Tag Archives: light and dark

Embracing Darkness

In shadows deep, where light retreats, A realm of darkness lies and greets, Its vast expanse, a mystery, The opposite of light’s decree.

Within us all, it takes a place, A part of life’s enduring grace, For knowing darkness, we can stride, Through darkest nights, unafraid, we guide.

Embrace the void, the depths within, For facing darkness is to win, The veil removed, the truth revealed, In darkest corners, light’s concealed.

From night to day, the cycle’s dance, The sun, and moon, in cosmic trance, For birth to death, a seamless flow, In darkness’ womb, life’s seeds do grow.

Ignorance yields to wisdom’s might, As knowledge pierces through the night, In shadows lurk both good and bad, The interplay of all we’ve had.

From love to fear, the spectrum is broad, In darkness’ grasp, emotions hide, But fear not, for the light’s embrace, Shall guide you to a sacred space.

So face the darkness that you bear, And let it teach you how to care, For knowing darkness brings forth sight, A beacon shining through the night.

In unity, the opposites bind, Embracing both, the soul will find, That darkness holds the seeds of light, In harmony, they dance in flight.

So let us learn to stand and see, The hidden truth, so wild and free, For in the darkness, lies the key, To finding light’s eternity.

The Opposite Side of Whole

Law of Polarity- Everything has an opposite, yin and yang. Complimentary opposites are a part of the collective whole. 

When people achieve balance in life, things seem to move smoothly as all parts of their life flow equally. Unfortunately, once you make a balance, life will change, and we will all have to change and keep the scales of our lives, balancing where we can enjoy life. The law of polarity allows us to readjust those scales more easily. Having all of the complementary opposites of experience available makes this possible. Of course, we have to make choices that allow these influences to balance out our lives. It is right for you and me and all the things in nature. Each experience has a reason for existing, mostly to kick things into balance again.

How to Recognize Imbalance Exists

When your life has a balance, it flows along smoothly, and events move effortlessly in your life. Nothing is forced; things happen quickly, making life a joy to experience. This can happen with life in general, relationships, and even jobs you work. But slowly, things will change, and adjustments need to be made to maintain balance. Physical, emotional, and spiritual forces in you all need to be paid attention to, and when one area is lacking, the ratio falls off. Sometimes the changes are so slow we don’t notice them, but they are still happening. We don’t want to see the changes when things are going well.

The energy of something not in balance will be chaotic; things will seemingly happen out of the air to try to give life balance. Do we think they are random, but are they really in response to our neglecting our balance? When there are upheavals in your life, this is a sign that balance doesn’t exist. There will also seemingly be no flow in your life, things will feel forced, and it takes a lot of effort to keep things moving where there is ease and simplicity. Finally, it will become apparent there is a problem because physical, spiritual, or mental weaknesses will become evident. Recognizing life is out of balance and taking action to rebalance is wisdom, but it also is essential to understand what it feels like when we are in harmony.

That “In Balance” Feeling

There is a calm feeling that comes when you achieve some balance. Things flow easily as you move from task to task and experience to experience; you find there is no effort for this to happen. You are like a mechanism, doing your part in the world and doing it well. This can happen because your strengths are dominant, and your weaknesses fade into the background. When life moves this way, we seem to be right where we should be, doing the things that make us happy. It is difficult to admit when these things get out of balance because we don’t want to change. But growth is a part of life, and change and growth are inevitable, and the way we are moving, we have to be able to adjust to maintain balance. You know how an imbalance and a balanced feel will help you regulate things.

Some Complimentary Opposites

Complimentary opposites exist for a reason, to allow the world to keep a balance. It would be nice sometimes to eliminate harmful things, but without the negative, the very positive lose its meaning. Here are a few of those relationships we deal with daily.

Day and Night

Day and night are some of the most relevant complementary opposite relationships. The sunshine provides heat and vision and allows energy to grow plants. The night offers a chance to rest and recover for all living things and grow plants. If either of these disappeared, then the Earth would cease inhabitable by life as we know it. In the brightest day lies the promise of the night.

Good and Evil

Good and evil are the complementary opposites we see every day. Nobody considers evil as a positive, but is it necessary? Would good have any meaning if there wasn’t something polar opposite to compare it? Evil exists, and all people are capable of great excellent and high crime within them. It is the balance that brings a meaningful life. The complementary relationship exists whether we like it or not. How could we choose well if darkness were not also there as a choice? The contrast provides a positive value and allows for balance in life. Even with the evilest act, the promise of the highest good exists.

Happiness and Sadness

Happiness and sadness are two complementary opposites. Being a human brings a lot of emotional baggage with it. It is crucial to express joy and sorrow and all levels in between. Loss and gain are a part of the growth process, and it would be impossible to achieve balance if there were no mechanism in our emotional makeup to express sadness or grief. We would not have the ability to be empathetic. And as everyone knows, sometimes you need to feel sad to get the sadness out of your system and get back to balance. Even at the most tragic moment, the seeds of our greatest happiness are sown.

