Tag Archives: don’t talk behind other people’s backs

Conscious of Our Conversations

Your conversation topics are a choice
Your conversation topics are a choice.

Every day you have a chance to raise your vibration by eliminating some negative tones in your conversations that can cause a person to vibrate at a lower level. These things should surprise you because they have continually made you unhappy and unmotivated for years. Each topic we decide to engage in will create our mood, energy, and personal vibration. The great thing is that we can be conscious of our conversations’ tone and choose to pursue the opposite. You control this and dictate how you and those you speak with feel during and after your conversations.

Avoid the Gossip

Gossip is the language of small minds
Gossip is the language of small minds.

Gossip is a topic that needs to be avoided. Talking about people who aren’t present and their actions, thoughts, or situations will lower your vibration. The cure is avoiding talking about others unless they are current and involved in the conversation. When you catch yourself talking about other people, then change the subject and talk about something else more positive. Gossip can be intoxicating because it bonds with those you gossip with. Unfortunately, that bond is not healthy and will lead to feeling bad about yourself and those you are talking with. Talk about people and situations present in your conversation, and you will be a lot happier in your life.

Don’t judge others

judgementAlong with gossip goes judgment. When you look at someone else and place a negative connection between their circumstances and their character’s quality, you have judged. Most often, assessments are used to make the speaker feel superior to others and better about their own lives. The idea is that “, “e messed up, but at least I am not that messed up. “This attitude will lower your vibration and lead your conversations down the unpleasant path. Worry about yourself and your situation. There is no need to judge anyone else because they live their lives, and you are living yours. Accept others and their situations, and your happiness level will rise.

Speak Positively

talk positivelyBeing negative and speaking negatively about other things is going to lead to a lowering of your vibration. What you focus on grows in life, and if you focus on the negative things in your experience, then more of those will show up in your life. Focusing on positive topics and being more positive in your speech is just as easy. It will make you much more interesting to speak to, and it will also expand the positive things in your life. Avoid negative conversations in your life; your vibration will rise, and your level of happiness will increase.

Complaining Does No Good

Complaining about things always will make your conversation feel negative and heavy. No Dont complainproblem was ever solved by complaining about it. Look at your challenges and understand that all circumstances have a positive side. One situation evaluated as unfavorable may lead you to take steps that are, in the end, ultimately positive. Spending time complaining about your situation keeps your focus on that moment rather than moving forward and finding a solution to the problem at hand. That solution may be one small decision away from what you could make now if you put your complaining aside. Stop complaining in your conversation, and you will be a lot happier in your life. Complaining doesn’t do any good, brings no solutions, and nobody cares anyway.

No Excuses

excusesMaking excuses can only limit you and what can be accomplished. Rather than accepting our share of the responsibility for any situation, we make excuses that absolve us of responsibility. When you make excuses that others buy, you are stating that you are helpless to find a solution to your problems. This feeling of helplessness is debilitating and leads to playing the victim in more and more situations. Being a victim will always make you unhappy and less than you can be. Instead of making excuses, look for places where you could have made a different choice and better manage your situation. When you face similar circumstances in the future, you can make choices that will lead to a more positive outcome. This can only happen if you stop making excuses and take responsibility for situations in your life. When you do this, you will be happier.

Stretching the Truth

exaggerationExaggeration is another practice to avoid in your conversation to be a more positive influence on the lives of those around you. Stretching the truth to make an act seem more impressive than it was or to make a person feel better about themselves is pointless and muddies the waters of truth. Rather than discussing the things happening, an effort is spent making up circumstances that are not realistic. That behavior will make the fact seem less appealing and lower your self-esteem because you feel that the truth is not exciting or interesting. Your actual actions and experiences need to be built up to be any good, and your self-esteem reflects that. Tell it like it is and avoid exaggeration in your conversation, and you will be happier.

Lying Limits Your Truth

34771-you-don-t-have-to-lie-to-me-quotesFinally, lying is one of the topics of conversation that needs to be avoided to be happier in your everyday life. The truth will set you free, which is the case regarding the discussion. Each lie that you tell will affect you and your life. That is just the way that it works. It doesn’t matter if anybody else knows, you know. It may seem like a lie is benefiting you in the short term, but eventually, you will pay for lying. Focus on telling the truth; you will never have to worry about your lies coming to light. More effort is spent perpetuating lies than was ever spent enjoying the fact. Happiness will come when you avoid telling lies. It is easy to say nothing rather than lie about situations and people. Tell the truth, and you will be happier. A lie is a lot of work to create and maintain, so it is essential to realize that the truth is easier to speak in all ways. It is healthier for you and your relationships and will set you free.

When you have conversations in the future, I challenge you to think of these things, draw them into your consciousness, pursue the positive and flee from the negative. Knowing is half that battle, and now you know what to be conscious of.