Tag Archives: paradigms

Choose Your Paradigm

To live life in any thoughtful and contemplative way is to understand we do not have things figured out entirely just yet, and there is always an opportunity for positive growth and change. And the chance to become a better person. This growth can only happen and be a long-term thing affecting our lives if we consciously choose it.  A paradigm is a map we follow to explain a particular aspect of our known territory.  This theory means we have a paradigm for how we interact with others, work in the workforce, seek opportunities, see our self-worth, the way we create and how accomplish goals, and follow our dreams.  Each of these viewpoints has been developed throughout our lives through the beliefs we have accepted as accurate brought on by our upbringing and experiences in life.

The thing to consider is, what if our paradigms have been wrong all along? We have been attacking problems from the wrong perspective.  Right or wrong, how we view and interpret our life and surroundings is the source of our attitudes and behaviors about everything. Our relationships with others and our actions are driven by the subtle programming of our accepted paradigms and interpretations of all things. A paradigm shift occurs when new information enters your experience and forces you to change from seeing the world one way to seeing it another. We can find real change, success, and joy in life through this vision.  We should all be seeking these changes every day.

Significant Change In Your Life

Most people would like to experience some positive change in their life. Better relationships, more money, or a rise in respect are all things people look for to increase their happiness. These changes do not often happen magically, and the current situation we are in is because of the map of understanding we accept as accurate about how the world works. We are conditioned by our parents, relatives, teachers, peers, and society to believe their version of how things work and apply it to our lives.  We live by these accepted “truths” and try to live our life from them. When you start to question these rules, we understand that we have been fed opinions, half-truths, and outright lies.  To find significant change, we have to change our view of what we accept about the world’s workings.

This process is changing your paradigms and the limits placed on you by your accepted and often inaccurate view of your world.  How do you know if your idea is limited? Look at the things you are taught you “can’t” do.   It often takes a tragic event, a traumatic incident, or a primary conscious choice.  These things are generally unpleasant but force you to look at the world differently. And, of course, when you look at the world differently, you will think differently. Your map of you follow as an explanation for things will change.

Widens Scope of Paradigm

Your character as a person also will affect the view we have of the world. One of the fundamental ideas is that the world is a good place with many kind people willing to help you or that the world is a horrible and dangerous place with danger everywhere. This fundamental belief will affect all of your paradigms. If you think there is danger around every corner and each person is out to harm you, you will live your life from that vantage point—one of fear.  Conversely, if you look for the good in people and see it, you will live your life and make choices differently. These are paradigms.

Look at your vision of life and how you see the world.  Do you believe in honesty? Do you believe in kindness? Are you practicing gratitude? Or do you skew your life in the opposite direction?  These questions involve individual answers but will reveal your current paradigms to you. You will see how you value other people and spend your time.  These things are based on the rules you have established and our attempts to explain the territory in which we live.  You control these explanations and either consciously or subconsciously create them and follow them every day. If you are not happy with life, change how you view the world.

Some Paradigms Examples

Learning about paradigms is one thing, and here are some examples of a few that we are taught from youth and tend to hang on for life. Until we choose something different, each explains an aspect of our lives, and we make choices based on these beliefs and will continue to until we decide to remove and replace them.

List of Paradigms

  1. You must go to school and get excellent grades to succeed.
  2. It would be best if you never daydreamed as it’s a waste of time.

  3. You should go to college and get a degree to be successful and productive.

  4. You can’t earn higher salaries and promotions without a degree.

  5. It would be best to get a secure job, regardless of your enjoyment in performing the task. Secure employment makes you a stable, reliable, and regular person.

