Tag Archives: separation

Everyday People

To separate yourself from others because of arbitrary factors is unhealthy and potentially dangerous.

In all your activities you take part in, beware of anything that leads to separation. With separation, the few rule the many, the narrow-minded take advantage of the masses, and inhumanity can take advantage of common sense.   Humans need to belong, and leaders and organizations take advantage of this by establishing an “us against them” mentality. Look at our world today. The government and media tell us to fear terrorists, immigrants, poor people, and anything else that puts the label of us against them into the equation. Today’s word is to raise your consciousness about the perceptions of separation we accept blindly every day. It starts with our thoughts, words, and actions.

Labels and Control

When you look at a situation, honestly evaluate where the information comes from and its purpose. One of the age-old methods for discrediting people is to label them with a derogatory designation. This leads to stereotyping and denying their value and point of view, dehumanizing them, and making anything you do alright.

Do not label all people in the same category. A thinking person can differentiate between individuals. Labels and stereotypes control the masses and steer the public discourse toward a beneficial point for whoever originally placed the title. This happens in politics and so much now that nothing is ever done except labeling and stereotyping. Be a thinking person and understand these are just tactics to separate people into groups by religion, race or heritage, friend or enemy, good or bad, us or them. These are charades of trouble to control your behavior and steal your power. All negative behavior and immoral decisions are justified this way. Beware of separation.

Acceptance over Judgment

So how to defeat separation is by falling back onto your humanity. It is in our common human experience that we are all connected. Each of us is having a human experience of life, and although we have differences, we are still all just humans, after all. This connection can defeat all the separations forced on us by using the tools we have as decent people. We can be kind to others regardless of where they are from. To be sympathetic to those in a less fortunate position than us. To look at another person in the eye and accept their humanity, which they share with you.

It is your choice to adopt the perspective that we are all a part of “us.” Regardless of financial standing, geography, or any other factor, we are all humans living on the face of the Earth for a short time. It is our choice to see a world full of dangerous people trying to hurt us or, as a more accepting place, all people are just a different version of you. Understanding this will eliminate separation and allow humans’ interests to be placed above, just collecting the most money we can or using the resources of the Earth to further our interests.

This game eventually will end in chaos unless something is done. Be conscious of the power you have of acceptance and doing away with stereotypes. Look at each individual as a singular entity. There will always be those who act poorly, make selfish choices, and disregard others’ best interests. People will steal, lie, and cheat. But that is not representative of any group.

People are People

Each person you meet has a story that has shaped their life, and all have had challenges of some kind. The most critical battle each fights is to see their value. This is hard enough dealing with our baggage, but it gets compounded when others place stereotypes and ignorance on top of that.

Make judgments based on the character of the people that you meet. Don’t accept the decision of others and never take the fear-mongering that separation brings. Even when the emotions run high and all others feel they are right, that doesn’t make sense. Focus on eliminating the invisible barriers of separation and practice kindness. Do this toward all others and even toward yourself. Each moment in our lives, we have the opportunity to contribute something positive to the world. Do this in your thoughts, words, and actions, and pretty soon, the world may start to see the commonality rather than the separation.

“There is a yellow one that won’t accept the black one.
That won’t accept the red one that won’t accept the white one.
And different strokes for different folks.
And so on and so on and scooby dooby doo.
I am everyday people.”

“Oh sha sha, we got to live together.
I am no better, and neither are you.
We are the same whatever we do.
You love me, hate me, know me, and then.
You can’t figure out the bag I’m in.
I am everyday people, yeah yeah.”


What We Believe is True

What do you truly believe in? Where did these beliefs come from? Our lives are run on the things we are sure are true, and for the most part, those truths were taught to us a long time ago by our parents, adults, school, peers, relatives, society, religion, or just on our own observational experience.

Once accepted, these thoughts are put in the category of absolutely true, never to be examined or questioned again. You were programmed early in life about the things “good” and “bad” people do and how you fit into those scenarios. We accept these beliefs as valid and rarely do we challenge or adjust them. I am urging you today to take some time and evaluate your opinions. Are they empowering or disempowering? Are they true? Or are they faulty programming that needs to be rebooted? Let’s look honestly at your programming.

