Tag Archives: Obstacles


Obstacle-  a thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress.

Goals and dreams are a part of everyone’s life, which is the human experience. Achieving these things means a varying degree of difficulty. Sometimes it comes easy, but other goals are a much longer journey. No matter how complex or challenging the trip, four main obstacles stop people from experiencing their dream’s completion. Each of these things can derail you and prevent you from achieving what you want, and being conscious of each one in your thoughts, emotions,  words, and actions will help you see the obstacle in your path and stop it from preventing your progress a person.

It’s Impossible Obstacle

From the time we are pretty young, we hear many things are impossible. I believe this is done to temper our expectations or to get us on a “safe” path that will allow us financial security for the rest of our lives. But the fact remains that the message we get regarding our dreams is overwhelming,  “That’s impossible!!”  Often the pursuit of a goal stops right there. If a person hears a message long enough, they will stop dreaming altogether. That is what happens.

Years of discouragement, prejudice,  negativity, guilt, and, most importantly, fear pile on people, and their dreams are buried far beneath the many layers of expectation. Your calling is still there, buried like a treasure underneath all of this, but remember it is still there. We are waiting for you. It is up to you to decide if the layers are too deep or too late to follow them. But only you can make this decision, and a tough choice it is. A dream can come to life at any time, and nothing is impossible unless we think so. Your calling will always be there underneath it all, hopefully waiting for you to look for it.

Letting Others Down Obstacle

As life unfolds, we all have people we love in our lives. Sometimes when you are thinking about pursuing a personal calling, many of the things you will have to do may affect these people. Several factors can get in the way, moving to a new location, financial strain, changes to their lives, or whatever perceived challenges pursuing your personal goals and dreams. The primary thought is that you would be selfish to chase your vision, and others would have to sacrifice.

In reality, the great thing is that love will work to shoot you forward, not hold you back. Those who love you want you to be the happiest, most successful, and most fulfilled person in the world. They would not stand in your way, and they would support your pursuit. Speak about your dream and see what your “team” thinks of you pursuing it. Those who love you will assist you and willingly participate in finding it. Love will make you more reliable if you let it. Please don’t assume your dream pursuit is a burden on others and stop it before it begins. Your dream is counting on you to find it.

Obstacle of Fear

Fear is just a thought, but it is a powerful one and surrounds you all the time. When you set out to pursue a dream, there is no guarantee that the path will be either quick or easy. Setbacks are sure to come. Experiences that you will learn from provide the knowledge needed to find your destination. The path to discovering your calling is no more comfortable than any other. It is just the same. Sometimes things will go your way, sometimes they go another way, but they are still moving you toward your dream.

The fear of failure and difficulty will stop many people from chasing their dream. It may be easier to control, sit on the side of the road, and give up. But inside of you is that dream, still burning, desiring to become real. You are the only one that can do it. Fear is just a thought; you have to protect yourself from this. But these setbacks on your way provide the real value to the experience. No matter what you faced, you kept going and didn’t falter. That is a beautiful thing and rare. Be that unique soul that ignores the obstacle of fear and keeps moving forward. Fall seven times and get up eight.

The obstacle of Realizing Your Dream

So you have identified your calling. You have taken steps, been diligent, and moved forward. Now there it is, right in front of you. Your dream is ready to be realized. The only thing that can stop you now is you. Many people get to this point and feel deep down that they are not worthy of realizing their dream. Others have worked for things and not brought them. You know all your flaws and think that you lack quality. It is at these moments when self-sabotage occurs. We quit because we are afraid. The finish line is in sight. All because we don’t think we deserve it.

You do deserve it. You are as worthy a human being as ever drew a breath. Nobody is perfect in life, but those imperfections are just a part of things. They are not things. Your dreams are things. Life is a journey from birth to death, and along the way, we provide value. Pursuing your calling or not is going to give meaning to your life. Did you do it? Did you not? Those are the real questions.

To make sure you see the obstacle in front of you, first, you have to look for your calling. Remember what it was from back when you were young. What things capture your imagination and make you feel happy inside? These are the things that will lead you toward your calling. It all starts with a more conscious awareness of your thoughts about your goals, emotions that come from them, words we speak and hear about it, and the actions taken to reach your dream. What makes you happy? What makes you feel fulfilled? Look at the reason for stopping you from achieving your goals.

