Tag Archives: positive thought

Every Little Thing You Do Matters


everything you do matters
All of your actions and thoughts determine your experience.

Looking back on my life, it has become apparent a vast array of things exist that I was never taught. There were lessons I think needed to be passed on to me I missed out on. As a young man, I lived life without real consideration for the impact of my actions or thoughts on the big picture of my life and how my actions affected others’ lives. I had no idea of the value I could provide or the influence I might have in my unique life.

I had often wondered how things might have been different if someone had pulled me aside when I was 15 and told me that everything I did mattered, for good and evil. The fact that I was creating the energy of my life led directly to my experiences. How would my life have been different if I knew I had a much more significant impact on life than I thought? Some people make things happen, and others have things happen to them.   I probably wouldn’t have listened anyway, but it would have been good to have the option.

Why It All Matters

Simply put, the things you do in your life make up who you are. You are not

Positive thinking
Try this and reap the benefits

permanently marred by a wrong decision in most cases, but until you stop the negative actions, you will see a lot of negative results. Growing up and even in my adult life, I found the convenient way more appealing for short-term comfort,  rather than doing what I knew was the right thing. Although those things might be more difficult or uncomfortable.

If you believe in quantum physics basics, all thoughts react with your cellular makeup to produce a positive or negative vibration depending on the thoughts and emotions you predominantly experience. It is the idea that what you put out into the world, you receive back. I freely admit that I didn’t buy this in the past, but my observations over the past years have led me to believe this is more important to your happiness and enjoyment of life than any other factor. Your thoughts, beliefs, and actions create your existence. You are dictating the amount of joy you find.

The thoughts to choose and Not to choose

positive action
Be a positive force in your own life!

When you choose to be kind, friendly, forgiving, loving, and grateful, these experiences you manage to get back from others. I have seen this work in my own life, and this is an easy one to test out for yourself as well. Approach the day you experience, the people you meet, and the situations you encounter positively and see what you get back.

It never seems to fail that if I am having a “bad day,” I am entertaining thoughts on the negative side, being judgmental, critical, angry, or mean. The negative focus of these thoughts and emotions will bring them more energy. So your molehill of emotions will proliferate into a mountain if you let it. Once I realize the ideas are there and I let them go, things turn around. The great thing is that anyone can do this, and it doesn’t take any more talent than being conscious of your thoughts and the energy they contain. A change in focus can happen instantaneously.

Overcome the “Bad” in Life

People in the world do bad things all the time; you always have a choice to let that person affect you negatively or to forgive them and not allow them to affect your life. A hateful act can’t be negated with more hate. Just like violence only leads to more violence, hatred will only lead to more hostility. You always have the choice of what thoughts you entertain in your life. You give others power over you when you react to a hostile act negatively.

Where your focus goes, energy flows, and you can choose not to let negative people, events, and situations drag you into a flow of negative thought. We are programmed toward the negative. If you don’t believe that, look no further than the “news” programs offered. Negative stories are the norm and are designed to make you afraid of life. Pay attention because there are far more positive people and situations in the world than negative. Please focus on the positive, give them the power of your thought, and more of the same will enter your life.

Finally Thinking What We Want

The types of thoughts we entertain and give our attention to will determine the kind of life we experience each day, and we each have the conscious ability to decide what those thoughts will be. You decide if you choose the negative side of anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, dishonesty, fear, inferiority, or ego. Or you can choose positive thoughts of joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and truth to determine the kind of world you experience.

If only I had this realization when I was a young man, I would probably be a billionaire right now because I wouldn’t waste my time on trivial things that didn’t matter. I know from the people I deal with daily that if you want to be miserable, spend your time complaining and looking for problems. If you want to be happy in life, focus on the positive things you control. Be optimistic about your life and what the future holds.

It is all up to you.

Some Great Quotes

“Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive.” – Matt Cameron.

“Start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart.” – Roy T. Bennett.

“Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.” – William James.

“Change may not always bring growth, but there is no growth without change.” – Roy T. Bennett.

“I think positive things will happen if you just look at life.” Jake Owen.

Letting The Negative Ones Go

You Can’t Have a Positive Life with a Negative Mind – Unknown.

positive-life-negative-mindOur thoughts are the most important thing that we create. Every day there is a non-stop production of views from our minds, and we are subject to the powers of those we pay attention to. In life, if we are truly looking to live positively, we have to learn to pay attention to the positive thoughts and let all the negative ones go.

What is a Positive Thought?

In the mass of thoughts, it can be easy to pick out positive reviews, especially if you are not sure what you are looking for. Positive thoughts are based on the positive emotions that you have each day. Joy, interest, love, kindness, acceptance, gratitude, cheerfulness, happiness, confidence, etc., these thoughts are the ones that you should latch onto and focus your thoughts on.

A negative mind is a result of focusing on the negative thoughts that are produced. Ideas that focus on hate, sadness, uninterest, meanness, judgment, ingratitude, gloom, and lack of confidence will create a negative mindset. When you focus on thoughts with this tenor, you will not find life a satisfying process.

