Tag Archives: surrender

Surrender To Change In Life

One of the hardest things to do is surrender and let go of your worries about a situation you are experiencing. We are trained from a young age to think we are responsible for everything happening around us. We are not. Events always occur without our blessing, permission, or even our knowledge.

Change is a constant companion, and most don’t welcome it.  Under the disguise of creating the best scenario for ourselves and those we love, we resist many changes and fight against the inevitable. Surrender is not giving up or letting someone walk all over you. That is being a pushover. Surrender is letting go of the mental and emotional attachment to what is.  It is healthy and valuable to your personal growth and enjoyment of life.  Things are going to change and be what they are. All things are continually evolving and morphing into something else. Surrender to this fact and accept what is.

What Is

Some things occur that are real and something you have to deal with. No matter how hard you resist their existence, they are still there.  Many life changes scare people and force them to do things they don’t necessarily want to do. Sometimes you may like how things are going and see a change as a threat.  If things can change, even in a small way, then significant changes can also happen, which isn’t very comforting. The understanding that nothing is permanent is a disheartening thought but a persistent and honest one.  Because it drives home the actual fact that we are not permanent and will one day die, this ride will end. Along the way, all people will get old.  All people will become ill. All relationships will eventually end.

Surrendering your emotions to these inevitable facts will allow you to enjoy the good stuff that comes into your existence and makes up for what happens in your life. This moment is all there is. We can’t live in the past. As good as it seems to you,  it is done and over, and we can’t live in a future that may never be.  Surrender to this moment and the things you can experience right now. This is accepting what is and living your life rather than putting resistance to the present moment because of your fear. Jump into what exists and find the joy available at this moment. It is what it is.

What you Miss

When you resist what is, you cut yourself off from many of the good things in life that make the experience of being alive great. Like shutting yourself in a room with no windows, and just on the other side of those walls are great people, the world around you, and your own greatness. But resistance to what is keeps all of those things away from you.  This is because you are increasing the feelings of separateness. When you feel separate, then you feel more vulnerable and alone. This is all an illusion brought on by a refusal to surrender to what is. The temperature outside may be hot, you can either surrender to it and take measures to enjoy it, or you can resist it, whine about it, complain, and experience no joy in the day. It is always your choice.

We have all created an identity throughout our lives the outside world sees, or more clearly, what we let the outside world see.  We protect what is inside us because showing our most authentic selves makes us vulnerable. What if others don’t like it? We resist showing our true selves too often. This resistance to who we are creates separateness from ourselves, and we live a life as an imposter.  Surrendering who we are creating an opportunity to be unleashed on the world. That is an excellent thing for us and the world as well. If more people were living from their true selves, there would be less anger, fear, and hate in the world.

It Comes Clear

When we surrender to who we are and accept things as they are, rather than the identity we have created to show the world with our job, possessions, status, or reputation, we surrender to our proper form. The outer crust of fake identity becomes transparent, and greatness can shine through.  Whatever you call this essence, The Universe, God, Power, or however you relate to it. It will shine through best when you are yourself. Who cares if somebody else doesn’t like it?

All judgments of others, anger toward others, and fear come from a resistance to being who you are. Surrender to the great things inside of you. They are there, no matter who you are or what you have done.  Each of us is not separate; we are connected through a force inside us.  Acceptance and surrender go hand in hand and allow us to experience life the best we can and to become the best representation of ourselves that we can be. The ride will be taken regardless, and your attitude and acceptance determine the joy you will have and the fulfillment you will enjoy.

Take time today to surrender to what is and who you truly are. It is the greatest gift you have and the one that will mean the most to you and the world.  Stop fighting against events, loss, sadness, joy, happiness, or whatever else is coming into your life today. Surrender to the feelings you have and be the great person you are meant to be.  YOU!!

 “Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.” -Hermann Hesse

 “There’s a victory in letting go of your expectations.” -Mike White

 “To design the future effectively, you must first let go of your past.” -Charles J. Givens

“The creative process is a process of surrender, not control.” -Julia Cameron

 “If you surrender completely to the moments as they pass, you live more richly those moments.” -Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Learning to Surrender

Learning to surrender to where you are in life is confusing to comprehend. It is the idea that you accept the present moment, but it doesn’t mean that you have to allow yourself to stay in an unhealthy or dangerous situation. It means that you recognize the problem for what it is, and then through conscious choice, you can start to make decisions that will allow you to move in a more positive and healthy direction. Seeing clearly and concisely is not a victim mentality but the beginning of your conscious choices.

Thinking about Surrender

Many hear the word Surrender and think you are giving in to whatever is wrong in your life. If you are experiencing abuse, addiction, or other adverse situations, you are not just allowing it to happen. Instead, it means identifying where you are clearly and in the present moment. Too often, our minds avoid the now because we hope it will change or for the reason that nobody will notice. To look at your moment and honestly understand where you are is a moment where you can pivot into a change. Knowing where you are, allows you to construct a map to flow toward where you are meant to be.

Surrender never means being passive in accepting any situation you may be living in and having no power of action. You always have that. People should never stop planning, dreaming, or creating a decisive battle in their lives. Surrender is honestly seeing where you are and flowing with that situation instead of fighting against it. Accepting your present moment without condition is the beginning of giving up your inner resistance to change, life, and who you are. Internal resistance uses mental judgment and negative emotions to say no to what is happening in your life.

Here Comes the Pain

Things will go “wrong” in life. Things will never be exactly as we think they should be in all aspects. First of all, who are we to think we understand how things should be? Millions of variables affect the world that we know nothing about. Life is much wiser than any of us. So rather than judge, accept things and people as they are, not force them to be what you think they should be. The difference between what your rigid expectations create and what is in the world is the pain you are experiencing in life.

Surrender is the power to let go of your expectations of your children, parents, spouses, loved ones, bosses, employees, and anyone in your life. When you accept people as they are and surrender your expectations, much of the pain and sorrow of life is eliminated from your life. This subtraction is a process that takes place on the inside and will allow you to make decisive, healthy actions for positive change in the outside physical world. But with no inner change of thought and understanding, external change and positive movement are nearly impossible.

Acceptance and Choice

Accepting where things are now does not make you take the situation you are in total. All undesirable or unpleasant life situations need not be accepted as part of your reality in the present moment. Stating the obvious is not acceptance but denying something as if there is nothing wrong when it is maybe delusional.

An honest recognition of a situation will allow you to choose if you want to get out. Looking at the current location without judgment or resistance to what it is will let you see what affirmative action is required from you and decide whether to take it or not. Being in the present moment ultimately will allow you the power to break out of your conditioned past and move you toward a life of surrendering to what is and away from the constructs of the egoic life.

“Surrender is deeply misunderstood as an act of weakness. Surrender is the bravest and most obvious thing a human ever does, and that’s why it’s so precious to the Divine.” – Andrew Harvey