“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. Don’t turn around and give up if you run into a wall. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” -Michael Jordan

“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure despite overwhelming obstacles.”- Christopher Reeve

“All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me… You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.”- Walt Disney

I’m Back……………  James Brown


No Regrets

Today Is The Thing

4559365435_16203_gallery_xlargeLife is full of moments, each with its own individual fanfare and trumpets calls.  It is up to us to find the joy to embrace in each of these moments or notice the potential each day brings. Some live their life missing today because there is a constant focus completely on the past. Creating their identity out of the regrets about what happened yesterday, last year, or twenty years ago. Regret gives us a poor present to live today.  Most of what happened is a fantasy anyway. It is proven we don’t remember much of what happened accurately, only through our own perception of events.  Even if you are accurate in your recollections, can you change it? Even a little bit?

Today, this moment is all there is for you, and the more you branch out your attention from that, the less opportunity there is for enjoying the here and now. Keeping your focus on the task that you are working on will allow you to enjoy life.

All That You Do

In everything that you are doing, if it is worthwhile, you should be doing it well.  We should strive to complete everything that we undertake to the absolute best of our abilities.  There are times when our best may not be enough, but more often than not, it will regretbe.  I would only regret something today if I didn’t give it an honest effort and try. If something doesn’t work out how I think it should, then I have an opportunity to learn. It is in those lessons lives are defined, and new efforts can spring.

Regrets come from thinking about what might have been, so the only way I can regret what I am doing is if I could have done it any better.  If I spent time looking backward, I would miss the opportunities for success, enjoyment, and fun existing in this very moment I should be paying attention to.  But instead, I am regretting what I said to someone thirty years ago or how I shouldn’t have done something way back then.  This is a waste of time because you can’t change the past, and if you could have done better at that moment, you certainly would have.  Today I am trying to pay attention to what I am doing so that I won’t regret them later.

 I strive to be focused in all that I do and give my best effort to do it in the best manner I am capable of. Using the lessons I learned from the past and leaving the past where it belongs, far behind me.

To Be or Not to Be

fcd97ac86af9a9d2a31d9bcdc0971a3cThe question of whether our being or existence was worthwhile has been asked throughout time.  Some people have one bad experience taint everything else that comes in their life. It can happen when you are young and becomes the excuse for everything going wrong throughout life.  There is no need to have a childhood or an adult trauma define everything about your current life.  We all have obstacles or insecurities to deal with to see ourselves and our lives clearly.

 Once that trauma drama is overcome, and you see yourself for what you are, a creative, one of a kind, giant capable of doing just about anything, then you will not regret a moment. Each second is driving you toward your best self and what you are capable of.  Who is to say that the bad experience in your life wouldn’t end up being the catalyst for you to spring to greatness.  It is only an anchor if you keep yourself tied to it.  Never regret your being. I know I don’t, and neither should you!

Time to Have it All

What you have is really depending on how you look at life.  Do you regret that you don’t have regretown more possessions to stack up?  I don’t think the number of “things” you possess matters at all.  Although things may provide momentary pleasure, it is just a fleeting moment that passes as quickly as dusk slips into darkness.  Then to feel good, you need to have more stuff.  Stuff is not going to satisfy your soul or lead you to happiness. Only appreciating the moments of life and what they bring right now can do that.

The love of the people in your life will lead you to happiness in the giving and receiving that relationship. Of this substance, I am not sure that you can have too much.  Love is the kindness one shows to another when they are feeling down. Love is the acceptance of a person’s idiosyncrasies and to still claim them as your other half.  Love, caring, and kindness is attributes that make life enjoyable, and these feelings will last inside of you as long as you focus on them.  When the smell of a new car or the shine of the latest technological gadget has long faded, those you love and the feelings of joy will remain with you.

You may be able to trick yourself for a season or two into thinking that stuff will make you happy, but in the end, the emptiness that is inside you can only be filled by the love of people, and it starts by loving yourself. NoRegrets happen when you combine your thoughts of the past with your perceptions of their outcomes.  It would help if you tried something else.  If you only would have gone sooner.  I should have known what would happen.  All of these regretful thoughts do nothing to change the past. They only muddy up the waters of today, making tomorrow more difficult to get to.  Leave regrets in the past, enjoy today, and hope for the best tomorrow possible.

I Regret nothing. I learn, and I live.

“We all do things we desperately wish we could undo. Those regrets just become part of who we are, along with everything else. To spend time trying to change that, well, it’s like chasing clouds.” – Libba Bray.