Simple Ways to Build a Positive Mind

  • positiveSpend time with positive people. Like attracts like, and if you are spending time with people who have a healthy, optimistic outlook, it will rub off on you. Conversely, if you spend time with negative-thinking people, move away from them, and you will see the difference this makes in your life.
  • Avoid being a victim by taking responsibility for your actions. We all make choices that aren’t so good but accept our part in them, learn what we can, and move on with our life. Accepting the victim mentality will lead to not taking our power in life. You are in control of how you experience life.
  • Give to others regularly, and you will have a more positive outlook. Giving naturally makes you happy, and what you offer can improve your perspective on the world. Giving will always open your life up to receiving.
  • Read positive books and articles. Avoid the negative stories the media is known for and focus on the positive things. Life has its dark side, but you don’t have to wallow in it. Look at the positive in books that teach you something about life. Learning new things expands your mind and naturally makes you more positive.
  • Avoid watching movies or television shows with malicious content. Negative messages about women diminish the value of a human being, and viewing these messages will bring you down. Make positive choices to move on and build your positive frame of mind.
  • fd02d2b50d27f91869ebe449f60c8323Remember that you are powerful beyond measure. We are often getting so used to fitting in and being what others expect, and we forget that we have tremendous power. All people can become great.
  • Forgive yourself for any perceived or actual wrongdoing. It doesn’t do any good to carry the blame, and it will only lead to a negative outlook and a negative mind. It doesn’t mean that you do no wrong, but you take responsibility for your actions and move forward in a positive direction. To do anything else is to let a situation define you, and if it is a negative situation, well…………..there you go.

Ultimately,  it is your choice if you have a positive or negative outlook on life. It is essential to think about it because having a happy life with a negative mindset is impossible. It is impossible to have an unhappy experience with a positive outlook.

You must decide, but you can’t Have a Positive Life with a Negative Mind.

” Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.” – John Wooden

” We become what we think about.” – Earl Nightingale

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” –Alice Walker

” Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.” – Dennis P. Kimbro

” But you will admit that it is a very good thing to be alive.” – L. Frank Baum


Welcome to the Morning

There seem to be two ways to look at the morning. Once it is the beginning of yet another day, the possibility of what you can create has begun. Either way, you look at it, today is here, and we have an opportunity to attack our lives with a dynamic passion or with a weak resignation to the fate of the calendar. Here are a few ideas to make this day and every day the best they can be. It is always a matter of the thoughts and emotions you will accept from yourself.

Positive In, Positive Out

One of the first choices we make each day happens when we wake and Monday accentuates this attitude because it will often set the mood for the week. A positive thought is essential to your day and your energy throughout life. Rather than look at your job and existence as drudgery or something you have to “get through,” you can view it as a great joy and adventure. It is always your choice to energize your life with positive thoughts and peaceful emotions at every possible opportunity.

Some days can be challenging; challenges are always going to arise. You will have bad moods, but you can change your attitude when you realize that your attitude is a choice of thought. All emotions result directly from the thoughts we entertain. Choose a different idea if you feel angry, upset, frustrated, defeated, or any other negative emotion. This optimistic attitude about yourself is available at any moment throughout the day. Your thoughts will energize your life one way or another. Positive thinking in mind leads to positive energy.

Become More Conscious of your Energy

As your day gets going, be conscious of the energy you are producing with your thoughts, words, and actions. Through your power, you can make your life better in every way. You can choose to eat healthier and participate in activities that increase your vibration. Your life will naturally be a more positive experience for you and those you deal with daily. Many people get in trouble when they start looking at things and become concerned that their needs aren’t being met.

When you adopt this mentality, you will be operating from a mindset of lack and fear. Fear of not meeting your needs will pollute your day with negativity, anger, jealousy, and worry. There isn’t any adverse action or mindset that can’t be neutralized with its opposite positive thought and action. Feelings of lack contradict beliefs of abundance, fear with love, anger with peace, worry with confidence. These things can be done instantly because we choose the thoughts we entertain in our consciousness.

Make Today Great

There is no other day that we are guaranteed to have than this one. It is up to us to choose if we want today to be great or not. Yesterday is over, and no matter how good or bad, it is now a part of history, and we can’t change anything about it. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed to anyone. Today is all we have, and you can choose to be more conscious of what you appreciate in life and the great things that make you the best version of yourself. You can decide to make today optimistic or pessimistic. It is all up to you to choose hope and joy in your life. Make today as powerful as you can.


All our dreams can come true–if we dare to pursue them. –Walt Disney

Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. –Les Brown

Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless. –Jamie Paolinetti

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. –Lao Tzu

 A year from now, you may wish you had started today. –Karen Lamb

Positive Thought

positive thinking

What do you think? There are thousands of thoughts created by your mind every day, and the tenor of the ones you pay attention to will dictate what you become and experience in life. That means you have the ultimate ability to choose who you are, what you can accomplish, and the overall experience of your life, just by monitoring your thoughts and making a choice to pay attention to the ones you want to represent you.