  6. Happiness is secondary to financial security.

  7. It would be best if you got married right after getting a good job, and that is normal.

  8. You should always save money for “rainy days.”

  9. It would be best to get a formal education in business to run one.

  10. You must never spend money lavishly, be frugal and careful.

These are just some of the programming messages we receive through our life experiences. Are these right or wrong? That is up to each person to decide for themselves. There is an argument to be made for each one and how the opposite of each could be just as accurate and valid to a person.  Remember that none of these things are facts. They are all only opinions based on a person’s experience. You can accept, change, and disregard them at any time. That is part of being a conscious, thinking human being.

Examine You

Please take a few minutes and write down what you believe about life and look at how valid they are.  You may find out your truths are just opinions and, if adjusted, will allow you to accomplish more and live your life more satisfyingly.  Too often, our negative thoughts and fear-based beliefs control our paradigms and cause us to live our lives not as we would like but how others feel we should.  Paradigms allow you to recognize the negative, limiting beliefs in your life and restate them more proactively and positively. The life you have to improve is your own.

“Your paradigm is so intrinsic to your mental process that you are hardly aware of its existence until you try to communicate with someone with a different paradigm.” – Donella Meadows

“The symbolic language of the crucifixion is the death of the old paradigm; resurrection is a leap into a whole new way of thinking.” -Deepak Chopra
“If we want to make relatively minor changes in our lives, we can perhaps appropriately focus on our attitudes and behaviors. But if we want to make significant, quantum change, we need to work on our basic paradigms.” – Stephen R. Covey

“We don’t see things as they are. We see things as we are.” – Anais Niin

“If you don’t get out of the box you were raised in, you won’t understand how much bigger the world is.” –  Angelina Jolie

 “Just because something has always been done in a certain way is never a sufficient reason for continuing to do it that way.” – Clarence Birdseye

“If you want to create change, you must challenge not only the models of Unreality but the paradigms that underwrite them.” – Stafford Beer






Suspending Your Belief

There is a skeptic in everyone. The voice inside questions the validity of everything and the intentions of everyone. It is natural to doubt things because we protect ourselves from avoidable forms of suffering. There are times it is appropriate to have questions about something. Otherwise, people would continually take advantage of you. But like everything, there is a balance you have to strike in life, to selectively suspend your disbelief to allow new ideas to reach you. Think of the great things you might experience if you allowed just a little bit of change into your consciousness.

We Suspend Belief All the Time

One of the great things about this process is we have a lot of practice at suspending belief. Any time you watch a movie or show on Netflix, you suspend belief. You know the situations you are seeing are not happening in reality and that the people you are watching are only pretending to be the characters you are viewing.

Yet, people are still moved to tears by the action that unfolds. People allow their emotions to rise and fall with the characters’ plight on the screen. A viewer can sympathize and empathize with a fictional character, suspending your belief in the experience. How many people have seen a good movie and think that a pleasant experience? This is a skill I am encouraging you to develop in other areas of your life.

Growth Comes With New Ideas

I often break life down into simple things for me to be able to understand my journey better. When it comes to development, you go one of two ways, growth and getting better or stagnation and getting worse. There are very few times we are sitting in neutral and staying precisely the same. Growth can happen naturally, like when you are a child, all you have to do is wait for time to work its magic, and a person physically transforms throughout their life.

Intellectually it is not that simple. Without new input, we are sentenced to experience the same old things. Suspending belief for a short time to allow further information to enter your intellect will allow you to evaluate things rationally. Each piece of data can be weighed and measured, and one can choose to use it or not. Either way, they understand it, and there will be natural growth in that understanding.


I have often been accused of being stubborn about my beliefs in life. People like to hang onto the known because it gives them a false sense of security. If the recent pandemic has taught me anything, we have no idea what security is. Everything you know can be wiped away in an instant. It is up to us to learn what information is valuable and what is not.

Growth can result from any suffering if we allow for the addition of new information, new experiences, and unique points of view. I know not one person who has experienced no change over the past two months. It has been stressful for many, looking outside and seeing danger everywhere, and some have found strength. If I can handle this, then I can take anything. Facing this new situation with only the past paradigms will lead to a frightening and frustrating experience. Allow further information in, then decide for yourself what makes sense. Let your heart determine what actions are right for you and whatnot.