“We don’t have to be defined by the things we did or didn’t do in our past. Some people allow themselves to be controlled by regret. Maybe it’s a regret, and maybe it’s not. It’s merely something that happened. Get over it.” – Pittacus Lore.

“If only. Those must be the two saddest words in the world.” – Mercedes Lackey.

 “Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can’t build on it; it’s only good for wallowing in.” – Katherine Mansfield.

“The only things I regret, and the only things I’ll ever regret, are things I didn’t do. In the end, that’s what we mourn. The paths we didn’t take. The people we didn’t touch.” – Scott Spencer

 “Don’t live your life regretting yesterday. Live your life so tomorrow you won’t regret today.” – Catherine Pulsifer.

I made mistakes but held on to my faith……….No Regrets, No Regrets!!


A Comeback

“Every setback leaves behind a path to make your comeback.”

comeback storiesEvery person who has lived life has experienced the need to come back from adversity. We all face challenges and how we respond to them goes a long way in defining our lives and our character. Do we shrink in the face of adversity, or do we face it as best we can and move forward? How have you fared in your comeback stories from adversity?

Setbacks Abound

No matter how careful you are living your life, there will be things that hurt, upset, and/or distress you. They are going to happen. Loved ones pass away, relationships end, we are blamed for things, we make mistakes. All of these things will happen, and the first reaction may be from instinct, fight, or flight with the problem and those involved. Runaway and hide or work up your anger and fight the problem, but neither of these solutions is going to comeback storiesreally help. What will help is accepting the challenge? It happened, there are consequences? Accept them and move forward.

There is no avoiding the challenges of life because they are put here to make us better, stronger, and more complete people. It would be nice if we never had to face death or the loss of a job, or the rejection of our romantic gestures. But in life, these things are going to happen. We are all united in the conditions of our collective misery. We are not unique, or by ourselves. It only appears that way. Everyone is faced with the same challenges. After a bit of time passes from the loss, there will always be a path lit, just for you, allowing you to move toward a more substantive life. The story of your comeback will not only enrich your life, but it will also inspire others to face their problems as well.

Rise From The Ashes

The Phoenix is a mythical creature that rose from the ashes, again and again, to become its majestic self once more.  We are all like the Phoenix in our lives. Life can be a difficult game, and we make it so by believing limiting things about ourselves and accepting the limits others place on us. We blame comeback storiesothers and God for our failures, and until we accept what has happened, we can’t move forward. We cannot rise from the fire. We are going to be stuck in place.

The unfortunate things that happen to people are often not their fault, and we may all be the victim in a relationship, be robbed, attacked, taken advantage of. Those are the actions of another. Our responsibility to ourselves lies in how we decide to react to that event. Does it cripple us? Does it make you wallow in depression? Does it make you bitter and angry about everything? Or do you rise above it? Do you define yourself with your powerful qualities? Your innate goodness and caring. Do you accept your power to choose your path? The choice is always yours and yours alone.

Every setback that you have or will experience leaves a path to make a comeback. The power and direction of that experience are dependent wholly on you and your attitude. You are as powerful or as weak as you choose to be. Your personal choices will always tell your story.

Is it time for your comeback stories to be shared?

Life ain’t all sunshine and rainbows, but it is better with a little Rocky in it.

Hole in the Soul


looking for you
I Have Been Looking For You!

By Jonathan Hilton

My Soul Stretches toward you. Still you are silent.

Are you afraid? Why can’t I see you? Are you hiding?

The realization that I have been searching for you, envelops me.

There is a missing piece of me out there, I have never had.
I have never had it, I don’t know what it feels like, I need it now.

The empty space in my center, that you alone can fill and complete.

I am now calling loudly to you, in a controlled desperation.

hole in the soul
The hole in my SOUL.`

Much like a person under water, knows oxygen can save him,

you are the life essence that I know I need, and you are not here.

I am not whole, you are the missing part of my soul.

Now my soul screams to you, in a panic.

Time is running out, time is not on my side, you are not here.

Either this will end in complete happiness, or unfulfilled hope.

I yell loudly to attract your attention, to let you know,

Clearly and soundly I am as I have always been, searching for you!

Do not hesitate anymore, complete this puzzle,

Run as fast as you possibly can, hurry, quick,

I am waiting as I always hae been.

False starts, roadblocks, obstacles, are gone for my soul,