Tag Archives: life changes

Day Before

You never see the real painful things coming.
You never see the harrowing things coming.

There are days that you remember because they have a long-lasting effect on your life.  I certainly have many of these.  Some days serve to remind me of those moments when my life changed so dramatically that it could never be the same again.

What had been my life was over and what was coming next was unknown and unpredictable. The experience I identified as my life was shattered into a million pieces, and no matter how they my life will never be the samewere put back together, they would never be the same. They would never fit snugly.

What was I going to do? But what about the day before? The day before, my life changed forever. Before the accident. Before we told the truth. Before she left. Before the death. Before………

I remember having several days where my life ended as I knew it, and the scars are going to be carried inside for the rest of my life.  Those painful moments are seared into my memory, and their story has become a part of my inner and outer story.  I have remembered them more than I care to admit and still feel a dull pain of regret and longing for the past.   It is strange, but I remember the days before with as much clarity as to the traumatic events themselves. I had no idea that I would never be the same.

I remember that I worked out that day. If I had known it would be my last, I would have probably commemorated it more but got my work done and then went home.  I remember hurrying to mow the lawn before it rained because there was a storm coming. I got half of the backyard done before it rained. I had no idea I would never finish that lawn for the rest of the summer.

As the rain started to fall and the thunder rolled in the distance, warning of the foul weather to come, I had no clue that in many ways, it would never be clear skies again for years to come.  I remember watching the rain from my back porch and thinking of the small, boring things I had to do tomorrow, the next week, the next month.   What to eat? What to watch on television? What to do in two weeks? The futility and foolishness of those thoughts could only be revealed by the

What to eat? What to watch on television? What I “needed” to accomplish? The futility and foolishness of those thoughts could only be revealed by the wisdom or folly of the days coming unforeseen in my future.  The day before my life, as I knew it ended, I had no idea of what was coming.  I think that is what they mean when they say ignorance is bliss. 

I am sure that is how most people feel on the day before your life changes forever. A regular day of “normal” thought that will unexpectedly be interrupted by the devastation of the storm to come, unlooked-for and out of nowhere.  I am not sure if they are meant to last as a memory of peace or one of torture.

I hope that you have never met this kind of tragedy and that your life is full of happy days that you truly enjoy. There is a part of me that will always warn you, though; Beware of the calm sea because often there is a tempest waiting under the surface, simply waiting for the right time to alter your life forever.

Know that no matter how devastated you are or how many changes you undergo, there is still hope. I hope that you will be stronger and can put your life back together again.

I hope that the pain of the current circumstance will sharpen your talents and wits to the fine sharp edge needed to accomplish great things. It can build your confidence back up again after a fall and allow you to rise higher than was previously possible.

Hope is the light of the future, and it allows all people not only to seek but to find retribution in your life. It allows you to take the next step forward when all you want to do is quit. Don’t quit, or you will never know what you are capable of contributing.

Know that each day, there is something to be grateful for and to enjoy. So enjoy it because you never know what will come tomorrow.

Chances and Changes

winds of changeThe most potent constant in life is the experience of change. We try to ignore it, and if things are going well, we resist change, but inevitably and continually, change is occurring all the time, and how we deal with the changes that we face will define our life experience.  Change doesn’t have to provide a painful experience. It is our attachments to what was that causes the pain.  Allowing modifications to enter our lives rather than fight against it will determine a lot about your enjoyment of life.

Hang On For All You Are Worth

When the winds of change are blowing hard in your life, people usually have some pretty predictable responses. The most common reaction is to grasp hard and fast to whatever is changing and try to keep it the same. It has hold on tightlybeen my experience that it doesn’t matter if the change results in greater happiness or not.  It is the things that are known that are important to most people. Even if it is painful and not healthy, at least you know what you can expect from it. Change brings many unknowns with it, and even if it is good, the unknown is very scary for many people. They naturally resist.

