Tag Archives: no limit

Any Limiting Belief Can Be Changed

We all have beliefs developed through our lives because of the experiences we have had and the thoughts we have been exposed to. Some of our beliefs help us become the best we can be and contribute to society. But others limit what we can create and who we are. As new information becomes available, any limiting belief can be changed with thought and effort. Here are six limiting beliefs many people accept as accurate, which are not. These are things we should NOT participate in.

Believing you can profit from hurting another.

There are many examples of people and companies who may have driven profits by participating in activities that harm others in the short or long term. Believing you can profit from hurting other people is an invitation to lose your money and your soul. Life has a way of rewarding our behavior just as we deserve. Even if you profit in the short term, it will all come to nothing. To go through life and cause no harm is the life I desire. Making a profit needs to include the human element. If you are causing damage to others, your earnings will be short-lived, and your enjoyment non-existent.

Worrying About Things, You Can’t Change.

You can control things in life and things you can’t. That is a fact of life. To spend time in a state of agitation over things you can’t control is a senseless waste of time. Being wise enough to know precisely what items are on that list is also essential. Worry is a waste of time anyway. Looking at what might go wrong and playing out all the negative scenarios in your mind, which are most likely never to occur, is a misuse of your valuable imagination. You will deal with your challenges as they come. Plan as best you can, and then let the chips fall where they may. Have concern over the things you can control because they will define your life. Where you work, who you love, where you live, who you spend time with, what you spend your time doing, all of these can be controlled. Worrying about the things you can’t change is a mistake in life.

Insist that something is impossible just because you can’t do it.

In life, the neigh sayers discourage all types of people and endeavors. These are the people who claim with certainty that someone else

You decide what is possible for you

is crazy for trying something new or different. They believe something can’t be done a certain way because they can’t do it that way or, worse yet, just never thought of things that way. Are you one of these people? Be an encourager, not a negative person in life. Encourage others to try to do the impossible rather than to be a needle in the balloon of someone’s hope. If all you have is negativity, keep it to yourself and live in your limiting bubble allowing birds to fly free. For it is in the freedom of life that true beauty and talent exist.

I am holding fast to trivial pride, preference, and prejudice.

We are inundated with beliefs when we are young, and most of them stick with us unchallenged throughout our lives. There is no good reason to hold onto an idea about others that is wrong. Each of us has the power to support, be kind, and give. These things will be stunted by pride, preference, and prejudice. Accept people and things that are different from you and allow them to be who they are, and you will find a better version of yourself behind this. Holding fast to these things makes for a negative, sad, and fearful life. That is a choice we all must make. Let go of these things and grow as a person.

People Stop Learning

People stop learning exactly when they choose to. But to me, education is a lifelong experience, especially today. We have access to information at the touch of a button. We can learn about anything from needlepoint to quantum physics by going to Youtube and watching a video about it. People should never stop learning because learning is growing, and growing is living. Without growth, there is only stagnation and death. Knowledge keeps the brain functioning and working at a high level, and as your mind expands, the wiser you get and the more you can contribute to the world. Learning is one of the most important things you can do every day. Learn one new thing a day, your life will be fuller, and your wisdom will eventually be great.

You are trying to compel others to believe and live as you do.

There are over 7 billion people in the world. Each has a right to practice the religion they want, follow the career they are interested in, and the personal life they choose. Too many needless conflicts have arisen in our history because someone wants to dictate how they should live in the world. It is impossible in the long run but unnecessary in any life. Suppose you find peace and comfort in your religion, then good for you. It doesn’t mean it will resonate with me or anyone else. It is none of your business what my relationship with a higher power might be. That is my choice, and I will not expect or compel you to think the same. This goes for all people in all choices they make in their lives. You live, who you love, or what you choose to wear is your option and an expression of who you are, not me. I would no more expect you to change than I would expect myself to change to make you happy.

