Tag Archives: Anger


PossibilitiesThere are endless possibilities that exist in each new day. It can be difficult to remember this lesson sometimes when you see obstacles in your way.  There may be reasons we can’t do what we want, go exactly where we want, or be the person right now we want to be. But these barriers exist in everyone’s life and serve as a chance first to understand what you would like to see in your life. And second, as a springboard for developing skills, talents, and toughness, you need to accomplish anything you want to in your life. Our problems are not pervasive or permanent. Change your perspective on the situation, and nobody can stop you. How do you do this? Look at the positive possibilities that exist all around you; they are there. Sometimes you have to work to find them.

Difficult Times Provide Possibilities

Perspective is a choice. To see something as insurmountable is a possibilitieschoice. To think that you will never have the power, strength, money, or thoughts to overcome a challenge is your decision.  It is also your choice to see how things are shaping up because of what you have done so far and realize you need to make another choice. Perhaps the people you are spending time with are not positive or healthy for you. Choose differently.  The possibility for happiness and fun is there in every moment of every day.

Each barrier and obstacle in your way provide an opportunity. How is that, you ask? Well, every time you face a difficult time, there is an opportunity to get over it or around it. This may take some growth on your part or stretching of your comfort zone, but it can be done. You have to be willing to try.  Life is a journey from beginning to end, and it has a multitude of lessons. We are going to be continually learning and growing. Challenges come and provide the chance to be great. If you were never pushed, emotionally, mentally, or physically, then you would be happy right where you are, standing in place and leaving the goals to others.

Positive in Negative provide Possibilities

It can seem trite and simple to say that there is possibilitiesan opportunity for something positive in each negative situation. Tragedies happen all the time, and if we are fortunate enough to survive them, then we have a responsibility to find that positive possibility that will always exist. It needs to be looked for.

The choice, of course, is blame, bitterness, and anger. It is a valid choice, but the result will bring no positive presence to the world. It will only bring more tragedy, sadness, and fear.

Your challenges may be there to push you into becoming the best person you can be. Many dreams of having more wealth, love, and better health in their life, and the path to these things may travel through your challenges. Look at them however you want. It is a choice that you have, but recognizing the value and experience of your life will be colored by the choices you make. Just know all of the possibilities are there, just for you.

The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react.” George Bernard Shaw

The only limits to the possibilities in your life tomorrow are the buts you use today.”   Les Brown

I see possibilities in everything. For everything that’s taken away, something of greater value has been given.”  Michael J. Fox

I’m open to possibilities. I’m open to choices. I always welcome new ideas. I’m always eager to learn. I’m never going to close my mind from learning.”  Cesar Millan

“Try to keep your mind open to possibilities and your mouth closed on matters that you don’t know about. Limit your ‘always’ and your ‘nevers.'”   Amy Poehler

Closer to Home

Watch the stars, they are speaking to your soul.

Search the Sky for ANSWERS.

The lights are a delightful distraction.

The Truth will always become clear.

No matter how far away answers or stars are,

the search will always and has always ended,

inside of you all along, and forever.

close to home
The wonder of distance leads to the reality of closeness, where all answers lie.

That reality can be upsetting and cause great anger,

You can fight if you like, with words and emotions.

Struggle and push with all you have.

The result, in the end, is a waste of time.

Activities won’t change the locations of your destiny.

It is waiting to be recognized inside of you.

Look up at the sky, and pay attention to the stars.

Their distance is a constant reminder of it all.

How far we have traveled, in our search,

and how close we are to HOME.

Did The Grinch Have It Right?

GrinchBookSS01I think that the Grinch might have had it right. If we took away the ribbons, tags, packages, boxes or bags, I don’t think that Christmas would actually come at all.

We would not find people singing in a circle being positive and loving. There would be chaos.   People would be in fear for the economy, (by the way, holiday buying should not be an indicator of the health of the economy), angry about their loss of new gadgets, and I think it might lead to a national emergency. The media would have a field day, proclaiming the end of the world or blaming it all on a terrorist plot to end the United States as we know it.

When I was a kid I always felt bad for the Who’s down in Whoville, but now I am not so sure that I was rooting for the wrong side. The Grinch might have had the right idea all the time.

“Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before! What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more!”

It is my observation that this simply isn’t true in our society. I would love to believe that we ,as a people, are more capable of love than we are of being greedy and judgmental, but the facts do not favor this.

angry chrixtmansPeople get depressed, angry and upset far more than they give, love and understand others. If you want to be brave and spend some time in any retail store this year you will find far more faces of worry, anger and crying. There are a lot of reasons people feel badly.  If people can’t buy all of the things that they feel they want to, they feel bad. If they don’t get enough useless stuff, they feel bad. Here is what we should be happy about this time of year.

  1. You are healthy
  2. You are loved
  3. You are able to grow and work toward goals
  4. Your loved ones are  healthy and happy
  5. We are relatively free to live our lives
  6. Each new day is filled with possibility and promise, that it is up to you to fulfill.

None of these things costs a cent  and all people can be happy about them. Wrap that up and put it under a tree this year. I think that if we removed the stores from Christmas, people would protest in the street.

Christmas Doesn’t Come From A Store

In the end, the feeling surrounding Christmas can not be bought, and it is simply valuing people over material things. If that were popular more people would have a merrier Christmas.

No matter how much money we spend, or material things we receive, it will

Magic in your Heart
Magic in your Heart

not make you a better person in any way. Giving should be our motto, accepting the love from others, and being grateful for all that we have in our lives will make the Christmas Season special.  Give the gift of your time, your humor, your intellect or your kindness to someone and that will build a cheer that will last all year long.

So even if I decide to root for the Grinch and take away Christmas, I know that should not really happen because somewhere, there is a child who feels the magic that this season can bring. Christmas is for children and I wish there was a way to keep the magic and get rid of the commercialism. That would truly be a Christmas miracle.  Neither the Grinch or myself could be upset about that.