Conformity Is Limiting

The choice to avoid new information or, worse, only to accept the point of view of someone else (the media, the government) leaves you with nothing but limitations. There is a comfort in conformity, everyone agreeing on a mode of action. Anything different is frowned upon or even outlawed, but we will get the answer to cure the problems we face through nonconformists. It won’t come through hanging onto the past. It won’t come through judgment, ridicule, or treating people poorly.

I have seen many efforts to force conformity on everybody since mid-March. Many celebrities and government officials urge people to stay home, social distance, wash their hands, and wear a mask. I am sure there is value in all of these things, but we don’t have enough information to know how this will all play out. Unfortunately, that will never happen until this is all over, and then we can say what should have happened, which didn’t. Anyone who claims to know what will happen is fooling themselves.

Growth Recipe

I am for letting people operate at their level of comfort. If the current circumstance frightens you so much, being in public makes you nervous, then stay home and avoid all of this whenever necessary. If you have a higher level of comfort, get out and see what the world is doing. It has been my experience. Life is full of challenges, illness, uncomfortable moments, and fear. Overcoming them is a part of growth, and following the crowd blindly is a recipe for disaster.

Today, try to suspend your belief and allow something new to filter into your reality for just a short time. Try to challenge the paradigms you are living through and see if a method makes no sense. You may find you were right all along, and learning this is also growing. If you do the same things you always have done, think the thoughts you have ever felt, and believe what you have always accepted without question, it leads to stagnation. Any belief we hold without question will end up limiting you. You may have the correct answer for everybody if you suspend your belief for a second and allow a new breeze of thought to blow through your mind.

“It is not disbelief that is dangerous to our society; it is belief.”-  George Bernard Shaw

“It is now life and not art that requires the willing suspension of disbelief.”-  Lionel Trilling

“The more you can create that magic bubble, that suspension of disbelief, for a while, the better.” – Edward Norton

“I guess love is the real suspension of disbelief.” – Melissa Bank


Thoughts I Choose

Thought is a constant companion in your life. From the moment you wake up in the morning, the mind is spewing a continuous stream of ideas from the spigot of dialogue.  I have heard it estimates the human brain can produce 60-70 thousand thoughts per day. Most of our thoughts, around 95%, are repeats from the day before and the day before that. Left working on an unconscious level, you will think and experience the same thing you did the day before and the week before, and possibly the year before that. It will be hard to change your life if new thoughts aren’t being cultivated and chosen continuously.  The great news is that you ultimately have control over the ideas which have value to you. What thoughts are you choosing this day?

Old Programming Power

Our minds are not working against us, we have a valuable tool to use, and most of us are just not aware we have the power to control it.  Our experiences in life have programmed our subconscious mind to perform in a certain way. How to talk, walk, ride a bike, shuffle cards, we store in our subconscious mind.  It wouldn’t be very efficient if we had to relearn how to chew food before every meal.  The valuable information stored here is also stored beliefs we have gathered about how life works, how we fit in it, and our value as human beings.  We build most of these opinions in the concrete setting of your mind by the time you are 7-10 years old.

So many of the beliefs about yourself are the beliefs of a seven-year-old. Most of us let these beliefs dictate our ability to do something and the value we bring to life. For example, if you had an experience in early life where you tried a new math problem and failed, all it takes is for someone to say something that hooks your mind, and a belief is born. ” You are just not good at math.”  That belief will live unchecked in your mind and will only grow as your mind will seek examples to support and define the perceived truth.  What you believe has then become a reality. Often we have long forgotten the initial instance the belief took hold, but the result of the thought has taken on a life of its own.

