Tag Archives: seek your best

Shine Your Light

Shine Today Like the Star You Are!!!

Focus on how YOU shine today!

There are enough negative influences in the world, and I believe that through a conscious focus of thought, we can improve our emotions, words, and actions and make the world a better place.  (See Video Here)

Whenever you do anything in life, from walking down the street to performing your job, you should always focus on how you shine.  This word means to be very talented and perform very well or, in another sense, to give off a bright light.  I think that both of these apply to how I would like to approach the world today consciously.  There is nothing I want more for everyone else to do as well. Approach everything worth your effort with a shine of enjoyment and accomplishment. When you shine, you make the world a better place.

Simple Way To Shine

Look at your attitude and actions today when it comes to other people.  You have a choice in every interaction to show caring and kindness or do not do this.  Every single act of service allows a person’s inner light to shine. It shows who they are and what makes them so great. So as you go through your day, rather than  become self

Shine through acts of kindness and caring

absorbed in what is in this world for you, look for ways to make other people have a better journey. Compassion and caring are great ways to do just that.  One simple act of kindness allows your light to ripple through the world, and there is no telling how far it can go if you let it.

The alternative is not to extend this light. Not just behaving in the opposite manner of cruel selfishness but just withdrawing the sun you have from the world.  Having lots to offer and giving nothing is defeating to you as a person. The world doesn’t benefit from what you have to offer.  Look for ways that your kindness and caring can infiltrate the world and shine their light today.

Being Your Best Self

Every person in the world has the opportunity to be the best version of themselves every day. The relationships we pursue, the jobs we work, and the activities we fill our free time with should be a reflection of your desire to become the best version of yourself. Being unique is how you shine.  When you are functioning at your best, doing your best, the positive impact on the world is immense. First, you are an example to others that to pursue your interests is something that you can thrive.  Second, the results of your pursuit are going to make the world a better place just by having the best version of you in it. You will shine.

There are interests in you and your talents undiscovered. Our job is to keep seeking the skills that exist in us and become the best version of ourselves that we can be.  Put aside our society’s negative programming and decide for ourselves just what talents we want to develop and what skills we want to learn. It is totally up to us, and in the pursuit of this growth, you will shine.

Shine Today

The focus is for you to shine today.  Do this through your conscious choices and behavior and do this through your pursuit of finding your true calling.  The results of your efforts probably won’t be realized immediately, but the quest will allow you to shine as bright as you possibly can, and that will make the world a little bit better place directly.   Don’t miss the opportunity to make the world a better place.

“The beautiful light behind her smile makes her eyes glow with a love for life I’ve never experienced before. What true beauty is.”   Anonymous

“Space for the sunflower, bright with a yellow glow, to court the sky.”   Caroline Gilman

“Shine your light on love and truth, and your soul will glow.”  Anthony D. Williams

“Let your light shine. Shine within you so that it can shine on someone else. Let your light shine.”-Oprah Winfrey

Shine your light and make a positive impact on the world; there is nothing so honorable as helping improve the lives of others.” – Roy T. Bennett