Tag Archives: be kind to others


Karma– the sum of a person’s actions in this existence, is viewed as deciding their future fate.

“Life is a boomerang. What you give, you get.” ~ Dale Carnegie

We are all in control of the energy we give to the world each day. It begins with the thoughts we decide to pay attention to in our minds. These become the words that we speak and the actions we perform. These things determine what we give to and get back from life. Like a boomerang the energy, you decide to send out will come back to you, always, inevitably, and usually with interest. That’s Karma. You control the power in your life by the thoughts you entertain, which lead to emotions, words, and actions. These things determine your karma. Are you conscious of them in your life today?

Give, and You will Receive

One of the fundamental paradoxes of life is that when you give, you receive in return. This fact can be a problem when you look at what you have and think that you need so many things for yourself. You don’t see a way that you can give, but it is there. Giving is the path to receiving and

You are open to receiving

giving with an open heart when you provide, and giving spirit is critical. Try to develop the attitude of giving without worrying about what the return is. The performance will be high.

It is a positive energy to give and goes against the worry of lack that plagues most people. Fear that we will not have our needs met and will have to go without something. But what exactly are we going to go without? An extra coffee each day? It doesn’t even take a lot to get this energy working for you, give a little with no expectation of return and see what you get. Be conscious of your experience and what results from your choices. It will surprise you. Karma always will. Good or bad.

Kindness Also Comes Back

The same is valid for compassion. When you practice acts of kindness for others, then you will experience elephant kindnessgoodness in return. The act of practicing kindness will make you more aware of the good things around you. Service costs nothing and maybe the most valuable something you can produce. Giving it away is good karma.

The alternative is to act with selfishness, and to be self-centered is to attract negative things into your life. Again, when you contact people who are sending attitudes of lack, look at your thoughts and actions first before you condemn them. You may find the problem exists in your thoughts and consequent actions. It may just be your kindness that can help turn the lives of others around.

What You Give You Get

So this rule is valid for everything, and with everything, there is a choice for you to make. If you choose to

Try giving some of these
Try giving some of these

steal, you will be the victim of theft. So in effect, you are stealing from yourself, which makes no sense. If you lie, others will lie to you. If you take people for granted, then you will be, in turn, taken for granted. Whichever choices you make will be revisited in your life and usually with a more significant payback.

We are all energy at the core, and our actions determine the charge of power we produce, and the results come back into our life. Our energy controls what we attract. The truth of what you think and do is the living example your life will be. Look at your choices, look at the results, and see the relationship between your options and the experiences you are having. Look at your experiences and see that the thoughts you believe nobody else can know are being revisited on you.

You can experiment by practicing something specific in your life and then be aware of the results. I encourage you to start with a positive thought rather than a negative, but we all make our own choices and determine the overall tenor of our lives through them.

You consciously choose the energy you will experience in your life by the thoughts you entertain. Where focus goes, energy flows. The corresponding emotions those thoughts elicit, the words they bring from your mouth, and the actions you take because of them. You are driving your “karma train” today. What type of trip is it going to be?

“Life is a boomerang. What you give, you get.” ~ Dale Carnegie

“How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” – Wayne Dyer

“The law is simple. Every experience is repeated or suffered until you experience it properly.” – Ben Okri

Karma: It’s Not About What We Do


The Theory of Karma

5 Ways Karma Affects Your Life



To Begin Again

begin againToday forget your past, forgive yourself and begin again.

Each day brings with it a choice for you to decide how to live your life. Do you stay tied to a past that is gone? Is it holding you in place and not allowing you to move forward? Do you blame yourself for mistakes that are long done and over with and can’t be changed no matter what you do? Do you stay stuck in a place of pain and misery? Or do you make the conscious choice to move in a more positive direction? Understanding the past is gone, things were done and said which can never be taken back. We can only control the choices we make today.

All of these choices belong to each of us in our own lives, and it is entirely up to us which ones we make, to move forward, or lag. Today arrives with a complete package of possibilities. To see anything else is a choice you are preparing to limit your existence. You decide what today will bring for you; nobody else has control over that unless you let them.

Forget Your Past

begin againSo much of the story we tell others is about our past, but is it the actual past? Or what we choose to remember about events in our lives. By letting go of the past, you will not forget who you are. This fact is valid for a couple of reasons. First of all, we remember the past exactly how we want to. Good, bad, or indifferent, when we think of past events, we color them with anger, love, nostalgia, or some other emotion that skews the view. This action isn’t done consciously; it is done behind the scenes in our subconscious mind. If you and I experienced the same thing ten years ago, each of us would remember our experience differently. Who is right? Both because we remember it the way we need to. How much should you let an unreliable memory influence your life? Some people spend the bulk of their time living in the past. There is no growth there. Let it go and live today.

The past is gone, and you can’t get it back no matter what you do. It is gone into the history books, and no matter how good or bad it was, it will not return. Many people spend a lot of time trying to recreate the feelings they had in the past. Some even stay stuck there, but the fact is, you are not going to grow as you should looking in the past. All things grow and change over time, and it is unstoppable. Forget living in your past, embrace your growth, and move forward. The quality of your future depends on it.

Forgive Yourself

My harshest critic lives solidly in my mind. He has been sitting there for the entire show of my life, seeing the mistakes, the poor choices, the selfishness, and the embarrassing moments. He is all too begin againeager to criticize these moments and make me feel wrong about myself. The thing is that the critic in your head is not a good voice. He does not speak as loudly or firmly about your positive attributes or contributions. Forgive yourself because to do otherwise is to carry a self-imposed punishment of pain for the rest of your life. You do not deserve that, you are a unique, one-of-a-kind person, and you are the only one who can contribute your talents to the world.

Forgiveness brings an understanding to your experience, thought to your mind, and knowing yourself that will help guide you in the future. By forgiving yourself, you clear away the mist from the windshield of your life and allow a much clearer view of where you have been, where you are, and where you want to go. You have to forgive yourself because no one else can give you this gift. It can only come from you, and once passed, it allows you to evolve into a better version of yourself. Whatever that may be.

Time to Start Over

Once you have a clear vision of where you would like to go, you are on your way. There is nothing as exciting and at the same time frightening as the opportunity to start again. Will it work? Will you be successful? Will you thrive? Will you fail? The only way to answer these questions is to try. Put your effort begin againout there and see what crops up in the field of your possibility.

Begin your new challenge with a renewed hope for your future. There is no limit to what might happen; all you can do is take action and experience the results. Whether it is “good” or “bad” is a matter of perspective and depends on how you keep score. One experience may not work out the way you planned but may lead to the thing that makes your life a dream come true. So would you suffer a so-called failure in life if it led to your ultimate success?

Begin again with the attitude of unlimited possibility, and unlimited potential will be yours. Take action, don’t sit in idle planning that accomplishes nothing but to soothe your mind with fantasies of what might be if you dare to take action. Begin again with a brave heart and rise into your destiny. This journey is the choice you can make today.

Today forget your past, forgive yourself and begin again.

“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”- Lao Tzu.

“Those who improve with age embrace the power of personal growth and personal achievement and begin to replace youth with wisdom, innocence with understanding, and lack of purpose with self-actualization.”- Bo Bennett.

“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” Henry Ford