Change is Possible

Look at yourself honestly and what you see yourself being able to accomplish.  What is limiting you? It is often the thoughts we accept as accurate about life and our place in it based on the ideas of the people fate put in our lives as children.  Their fears, shortcomings, and lousy programming became a part of our experience without our consent or acceptance.  There is no sinister plot here, just people doing the best they can, but reading this at this moment, now it is up to you to continue to accept these beliefs or not.  Change is simple, but it isn’t easy.  A belief system or paradigm has allowed us to survive and navigate a sometimes harsh world.  There is a part of your mind loving these beliefs because there is a known factor to these limiting thoughts. That part of your mind is the ego.

The ego exists as a survival mechanism. It is the voice in your head that is often on the opposing side. Get a great idea you want to try, wait five minutes, and your ego will weigh in with all the limiting thoughts it can create. “What will people think?” “That will never work.” “You are not creative like that.” “Nobody will like anything you do.” “You will never make money at that.” “You will be poor forever.”   On and on, they will go if you let them. It is easy to paint the Ego as the villain in your life, but it is just a mechanism in your mind that you allow to stop you.  Don’t listen and see what happens.

Changing a Belief

The most challenging thing about changing a belief is to identify the limiting thought in the first place. Next, pay attention to the thoughts and feelings you get when you are pursuing something you want to do. Then you have to apply a process of change to it.  There are many different theories on the best methods to change a belief because most of them have profound roots. But don’t give up because changing your paradigm and the landscape of your life will allow you to grow into the person you are capable of being.

I have heard affirmations or short positive statements to change a belief, but the declaration alone is not enough to change a long-standing idea. You need to combine a positive comment using your imagination to visualize what you want along with powerful positive emotion, and your subconscious will start to accept your new belief. So, 1. create a positive statement about what you want to see in your life.  2. visualize this thing happening. How will it look? Imagine all aspects of it?   3. Attach positive feelings to the images you create.  Then do this consistently.

The Choice is Yours

Either you will look at your life and evaluate where you are and where you want to go, or you will accept things in the status quo.  The choice is up to you and only you. We are all responsible for the results of our lives and how we are living them.  The most significant part of the human condition is that we can change everything with a simple thought. We can become what we want to become.  Our mind is a valuable tool, but it is only as helpful as choosing to make it.  Otherwise, it is just a machine running our lives with no meaning.

Choose today to start the pursuit of where you want to go.  Practice a visualization. I dare you.  See what ideas will come to you. Taking action will reveal answers to you. The path will unfold the only way it can. Then have the courage to nurture those ideas, take those actions, and follow those paths. Our true selves are found when we use our courage.

“You begin to fly when you let go of self-limiting beliefs and allow your mind and aspirations to rise to greater heights.” ―Brian Tracy.

“Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” ―Mary Kay Ash.

“Do the uncomfortable. Become comfortable with these acts. Prove to yourself that your limiting beliefs die a quick death if you will do what you feel uncomfortable doing.” ―Darren Rowse.

“If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you.” ―Louise Hay.

Chances are you can do whatever it is you dream of………..you have to believe you can do it.


My First Reading List

reading list Jonathan Hilton
My Reading List

A reading list is quite important. Over my recent history, I have been on a mission of learning, a quest to improve myself and to understand why life works the way that it does.  I wish that I knew the wisest man in the world, who could simply relay all of the vital information I need to know to me.  Unfortunately, I don’t think that person exists, and I don’t think that the experience would be quite as vital or memorable as it has been.  I have traveled many miles in the distance of understanding and followed many paths by using only my mind and my reading list.  The vehicle which has allowed me to do this has been the gift of literacy and the knowledge imparted to me from the wisest people who have ever thought thoughts.  I wanted to compile a list of all of the books I have read that have contributed to my journey of self discovery.  So that if you are looking for knowledge you will find out if you need to read these books or not.