The polarity of life allows for a balance to be sought and achieved for people in their lives. We must remember that experiences and time continually change the scales, and we will never find a permanent balance. It will constantly change, and we must make choices that recalculate our social, mental, spiritual, and physical balance. These options teach you about keeping an even keel, not getting too high with the victories or too low with the losses. In every failure lies the opportunity for success.

“When we’re identified with Awareness, we’re no longer living in a world of polarities. Everything is present at the same time.- Ram Dass

“Differences must be not merely tolerated, but seen as a fund of necessary polarities between which our creativity can spark like a dialectic.”- Audre Lorde

“Everything has a polar opposite. In recognizing this in all relationships, we see ourselves.”


Time To Be Happy

Do you catch yourself looking at life and saying, “I will be happy when I have accomplished this, or when that happens?” This is a common mistake of focus many people seem to make. When you postpone your happiness to another moment, you are possibly giving it away forever.  There are no guarantees in the future, and if you can’t feel happy now at this moment, what makes you think tomorrow will be any different.  As I see it, the key is to find happiness in whatever you are doing right now.  There is always something that can provide the spark of joy to your life. All you have to do is learn how to notice it, and the rest will take care of itself.

Backward Thoughts of Success

We have received some bad information from the influencers in our lives, and it isn’t their fault because they were taught the same faulty information. We were told we would be happy if we gained an education. Then we were told we would be happy if we moved to a promising career that provided good pay and security in life. Then we’re told we would be happy once we had a family and started to raise the next generation.  Then it is a looking forward to retirement and the happiness that waited there.  All of these things can be great, and you can be happy experiencing any of them, but if you wait for happiness to come, you will most likely never find it.

Happiness comes in all moments and is available to each of us at all times. It is up to you to focus on it and away from the things causing you not to enjoy the day. Many things connect you to the now and the joy that exists there. Focus your mind on something natural, the sky, a flower, birds flying around, or anything else that resonates with you. Each of these things connects you to the source of all this and will calm your mind and ease your thoughts if you let it.  Spend time counting the good things in your life. Please take a moment and appreciate each one as you think of them. The human mind can only hold one thought at a time. Thinking of positive things picks up your mood, makes you grateful, and allows you to look past the bad.

Choose It

If you are looking at your life and are not happy with one aspect or two or the whole thing, then it is time to look in the mirror and make a conscious decision to move in another direction.  You have the ultimate control over the people you spend time with, the job you work, and the activities you take part in.  Happiness is available to you at any moment you decide to take part in it. There are many different things you can do to bring on happiness, and here are just a few–

*Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself— It is easy to get into a rut of self-pity about where you are at and what is happening to you at this moment. Let go of these feelings and move on to something more positive. It is unproductive and unhealthy to wallow in self-pity. Happiness will come when you leave it behind, and focus on what is good in your life and be happier.

*Be Kind— It is simple but bringing kindness and joy into the lives of others brings it into your life as well. It is simple and easy, there are thousands of opportunities every day to be kind to someone, and it doesn’t cost you a cent.  Many people pay for tolls or coffee’s, but a kind word costs nothing. Practice kindness and be happy.

*Appreciate both sides— There are two sides to every story. Sunshine and rain, darkness and light, laughter and tears, fast and slow, all of these are going to have their moments.  Practice enjoying them all. The warm weather isn’t as good if you haven’t had the cold weather to compare it to. Enjoy it all and be happier.

*Accept What Is— It is impossible and unhealthy to try to control everything in life. Not only will you fail, but you will be spending a lot of time in worry and angst that could be better spent enjoying what is in your life right now. Accept people for who they are, and do your best with the situations you are facing.  Resistance to what is will cause misery.  Accept what is and experience happiness.

*Say Yes More— Rather than dismiss things on automatic pilot, say yes to new things, activities or places.  Saying yes opens you up and of course, saying no closes you down. As long as it is inside your moral compass, saying yes will expand your horizons and bring new experiences and things into your life and be happier.

*Exercise— The simple act of walking regularly will improve your physical stamina and your mental outlook as well. God built the human body to move, and that movement brings positive emotions and thoughts into your life. When you feel better physically, you think better about yourself and the world.  Running, walking, lifting, martial arts, yoga, aerobics classes, biking, or whatever resonates with you will do. More exercise and you will have more happiness.

*Dream— You should always be working on a dream of some kind. Dreams give you a focus and make life enjoyable. Not only the achievement of the dream but the steps along the way to that goal. Many people have their life planned out to a point and then stop thinking there is more to accomplish. There is always something to work for and achieve. Dream more in your personal and professional life and find more happiness.

Happiness Quotes

“We don’t laugh because we’re happy – we’re happy because we laugh.”   William James

“Don’t take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive.”   Elbert Hubbard

“Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened.”   Ludwig Jacobowski

“Now and then, it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.”  Guillaume Apollinaire

“Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness.” Frank Tyger

“There is more to life than increasing its speed.” Mahatma Gandhi