Tag Archives: Put away the negative

Choosing Positive over Negative

positive thinking One of the peculiar aspects of this human experience is that the content of our thoughts dictates how we feel about our experiences.  When you focus thoughts on the positive then your feelings are generally positive and if negative things are in your thoughts when you feel anxiety, fear, other negative things. The thoughts we have about ourselves and others determine how happy we are in this moment, how fulfilling our relationships are and how we affect all those we come in contact with.

What you are thinking is caused by our environment. If something or someone in your life does something that moves you to the negative. Then you have a simple choice to make, deal with it honestly and then put it in the past.  Dwelling on the negative thoughts such as jealousy, envy, fear, or judgment will inject your life with anxiety. Whereas focusing on positive thoughts of acceptance, kindness, understanding and love the result will be emotions and feelings that are supportive and positive. Our thoughts are the direct cause of our emotional state. We are in control of the thoughts we entertain at any moment, completely and without question. Remembering this can be difficult, but you can get a more positive feeling by letting the negative move out of your life.

The Opposite is Always Available

So how do you control the thoughts that you pay attention to? For all of the emotions we experience, they are all brought on by the series of thoughts we are focusing our attention on. If you are constantly degrading positive thinking yourself and your abilities, it isn’t any wonder that you are depressed about your prospects and potential? It may be a subconscious choice, but you are choosing the thoughts that you are identifying with. The opposite thought and corresponding actions and emotions are always available to you. That is the power you always have available.

Think about the things that make a smile come to your face, and a smile will come. The mind has the ability to provide all that we need to feel happy, successful and complete. Or it can make you feel depressed, defeated and hopeless, there is only one person who decides which reality you are experiencing. You and your choice of thought. All directions are available in the carnival of life and you are the artist that chooses the colors that represent your interest and even the effect you have on your life and the lives of others.

Proactive Thought

Since our thoughts are such a big part of our lives, it would seem that we would guard them, protect positive thinking them and be proactive about the ones you pay attention to. It can be easy to let others choose them for you in life. The media, our friends, our families or those we meet in passing can choose what is desirable to us. If you don’t watch your thoughts someone else will be dictating how you feel about yourself and the talent that you possess.

We all have talents of one sort or another and they provide something the world has never seen or considered. We each create a unique portrait for the world, even though society is constantly trying to make us all the same. You were not born to be small and the same, so don’t think small. You were born to live your life in your own unique way, bring your talent to the table and let others see it. The biggest limiting factor you will face is the critic in your own head that causes you to focus on negative thoughts of yours and others.  If you choose to listen you will limit your experience and your consciousness. To expand these things and grow as a person, simply takes a change of focus.

The benefit of having a negative thought and emotional experience is that you can get a really clear picture of what you don’t want in your life, which will lead you to what you do want.  Become adept at recognizing the thoughts that put you in a negative situation and which thoughts will bring you out of it. All of this is a result of paying attention to what you think. I choose the positive over the negative.

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”-  Willie Nelson