanation for what we do or do not achieve. It doesn’t mean that you will never fail; it means that the “failure” is merely a lesson or a necessary step along the path to ultimate success and fulfillment.  If you let a setback destroy your belief in yourself, then you will indeed be limited. You can choose this path or keep on going and see what happens next.

Make a goal, create a dream, and keep on taking nonstop action toward it. Action is the path to success in all areas throughout history.  Very few things will come “easy,” they take effort and action. That is what gives them value.  But isn’t that a pretty simple formula?  Cut out the harmful noise of others and keep to your task. If you know that you can become whatever you want, why do we let our beliefs stop us? Take affirmative action and create positive expectations.

Create Positive Beliefs

You only have a relatively short amount of time in this life. You can choose to spend it being small because someone else thinks you are unrealistic or incapable.  Or you can make an effort and take your chances and find your measure against the world. People are afraid of achieving their goals because they see they could have achieved just as much if they believed in their abilities and talents just a little more.  Be true to yourself and recognize the beliefs you have, limiting you and causing you to be limited in your pursuits of fame, money, charity, kindness, or whatever you are looking for in life. Recognizing a limiting belief is the first step to changing it and replacing it with one that serves you and your life.

How to do this is a matter of trial and error for each individual. Variables include your history, the creation of the belief. How much of a part of your identity are the belief and all the other things that make us human?  But with a plan of action, and a willingness to change the way you look at things, the changes will happen.  There are many methods to try, but I suggest making personal affirmations that fall within your belief system but push your thoughts in the most positive direction of achievement.  Begin with an active conscious awareness of what you believe and why.

It is a scary proposition to be responsible for your life, but you are, and if you are not where you wish to be, then take steps to start moving in that direction. It is totally up to you.  Create awareness around your thoughts, words, and actions today and see what beliefs dictate your reality and if you are limiting others with your own limiting beliefs. The future is as full of possibility as you believe it is.

“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.”   ― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan.

“Tell people there’s an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint is wet, and they have to touch it to be sure.” ― George Carlin.