The Four Agreements- Don Miguel Ruiz

The Alchemist- Paulo Coelho

Identity- Stedman Graham

Inflection- Window for and Inspired life- George Alexiou

That is That- Nirmala

Give up your Excess Baggage- Sri Vishwanth

More Reading list

Succeed Yourself- Richard Denny

Shortcut to Happiness- Robert Baohm

Love is the Answer- Ayne Blythe

I Forgive You: Why You Should Always forgive- Eric Watterson

8 Laws of Karma- Sri Vishwanath

Hijacking the Mind- Sri Vishwanath

I am – Stephen Shaw

Reprogram Your Subconscious- Kelly Wallace

Experience the Now- Sullins Stewart

The Power of Visualization- Sri Vishwanath

Butterflies Are Free to fly- Stephen Davis

Lucky You- How to Get Everything ou Want and Create Your Ideal Life Using the Law of Attraction By David Hooper

The Hidden Power- By Thomas Troward

Attaining Your Desires – Genevieve Hehrend

Even More Reading List

The Trusteeship of Life- William George Jordan

Thoughts are Things – Prentice Mulford

The Power of Concentration- Theron Q. Dumont

The Success System that Never Fails by William Clement Stone

Secret of the Ages – Robert Collier

The Rich Switch – David Hooper

Meditation for Dummies- Stephan Bodian

Mastery of Self for Wealth Power Success- Frank Channing Haddock

How to Succeed or Stepping Stones to Fame and Fortune By Orison Swett Marden

The Untroubled Mind  by Herbert J.Hall

Your Invisible Power by Genevieve Behrend

The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons by Napoleon Hill

Your word is your Wand- Florence Scoval Shinn

The Secret Door To Success- Florence Scoval Shinn

Nothing Personal:Seeing Beyond the Illusion of a Separate Self – Nirmala

The Power of Being Different: A Success Formula- John Paul Carinci

The Heart of Abundance: A Simple Guide To Appreciating and Enjoying Life  – Candy Pauli

Trusting Life: Overcoming the Fear and Beliefs that Block Peace and Happiness – Gina Lake

The Secret Door To Success- Florence Scovel Shinn

How to succeed or Stepping Stones To Fame and Fortune -Orison Swett Marden

Mastery of Self For Wealth Power Success – Frank C. Haddock

I Forgive You: Why You Should Always- (The Path to Forgiveness) -Eric Watterson

Three Steps To Enlightenment – Gary Rutz

Cheerfulness As a Life Power – Orison Swett Marden

Beautiful Thoughts – Henry Drummond

The Art of Zen Meditation – Howard Fast

Being Happy – David Tuffley

Character – Samuel Smiles

Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Self-Reliance  -Andrew Holmes

Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Nature – Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Reading List Continues

7 Ancient Keys to Happiness- A 90 Day, Lesson-a-Day Guide to Achieving inner-Bliss  -S. Mills

Think and Grow Rich- Napoleon Hill

Frank Betther’s How I Raised Myself from Failure To Success (infinite Success Series)- Karen McCreadie

An Easy Guide to Meditation – Roy Eugene Davis

Ask, Believe, Receive- 7 Days to Increased Wealth, Bett3r Relationships, and a Life You Love- David Hooper

Thought Vibration- William Walker Atkinson

The Secret Art of Self Development – Karl Moore

Quantum Success- Sandra Anne Taylor

18 Rules of Happiness: How to Be Happy        -Karl Moore

Frequency- Penney Peirce

The God Formula: A Simple Scientific Blueprint that has transformed Millions of lives     – Jeffery Martin

Leveraging The Universe- Mike Dooley

Believe in Yourself – Joseph Murphy

The Game of Life and How to play it- Florence Scovel Shinn

Your Invisible Power – Genevieve Behrend

Thoughts are Things- Prentice Mulford

Radical Happiness- Gina Lake

Secret of the Ages- Robert Collier

The Power of Concentration- Theron Q. Dumont

This is still an incomplete list, but will do for anyone who wants to get started on the path to knowledge and understanding this reading list will give you a push in the right direction.