Tag Archives: being your best self


Please have a little faith it will all work out for good in the end.

It is easy to say you have faith in someone or something and quite a different thing actually to act on that faith.  The definition of faith is to have complete trust and confidence in someone or something.  Looking back on life, I know that a precious few people or things I have placed my faith in each day.  As life progresses, we are inundated with more and more experiences that hurt us and cause our trust to erode piece by piece.  But at the end of your life, you have to be willing to live in hope, or your life will be dominated by fear, and that will never lead to a happy and enjoyable experience.  We see things as undesirable, painful, and it is difficult not to take them personally. Things happen; we must file them away and deal with them.  It is our choice if we live a life of fear or continue to develop a life of faith.  All things will work out OK, we will be OK, and life knows what it is doing after all.  Sometimes having a little hope is all you have, and it can be the most valuable possession in the world.

Tough Times Come To Everyone

Difficult times and painful experiences are going to come into your life. That is a guarantee, and nobody in the world is exempt from them. We can all choose how we deal with them, but you, me, and all other people will face challenges.  Betrayal, lies, anger, loss are all a part of our experience.  I have often wondered why this is the case when things are so much more enjoyable when they are excellent and comfortable.  Why have we experienced a loss we couldn’t understand? Why put us through all of that?  Why give the good times if only to take them away immediately? It seems like God is just toying with us for no reason.  Unfortunately, the tough times provide suffering, and it is through this process, we can glean wisdom.

Imagine a life with no challenges.  There is nothing to push you to try something else, seek a deeper meaning, or search for understanding.  I don’t know a lot, but I know life is meant to be an experience of growth, or it is over. Faith in the ultimate ability to overcome your challenges, remember who you are, and bring that light to the world is the real challenge for you. Living in faith means to believe it will all work out in the end to the benefit of all, even if you can’t understand how right now. It is hard to see the edges, where it ends, and where the calm lies when you are inside the storm. All storms have an end; all tumult is followed by peace. Just as there will be challenges, there will be triumphs and good times.  Faith tells us this.

The Best Days

Having a little faith in the darkness that the dawn will eventually break is hard when you live in fear of what might happen next.  Living in fear causes people to harm others and themselves. When you live in doubt, you see all of the potential dangers of what might happen if things go wrong. It closes your eyes to the good, which might be right in front of you. Suppose you can put the fear aside and accept on faith that there is a lesson for you in the hard times.  One experience will propel you to greater heights in the future.

Have a little faith in the lesson you need to learn. If you look honestly at your challenges, growth results are an aspect. A plant grows when you add water, sunlight, and proper soil. So your mind becomes, and sometimes the fuel we need is unfavorable. Is it, though?  To be pushed can move you to a new level of activity and achievement. You may never have looked for answers to the questions resulting from your suffering.  Having gratitude for hard things is very difficult, but many of the most outstanding achievements in history occurred after a great tragedy.  Look at your account. How many accomplishments came after facing a challenge and taking the skills and motivation to move into a new stratosphere of accomplishment?

Faith is Real

The choice to hope that all things will work out in the end in the best manner possible is always the best.  We all have decisions to make, and as long as we are alive, there is hope and an opportunity to make a dream come into reality and achieve a goal. Suppose we can get out of the way of our fear of suffering.  This suffering is the very definition of courage, and it is through this act of faith; all of your goals will find their positive results.  One thing I know for sure, if you live in fear, live in doubt, treat others poorly, and carry no belief in yourself, nothing positive will result. These things are all a personal choice. What choice do you make today?  What lessons are you learning through the challenges you face? How has loss shaped you? Has it made you understand you have to have faith? Or has it made you fear more loss?

I urge you today to develop a sense of living in faith that all things will work out for good in the end if you let them.  Don’t live in the regrets of the past or in the anxiety of what might happen in the future. Live today with a bit of faith in yourself and the Universe that this cosmic play has much more good in it than it does evil, and seek to embrace it.

“Without faith, a man can do nothing; with it, all things are possible.” – Sir William Osler

“Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation.” – D. Elton Trueblood

“Faith is unseen but felt, faith is strengthened when we feel we have none; faith is hope when all seems lost.” – Catherine Pulsifer

“Breathe, and have faith that everything will work out for the best.”

“Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep the faith. It will all be worth it in the end.”

Daily Positive Thought Project: Confidence

Day 5 Daily Positive Thought Project— Confidence

Confidence is the way we view our ability to handle the challenges we face in life.  Either we are in a good place with high confidence, in a low place, letting the programming of our past catch up to us, or somewhere in between.

Our accomplishments and success will depend on our confidence. Everything from the job we can hold, how much money we make or the relationships we seek to maintain.

The best thing is that you can raise your level of confidence by being conscious of the message you are accepting in your mind about who you are and what you can do. Old programming messages of “you can’t” , “Be realistic”, or “Nobody can do that”  Are limiting beliefs you are choosing to follow.  You can stop it any time you decide that you want to.

Life challenges us so that we will have to develop our skills and know what we want in life.  If you look at the strength you can get from a challenge it can become a something that can sustain you in through other tough times.  The thing about challenges is there is usually a reward on the other side.  Maintain your pace and keep moving forward.