Working For It

Would you rather have less work or more work you enjoy doing?

dream-more-work-lessIn my life, there has always been a peculiar relationship with work. There were years where I immersed myself in it and built much of my own identity around what I did for a job.

 This is comforting because it is socially acceptable, and it provides you with a sense of accomplishment.  Yet, in the end, this sense of accomplishment is a facade.

Work is something that you do to get paid or to accomplish a goal. It is simply a means to an end, the motivations for work can be different, but the fact is that no matter how much you enjoy it, work should only be a part of your life.

When Work Feels Good

To me, work means forcing yourself to do something for a reward that you wouldn’t normally do for fun.  A person much wiser than me once said if you find work feel goodsomething you love and do that for a living, you will never work a day in your life.

 That is a philosophy I believe in.  There are so many things that I have done as a part of a job that was just enjoyable. Getting paid for them was pleasant but inconsequential to the effort exerted or the passion shared.

Any time I have been working with and encouraging others has been that way for me.  If you feel that way, I think your actions around this activity immerse you in what you are doing.

Time flies. You don’t mind spending extra time to perform them to the best of your ability.  Most often, these have engaged me with a creative approach to a challenge.  To make a plan, prepare, implement and follow it through until the successful conclusion.

When Work is Hard

If your attitude about the work you perform is harmful in any way, then you are probably going to be miserable doing whatever that job is. The ominous signs are complaining, gossip, 60percentworry, or a constant watching of the clock. If you are doing these at work, you are most likely not going to be happy in that vocation.

 You can be skilled at your duties and make lots of money, but you will most likely not be happy, and that has to factor into your plan for life somewhere.  Life should be more than a continual struggle surrounding a job you despise.

Money will not give you a second more of life or make the life you do have more enjoyable. Only your mind can do that.

 When we meet people for the first time, it has become a custom to immediately give our resume to identify our value to the world. This is no more an indication of who you are than the sneakers you chose to wear that day.  Work is not an identity. It is a job, and that is all it is.

You are a great human soul with unlimited potential and if your job doesn’t make you feel that way, find something else to do.

Work Less Enjoy More

With all that being said, if I was paid to do what I love to do, then I don’t believe that is work at all. That is following your passion.  Therefore I would believe in working less and howhappybeing passionate more, regardless of what I am producing or how much I am being paid.

 Since we were young, people have been conditioned that we should be looking for a job that will provide a career. What we should be focused on is finding the passion that makes your activities enjoyable. That way, you will never work at all.

 I would rather never work and enjoy life all the time, not to be unproductive but to be happy and not to work a day.  I remember the words, do what you are passionate about, and you will never work a day in your life.

Don’t Be Afraid To Leave.

If you happen to find yourself in an unhealthy situation, don’t be afraid to leave. Life is too short to go to a job that makes you feel inadequate, unprofessional, or hopeless. No amount of money is worth being miserable each day. The Universe is trying to tell you something. Listen. Moving on is a part of life, and learning experiences come in all shapes and sizes. Don’t be afraid. If you are unhappy, move on.

Would you rather have less work or more work you enjoy doing?


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