Tag Archives: rhythm

Rhythm of Life

Law of Rhythm- All things have a rhythm, a cycle, or an ebb and flow. 

There is a rhythm in all aspects of our life.  It is in everything from our daily routines to the natural world all around us. Things work in cycles, sometimes the flow is intense like a thunderstorm and others the flow is smooth and easy like a gently flowing stream. But all of your experience is moving as a part of a larger mix of the world.  Calendars, astrological movement, tides, and seasons are all easy to see examples of how rhythm affects your life.  Learning to dance with the tempo is going to determine if you are enjoying the ebb and flow of your life. Understanding that your life is a cycle itself can provide meaning and direction for you in your daily activities.

The Unsteady March of Creation and Destruction

In hindsight, looking at anything it is easy to see whatever it is as a fluid creation of yourself or life in general. But when all things have closely evaluated the ebb and flow of its creation are quickly revealed. All things have periods of intensity followed by those of easy creation.  Like the heating of iron to create steel, there are times of intense heat and those of significant cooling in order to create the perfect final product. Rhythm is the creative tempo of life.  In the life cycle of all things, there are times of creation, destruction, and preservation.  Each interacting with others to make or break all of the experiences we have in life.

The value here is to look for the rhythms in your life and see the tempo with which things are moving.  Jobs will come with an excitement of something new and leave as a mind-numbing obligation. The situation was the same but the rhythm of perception changes as you grow, and move to your own music. Look for the rhythm of your relationships and see how they ebb and flow.  People come into your life like they are arriving on the tide. They leave their influence and then are whisked away back out of your life.  Were they even really there?  This is important because as the song of life moves along you have to make room for new notes to appear and guide the rhythm where it is supposed to go.  Creation, destruction, perseverance only happen in a balance with the music of your life.

Natures Examples Observed

Look at the moon and how it works in a complete cycle, sometimes pulling the tides in and others pulling them out. This natural rhythm can be observed, documented, predicted and used to understand how our oceans work.  You can know what time low or high tide will occur on any date in the future with a simple observation and calculation.  The seasons work the same way, we know when the spring and fall equinox will occur as well as the summer and winter solstice.  If the rhythm of the seasons in our lives that allows us the chance to see how it works in other areas of our lives.

Farmers have been able to use the cycles of nature to predict behavior for many generations.  This information is used to decide when to plant or harvest crops.  Plants and trees develop and decompose based on the season. Animals also adjust to the rhythm of life as some migrate to warmer areas during winter.  All of this shows that you can adjust to the season which is upon you and thrive, just by being aware of what is happening to you.

The Pendulum

We see this come true in all aspects of our lives, from politics to business. Whenever something swings one way, right or left, it must eventually swing back the other way. Economies are continually moving this way as people go from stretches of spending confidence to periods of thrift, fear and holding back.  Each swing brings an experience for people in all economic brackets.  It makes sense then to not let any of the cycles we encounter in life make us too high or too low.  Maintaining an even keel through all the swings of the pendulum seems to be the healthiest mindset we can have.

By not letting the extremes of the pendulum effect you in a wild way, you are able to achieve peace and pursue your dreams. Calmness has a majesty about it which allows cool heads to prevail in difficult circumstances.  Learning to dance through the difficult times allows you insight, and wisdom about preparing when the good times come back again.  We can benefit from this philosophy in any area of our lives. Look for the patterns of it where you are so that you can predict where you are going.

“In the universe, in life, and in all things there is a season. A time for all things.”


Universal Laws of Life

I wanted to share some thoughts with you which will hopefully help raise your consciousness. I read this in a book called Universal Laws by Jennifer O’Neill several years ago and it made me look at the world in an interesting way.  If nature is governed by a set of laws, perhaps our reality is also controlled by hard fast laws. Being aware of these laws may just allow you to get the most out of your daily experience. Some you may agree with and some you may not and that is great.  It should be an experience creating new thoughts in your head about your behavior and understanding the world a little more in a different way.  These are the 18 Universal Laws of Life and they can help you understand your life a little bit more.

My goal is to discuss each one of these laws one by one for the next 18 days.  Hopefully, it will create thought and new ways to look at life.

  1. The Law of Oneness- Everything is connected. We are all one.
  2. The Law of Vibration- Everything in the Universe vibrates or offers a vibration.
  3. The Law of Attraction- You attract into your life what you are offering vibrationally.
  4. The Law of Allowing– The state of allowing is the purest state of getting what you want. Allowing things to move without resistance and to evolve and grow naturally.
  5. The Law of Resistance– Anything offering resistance will manifest itself into energy blockages or stuck energy.
  6. The Law of Detachment– The law of releasing or letting go of your desires.
  7. The Law of Abundance- There is more than enough in the Universe, nothing is limited.
  8. The Law of Intention- Directing energy as an intention is the first step to creativity and desire which results in creating the things you want.
  9. The Law of Action– Action must be taken in order to result in manifestation.
  10. The Law of Cause and Effect– Every action has an equal reaction or consequence.
  11. The Law of Pure Potential- Everything and everyone has infinite possibilities.
  12. The Law of Rhythm- There is an ebb and flow of life. All things have a rhythm, a cycle or the ebb and flow.
  13. The Law of Polarity- All things have an opposite available. Yin and Yang,  these complementary opposites are part of the greater whole.
  14. Law of Relativity- Everything and everyone will face challenges or tests that will allow them to find their strength within.
  15. Law of Dharma- A purpose, all things have been created for a purpose.
  16. The Law of Giving and Gratitude- The Universe dictates, you must give in order to receive.
  17. The Law of Correspondence- Simply put, reality cannot contradict itself.
  18. The law of Love- Love is universal, energy in its purest and most powerful state.

I will be spending the next 18 days exploring each of these laws and sharing my thoughts on how they affect our lives. It should be a fun experience.

“The Universal Law is impartial. It will give you anything you believe. It will throw you garbage or roses depending on the energy you put in. You are the one in charge, and you must accept that and stand alone. If you think God is coming down to fix things for you, forget it. God is out playing golf.” -Stuart Wilde

“Freedom is independence of the compulsory will of another, and in so far as it tends to exist with the freedom of all according to a universal law, it is the one sole original inborn right belonging to every man in virtue of his humanity.”-Immanuel Kant