Tag Archives: dark times

Embracing Darkness

In shadows deep, where light retreats, A realm of darkness lies and greets, Its vast expanse, a mystery, The opposite of light’s decree.

Within us all, it takes a place, A part of life’s enduring grace, For knowing darkness, we can stride, Through darkest nights, unafraid, we guide.

Embrace the void, the depths within, For facing darkness is to win, The veil removed, the truth revealed, In darkest corners, light’s concealed.

From night to day, the cycle’s dance, The sun, and moon, in cosmic trance, For birth to death, a seamless flow, In darkness’ womb, life’s seeds do grow.

Ignorance yields to wisdom’s might, As knowledge pierces through the night, In shadows lurk both good and bad, The interplay of all we’ve had.

From love to fear, the spectrum is broad, In darkness’ grasp, emotions hide, But fear not, for the light’s embrace, Shall guide you to a sacred space.

So face the darkness that you bear, And let it teach you how to care, For knowing darkness brings forth sight, A beacon shining through the night.

In unity, the opposites bind, Embracing both, the soul will find, That darkness holds the seeds of light, In harmony, they dance in flight.

So let us learn to stand and see, The hidden truth, so wild and free, For in the darkness, lies the key, To finding light’s eternity.

A Challenging Game

The Hard Game of Life

Life is a challenging game, sometimes. No matter what you do or how you try to find the gentler 8235367099_8230f69c0cside of life, the easier the hard times seem to seek you out. When I look at people in their late teens and early twenties today, I have a hard time not telling them to be careful. There are some dark times in every life. Don’t worry too much, though, because they will bring you a lesson that will help you learn a valuable lesson. DO NOT BE AFRAID!

Look for the tough times that are inevitably going to come. But you know the warning is going to go unheeded. These words of caution are summarily dismissed as the rants of someone too old to understand the world today.   Yet, I know that that conversation will be quite different in twenty years.   Some of those “hard times” will give you your greatest gifts and allow you to stretch to lengths that you would have never reached without them.

If Experiences Didn’t Hurt, You Wouldn’t Pay Attention.

Every day, the experiences we have are not meant to be either easy or hard. Enjoyable or unpleasant. They are simply experiences that we apply our labels to based on our 304291_403371469749477_15828334_nexpectations of life and our limited knowledge of everything.

It is challenging to address hard things that way because if they are unpleasant or not desired, how can you not dislike that moment? If you had a broken arm or found out that you had cancer or any other experience that is on the negative side, who wouldn’t wish that away. Yet, our natural character and strength are revealed in these moments of despair and testing. Your strength will be tested, and your power revealed.

Personally, my dark times were not welcome, and I blamed everyone for the fact that things were taken from me for a long time. There was a lot of time wasted because, in the end, those experiences I detested and wanted to avoid allowed me to become more than I ever dreamed I could be. There is a well of kindness in your soul that needs to be released to do good, and sometimes the hard times provide the method.

Life doesn’t have to be challenging, but the lessons that are harder to learn to provide the whetted stone on which our talents are sharpened to their most helpful existence. You know in a more meaningful way than you ever have before. You may find hidden talents that would have never risen to the surface without the painful and necessary letting go of the past, who no longer carry the ideas and thoughts that now embody your personal experience.

One Constant in life is, It Goes On.

The everyday experiences of our existence are only opportunities for learning everything, from our way of dealing with people to accepting how we feel about and view ourselves. I look at those young people who dream of a comfortable life, and I understand why they think that way. It would be nice to sail calm seas for life. But that is not the way for any human being. Challenges are coming your way and to expect you can avoid them is to become delusional. They will be here waiting for you.

Yet to be tested and to find that you pass and that you are made of sterner stuff than you ever would have imagined is a priceless lesson. Don’t fear the hard times. Accept them as the learning experiences they are, and do what all successful people do, keep on moving forward with the lessons you have so honestly earned. Lay claim to your power and don’t give it away to people who don’t care about you or only care about themselves.

It seems that life needs to have moments of difficulty for us to examine our souls’ contents and value our actions. Things that are difficult to endure allow you to appreciate the little things in life that you have forgotten to pay attention to.

You are a wonderful human soul with unlimited possibilities, and the fences around your thought only limit the greatness you can achieve.