Take Time To Notice What Happens

As you become aware of your thoughts, take the time to see their work in your life. The ideas that you entertain about yourself are going to become real. Often we don’t even realize what thoughts we are letting control us. They are happening in the background, and they have been there in our subconscious for a long, long time. All of the thoughts that you accepted as accurate are there continually playing in a loop. Many of these are of harmful variety.

QUOTES-1204They express through the negative “ego” voice in your head. Telling you that you are not good enough or things never work out for you, or you always miss the fun stuff, or whatever negative thoughts you allow living in your mind. Notice how they come to you in a particular situation and then realize what is happening. They are not valid or accurate. If you think you can’t, you are right; you are also suitable if you think you can. Your thoughts will determine what you become.

Positive Thinking

There are a lot of negative stereotypes about positive thinking in the world. It is not just looking at the bright side of a situation, although that is a byproduct of having a EmilysQuotes.Com-mind-powerful-power-positive-thoughts-thinking-life-change-amazing-great-inspirational-unknownmore positive frame of mind. Positive thinking is turning your focus and thoughts toward emotions and actions which are positive. For example choosing love over hate, giving over taking, kindness over meanness, acceptance over judgment, etc.

Your mind is right; You create everything in your reality. Watch your thoughts always and see what changes when you entertain the positive side of the behavioral coin. Instead of judging someone who does something that angers you, look at them with softer eyes and understand the challenges they have faced to get where they are. Their struggles are not yours, be grateful for that.

You Are What You Think

So the next time, your life is giving you a hefty dose of not-so-pleasant things instead of looking outside of yourself to blame someone else. Look at the thoughts you have been entertaining. Accept responsibility for them and the actions that have resulted from them. We are all given the power of choice, and it determines our destiny. This decision is excellent news because it means we are always in control of the things we experience in life.

The mind is everything. What you think you become. ~ Buddha


Choosing Positive over Negative

positive thinking One of the peculiar aspects of this human experience is that the content of our thoughts dictates how we feel about our experiences.  When you focus thoughts on the positive then your feelings are generally positive and if negative things are in your thoughts when you feel anxiety, fear, other negative things. The thoughts we have about ourselves and others determine how happy we are in this moment, how fulfilling our relationships are and how we affect all those we come in contact with.

What you are thinking is caused by our environment. If something or someone in your life does something that moves you to the negative. Then you have a simple choice to make, deal with it honestly and then put it in the past.  Dwelling on the negative thoughts such as jealousy, envy, fear, or judgment will inject your life with anxiety. Whereas focusing on positive thoughts of acceptance, kindness, understanding and love the result will be emotions and feelings that are supportive and positive. Our thoughts are the direct cause of our emotional state. We are in control of the thoughts we entertain at any moment, completely and without question. Remembering this can be difficult, but you can get a more positive feeling by letting the negative move out of your life.

The Opposite is Always Available

So how do you control the thoughts that you pay attention to? For all of the emotions we experience, they are all brought on by the series of thoughts we are focusing our attention on. If you are constantly degrading positive thinking yourself and your abilities, it isn’t any wonder that you are depressed about your prospects and potential? It may be a subconscious choice, but you are choosing the thoughts that you are identifying with. The opposite thought and corresponding actions and emotions are always available to you. That is the power you always have available.

Think about the things that make a smile come to your face, and a smile will come. The mind has the ability to provide all that we need to feel happy, successful and complete. Or it can make you feel depressed, defeated and hopeless, there is only one person who decides which reality you are experiencing. You and your choice of thought. All directions are available in the carnival of life and you are the artist that chooses the colors that represent your interest and even the effect you have on your life and the lives of others.

Proactive Thought

Since our thoughts are such a big part of our lives, it would seem that we would guard them, protect positive thinking them and be proactive about the ones you pay attention to. It can be easy to let others choose them for you in life. The media, our friends, our families or those we meet in passing can choose what is desirable to us. If you don’t watch your thoughts someone else will be dictating how you feel about yourself and the talent that you possess.

We all have talents of one sort or another and they provide something the world has never seen or considered. We each create a unique portrait for the world, even though society is constantly trying to make us all the same. You were not born to be small and the same, so don’t think small. You were born to live your life in your own unique way, bring your talent to the table and let others see it. The biggest limiting factor you will face is the critic in your own head that causes you to focus on negative thoughts of yours and others.  If you choose to listen you will limit your experience and your consciousness. To expand these things and grow as a person, simply takes a change of focus.

The benefit of having a negative thought and emotional experience is that you can get a really clear picture of what you don’t want in your life, which will lead you to what you do want.  Become adept at recognizing the thoughts that put you in a negative situation and which thoughts will bring you out of it. All of this is a result of paying attention to what you think. I choose the positive over the negative.

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”-  Willie Nelson


Personal Growth, Self Improvement, Positive Thinking