Tag Archives: how to create positive energy

You Choose to be a Positive Force or Not

Let Your Thoughts Be a Positive Force

Positive forceAll things are made up of energy. That is a fact. You, me, and everyone we come in contact with throughout any day are made up of energy. All power comes with a specific charge, and energy will be transferred between people in any interaction they experience. All people are both receivers and transmitters of energy. How do you determine the kind of energy you are producing? The electrical vibrations a person transmits are based on the tone of their predominant thoughts. Simple as that. You might look at this and choose not to believe it, but look at any interaction you have ever had. What made the difference between a person’s positive and negative effects on us? It is nothing more than the tone and tenor of their thoughts that lead to their emotions, words, and actions. These have affected you your entire life, but it takes a little conscious effort in positive thinking to be a positive force in the world.

The Negative

Recognizing the negative is pretty easy because it makes you feel negative. The thoughts that bring up these things are based on fear. People who are angry, worried, mean, judgmental, selfish, or otherwise fear-based thinking will produce negative forcenegative energy in the world. These people are easy to spot if you pay attention because every word they speak is based on one of these emotions. They generally dwell on the negative and never have anything positive to say about anyone or anything. Being negative about something or someone is a way to build yourself by pointing out problems. These minimize you.

However, the cost of this type of thinking is that misery loves company. If you choose to spend time with people like this, you are in danger of being affected by this negative energy and falling into a negative pattern yourself. Once your energy has turned negative, turning it around cannot be easy. You can try to turn negative people around with positive answers to every negative comment, but the best way to avoid the negative is to stay clear of negative people. Spend your time in gossip and judgment, and you are producing plenty of negative energy that can destroy the joy in any room.

Creating Positive Energy

To create positive vibrations in yourself and your life, your predominant thoughts come from love. Kind, generous, accepting, joyful, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, truth, compassion, and faith. These qualities will raise your vibration and allow you to influence the world positively. It is difficult in our society because we are inundated with the negative. The “news” is a nightly horror show of society’s worst elements. You are designed to make you live a life of fear. If you live a life of fear, you will negatively impact the world, which is what most of us want to avoid.

Take some time today to look at your thoughts and the emotions, words, and actions they produce. Creating vivacious is easy and becomes easier the more you do it. Practice kindness, compliment, listen to someone with heartfelt sympathy, share something good, find something good in what you are doing, or find something positive in the world to focus your thought on. Once you start the process of being more positive, the easier it is to build and maintain. We are each responsible for the energy we create and its influence on the world.

Who Are You?

We all know people who bring you down just by talking to you. They make your day a little more complex and suck the enjoyment out of almost any situation. Some people are walking breath of fresh air. You are one of these two types of people to one degree or another. Either you suck the joy out of a room, or you supply it. Your decision is made in your mind by the thoughts you choose to entertain and pay attention to. So I ask you which person you are? We are all energy. Our thoughts and emotions provide this invisible power to the world. It can’t be seen, but you can feel it. It is never too late to change the type of broadcast you share with the world. If you don’t like the energy you are receiving, make new friends, visit new places, and leave negative influences behind. Choose to be a positive force by thinking and focusing on being kind, generous, accepting joyful, peaceful,  loving, hopeful,  serene, humble, kind, benevolent, empathic, helpful, truthful, compassionate faithful.

“Life has many ways of testing a person’s will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen all at once.” – Paulo Coelho.

“With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.” – Dr. Wayne W Dyer.

“Hate. It has caused a lot of problems in this world but has not solved one yet.” – Maya Angelou.

“An attitude of positive expectation is the mark of the superior personality.” Brian Tracy

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” – Anais Nin.