Fear causes people to hang on to the past for all they are worth and refuse to let go. Let go of the doubt and accept the new change as bravely as possible. The odds are that it will bring something new and more positive in your life. Either way, the difference is happening how you deal with it will determine your existence’s mood.

Enjoy the Adventure of Change

Change brings with it the last opportunity for new and beautiful possibilities in your life. Embracing the energy of transformation can guide you toward a dream you always have had. If you are not Change2where you want to be in life, only change can take you there. Looking at change as the most exciting thing that ever existed will allow you to enjoy the adventure that change brings into your life. The unbroken line of possibilities is just waiting for you to join them.

New job, new relationship, new workout routine, new ideas, new thoughts, new life, the change will bring all of these to your life, and none can arrive without it.  Most of us sit by idly, fearing the steps that change requires. We cower in the enjoy the ridecorner grasping to practices, people, and things in our lives that are not working in any way, shape, or form — not realizing that by getting rid of things that aren’t working, we create a space for something or someone who will work.

Look for the change in your life each day and embrace it as a great opportunity. Life is a non-stop movement from one place to another, from birth to death and everything in between. It is up to you to learn the lessons, understand the differences, and experience the adventures that come with life.  Some will be monumental in stature, while others will be small and easy to digest. All of them will guide you along the path of life and make the journey a much more exciting ride.

When life brings changes you are not wild about, Chances are when said and done.
Who’ll be the lucky ones who make it all the way?  Though you say I could be your answer, Nothing lasts forever, no matter how it feels today.  Chances are, we’ll find a new equation. Chances roll away from me.  Chances are all they hope to be.

“Change is painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.”

“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

“All things are difficult before they are easy.”

“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”

Change is Happening

Here Comes the Change

Accepting changeThere are many ways change occurs in our lives. Sometimes it is quick and jarring, leaving trauma and drama in its wake. These are the changes that make you consider living a different way. Nothing will ever be the same. But more often, change is like a dripping faucet. As each drop slowly accumulates, you never notice until the thing that once was one way is now totally another.  Change is happening to us all day, and Heraclitus was right; it is one of the constants we can always rely on. All we can do is work on our ability to accept change and make choices to roll with it. 

Getting Better or Getting Worse

Each of us is changing every day, and it is important to take stock of ourselves and where we are in life. Each day we are either getting better, or we are getting worse.  Nobody is staying the same. It is impossible. The movement may be minuscule and hard to see, but you move in one direction or the accepting changeother each day.  That makes it important to know exactly where you are in all areas of your life, physically, spiritually, mentally, or financially so that you can understand your progress.

Each of us makes decisions both large and small, which will dictate your direction. Do I go to the gym or skip today? Do I spend money on that new pair of shoes or not? Do I practice kindness or not? Do I participate in gossip or not? All of these and many more choices are made by you each day, and the only person responsible for them is you. You are in control of your destiny and determine if you are getting better or getting worse.

Accepting Change

Change is so difficult for most of us because we are so attached to our current lives. Even if things are not perfect and things are changing for the better, it is our instinct to resist because deep down, we are afraid that a change may make things worse.  It may not be perfect now, and I may not enjoy my accepting changecircumstances, but at least I can handle them.  Don’t fear the changes that are happening in your life. Let life flow, and it will most often take you to a better place.

If you have a goal and it doesn’t involve your current job, relationship, or the area you live in. You can’t be afraid when life starts moving you in a new direction. All of your dreams and goals will be found by trying something new and accepting the changes that come into your life.  Each new change will teach you a skill and help you become a better, more well-rounded person. Accepting change will allow us to grow. 

Life is full of ups and downs; things will never stay the same, and change is happening every day. Your choices can help dictate the direction of the change that you experience. When the big ones come, a death, the loss of a job, or the ending of a relationship, understand that pain is a part of the process of letting go. It will never be easy because we have attachments to people and situations. Circumstances will come, and they will go, love people as best you can, enjoy each second of all situations because one way or another, it may all be over at any time. 

“The only thing that is constant is change.” ~Heraclitus