If you see yourself in some of these things, think about where you are and why you feel the way you do. If you live your life in the judgment of others because of their lifestyle, ethnicity, religion, or beliefs about life, consider making some changes and bringing more peace and happiness to the world.

Finding Your Limits

Limit- a point or level beyond which something does not or may not extend or pass.

LimitWhat can you do in life? What can you achieve? What is the absolute limit of your potential? These questions we are asking ourselves at least subconsciously from our earliest moments of life. We perceive the answers that build this tapestry of our belief.

Woven into the fabric of this belief are our perceptions of how smart we are, how creative or how talented in a particular area we think we are. Mixed in there are all our perceived limits in every area of our lives. It is essential to realize that these images are just an illusion. We are only limited by our thinking and the beliefs we choose to give power to. Most people happily accept their limits and live their lives, never stretching beyond them. I urge you to look at what is limiting you in your life and make a conscious choice to see what lies beyond them. It begins with an awareness of your thoughts, words, and actions regarding your perception of your limits.

The Box

From the moment we are born, other people work to put us into a box. People who care about you can be just as limiting as those who dislike you. Crutches are given to us all the time, and we willingly accept them. They come in the form of excuses, “They are just not creative.” or “Nobody in this family is good at math.” or “That is a nice talent, but can you make a living at it?”  They built the box around us slowly, and most can’t see the world outside of it.

Other people have created this box of limits for us. We accepted their trusted opinion because they were our relatives, friends, teachers, community leaders, etc. The drive to be taken allows for this box of limits to grow all around you, and soon you believe there is no possibility outside of this prison that has been constructed all around you. But you are not limited.

To escape the box takes a change of thought. Become aware of the talents you possess and fabulous things you can achieve in all areas of your life. The limit of those accomplishments is in your mind and the actions you dare to take. Don’t let the thoughts of others and society limit you and what you try to do. There is more to life than working a job for hours to earn money. Thinking, talking, laughing, sharing, growing, improving, creating, and many other things are the actual value that life provides you. Get out of the box; don’t let people limit you. Find your actual boundaries and be the person you were born to be.

Challenges and Opportunities

Every challenge we face brings with it an opportunity. Many will look at a situation and see the limits that it gets, and the rare few will look at the circumstances life throws their way and see the potential for growth, success, and happiness that exists. The mindset of looking past the limits of your events is what separates those who are aware and those asleep at the wheel. It is always up to us to explore situations to see what is possible.

Of course, you can let circumstances defeat you and do nothing. But I urge you not to sit idly and complain about what is happening. Complaining builds a victim mentality, which will limit you in all areas of your life. See the opportunity, take action, and see what develops for you. Life is not an easy road because the easy way never produced anything worthwhile. Only through exercise can a body be designed. The same is true in all areas of life. Don’t let the perceived limitations of your circumstances stop you. You are the only person who can decide where your limits lie.

You Limit You

That leads us to the natural choice involved in our limits—your mind and what you choose to accept. Look at the box around your life. Is it stopping you from earning the money you want, having the relationship you want, or just enjoying life the way you want? Most people live their entire life and never contemplate in any natural way the limits they face, where they came from, and what they can do about them.

Bad childhoods, being miserable, being unintelligent, not having an opportunity, not knowing the right people, any physical restriction, or any other excuse you can think of are just that, excuses. We are only as healthy and prosperous as the weakest excuse we will accept. This limits people in all areas of life. Don’t limit yourself! Find the things you like to do and do them with passion and joy.

Focus your conscious thought on your limits today and why you see them the way you do. Where did they come from? What is beyond them? What actions can get you past them? Do this in thoughts, words, and efforts to reach beyond the limits you accept about yourself.

“Don’t limit a child to your learning, for he was born in another time.”~Rabindranath Tagore

“You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.”~ Michael Phelps

You are in the driver’s seat of your life. Nobody else has the power to erase your dreams unless you let them. Our limits are never created outside of ourselves but on the inside in the world of our thoughts.