Know Your Programming

What we believe about ourselves, our abilities, and the world is a choice, and that choice dictates much of our experience and how we perceive it. Some people were taught to believe the religion they follow is the only “right” belief at the exclusion of all others. There are many reasons for this, but most importantly, it was taught to them. Other people believe one’s racial background has a bearing on the quality of an individual a person is. These are both examples of beliefs people are taught, and if they are never placed in a situation that disproves them, they will never expand their lives to be more inclusive.

Looking at the beliefs, we are programmed with is difficult because our lives are pinned together by the ideas we carry in our minds. We believe that most of what we think is an indisputable truth, Not just a strong opinion we were taught. This truth can be a little frightening. But it is also liberating. A great place to start is to look at what you believe and see what separates you from others. Separation is an illusion created by humans to control other humans. Religion, race, nationality, regionalism, or anything that separates us probably has limited programming behind it.

Change Your Programming

This change can happen and should be sought continually throughout life. The learning process should never end. Start by looking at yourself and understanding the things that limit you. Is it money? Relationships? Or something else? Whatever it is that you have trouble succeeding at, look deeply at what you believe, and there is a belief there that is holding you back. It could have been something someone said or the general prevailing attitude your family had about what is limiting you. We accept the thoughts as accurate without question, and they are adopted into our subconscious thoughts. We never question them. Live life like they were right. The problem is that even when you want to change, nothing is going to change unless you address this programming. Change is always tricky, but knowing where you want to go is a start. If you’re going to be more financially successful, look at what you think about money and those who have it. Often the programming is subtle, and we picked it up before we were seven years old. You are finding it, understanding it, and recognizing the differences between where you are and where you want to be. There are excellent resources on how to change your beliefs, which do a much better job than I can in this short post. Read this resource here. 

When you Question a Belief

If you genuinely believe that one religion is superior to another in moral code or rewards in the afterlife, meet with many other faiths rather than try to convert everyone to your train of thought. Learn about their traditions and beliefs. Many people speak of their faith as the final word on salvation. Rather than understand other religions, they dismiss them and chastise them as wrong. This intolerance is an excellent example of separation, and being separate is negative. We choose to stay apart because it is safe in our minds, but to expand our thoughts will never be a bad thing.

It is tough to understand all of the many beliefs we carry around in the matrix that is our minds. But you can do it with a little consistent effort. First, you have to become conscious of what you think and how it makes you feel. All thoughts lead to corresponding emotions. It doesn’t matter what it is, and the feeling will always rise because of what you are thinking. Ask yourself what about that thought provides that particular emotion. If you do not like your feelings around any idea, you can choose to change them.

Why It’s Important

I believe we are all born with a purpose to achieve in life, and our programming often moves that purpose into the background. The further we are from our mission, the less we enjoy the circumstances of our lives. Many people live a large portion of their life under false programming, only to realize later that it was a lie and we were meant for something else. That is a painful realization, but it can help change you and bring your soul’s purpose that you were born with closer to your focus.

To find this purpose will be something that feels good to you, and to move further away from it is painful. It is that simple, to be who you indeed are. It is not a job, or something you own, your age, ethnicity, or anything else. It is who you are. I always wish that it was clearly labeled on our forearms so we could quickly seek it, but part of life’s journey is to remember exactly who you are and become that person again, regardless of the many obstacles that life puts in your way. Change your thoughts, and you will change your programming and move closer to your original self.

“You begin to fly when you let go of self-limiting beliefs and allow your mind and aspirations to rise to greater heights.” ―Brian Tracy

“Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” ―Mary Kay Ash

“Do just once what others say you can’t do, and you will never pay attention to their limitations again.” ―James Cook

“Learning too soon our limitations, we never learn our powers.” —Mignon McLaughlin

“Every person takes the limits of their own field of vision for the limits of the world.” —Arthur Schopenhauer